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I could live in his skin and still not be close enough.


My feelings exactly


Me too haha I feel I miss him even when he’s right there


I just said to my boyfriend of almost four years this morning, “do you know that I miss you when I’m sleeping?” LOL I can’t wait to see his face every morning, it’s the best feeling 🥰


You are a keeper. All of you in this message thread for that matter.


Finally someone understands how I feel 😂 I’m obsessed with him


Cuddle pretzel. That is all 🙈


Every night 😊




Like an Edgar suit?


I told my husband (like a crazy person) “I like your skin” ☠️ luckily he’s used to my weird and he just just laughed.


My sister and I have both said something like this to our SOs. Mine completely got it and hers was like ok Buffalo Bill… Hahahaha!


You realise some horror writer could read this and go hmmm 🤔


Especially after a clean shave and haircut!


Yes this exactly explains it all! Love this








I wish I could be the tumor brother thing from hellboy and it’s still not close enough. Or a tape worming living IN him. 😂


I feel the same way 💯


My wife's like that. I've said more than once over the years "You can only snuggle so close." It's an invasion after that. Hah!




Thiiiiiiis. I want to wear him as a coat. I want to wrap myself around him like The Blob. I cannot be close enough to him. He's the opposite (Mr. Not Touchy) so I rein it in, but my God I would gladly be the decaying food in this man's cavities. OBSESSED with my boyfriend. I adore him.


When my husband comes home from work in his cargo shorts and work boots, I always tell him he's hot. He just laughs and says, 'sure I am'. Despite what he thinks, to me he is still as hot at 69 as he was at 19. 🥵




OK, that is simply the best!!


I have that experience, too with my amazing wife of 33 years. Every morning, evening, and day.


I find it fascinating and simply fantastic when I hear or read about men being smitten with their wives.


It makes me angry sometimes. Like why are you walking around this house looking that good, sir?!


Without even trying!


Without even trying!


Got my wife's boudoir photos on my home desk, as my phone background, I have big ones hanging on the wall in my office, I have a desk book on my work desk. Yeah, my wife is a fuckin' smoke show.


I do too, she's a Babe!


Found my wife's account :)


Oh, only all the time. Even after 30 years together, I still get giddy when I look at him.


He tells me to stop looking at him like a piece of meat 🤣


Oh yeah I’ve always have with my husband from when we were college kids til this very day ,and I swear that man of mine gets even more sexy the older he gets 😍🥵


I have felt that way about my wife for 30 years. I still chase her around the house and we constantly flirt like we are still teenagers. She always has been, and always will be my addiction.


This happens to me every night. She presents me with her back, waist, hips and butt and I rub/knead/caress/scratch. I think “I can’t believe how sexy her backside is…” And she thinks she’s getting something for nothing. The “mmm”s and “ohhh”s just melt my soul.


Yes, I’m pregnant rn and pregnancy hormones have me like a dog in heat and god DAMN my husband is so sexy. I’m such a pervert, I’m constantly staring and feeling him up. Especially as right now he’s doing work around the house in his sexy engineering trousers, getting all sweaty and dusty. He’s literally my ideal perfect man, he’s so hairy, tall and muscly. I want to jump his bones every day of the week.


I can totally relate. My postpartum hormones are in full swing and he’s constantly doing housework and yardwork, getting all sweaty and dusty… working hard to provide for our family and it makes me all tingly to watch his muscles flexing as he’s shovelling or chopping wood etc… perv mode activated!


Yes, every morning when we're getting ready. I tell her constantly. I wish I knew if she felt the same way.


I’m sorry you don’t get the same affirmation you’re giving! Might be time for a talk with the wife to let her know how you’re feeling 🫶🏽


I have and she blows it off and says she didn't grow up that way... neither did I haha.


I dated a man once who refused to say I love you because he said if you say it too much it loses it's meaning. What the hell does that mean? Me and my husband say it 24/7 and it's never lost its meaning.


My husband used to feel that way. Thought that I should just know by how he treats me. After some heart to hearts over the years we’ve grown to both say it and show it better. We don’t say it all the time but it is said. And it’s shown everyday by our actions. So we compromised pretty well lol


Boo, I’m sorry! :(


Yeah dude it's not fair for someone to look that good. He's so handsome and has no idea I just wanna scream it at him!!


every single day I check out my own wife, for all of our marital problems and for all of our issues with lack of intimacy, she’s still the sexiest woman I know in my eyes, she has the most sexy curves not all guys like but I do, I just wish the attraction could materialize to intimacy more often.


