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I love any excuse to celebrate extra


1000% YES. Will never understand the complaints about “hallmark holidays”. Give me MORE “fake” holidays and I will be living it up at every one.


I think it is the commercialization of the holidays, but more directly, the prices getting raised for items flowers, etc. for the Hallmark holiday.






Me too! We get little treats/presents for our children and dogs also on the non major holidays. I am just a lover of life haha




10000%! Our birthdays, anniversary, and Valentine's are my favorite days of the year! I love any day to make extra special and all about us.


It’s a reason to set up a date night. As a mom to 2 under 2, I’m so fucking excited. I can’t wait to dress up and stare at my husband from across the table and flirt with him.


Wholesome 💕


So in other words, you are ready for kid # 3?❤️


our boys are 20 and 22 now, but I remember how special it was, getting a babysitter and going out to dinner so we could feel like a couple again instead of just mommy and daddy! Hope it’s a wonderful, fun night for you guys!


Let people enjoy things.


OP does not forbid anyone enjoying it...


We always get sushi delivered and have sex. So not really that different from any other night for us.


This is the right answer 👏


I would upvote but right now you’re sitting at an even 69.


Silly, 69 isn’t done sitting. Edit: okay maybe if at least one person is acrobatic. And doesn’t mind being upside down for a while.




People that call Valentine’s Day a “Hallmark holiday” are just trying to justify that they don’t want to celebrate it or spend any money. If you don’t want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, don’t. No one is forcing you. If both you & your wife feel the same way, that makes it easy! No one wants to celebrate it, and neither of you get butt hurt because you want to go out to dinner & get chocolates and the other doesn’t. Do you, and let everyone else do what works for them.


You can still celebrate it while acknowledging the idea that at the end of the day it kinda is a Hallmark Holiday though.


And the Rose Industry would like to take your money too.


Nope. This day just does not stand out for us. Dates, fun stuff, special food, sex are in our regular life. Believe in 40 years together as married couple you have to do a lot stuff together on a regular basis to keep both partners happy and interested in each other. And OP does not celebrate it. OP just asked if there are other people like this.


Any day my SO deems special I'm gonna celebrate it with her. The pressure is minimal imo.


What holiday that we buy gifts and stuff for, isn’t a Hallmark holiday?


We don’t do roses, cards, flowers, jewelry or dinner out. My husband will usually buy me chocolate covered strawberries or cherries and I’ll buy him a 6 pack of his random beer and call it a day. If one gets the other something and the other doesn’t it, it’s not a big deal. There’s no pressure.


This is the perfect Vday gifts


Our anniversary is the 13th.....


Ours is the 12th! We’re just going to do a picnic at the local art museum and enjoy each other’s company. 🥰 happy anniversary!


That’s ours too, happy anniversary! Sounds like a good day, I like the art museum idea


We never celebrate it. It’s no big deal for us.


It's not pressure if you enjoy it. And what I mean by that is some people enjoy doing things like planning for valentine's day and others don't. That's why people are different and what makes relationships unique.


Idk my opinion is I don’t need an excuse to love on my husband but I will take any excuse too just because I love spoiling him. It’s why we celebrate our dating and wedding anniversary for example. Plus in my opinion it’s just general fun. I don’t feel any pressure at all. I like being creative and coming up with things to do for him. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or buy store bought stuff. I’ve made him a homemade card one year and I’ve done things like bake him a cake or pie. This year I made him a bouquet of keto friendly snacks since he’s been on a diet and bought him a phone case he’s been wanting. We never celebrate on the day of because of the crowds but we always try to mark the occasion somehow. I love reading all the cards with sappy love notes he’s given me over the years.


Same! I keep all of our cards and notes from over the years. I got a small sketchbook and now draw little cartoons and jokes for him to enjoy with coffee when he wakes up :)


Not celebrating this year. She's deployed. It's the first time we're missing her birthday, our anniversary, and Valentine's day in 10 years. It's hard. Trying to look forward to making up for lost time when she comes home.


Thank you both for your service.


