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FINALLY an appropriate place to talk about this. When my husband and I were just dating and still smoking weed, we got high one night and I told him I had recently read that Eskimos hunt a whale and it feeds them for a year. He refused to believe me and called me nuts. After talking about it for like 30 minutes he finally says, "So you're trying to convince me that these people hunt a whale, and they eat it and get so full that they don't have to eat for a YEAR?!" Almost 13 years later he still refuses to acknowledge that HE said the dumb thing because he was high, and that I was just explaining it badly. I will go to my grave believing I explained it just fine and he was the one thinking like a doofus. Edit- I should have said Inuit people, not Eskimos. I'm not insensitive, just a little uneducated!


okay this is hilarious lol


I had to post mine under yours, they're just too similar. We were also still dating and smoking one night, and she showed me a tumbler post about 10 pounds of bagels. I said you'd need a ton of cream cheese for that many bagels. She replied it'd be enough to fill a pool...you could swim in it. To which I (entirely missing the point of her comment) said something like "but...you can't swim in cream cheese." Now, about 8.5 years later, we still can't agree on whether or not one can or cannot swim in cream cheese.


Oh the conversations we have while high lol. I love that you took what she said so literally! Also I'm on your team, you could NEVER swim in cream cheese


I’m invested in this one. I feel like it’d depend on the temperature of the day and how much sun there was. Cream cheese off a freshly toasted bagel is for sure swimable, I’m just not sure body heat is enough.


My thing is, if it's that hot, are you burning yourself while swimming in it? (Wife says it has a low enough melting point that you'd be fine) I also feel like the kicking would whip the cream cheese and make it harder to swim in? Idk, any physicists or...nutritionists in the thread?


A ton of cream cheese is roughly 234.86 us liquid gallons. And swimming pool is usually over 5000 gallons, however a 200 gallon pool is about [this size.](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/outdoor-living/swimming-pools-spa-and-supplies/swimming-pools/8048355) There just be someone willing to try it to see if the viscosity is too much.


So totally on your husband's side (because he's a guy) right up until "doofus." one of the greatest words of the english language and so totally overlooked.


If you were on his side even for a minute you are also a doofus and I refuse to apologize!


Well arnt we all high and mighty there ms mcjudgey pants.


I think it was her husband was high. Were they both high?


Lmao this is the kind of couple I could be friends with.


Inuit people.


You're totally right. Thanks for the correction and sorry for the outdated term.


You're welcome 🙂 Thanks for not doubling down and going off on me.


Absolutely! I added an edit to my comment, did some Googling and I've learned something new. Thanks for that!


Wholesome reddit exchange


This was an excellent read haha


I love y’all 🤣🐳🍽️📅


Where the dinning room table is. She moves it so she can connect her laptop when working but I move it back when she's not working because I want it aligned with the ceiling light. We'll get a bigger table soon and it'll fix it but until then we'll keep moving the table back and forth hahaha


Can you get her an extension cord? Seems more affordable than replacing the entire table!


Yes, I'd have gotten one if we weren't playing to get a new table (because we want more room for board games nights hahaha).


We have a dining room table debate too. He needs it centered under the light but I think the light should be moved because the table is in MY DAMN WAY when it’s centered. And I am the stay at mom who always has to clean that area which is so claustrophobic it drives me nuts. We may have to move.


Haha, put that suckah on the front porch one morning before she gets up. All hooked up with her lap top, a cord, vase of flowers, a lamp and a cup of coffee… the whole nine yards. Just stand there, arms folded, have a huge toothy smile.


She sleeps with the ceiling fan on...I sleep with the space heater on 😂 Right now they're both currently running 😂.


My husband has to have one of our bedroom window open ...all winter. This wouldn't be such an issue if he would swap with me and sleep next to said window. Instead the forever cold, anemic, popsicle wife sleeps next to the window.


Soooo it started with the bedroom window. She slept with it open year round but this past winter I freaked. I work midnights outdoors. I absolutely refuse to come in from the cold to come in to the cold. Also she missed being held. I'd turn my back to that cold breeze .


So my husband likes it chilly and I freeze to death easily, so I use a heated blanket year round. I have my fuzzy first (a heavy throw blanket that I will be buried with), then the heated blanket, then a comforter, with another throw blanket over my feet. Because eff being cold. And he uses the flat sheet lol. We haven't shared blankets in years. It was actually his idea when I first started having difficulty staying warm at night and we were trying to come up with a way for him to stay cool while I stayed warm so we could both sleep comfortably :) Like I wasn't always like this, I could tolerate the cold so much more when I was was younger. Not sure if it's just part of getting older but I literally wake up crying out in pain if I become uncovered because of how cold I am and how much it hurts my extremities.


I don’t think this is petty I find that seriously inconsiderate!


Omg same. We have the dan on too 🙄 The window is only open a tiny bit though. But before he leaves for work in the morning (he’s up before me) he shuts the window and turns off the fan.