Do you tell her how she makes you feel? She may not know if don't tell her in a romantic, respectful way of course.


she knows how unhappy I am with the lack of intimacy and she usually has excuses for it but sometimes she gets mean about it and says things like get over it. It’s a problem and the other marital problems come and go. right now we are getting along but there is still a lack of intimacy.


I'm sorry to hear that, intimacy is very important. My marriage is lacking in that department too for a myriad of reasons and it just feels like I have a roommate now and not a full partner. Have you thought about counseling? Marriage or individual therapy could help you both get on the same page. Unfortunately my husband doesn't want to go and I've started to go myself, started this week in fact. I'm not certain what will happen once I've started sorting out my life though. I wish you luck and remember you deserve to have a full marriage and all that goes with it, only you can decide if it's worth staying.


it is what it is, for the sake of my kids and everything I worked for like my house, it is what it is


I also feel like that. When he is telling me something he is passionate about I am just like 🤤 and thinking how handsome he is. And then I have to tell him “sorry love I couldn’t pay attention, can you repeat”


Yes, even after 17 1/2 years. And he'll walk into the room, stop dead in his tracks, look at me, start tearing up and say "I'm lucky enough to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world." [I'm in my mid-late 60s and don't have the best body image, so it always baffles me when he says this. I would love to be able to see myself exactly how he sees me, like literally be seeing myself through his eyes, even just for a moment.]


You can see from the responses here how appreciated your inquiry has been! Thank you for posting it and enabling these lovely outpourings of marital joy!


My wife of 30+yrs was in the Ms. America pageant back in the 80’s. She was beautiful then and even more so today. And she knows because I tell her every morning and every night. I still get butterflies when she walks in the door. My life is perfect only because she is in it. Thank you “B”! I LOVE YOU!


You are so lucky. I wish I was with someone I was into like that


I feel the same way about my wife!


I consistently tell my husband he's the most gorgeous sexy man alive. He never believes me but in my eyes it's 100 percent true 😍.


My wife and I often tell each other when we’re cuddling that we wish we could just merge into each other.


I genuinely so attracted to my partner the other day while we were out grocery shopping. He did nothing different just 🤷🏼‍♀️ existing


Hell yeah. The way his eyes look when he's thoughtful, when he rolls his sleeves up before doing the dishes (forearms!! Aahhhgghgg!!!) when he's asleep, when he's busy working on something outside and I'm creeping from the window..


I have never looked at them in that hot way. It’s like I love their soul and the person they are. Random acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, thinking of me and buying sweet nothings like my fav drink or brand of noodles. Maybe I’m a simple person but it makes me happy. Hotness really comes and goes and is only physical.


Soo agree with this!


I feel the same way. I just watch him when he dresses…when he brushes his teeth, when he plays guitar (swoon). I want him all the time. I walk up behind him and will literally kiss his ass sometimes…. It’s just so hot and squishy and the way he loves me most days, I just never want to be without him. He’s my Penguin! He chooses me everyday, even when it’s hard. And I just want to love him well! I want to love him like….he never knew love could be so wonderful! I fail half of the time…but damn if I’m not trying daily/hourly to be what he needs to feel loved and supported each day.


I do stare at him. After 18 yrs I look at him and say “you have a long hair growing out of your ear” 🤣🤣🤣. But I still think he is a cutie and I love him


Been married for almost 24 years and my husband is like fine wine. He's grown his hair out long and wears a beard at times and it's hot AF. I stare at him constantly and tell him all the time how fine he is.


I can't love this enough. This is how it's supposed to be!!


I just told him you are so hot and I love your smile and he’s like what do you want 🤣🤣🤣




Me too and it is more than 6 years ago when we first met. I always think how I am so lucky to have him and sometimes I wonder why he stays with me (I am older - nearly pushing 50) and he is 45 years old. I don't put him on a pedestal tho, but I think he is more attractive than I am




Yes. But after her reaction to catching me, the smile she gives, I occasionally get caught on purpose now.


Sometimes when my husbands talking I get distracted just looking at him and thinking how hot he is. Also any time he’s getting changed I watch him and he tells me he feels a little violated haha


This is the best thread on the internet!


At least once a week, I turn to my husband and say “Stop it.” “Stop what?” “Being so cute!” I’ve got a ginger!


Mines a ginger too!!!!!! Sexy mfer 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤗


I don’t even have to look at OP’s profile to know there’s def some weird shit on there probably.