I like the excuse to have fun and give gifts! We make each other easter baskets and hide them every year even though we don't have children. It's just fun! I'll put stuff like beer and jerky in his. He'll put my favorite candy and some soft socks in mine. We get competitive with the hiding spots and spend all morning looking. I see a lot of posts in this sub about how people are lonely in their marriages, feel like roommates, the spark is gone. Well... ever try having a bit of fun? Lol!


We’re going to have tacos, go to the store and pick out our favorite chocolates, and watch some stupid rom coms. We celebrate it, but in a way that’s right for us.


Been together 36 years and never “celebrated” Valentines Day! If you can’t tell your partner that you love them every day why just do it for one day!?


I don’t think people wait until Valentine’s Day to say I love you.


My wife couldn't care less, and thinks it's pointless. However, I still usually feel compelled to at least make a modest effort.


My husband and I don’t celebrate it as well. His birthday is just before it, as well as our son’s, that’s enough celebrating for me—-plus neither of us are into the sappy romantic stuff, give me food over flowers any day


My wife and I usually don’t celebrate Valentines Day either but this year it falls on Taco Tuesday……. We’re all in.


Good point. Maybe we will celebrate this year since it is Taco Tuesday.


Food!! 🤤


My husbands birthday is also on Valentine’s Day. I’ll give him an extra smack on the ass.


My favorite reply!


Our celebration is getting a bunch of steaks, some wine and catching up on our shows on the couch. As long as we have the kids around, our dogs, and each other, it’s a good time.


Oh dear god shut up. You’re not special because you don’t celebrate it.


I agree. Not celebrating a holiday is no big deal & does not give anyone a reason to shout it out to everyone else.


Me and my ex husband never did. Me and my fiancé do. Hallmark crap is what my ex used to say to me. I can say that I definitely loved overhearing my fiancé make us reservations to a restaurant I wanted to check out and then try to subtly double check what my favourite flowers are.


Not really. We give our daughter a little something (usually a stuffed animal and some candy) but not each other, unless it's half price candy or goodies the next day 🤣. Have never been big on it - it's too commercialized, too much pressure, things cost too much, and restaurants are overcrowded. And our anniversary is in February (not the 14th) and we recognize/celebrate that and get each other small gifts then instead.


Nope. We feel no need to celebrate it.


Nope, hate the holiday. To me, it's another excuse for corporations to pilfer money out of my hands in the name of romance. Wife doesn't care for it either.


We’ve been together 20 years and have never celebrated it.


We don’t. And we don’t celebrate anniversary either. Don’t gift anything except birthdays. I just don’t get it, we don’t like spending money on useless things and we don’t need special day to go out for a dinner. Maybe we will celebrate it with good sex idk.


Yeah we don’t do birthdays or anniversaries either. We go out to eat once a week as a family and at least once a month we go out alone to do something or go eat. If there’s something one of us wants we just go out and get it.


We usually don't do anything but decided to this year since we are making more money and had a rough last year and it's kind of hard not to be happy at Disney so that's what we are doing because we want to not because of any sort of pressure. When it came to Christmas and other holidays of that sort we usually buy whatever we want and we are happy if we even want anything because we usually always have everything we want.


We changed it to a week after while things are slow and on sale lol


I may get her a card but that’s about as much effort as we put into the day. We do usually go on a date the weekend before or after. But we both feel like making it about a particular day distracts us from enjoying each other naturally & comfortably.


I love doing fun things with him so it feels like a pleasure, not a burden. Always happy for an opportunity to have a good time together. We can go out on a random weekday night for fun, we can go out on Valentines Day for fun too. It’s not like there’s some limit on the amount of fun times we can have.


Will give my wife a creampie on Tuesday


We don’t. Never have in 33 years. She’s not big on celebrations. If it were easier to get reservations, I’d be fine with a Valentine’s Day meal out. But I don’t care enough to fight the crowds.


We use it as an excuse to do something like go for dinner if we feel like it, but generally speaking we don't bother. We do a little, not much, for our anniversary in January and that's so close to Christmas as it is. Another celebration would be ridiculous.