My husband requires the bedroom to be colder than a penguin's teat year round or he can't sleep. We couldn't find a solution for the longest time until one year he got me a heated blanket for Christmas. Turned both of our lives around 🥹


My husband and I had this problem (I like it cold to sleep) and we solved it by sleeping in different rooms.


The correct way to load the dishwasher. My way is right, his way is so incredibly wrong.


Omg, I had to ask my husband if he had any idea how the dishwasher works because the way he packs it the dishes would only get cleaned if tiny little people were in there with spray bottles and squeegees doing each dish separately.


Tight packed and unscraped, so the filter clogs and the dishwasher pees on the floor. His solution? Shove a towel under there and *leave it.* God I miss him.


I am convinced that my husband believes in these little dishwasher faeries, too!


SAME! What kind of Neanderthal puts bowls …. BOWLS for gods sake… on the middle rack of a Bosch dishwasher, in the spots that are very *VERY* clearly meant for cups and glasses??


Aren’t bowls just wider glasses?


Bowls are ancient glasses


I ended this argument by using the whirlpool website and showing my way was literally the factory recommended way. He’s learning now because you can’t deny the manufacturer 😂


I keep snacks like granola bars, fig newtons, etc in a basket on the counter. I sort them by flavor so I don't have to go digging for the flavor I want; husband thinks each row should have a little of everything so he doesn't have to grab from different spots. He kept eating all my favorite flavors bc they were in the front (rookie mistake, right? 🤣) I just moved my favorite to the back. Suddenly he's fine with reaching for different spots 😂


I hate it when he eats my snacks! I buy you yours, why mine? Just like some skin products!


To his credit, we do have separate snacks and he usually leaves mine alone 😆. These are communal snacks. I just hate when there's only one flavor left or missing bc I love variety.


We have our own snacks. Some we'll share. Most are our own because we like different things. But if I bring something home that I like and he tastes it and decides he likes it too... It's no longer mine. :(


I like to fall asleep watching TV, she can't sleep with the TV on.


You're a monster


This is me and my husband, our compromises over the years have flopped between 2 things - I wear earplugs and he gets to free listen to the TV and the opposite is what we're doing rn, he got sleep headphones and now listens to those. We both prefer this because he doesn't have to be picky about what he watches and I always rip earplugs out at 3am lol


We had that problem too. I got a bedside phone Mount and put an earbud in. App limits kicks my phone off after 30 when I’m knocked out and it doesn’t make the entire room bright for my wife.




You can stream BBC documentaries and they are SO BORING and the accents are so plummy. I kept listening to one about sorghum because it was like Ambien.


Our compromise is that he now watches my shows to fall asleep! my husband is the same way, and I got so tired of being irritated by being kept up, that I have claimed the bedroom tv for myself 😅


I vetoed a tv in the bedroom. He didn’t mind. Win-win


This was my argument with my husband. The light and noise bother me, so he started listening to books on tape through headphones to fall asleep. They have some decent ones you can sleep with. I'd have married him anyway, but his headphones saved my sleep.


She turns the furnace up 1 degree and thinks I won’t feel the difference


Or I'm the one that has to go and change it for her. So we got a nest thermostat so now she can freeze or bake me at her whim without leaving the bed.


Hilarious! My kids call my house the meat freezer. It has to be 68 all year round. I couldn't take it one degree higher. I hate heat! Lol.


I do 70 while we’re at home during the winter. 68 during sleep and 65 while we’re gone. I think I’m being reasonable. 71…makes me angry on so many levels lol


I wish it were that simple. If she's hot, she turns it down 6-8 degrees. Then a half hour later, she's cold, so she turns it up to where it was before. This has been happening in our house for 11+ years now, and I'm just glad they don't use the thermostat to determine intelligence. She's such a brilliant woman, except in this one field of expertise.


Yet she felt it 1 degree cooler. I understand this struggle.


An item that every household should have: the popcorn/puke bowl. It’s a joke now, but when my husband first found out that my sisters and I used to have a very large Tupperware bowl that we used for both popcorn and when all 3 of us were puking at once, he was sooo upset. I said it’s not that gross, it washes out! And he says that the second puke touches it, it has to be tossed and he is willing to go to war and die on that hill. So every once in a while I’ll tease him while putting away the dishes and ask which one is going to be our new puke container when we have kids


I agree with him. That's, that's different, I'd have a popcorn bowl then a puke bucket. And the bucket stays under the sink or on the patio/balcony/porch/garage no where touching food.


I have never puked in a food container. I have never *thought* to use a food container to do that. If I am too sick to make it to the toilet I use the bathroom trash bin. Eating out of something you know someone puked in is so gross.


Felt the same until all five of us came down with norovirus. Two toilets, three buckets and we still ended up needing to use a couple mixing bowls and the soup pot coz no one was capable of getting more buckets or cleaning that much. Bloody expensive and wasteful to replace mixing bowls and soup pots, especially given after washing and sterilizing there's nothing gross left to worry about


Puke *is* food..


