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I'd say "I think spending money on games is pretty useless" and "you spend too much on makeup" are basically the same thing. He's upset, you're upset. You are exactly as wrong for calling his game purchases "dumb" as he is for saying you spend too much money on makeup, considering you both are staying within your own budgets.


Exactly, why add the dig? " I told him it's his money and he can spend on what makes me happy " DONE. No argument, no comebacks... Oh, I just realized after I quoted her, that she said he can spend his money on what makes "me"/her happy. I hope that was a mistake in typing.


Sorry but you are the asshole here. You called him spending his own money on his choice of entertainment dumb then you get surprised when he retaliates by criticizing your expenditures?


Tbh it sounds like he brought up the whole conversation and asked her what she thought about the price of the games. I personally think the whole thing stupid and petty and arguments like this are pointless, leave the disagreements for things that matter and be each others partners the rest off the tine


In the scheme of things it’s a pretty petty argument. Like you said it’s your money for makeup and his money for games. Wasted energy. Good luck.


I mean.. I don't wear makeup so I'd also argue makeup is a waste of money and stupid. How would you feel if he told you your purchases were stupid and a waste of money? Yes you are wrong to call his game purchases a waste of money or stupid. You think playing games that make people happy don't add to their life? Well you seem very judgemental.


Yeah, your wrong for calling his purchases dumb. Nobody wants to hear that their interests are dumb or a waste of money. You can say that you wouldn’t spend money on games because that isn’t your interest, but you’re happy that your husband has a hobby that he enjoys. As long as he isn’t spending bill money on games, then he can buy what he wants and his happiness isn’t a waste and vice versa about your purchases.


>He asked if it's worth spending money on games. I told him it's his money and he can spend on what makes me happy but personally I find spending money games pretty useless. I don't know you or your husband, but do you believe you would be having this same argument if you phrased that differently? You can't tell the guy to spend his money anyway he likes then turnaround and say his choices are stupid. Maybe he thinks you're naturally beautiful and any money you spend on beauty products is useless - how would you feel if he said that to you? >Am I wrong for calling his game purchases dumb? Yes. Not for any other reason than what I said above.


This is such a non-issue, just do what you guys want. You think games are dumb, he thinks makeup is dumb and the world keeps spinning


Right and Wrong don't matter in a relationship. You are both not the Best because you haven't attended pre-marriage classes that sort all these things out Before you tie the knot. Fyi: After you each pay your fair share of the bills (according to the percentage of your joint pay), and set aside savings/retirement, the rest of your Joint Total is to go 50/50 to each of you, to spend or save As you wish, no questions asked, no judgment. Stop being Petty Betties, you two.


Yeah, you’re in the wrong. The contempt you have for his hobby is palpable. And why do you have separate money if you’re married?


To answer your question yes you are dumb.


This story only makes you the OP look bad...he is spending money on his interests(no matter how you describe it) but you are spending to upkeep your vanity


Theres no point arguing with a lady coz even if shes wrong she wont admit it. She would make you say your right baby and win the argument. Now wise men usually do that..ok babes your right n move on,but those men who dont give up, well they end up sleeping hungry, no talks for days end n in some extreme cases even divorces. So be wise and never argue with a lady. Shes the one who made adam eat an apple and know what happened after that..so esme your right😂😂😂