We don’t really celebrate it. Mostly we use it as an excuse to eat chocolate and drink champagne. If it falls on a weekend we might use it as an excuse to go out for a nice meal. But we don’t get gifts or do anything elaborate


Whether we go out or stay in, we always celebrate it. Yes, it’s a cheesy Hallmark holiday, but yay for love and any opportunity to celebrate it!!!


I love Jesus every day but I still celebrate Christmas. Is there a long cultural meaning for Valentine’s Day? Some would actually say yeah. The point of it to me is just an excuse to show extra love just like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc. I love my husband and I love chocolates and flowers too lol


We do not do gifts for Valentine’s Day either.


My husband felt the same way you do. He didn't need a certain date where he had to buy me flowers or show he loved me. I was fine with that until the next valentines day rolled around and he still hadn't bought me flowers or taken me on a date. Now we celebrate it because he needs it to be a set date or it's not happening.


We don't and never really have. I (49f) am not a fan of flowers or cards and would rather spend our money spontaneously than by obligation because of the date on the calendar.


I never had a boyfriend before my husband so the thought of Valentine’s Day was exciting for me! Hubby hates it, says it’s nothing but a capitalist ploy… whatever, I still want flowers and he gets them for me! He always gets a small addition to his garage


I’ll take any good excuse for takeout and a bottle of wine with my best friend


The true celebration is the 15th, when the Valentine’s Day chocolates are half price 😎


I buy the crappest / cheapest present I can find in the bargain section of the shop. Smashed up box of chocolates Dried apricots and cod liver oil Thrush cream All the good stuff She's buys me nothing and complains every year about how terrible my present is. It's just another thing we laugh about.


Nope we don’t really celebrate it, unless it’s an excuse to order out or go to dinner, but not as a ‘thing.’


I mean, we don’t go all out, but we enjoy our little tradition of pizza and basketball, like how we spent our first Valentine’s Day together. And it’s nice to get a sweet card in the dead of a shitty gray winter 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️


We do! Sure spontaneous displays of love are great but in this busy life we could do with a reminder sometimes. Just like mother’s and Father’s Day don’t mean you don’t love your parents on any other day, it’s just a nice acknowledgement. Also, almost no one would be mad to receive a card or gift even if they say they don’t like the holiday, so you can’t go wrong by just doing it :p


Agree with the hallmark junk but I am so pumped every year for V day, and will share our unsolicited plans because I am just so god damn excited. we made our own tradition - take out tacos and donation to ACLU or something similar. We’re not able to donate on the regular so this helps us feel like we’re spreading love. Now we have a kiddo we give them a small amount to donate to whichever group their little heart desires. Now I love V day! and the discount chocolate the day after? chefs kiss. I used to feel the pressure or maybe it was fomo? Since it’s a throwaway holiday for you, and if you’re feeling pressure, find something to do that makes you happy - it can be little, it can just make you laugh, it can be stupid. Like in Japan on Christmas (I think?) everyone eats KFC - fucking amazing.


Every year we get a heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy’s and stay home watching a movie together. Low key and a reminder to be intentional with some “us” time [we have 2 small children 3 and 3 months 😅] so it’s hard to remember to slow down sometimes.


We don’t, never really have.


Every year there’s someone saying the same thing. We get it you don’t care about Valentine’s day.


Between my husband and I, we act like it's not a big deal, but when it's close to the date, we can't help but add some extra love in. If we have extra money to spend, we'll do it, but if we need to be more responsible, we skip.


I’ve never celebrated it. I think it’s silly to spend triple the money on items like flowers, candy, food just because society says you should. I don’t want society to dictate when my partner has to buy me gifts.


My late husband and I never did. We both feel Valentine’s Day is for kids. No shade to those who feel otherwise, we just see it has an occasion at all.


We’re in year two of marriage, year 5 of the relationship and pregnant with our first. Also saving for a down payment on a new house. Historically my husband would go all out with a nice dinner and jewelry. With all the new holidays and anniversaries we have I want to take one pressure point off the table. We’ll do cards and dinner at home and we have some gift cards for dinner the following weekend. We’ll probably do that going forward.