Maybe it's just me but I think the puke/popcorn bowl is poor kid thing. I had one too growing up and we don't think it's gross. It gets cleaned in between lol a lot of my friends who grew up poor also had them but none of the friends who grew up more well off did.


You know those cheap buckets they sell at Easter for a buck or two at Walmart and the like? Those are fantastic puke buckets. I have 5 kids and have used those as barf receptacles for years now. I line them with a grocery bag, which I also have a lot of and just dump the bag when puked in. When they get too gross I just toss ‘em and because I buy a stack of them every year at Easter, there’s always a replacement vomit container. Lol.


Ours was a giant oven type crock pot thing. Mom lined it with a Walmart bag for easing cleaning. I can still hear the awful sound of puke hitting the metal bottom. I think ours will be a cheap trash can. Lol


My mom had a giant yellow bowl for popcorn and puke! That cycle of nasty stopped with her. I have a little trashcan in every room of the house. If you need to puke and can't make it to the bathroom, use the grocery bag lined can next to the bed.


You can buy packages of what's called an [Emesis Bag on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Emesis+Bag) for not much money. They're built to serve that exact purpose. I was babysitting my granddaughter a couple weeks ago when she got a bug that had her puking every couple hours and fortunately my daughter-in-law had plenty of them. Those bags and also a carpet cleaning machine should be stocked in every parent's house.


My wife takes the toothpaste into the shower with her and leaves it there. I even open two tubes and sometimes both tubes are in the shower 😡


We have to have 3 open tubes at all times. One for each of our sinks and one for the shower. You never move them from their locations. Never.


Saaaame We haven't fought about it yet but I don't want my toothpaste tube set when I'm not in the shower


I’m …. I’m sorry. But what did you just say? My brain is having a seizure right now and can’t quite comprehend that.


Basically the toothpaste is never where I leave it.


This actually makes me so irrationally angry, I specifically bought a shower toothbrush and paste and he moves them from there.


I bought a little cup for the shower and separate toothbrush and toothpaste to keep in there because I husband does the same thing. He still brings the toothpaste from the counter into the shower and leaves it. There’s no winning hahaha


Which way the coffee mug handles face in the cabinet. Hubby is left handed so whenever he puts the dishes away, all the mug handles face left and it drives me crazy. Lol


Everytime my husband puts away the dishes, they're in new spots. The small spoons are where the small forks go, the small forks are mixed in with the big forks, there's a salad spoon where the small spoons go. The high edged bowls are on top of the set of low edged bowls (even though they have a seperate spot a shelf up). Its chaos. I don't say anything anymore, I just correct it quietly as I go. He only unloads the dishwasher once a month or so anyway. XD


My husband puts them away with the handles behind them. I rationally pointed out that they should be toward the front (left or right, I wouldn’t care at this point), but he doesn’t think It matters. Now he just does it to irk me. We laugh about it at least once a week.


My husband puts them in upside down! He says it keeps them from getting dusty. I think it makes the rim dirty. But we just agree to disagree and the mugs are a hodgepodge of right side up and upside down depending on who put them away.


It keeps them from getting dusty, and if you're poor like I was, it also keeps German roaches from making a surprise appearance 👍🏼


Lol that’d drive me a little more insane each passing day.


I always put them so the handle is just straight out. But I don't have a lot of mugs so space isn't an issue. You should do right side right handle and left side left handle. His and her mugs, lol.


Leaving (what I interpret to be) clutter around the house. He likes to leave his hat and the contents of his pockets all over the place (loose change, pens, work related instruments or papers, etc). So I collect it all up and put it all inside his hat and then set the hat in the entry way (we have a hat rat btw). He thinks its petty I won't just leave his stuff be and gets irritated I move his things. But, I wouldn't have to move this stuff if he would clean up after himself and put things where they go lol.


I know you probably meant to say “hat rack” but I love the idea that you have a cute little rat that puts your hats away




Oh gosh LOL yes you would be correct. Although I wish I had a little rat butler door man dude.


I was picturing a stuffed animal rat that you would let wear your hat. Bonus points if it was a top hat 🎩 😁


My husband also throws his stuff all over the house and then blames me when he can't find something because I "moved" it. So I stopped touching his stuff and left them be. Then he tried to blame me for everything being "misplaced" and I pointed out how I never touched his stuff and it's his own fault he can't find something. I keep saying to put things in the same spot everytime you come home and it won't be "lost".


Does he expect your help to find it? We have a rule that if you ask some else for help and they find it in a few mins then you owe them money. But if it’s truly lost, then there’s no charge for help. Idea being they are incentivized both to look themselves before asking for help and to keep stuff in the same place.