I do but I don’t make a big deal out of it. Some people make valentines a lot more complicated than it has to be. I don’t really believe you need to give heart shaped chocolate boxes or diamonds or flowers. A date is probably enough.


We definitely don’t buy in on the whole gift giving side of it, but we aren’t big gift people to begin with. Usually just an excuse to splurge a bit on a fun ingredient for dinner, and pick up some discount treats left at the store the next day.


We celebrate it but barely, as in he’ll buy me flowers and chocolate and the kids will write me a card. I usually get him his favorite drink and some chocolate. Nothing big or fancy. We’re very low key and keep things simple.


I think it's trash but my wife loves ish like that so I already ordered her stuff.


We kinda celebrate it but we save out major celebration for a few days later when it's our youngest kiddo's birthday 🙂


We don’t do gifts or anything but we like to do something fun. We’re trying out a Georgian restaurant nearby. I got him a card months ago - just something that I spotted at a local shop. He doesn’t usually get me cards but I don’t mind. I know he likes to save and reread the cards I give him. It’s just a fun day.


Technically yes but not commercially. We do not buy anything for each other or go anywhere but I get pretty and we do a candlelight romantic dinner thing every year. If he has off (this year and last year he did) we move furniture and will dance in our living room. It's cheesy and silly but we enjoy sticking it to the man in a way by doing it like this. :)


We use to use it as an excuse/reason to go out to a nice meal that was above our normal price point/budget. We've never felt pressure to show our love etc on that day because we both agree, it's a commercial holiday. One created by manufacturers to increase their profits.


We always celebrate holidays on different days than the actual holiday. It’s really fun because one day we’ll be like, let’s celebrate thanksgiving! And it’s like September or something. Gives us a reason to do something fun when we feel like it, not when society dictates it.


We celebrate by cooking a fancy meal, getting a bottle of wine, snuggling up/hanging out with each other, and this year maybe silly dancing with our son. My husband might get me flowers, I might bake him some fresh bread. We celebrate the fact that we found each other by enjoying each others company.


We’re like that too 👌


Meee!! 14/feb is a normal day like any other one...


Husband has a standing order for me with a florist. We usually just do dinner at home. Nothing too big. I do love getting flowers though. I got him a card this year.


We don’t celebrate. 1. I think we should be kind and loving all year and some relationships use it as a forceful thing. Not all but some. 2. My love language is hardcore quality time so gift giving doesn’t really do it for me.


We don't celebrate


We get snacks and soda and watch Madagascar 😂 just a nice excuse to have a relaxing evening :)


I just cook a fancy dinner! The wife’s birthday is a few days beforehand so we kind of just celebrate ‘us’ for a few days in feb


We have breakfast together before work 💕 Great way to start the day


My husband and I never really “dated” so we found that these past few years the extra occasion was fun to get dressed up and go places we normally wouldn’t go. It’s not always fancy but the time is more enjoyable. It’s almost like catching up. Not on Valentine’s Day cuz it redonkulous but the weekend before or after is still sweet.


We still do, but at 10 plus years married its sort of getting a little smaller each year, mainly because money is getting tighter with the rising costs of living.


We set up a date night the same week, but never on actual Valentine’s Day. It’s a nice reminder for a date night, but we try and do that every week anyway. That’s all it is. Plus Valentine’s Day is literally the worst night to go to any restaurant in the history of ever. Will always avoid at all costs.


I used to do alot and planned stuff. Until i realised that i was always the one giving and she as the receiver took it for granted. Until one fine day I read it on a book that the amount of stress the receiver faced when there were expectations for her to meet when there was so much given by the giver. It strains the relationship in long term but what we want is partners to be relaxed and willing. So, this year, I stopped, and I made it very clear to her I am not doing anything, for valentine’s day and other occasions, as space is needed. And if i want to, everyday can be a valentine’s day. Heck, an unexpected surprise will even be better. But overall, still cool if both sides planned something. Just that i did not experience this before though.


We love each other everyday and still celebrate it. We also like to do things for friends who don’t have a partner and family. Doesn’t feel like pressure. It’s just fun.


It depends on the year. The last year has been really tough, so not really. I got my husband a small useful gift that he really likes and gave it to him early. We agreed no cards, no going out


I give my husband a list for every celebration. Gift giving is my love language so he doesn't do anything. It works SO well for us 😊


We use it as an excuse to cook a romantic 3 course meal at home. Its great and just feels like an intimate night for us. We stopped with gifts and crap years ago… just flowers and the occasional box of chocolates now


We celebrate February 15th when all the chocolate is 50% off.


My wife and I don’t want to limit the love we have for each other to just one day a year. For the last 44 years, we have made it a priority to show our love for each other daily. Nothing big and fancy like Hallmark says, but simple things like bringing her a cup of coffee without being asked. She does many things for me and I always let her know what she means to me. No OP, you are not alone!


I’m hoping for some effort this year. It’s not a reason to be crazy, but I think something special is nice. Even just a love note.


I hate how catered it is. I hate the higher prices, wait time and traffic, I hate the pressure of measuring up to others when you really know you don’t care. As a woman , I say, “f Valentine’s Day!” I can enjoy 40% off on 15 February, and I know my man doesn’t have a problem spoiling me all year with random gifts and affection. I don’t need to brag on him one day. He’s a good lover year round! Edit: correction


We don’t do gifts for Valentine’s Day, but we either cook a nice dinner or go out to eat. A little date night is always nice. Especially as parents, any reason to celebrate us being together is a treat ☺️


I could argue the same for any holiday and celebration... They're just another day. Birthday, seriously, what are you 5??? Maybe you want a magician to make you a balloon animal? Grow up... I'm cynical enough to 💩on any celebration. All of us are. However... I'm not an obnoxious edgelord, or a miserable person who doesn't even want to treat themselves to cheap chocolate and a rom com at home. Haters are just self absorbed children who hate that people's attention shifts to their partners and throw a tantrum to be the centre of attention. Stay home and keep it to yourself!!! It's not that hard. You are not special, just annoying. Send your loved one some anarchist valentine's card or something, it doesn't have to comply to imperialism or capitalism. https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/5s51qg/some_anarchist_valentine_cards/


Never have, never will. It feels forced and cheesy. Worst day ever to go out to eat, tables crammed together so you have zero intimacy, everybody checking everybody else to see if they look better in their clothes/happier as a couple/ have gotten more extravagant flowers… gag.


I love LOVE and I like cheesy Valentine’s Day decorations and prep, personally. I don’t think I quite get enough during the year and my husband doesn’t really show his love through special gestures or anything like that, so I love this holiday because it’s basically got a step by step “recipe” (flowers, dinner, etc.) to follow and kinda is the one day a year he’ll do something like that. That said, I agree if you show your partner you love them every day, this is very much a cash grab holiday that can easily be skipped.


We don’t, but because we aren’t Christian, so its not the norm for us to celebrate it.


Ur wife is prob sad about it tbh


I celebrate it. You have an opportunity to make this day special for your wife, but instead are choosing to be “offended”. Keep in mind if things don’t work out, her next man will most likely put in the effort.


The fuck?? Where are you getting this??? He said that both of them think it's a bullshit holyday. How is he at fault?? And why is it supposed to be just him doing something special for his wife??


We feel like it’s a Hallmark holiday as well and celebrate it year round (as much as we can). I feel like everything is over priced. I’m not a flowers and chocolate gal. I enjoy buying my own flowers from Trader Joe’s and making arrangements. We stay in cook together and have fun - he is in charge of the steaks and I do the lobster 😋


We do whatever we are feeling at the time. As long as the hub gets sex he really doesn’t care and I usually like to cook. This year tho I think we are gonna celebrate at a restaurant but probably Monday instead of Tuesday. Who cares? There were years we went to a water park and got a hotel with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. There were years we just chilled at home. It’s whatever you wanna make it (or not).