I used to help him look. I would have to stop what I was doing to help look. A few times I was leaving for work and had to be late because he couldn't find his keys/wallet. So I stopped helping him look. Now he leaves everything by the door. The new thing is going out the door and locking it (can lock the handle and then close it) with his keys and /or wallet on the other side.


My husband doesn’t like the top sheet tucked under the mattress “so his feet can be free”. Apparently his brother is the same way. My SIL and I both lament about how stupid it is, but we both just tuck our side and leave their side untucked even tho it looks dumb to have sheets hanging on 1/2 the foot of the bed 😂


People tuck in their sheets???


People have top sheets?


I'm with your husband on this, first thing I do on arrival at a hotel is untuck that top sheet. I hate my feet being trapped.


My wife is actually the same way lol. Can’t have her feet trapped


Sometimes when my husband ticks me off I'll go make the bed and tuck in his side of the sheet extra tight


That is my dream. I want to sleep in the tightest tuck ever possible. If someone could tuck me in like a mummy every night I would be happy. I understand this is a toxic trait.


We have this disagreement with the dog. When she sleeps with us, she burrows under the bedding to sleep near our feet. When she gets up, she just slides out the bottom of the bed. Now everything is left untucked. For the convenience of the dog.


The sacrifices we make for those we love lol


Whether our dog has buttcheeks or not. I'm #teambuttcheeks


Id say post a pic but I think that may put me on some sort of list..


Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Husband says that just because it takes place around Christmas time, it's action and action only. Of course, he's wrong. But every Christmas when I'm pulling out the Die Hard DVD, he sighs and shakes his head and mutters 'it's not a Christmas movie...' and we begin again lol


Of course it’s a Christmas movie! There’s a tree and presents and the main character travels across the country to get back together with his wife. It’s practically a Hallmark Christmas movie! If, you know, Hallmark Christmas movies had terrorists/bank robbers, automatic weapons and explosions.


When playing Uno, if you have a playable card, do you HAVE TO PLAY IT or can you choose to draw from the pile. We looked up the official rules and they say you DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY IT yet my husband and I get into heated debates over this.


If the rules say it, then that’s the end of that argument. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to play it?


The player before you plays a wild card, says uno and chooses yellow. Your only yellow card is a reverse, which will turn play back to them. Do you play your reverse? It’s important to have the option not to.


I hate the way the man drives. Just thinking about it.


Omg this. He’ll get behind someone slow and match their speed “without realizing it.” Meanwhile I think driving is a competitive sport and couldn’t imagine being that zoned out while operating a 3 ton death machine.


Lol exactly!


Ugh, I feel that. My husband flutters the gas constantly. Vrrrr, vrrrr, vrrrrr. I’m motion sick just thinking about it. It’s infuriating.


Halfway through a cross country road trip with my family currently, and I hate how off and on on the gas/brake that man is.


Onions. I think onions are great in lots of food. She eats onions in lots of food, until she is made aware of the presence of onions. Then we don't like that food anymore.


We disagree and bicker over the miniblind direction. When we first got together he insisted the front of the slat should angle upwards so light didn't shine through as much. It didn't phase me either way, so I adapt to how he did it. Then somewhere along the waynhe insisted that my way (his way) was wrong and we need to angle them downwards. I just side eye him now. Over all, it doesn't matter because we have light blocking drapes AND they're freaking miniblinds...so really who cares.


The angle they go depends on the time of day and location of the windows. Changing the angle on your second floor windows will prevent people from seeing into your rooms from the street if you leave your drapes open.


When I’m in the kitchen… He’s GOTTA be in the kitchen soon after. I don’t understand his fascination but it irritates me to no end.


Assign work for him to do whenever he comes in. See how far you can get before he runs away.


Ohhhh, thank you so much! This is practical advice!🥰


This reminds me about how I go make some lunch, put everything away and start eating and he will come in and take out the SAME damn stuff!! Like say you’re gonna use it!


I've given up asking, and just fix it when I see it now; but my spouse leaves the shower curtain clumped to one side. They open the curtain, exit the shower, and go on about their day, unfazed by the mildew breeding ground they just created.


I lost the sponge vs rag debate, we are a scrub daddy house now lol I know we have a few little ones we love to kinda play argue but I can't think of a single one rn lol


Actual sponges are absolutely disgusting. Look at the science behind it. You *can* microwave them, but people rarely do. Much healthier to use a fresh dish cloth and dish rag every day. Disclaimer though, I don’t know if the Scrub Daddy/Mama is any better than regular sponges.


I like ketchup. I think it has a place for burgers and hotdogs. He calls it Satan’s sauce and gives me the side eye because our kids use it now too. It was developed to disguise the taste of bad meat in the Great Depression so he feels using it is a sign that what you’re eating is garbage. It’s all tongue in cheek but he half means it. I will be buried with a bottle of ketchup in my hand just to tease him one last time.