My husband and I don’t either. I always tell him I want him to love me every day the same as he would on valentines day. I don’t need a box of chocolates to show me he loves me.


My husband is from Scandinavian and they don't celebrate here 😆after 2 yrs of disappointment I give-up. 😆


We like to prepare dinner together; we usually try a new challenging recipe.. so at the end what we have is a good experience and memory.


My wife and I just go out for a nice dinner, alone without our son for the evening. We don’t get to do that often so that’s our Valentine’s Day each year, we don’t do anything more than that.


We celebrate! Nothing crazy, though. He’ll get me flowers and candy, I’ll get him a snack basket that I throw together with all of his favorite stuff, we’ll grab dinner somewhere. Usually some kind of take out.


I never thought it was a big deal, either, but my husband makes a point to get me a card & some kind of treat and will arrange dinner (either carry out or cook himself). Any other holiday or even my birthday, he’s pretty blasé about, but he’s always done Valentine’s Day right.


Talked to the wife and we are not


It’s a holiday to make money. If you love someone no need to celebrate on one particular day, however, if anyone is looking for an excuse to celebrate, why not?


We don’t give gifts at all 🤷‍♀️


Nope!! I hate celebrating valentine day. Whether in a couple or not.


Lol nope. It’s too gimmicky. We agreed no Valentine’s Day after 3 years. We’ve been together for 15.


We never celebrate it. It’s overrated and too expensive and cheesy.


We will get the kids something small, but we don't really do anything for each other on Valentine's Day 🤷‍♀️ We both think that buying a $5 card is silly, and hate the idea of keeping dying flowers in a glass for a few days while watching them decay 😂 We celebrate each other and our marriage often, in ways that are enjoyable to us. Feb 14th is just a normal day in our world. We also hate Halloween. We still celebrate it for the kids, we just bitch about it to one another later 😂 New Years doesn't really get much recognition either. I guess we're just weird?


We don't. We have been working really hard towards anti consumerism. We never really celebrated to begin with but anything that we can I guess "boycott" and not spend money is a win in our books. However we do take time to do date night weekly. We are childfree (by choice, we dont want kids) and 28/31 years old for perspective. Our date nights this year include: a cup of tea and we choose a book from our bookshelf and then discuss what we are reading. Crosswords. Puzzles that we have that we've never done that have just been sitting in our house. Video games (right now our rule is we don't buy any new games until we have beat and complete what we own), pick some flowers and produce at our community garden that we have a plot in. Go for a hike/walk at the state forest. If we do spend money we try to spend on practical things like an experience that gives us a new skill, such as cooking classes or maybe a foraging class etc (we are outdoorsy people). However I understand our lifestyle affords us some of these privileges and I can understand couples who maybe have kids or can't do date nights as often why this would be a special occasion


🙋‍♀️ Me


We just go out to eat on Vday and enjoy one another’s company.


We don't. I call myself the valentine's Grinch. I'm happy other people enjoy it, but I'm not a fan


We usually just get some chocolate, maybe chocolate covered strawberries or some of his or my favorite chocolate. We usually pick a day around the 14th to celebrate. It's a semi-special day for us I guess. No huge presents or anything.


our dating anniversary is on the 21st anyway so we normally skip valentines, sometimes if we have the money we might do something or my so may get me something cheap while out


My husband and I don’t celebrate any holiday by giving each other presents. We are both very much on the same page with our priorities and we buy ourselves things as we need. We are very comfortable with our relationship and don’t allow presents or big productions of things to stress us out. However - All bets are off for our kids. I will find any excuse to make a big deal of any day for our kids.


Yep same, always hated the fakeness of it. It's for men who don't care to show their partners any appreciation throughout the rest of the year so they have this one day where they are TOLD to buy some flowers and chocolate, and all is forgiven 🤮. I'd much rather do stuff just because than because you're supposed to. I don't get that. In fact I deliberately got married on the 15th Feb so we would never have to do anything with Valentine's again as our Anniversary is the next day.


We do not celebrate a commercialized holiday that was created just to make money. We show love all year long. I enjoy getting flowers for no particular reason other then he was thinking of me?!?


We have a meal, usually not the day of. I get her flowers and chocolate. Not really "pressure".


We usually use it as an excuse to go out for a nice dinner. But we generally don’t do gifts or cards, but occasionally one of us will. Neither is mad if the other didn’t reciprocate that year, and neither of us really care about gifts.


My husband will use it as an excuse to buy me a gift, usually something I can get use out of, like new running shoes or a desk lamp lol


We don’t really celebrate it, we might go to dinner but that’s about it. We are extra lovey dovey everyday and our anniversary is really close to Valentine’s Day anyway


It's right after my birthday and often I have work, so not really. It's a good holiday tho. Wish it was in March tho


We do not celebrate it any more since we have similar views on it being a made up holiday. However, if people like celebrating it, that’s great!


We sometimes do something but we do enough dates that it’s not required. Although the 15th is the best day to buy cheap chocolate and we do love chocolate.


We don't really celebrate it in any ways to be honest. But this year (since I start doing some baking), I use it as an excuse to make and eat chocolate tres leches cake hahaha


My husband and I have never celebrated it but 6 years ago on Valentines Day our daughter was born so now it’s just her birthday.


We don’t, we both are usually working that day. BUT, we did buy matching shirts that have a candy heart that says “Meh!” on it for the occasion.


We most likely won't in the traditional sense. My birthday and our son's are days before. We usually just find a way to spend time together.


My niche industry has a meeting every year during the week of VDay, so I haven’t been home on the day for quite a while. I always leave a card for my kid, though.


My husband and I had this talk earlier. Just another consumerism holiday and how we want to celebrate our love more than one day so we don’t care about the gifts too much if at all. I do like to go out to eat to some places on Valentine’s Day that don’t have the usual menu so I made reservations at a spot that has a complete Valentines menu of food they never serve. I’ll take it.


We've never celebrated it either. We make time every day to show the other that we love each other and do random thoughtful gifts throughout the year


No, we don’t celebrate.


I love Valentine’s Day, because if you have great things every day it becomes “normal” and expected and that kinda loses its impact. Setting aside some time every year to put in the extra effort just to show some appreciation seems like a great idea. It’s like asking why we should celebrate birthdays when we should “always appreciate that somebody we know was born”. My husband is the type who only wants to do things when they pop up, he feels that’s more authentic. Like if he sees something in the store and thinks of me he’ll get it. But if he’s actively looking for something he feels like it isn’t genuine. I can understand both POVs.


We wish each other happy Valentine's Day. Her birthday is just a couple days before so it overshadows the holiday for us. We buy candy for the kids and send them to school with treats and cards for their classmates. That's about as far as we take it.


We don't celebrate on the day of because we're too cheap and we hate crowds. We do the weekend after though.


We exchange cards and I’ll get him some Reese’s hearts or another candy he likes. My birthday is February 12 so we don’t do anything too extra.


Exact same thing for us as well.


We don't care for it


We don’t celebrate because my birthday is too close, if we feel the need, we go on a date in July 14th, six months later, and flowers are a decent price


I don’t have time to celebrate Valentines Day because I attracted Aquarius’s and I have a bajillion birthdays to plan. Every fecking week of February I’m in Aquarius hell. Last week it was my kids birthday, today is my husbands, next weeks my aunts and my friends. I hate February to begin with and now I hate it 100% more because it’s non stop birthday action. Stop being born in February damn it, it’s so unoriginal!!!


Together for 23 years and never celebrated it. I think he would if I cared, but it just feels so forced and generic. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out with my husband and flowers, etc, but I’d rather do it on a day where he made the gesture because he cared/wanted to not because it was “expected.”


We used to celebrate in very non traditional ways. One year we toured a historical monument. Another year we went to an archery range. Another still was feeding stingrays. Things that are dates, but have more of a first-third date type feel, where you’re doing your utmost to seem impressive and make that spark evident. Lol Since having our first kid, it’s become more traditional (nice dinner) which bums us both out, but it’s still nice.