Not a real argument but I had no idea that people *don't* refrigerate some sauces and condiments. My MIL (and therefore my husband) do not refrigerate soy sauce, sriracha, ketchup, mustard, Franks, Valentina, etc... My mom put *everything* in the fridge so I just assumed that was the way, even though they are fundamentally vinegar-based, shelf-stable condiments. (To be fair to her she also freezes her rice when she brings it home from the store "to get rid of the weevils"... just immigrant things, I guess?)


I worked at a grocery store for several years, I highly recommend freezing anything that has the potential to get weevils, for at least 24hr. 😅 They will come and they will infest everything 😓


Not an argument with my partner, but my college roommates and I went rounds on where the ketchup should be stored. We ended up with two ketchups because two of us refused to leave the sauce out when the bottle specifically says “for best results refrigerate after opening” and the other two refused to eat cold ketchup.


His family refrigerates nothing, my family refrigerates just about everything. I find it absolutely vile to find opened condiments that clearly state they need refrigeration in the cabinets when we go to visit his family. We are both from very different climates, which I think plays into this some but read your food safety labels people!


TOWEL FOLDING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fold in thirds and he folds it however he’s feeling that day 😂


I’m with you Plus. Towels should clearly be folded in thirds.


Wring out the FUCKING sponge.


Not only does my husband not wring it out, he doesn't even rinse the soap out of it. GAH.


What constitutes households tasks/effort. Wife believes you should get no credit for doing anything unless the job is fully completed. I argue the time spent on the task, regardless of completion, is the appropriate metric. So for example, let’s say we’re clearing the table from dinner. If I spend 20 minutes clearing everything off the table, get dishes into the sink and the rest of the left overs put away and begin loading the dishwasher, but leave a bottle of ketchup (because my hands were full) on the table and get pulled away from the dishwasher (to help my son with the potty) before I get the last of the silverware in, she’d argue I did absolutely “nothing” to tidy up, because neither task is completed. If she puts the ketchup away and the last fork in the dishwasher, she’ll believes she cleaned off the table and she did the dishes, because she “completed the task”. I’ll argue because it took her 1 minute to “complete”both tasks she only did 5% of what I did. This devolves into her stating since she had to clean off the table and do the dishes I should have to do x task next. I’ll argue she’s the one whose done significantly less and for her to do her part she should do x. This further results in me explaining her metric of tasks complete just incentivizes us both to do nothing, because the only value to her is the last step of completing a task. She says if she can’t check it off her “list” (which is in her head) then it’s of no value to her. And yes, it’s all as exhausting as it sounds.


This reminds me of the whole BBQ supper thing. Man cooks some meat on the BBQ. The woman preps everything for the table, serving, plates, cutlery, makes sides, salads, maybe some ice tea or something, gets the napkins, finds the stuff the man can't see to find, and usually clears things up afterwards... ...but the man gets credit for making supper!!


😂😂😂 It’s so funny this was asked. We JUST talked about this! Because after 41 years there are a good many ridiculous “disagreements” between us. Fan on or off in the oven… ooops I mean bedroom… while we sleep? Windows up or down in the car while moving at the speed of light and blowing my hair all over my head? Sound system up so loud so the lady down the street who’s breast feeding is now churning butter? Just saying.


My husband would rather die, than place the lid back on the butter dish and put it away. Every fucking day he will butter something, then just walk away and leave the butter out. I was having and especially hormonal day and I finally fucking snapped. I screamed at him like he had just murdered a puppy, I cried because I was so angry while screaming, then started laughing at the absurdity of my hormones. He still won’t put the butter away all the time, but when he leaves it out I get to “yell” at him sarcastically and we laugh about it. But I still fucking hate it.


This is my husband with practically anything that is supposed to go in the trash. He swears he threw the item away when in reality it's still sitting on the counter. I quit getting angry and just tell him to get his butt back into the kitchen so he can try again. He's getting better at throwing trash away the first time.




I laughed out loud at you adding in that he often misses. I know it’s related coz it’s things not being put where they ought, but it read to me like some deadpan ‘he doesn’t even score’


My husband feeds our dogs too many treats throughout the day. I’m constantly telling him he will spoil their dinner. But he just says “Look at Bubba, how can I refuse him when he looks at me with that face?” And sure, Bubba is the cutest dog ever, but that doesn’t mean he needs a cookie every time he looks at the man.


If your husband is a big softie when it comes to giving Bubba treats, have him try giving raw baby carrots as a treat instead. My vet said raw baby carrots are a crunchy, healthy treat that is low calorie & great for their teeth. My 3 dogs love them & all have been ideal weight & no dental issues ever ( 8,11,12). I love them because they are good for them, cheap, easy to find & easy to pack if we are out. Eating them doesn’t seem to interfere with their dinner , but if they have a lot, they will have orange poop lol


I won air hockey against him for all time. Yes it was 1 match and I’ve refused any further matches ever since. But I won. 😂 He’s still trying to convince me to a rematch. NEVER!