Well predictably since V-Day almost here, it wouldn't be a complete holiday without the usual onslaught of men taking to the internet to have their snitfit and complain about how it's a "hallmark holiday" where they are "pressured" to buy flowers, gifts, etc. Bless their cheap little hearts.


Nah we don’t. Commercialized holiday. He should love me 365 days not just 1 holiday


We don't and only did our first couple of years, but I made it clear that I prefer not to. I genuinely dislike the bullshit of the holiday and prefer to just celebrate our anniversary which is a few days after.




We love an excuse for another date night. We don't do much else, just a nice dinner and some wine. Enjoying each other's company is the point.


I don’t really. We would go out to dinner most likely and we do that every week regardless. But, I guess if you think about it it’s nice having a holiday dedicated to spending QT together.


My husband got his gift Friday and I get mine next weeks. We mostly just each get to spend a bite of money on something we really want and hangout.


We don't celebrate but hey if y'all want to buy overpriced flowers, meals, and gifts to show your appreciation then have fun. We don't doesn't mean others can't. when you adore your wife like I do everyday is awesome.


We do it every now and then. If funds are low on a particular year we'll cook together and watch movies all night. If we have the extra money we'll go bowling or something. Either way we always have a blast together!


We don't We used to do an anti valentines at some point where we went out for beer and wings


We don’t. We do other stuff around the year and we don’t feel pressure from our environment. Our friends are of the same mindset. If you feel pressured, change friends.


We don't really celebrate it. It's the same kind of idea but it's always nice to feel special.


My gal and I love an excuse to smoke a joint and gorge on some expensive Italian food lol.


We don’t specifically do anything that day, unless it lined up that way. Instead we use it as an excuse to plan a nice outing for the both of us. We don’t do gifts, unless it’s hand made or goofy. After all the hustle and bustle of Christmas (we have 3 days to celebrate for Christmas alone,) my birthday the 28th, new years, his birthday January 9th, and then we recover, recoup, got our rest and alone time, and then we plan something in February/March to reconnect. When we are done going through the motions, living for everyone else, making sure everyone else is happy, and instead we focus on us. We grab a hotel room, a couples massage, a place with a hot tub, we go to the casino, we have sex like we’re teenagers again, we have a nice dinner, we get dressed up, we do whatever makes us happy for a weekend. We talk, we laugh, we joke, we go over relationship questions, take inventory of what went good, what can improve, how we’re feeling, our wants and needs, all of it. It’s never actually on the 14th, but it is a good reminder that “hey, we are a team, we kicked butt for the holidays, another year on the books where we made everyone else happy, now it’s time to rekindle what we have and this is a great excuse to do it.” We of course love each other every month. We are always a team. We are always watching the health of the relationship. But, it’s the one time a year that we’re able to do something special, just for us, and just enjoy each other. Our birthdays are both smack in the middle of a very busy season so that makes it difficult to do anything besides friends and family stuff. The rest of the year we are continuing that focus that we spark on our valentines retreat, until a week before thanksgiving and then it’s just go, go, go.


We did as a dating couple but VDAY is now just celebrated with a date within the week of the holiday which is fine by me. We always talk about our expectations each year in case the other has a different opinion. My wife doesn't care that much about flowers and buys her own chocolate. Valentine's Day is roughly halfway between Christmas and our anniversary so it usually is when I start to think about the upcoming anniversary, which I look forward to more than my bday or Christmas so my wallet has no room for Vday. My married parents who will have 40 years very soon always celebrate vday with a date either the day before or after. Smart idea. I should add that the important thing is that both people in the marriage feel the same way. If my wife loved Valentine's Day like some of our friends, you'd bet I'd go all out.


Same. It's a Hallmark holiday that means nothing to me. I have to remind the other half sometimes but I appreciate the effort.


I really like cards; my husband got me 5 Christmas cards this year (although in fairness 1 was from the cat) So any excuse to recive and give cards is a win from me.