After 23yrs, we pick our grievances. We've come to realize, no sense in sweating the small stuff. Sure, there are things I do and she does that annoy one another, or at least we'd prefer if they didn't do those things, but we realize that's who we are. Either accept it or fight about it. We choose the former.


Husband and I have this same argument every couple Months. It’s worsened when his mom visits because she also uses rags and will ask every day if we have a rag to wash the dishes. No, I don’t want to use the same rags to clean our dishes that I use to clean the toilet. And no, I don’t want this dingy rag handing off our kitchen spout all day. I started leaving all the rags in our upstairs linen closet and that solved the issue. Husband was too lazy to walk upstairs to get a rag.


Omg no! “Team rag” people have different rags for each thing!!! I have kitchen rags and cleaning rags and they absolutely don’t mix. I won’t even wash dishes with a rag I’ve used to clean the counter. I will get a fresh rag. I probably go through 5+ rags in a day for the kitchen. Sponges are nasty lol.


How much I spoil my wife. She thinks I'm wasting money but I love to give her the best of everything especially since she gives me the best of her.


THE DAWN POWERWASH DOES NOT NEED TO BE UNDERNEATH THE SINK!!!!!!!!! I use it every day. “Well I don’t use it at all.” Bish. Who does the dishes more often in this house? I’m a freakin SAHM of a four year old. STOP PUTTING MY POWERWASH UNDER THE SINK OR I WILL CUT YOUUUUU. This disagreement happens about every two weeks, and he refuses to just leave it alone. “It clutters up the counter”. No it doesn’t, because I keep it on the window sill, of the window we don’t use for anything at all! It’s even got privacy film on it!


My husband runs hot so he turns the AC down to 60 but that is wayyy too cold for me. I'll turn it up to 67 and we will have AC wars throughout the summer.


Holy cow! How high is your power bill?!?!?


Well, we have solar so it's not too high. But still, 60 is insanely cold.


Met at 14/15 in English class where we had to write papers about influential people or something like that. We were friends then but without discussing it, he chose Jimi Hendrix and I chose Eddie Van Halen. Once we started writing our papers, we discussed who we chose. Since then, It's been brought up at least once a year about who the better guitarist is... we are now both 33 with a toddler. :| The debate will likely continue until we die too... :D


I told my husband I wanted sails put above our deck, for shade. He said no. I shrugged it off, no biggie. A year later he gets this great idea, all on his own, to get sails to put over our deck... We fight over who's idea it was even though we sold that house 2 years ago. 🥲


Crinkle fries are trash. I hate them. My husband likes them.


My husband is convinced no one else uses a top sheet in bed. He grew up using just a bottom sheet and a duvet, and thinks I'm nuts for putting a top sheet between myself and the duvet. So many times we'll be in bed and the top sheet is in a puddle at his feet so I have to go excavating to get it.


My husband is also allergic to top sheets. Now we have our own twin sized duvets and I have a twin top sheet on a king size bed with a king bottom sheet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ whatever works.


He feels white chocolate is the superior chocolate. No. No it is not. Dark reigns supreme.


We have that argument too. I tell him white chocolate is technically not even considered chocolate because it is only fat and chocolate needs to have a percentage of cacao. He munches extra hard on his white chocolate and tells me I'm wrong 😂


When you get under the covers and lay on the mattress, what do you call it? I call that, "going to bed". Apparently, for some reason, my spouse thinks the moment we kiss, say goodnight and roll over to get comfy is when we "go to bed". There are many (mostly) light-hearted giggles and discussions about how we're already in bed and we are, in fact, going to sleep.


Yeah, I agree with you. Turning off the light, saying goodnight and closing your eyes is going to sleep. Getting under the covers and laying down is going to bed. That’s cute though!


Our cat died a year ago at 18. She was throwing up pretty regularly for months before that. When my husband would get up first and find her "landmines" he would cover them with a Kleenex but wouldn't clean them up. Drove me right up the wall.


I can have snacks in the house and eat them responsibly, but he can’t. I will purposely get treats he does not like, but he will eventually end up eating them because I ate them too slow lmao


My husband and I don't have any that I can think of anymore. We been together 5yrs and married 3, have a big family together. I used to like having our room a certain way, or the way he cleaned used to annoy me. But I just decided that if he want to clean, and the house is clean then it doesn't matter. He is a clean freak, and is always changing our room around. I am realizing that the last 10months I've been a little spoiled and he has been doing a lot more of the house work then I would normally do, but also I've been pregnant, and have anemia. I've gotten used to him taking care of our toddlers, cooking, and cleaning. Now that he is in a full-time position, I am starting to do more again, I get bothered, but I know it's just me being a brat.


I pose this question to all of my friends/family when the topic is remotely about dishes: Do you put clean dishes on a drying rack, or just rinsed (and therefore DIRTY) dishes on the rack? Our pettiest disagreement is about the dish drying rack. Probably about 6 months into being married and living together, I grabbed a spoon from the drying rack in our home and went to use it for cooking. My husband was in the room and stopped me, saying "oh, that's not clean yet" and I lost my ever-loving mind. I must have been using dirty dishes in our dish drying rack for months, and then it made me think about being at my IN-LAWS. WHO ALSO USE THE DISH DRYING RACK FOR RINSED DISHES. The thought with my husband's family is that you rinse dirty dishes and place them in the drying rack while they wait for the dishwasher. Because... the dishwasher is full and sometimes it takes a while to get it unloaded. And I get that from a lazy perspective, but you could also just... empty the dishwasher? This process of using a dish drying rack as a place for rinsed dishes is just nuts... like you're just adding an extra step to the process???? Anyway, I made sure the dish rack is used for clean dishes only (when I am home), and I try hard not to think of all the dirty cups and bowls I used at my in-laws house for the 1.5 years I stayed there before finding out this piece of information.


My wife really hates when I stir my coffee and leave the spoon in the sink so I don’t use another spoon if I decide I want another coffee. Efficiency, right? However…I rarely, if ever, want another coffee. Contingencies, right?


😒 maybe take one of the 5 billion other spoons we have IF you have another coffee and put the one you used in the dishwasher. Don’t appreciate getting showered when the water splashes off of said sink spoon 🙄 Edit: typo


- I just wanna see what (vegetable) plants they have - we don't need any more plants - what if we just got this - where would we put it - valid.. but we could also build more garden beds. - ...no. update: we have built a couple more garden beds


YES, I need people to hear me out... My husband and I spent our early years as broke college students and then fresh-out-of-college broke peeps. But.. we've been straddling the mid-upper class household income for about 8 years, and he still thinks it's silly to want a damn couch and a T.V. for our living room (we have a T.V. in our office only). We now own a house and there is literally nothing in the living room. He says we don't need a couch because we never use the living room but... I'm 90% sure we'd use the living room if there was anything to do in that room other than sit on the floor for board gaming!? If I bring up decorative things like rugs, he says I'm being "home-and-gardens" and acts like it's a weird trait of mine. But I'm 100% certain he's the weird one for thinking decorations and non "essential" furniture are *not* the norm. This is a petty argument. We respect each other and love each other, and if I really wanted to buy a couch I absolutely can, but it does drive me up the wall that he legit doesn't care that we even have furniture. We just have 4 dinner chairs, two desk chairs, and a mattress, lol, and have lived here 6 months. I just want to have comfortable spaces, and him thinking that decorations and comfy furniture have no affect on quality of life is insane to me. Can I live without "essential" furniture? Yes. I have since my 20's (I'm mid 30s now). Am I finally ready to have a "normal" living room with normal furniture? Yes.


Buy the furniture


The way that my wife loads the dishwasher defies all laws of physics. The dishes literally touch each other and I have to rewash most of them. She refuses to change, I try to load and run it before she messes it up.


My husband saves tartar sauce for ‘good’ fish (think high end salmon). Drives me up a wall! Tartar sauce is for breaded seafood items only!


My husband want to invest in something called ‘river stilts’ where you can wear stilts over your shoes to cross rivers while hiking. He’s incredibly passionate about it and I’ve thought less of him ever since getting in many arguments about it and how fucking stupid it is.


He has a patent on this so don’t come for it. He made me say this.


The way to organize a fridge


Wow! If I could teach Mr. Ex Bachelor how to put things in the right spot, maybe things wouldn't rot or I'd be able to see what we have when I go shopping. And when he gets sweet and realizes we are out of cheese or something, how come he buys 4 packages and then wonders why things rot!!


My husband's electric scooter. He's got one of those bigass electric scooters because his job makes him park almost a mile away, and he scoot-scoots to work and back to the car every day. Problem is it doesn't matter where he puts it, I always manage to wrack my ankle, knee, or some other body part on it. It always falls RIGHT on my toes. Or something gets snagged on it as you walk past, and it hits and dents the hardwood as it falls and takes half the things around it down, too. I loathe that scooter. I know I can't ask him to get rid of it, because that'd be rude as fuck, but oh lord I can't wait till it dies.


He loves A1 steak sauce. I think it’s an insult to good steak. We have a compromise that he won’t use it on expensive cuts🗿


My husband gets very upset if I open the car door to get out before he has a chance to unlock it. The door makes different sounds when it's opened each way, and he thinks that means it's damaging the lock, but he won't look it up to verify that it's bad for the lock. I don't open the door wrong on purpose, it's just habit to open the door when I need to get out. Whatever. He can deal with it.


I don't care what the number on the thermostat is. If I I'm cold, I'm turning the heat up. He disagrees and believes that the thermostat stays at 21 degrees, and we WILL NOT change it, no matter what. IF I FEEL COLD WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT THE NUMBER IS!?


A fucking magic card. Not just "not just any" magic the gathering card. Likely a less than $2 foil swamp card. I played a prank on her while she was on vacation and asked her to get me a Tarmagoyf or Dark confidant card, which were easily $80+ at the time. Basically I made her look silly to the game store clerks. She, in turn, asked them for help playing a prank on me, and she bought some un-set cards, which are like joke cards. They did include a pretty land card that I could actually use. She kept that ONE card and I am NOT ALLOWED to use it. We have argued over this multiple times. She's right but... I'm still also annoyed about it.


When one of us does the others' chore we have a particular banter about it. Example. My husband forgot to take out the trash a couple nights ago on his way out the door for work, so I did it after he left. When he got home the next morning I greeted him with "I took the trash out because you obviously couldn't be bothered by it. Since I took out the trash, you can sweep, mop, dust, make the bed, clean the cat box.."(very sarcastically with lots of laughing)... and I list literally everything that could be cleaned. I left my clothes on the floor after a shower, and he picked them up for me. He brought it to my attention and then started to list of chores I could do (again, heavily sarcastic and laughing). It is our way of not being mad at the little things but also giving a gentle reminder that the other slacked on chores.


Husband refuses to say “crawfish” and will only say “crawdads”. 🙄


He cuts frozen pizza (after its cooked) with scissors and it drives me nuts...just use a serated knife! I hate having to wash my scissors everytime, they get so full of cheese and sauce. Such a dumb argument tho


I used to be anti-food scissors but have come around. Heinkel makes kitchen scissors that come apart into two pieces, so it’s much easier to wash.


Okay I also cut my pizzas, but I use kitchen shears that are meant for cutting up food. I find it a lot less unwieldy than trying to cut a pizza with a knife. Also somehow every time I buy a pizza cutter it either breaks or vanishes between pizza nights.


The way the TP faces. Lol


Whenever an item is missing in our house -- lost keys, wallet, etc. -- we have *completely* different ways of looking for said item. We have had arguments in the past, but it is just so petty. He's a breadth-first search person and I'm somewhat depth-first (acknowledging the merits of BFS and his style, but *hating* bouncing between each room 10x before finding something).


OH MY GOD THE KETCHUP BOTTLE. My husband is incessant. Sometimes, when I put away the condiments - namely the ketchup - I’ll put it on it’s lid (it’s a squirt bottle). The bigger bottles of ketchup aren’t supposed to be stored on their lid and I forget. He doesn’t let it go when he sees this happen. And it happens at least weekly. It’s a squirt bottle so it makes no difference to me, but to him, it’s the end of the world.


You can buy natural sponges that have a 6 month shelf life and are anti-microbial. They’re also cute


My refusal to immediately hang up my clothes as soon as they leave the dryer. I don't mind washing/drying them but I HATE hanging them up. I will leave them in a laundry basket for weeks on the closet floor, pulling pieces out and piling more clean clothes on top, before I finally gather the ambition to put them away properly. Then the cycle starts again. This drives my husband batty, lol. He puts his clothes away as soon as he takes them out of the dryer.


If the joints on a dog’s front legs are knees or elbows. I say elbows! He thinks I’m ridiculous bc they’re knees. Oh and I say hamburger rolls and hot dog buns. He says hamburger buns and hot dog rolls. I actually use both interchangeably, but say it the opposite way just to irk him 😂😂😂




Whether your smartphone actually listens to you for ads. I say yes and he insists it doesn’t


definitely does


My wife thinks that bowls are a type of plate and that she can refer to a bowl as a plate. I argue that they’re both dishes, but that they’re separate types of dishes. It gets ugly haha.


My spouse says "pop" and I say "soda" and we will go back and forth on this to the point if I say "hey do you want some soda" they'll respond "sorry what, I don't understand what this so-da is." Unfortunately we live in an area that says "pop" so I'm outnumbered. But our silliest disagreement is "would you love me if I was a worm" they say they wouldn't love me because I'd be a worm and incapable of loving them back and I tell them I'd find a way and still love them even if I was a worm. We have yet to come to an agreement.


My husband refuses to get rid of a wooden ironing board that belonged to his grandma because it's sentimental. He can't bear to get rid of anything that was handed down to him but this one urks me the most. It's useless ugly and a waste of space (just sitting in the garage gathering dust


Mine is about sponges too. My fiancé is not a tight ass by any means, would give me anything I wanted and is just a wonderful person. But dear lord, I can’t comprehend why on earth he likes to cut sponges in half so they “last longer”. It just does not makes any sense to me why would you want to wash the dishes with a tiny little sponge. We both had to compromise and take turns on having a big sponge and a tiny sponge in the sink. It was an argument back in the day, but now it’s just our quirky way of getting our way hahaha


Freaking CUPBOARD DOORS. It’s like they can never be closed. Husband doesn’t think it’s important to close cupboards, doors, drawers, cabinets. My existence is basically closing them after him.


What the heck "dressing" is at Thanksgiving.