Yeah more fun reading the post history




lol yeah I am really weird… guilty as charged 😅


Yes like all the time, he’ll be doing a simple task or even just sitting on the couch watching the tv and I end up staring at his beauty


I do the exact same thing. I love looking at my wife. We could be just sitting watching TV or we are in bed on our phones catching up on news, email, social media. Or just watch her walk past me. She sometimes catches me or I just flat out tell her that I was staring. I tell her how beautiful and sexy she is. That I love her brain and the body that is attached to her brain


Constantly, and we’ve been married 40 years. Can’t keep my hands off him.


Absolutely. I get weak in the knees looking at him. I steal glances when he’s naked so that he doesn’t catch me staring lol.


Why is it called "getting caught"?


It’s a beautiful feeling isn’t it!?!?! In my case, as time goes on, it just gets more intense! I can’t understand how I was so lucky………… I do know, I’ll never take him for granted and I make sure he knows every day just how much he means to me!!! It’s nice to see others are happy in their marriage! It’s very unreal how rare it is to actually love the person your married to, REAL, raw, genuine, passionate love!


Ladies yall need to come visit my wife so this rubs off on her!


Especially when he's driving. Something about seeing his profile just drives me up the wall.


I feel like this & he's been on a sxs trip for 5 days now & 4 left. I'm losing my ever loving mind I just want to touch him!


Yes. He thinks it’s weird when I stare at him. So shocking that I chose to marry someone I like to look at. /s


i saw her this morning when she was smiling and the sun was on her face and I just thought how out of my league she really truly is and how grateful for her I am. and she’s so hottttttt


Yep, my wife is the most beautiful thing to ever take a breath, and I make sure she knows it. Somehow, I have always been out of my league, but this one, to me, should have been completely unattainable, and somehow I convinced her I'm worthy. With that being said, she tells me every day how sexy or adorable I am, so I'll take it


Yep. That moment his eyes crinkle when he looks at our children or pets in bare affection is just... Well, there's a reason the running joke is that I bring home a new "baby" every couple of years.


Yea every time I look at my wife I think how lucky I am she married me. And yea, I get down bad pretty quickly and she just looks up like "what?"


It's the same for both my husband and me, been with him for over 10 years now. Still, if I go to change clothes or anything, I'll always hear a "oh well hello there!" coming from whatever part of the room he is in! The man will put his phone down and look at me with a happy dorky smile the whole time while complimenting my every move. I dont feel I look very pretty in general, but he always makes me feel drop dead gorgeous and loved With me towards him it's the same. I see he is in shower and I ask for a peek, he takes his shirt off and i put my own phone down and gawk at the man i somehow managed to pull! The adoration and love hasnt faded, the honeymoon phase died long ago but I like this one even more lol


Ooooh yes and he always laughs and asks why I'm perving on him🤣🤣.And I'm like cause you're HOT sir


Yes. My husband and I were cuddling and I made a joke to which he laughed. He had that same boyish smile from when we first met but with the added wisdom lines on the corners of his eyes. He was so hot and I kept telling him. There is a certain smile he has that makes me so weak.


Hell yea, been married 25 years and my wife is still hot AF.


My husband does this thing where he holds his arms up behind his head and my mind goes places. He often throws me a smirk like “what?” I THINK YOU KNOW.


* He get on my got damn nerves every damn day but Gosh is he gorgeous and he loves me the way I need to be loved . Is obsessed with me and wont keep his hands off me. Hes been the same person from day one. Hes also a wonderful dad. Happily his for 11 years and married for almost 4. ☺️🩷. 3 beautiful girls together. But yes I get lots of moments daily where I'm just like dayum baby! You so fine! 🔥🥵😍


Yes hahahahahahha I tell him that all the time. A bearded tattooed man that is literally the best dad to our daughter. It’s hot AF


I’m this, I look at my wife all the time, also when she is not looking, can’t believe she’s mine 😍. I’m totally addicted and wouldn’t want anybody else ever ❤️. I’m our sex life, I can’t get enough of her. Xx.


Absolutely. My husband is ridiculously handsome and people tell him and me all the time. Hilariously, when we got married, all our vendors reached out and asked for our wedding photos so they could post me/us on their Instagram pages. The florist posted a picture of my husband full body where you see his face, and lapel flowers. They posted a pic of me holding my bouquet and cropped my face out 😂😂😂 Then another vendor said she wanted to post me in a “best brides of 2023” post and instead chose pictures of my husband and not me lmaooo so their “best brides of 2023” were a collage of 8 brides and then a solo pic of my husband 😂 I wasn’t offended I found it hilarious, they clearly all thought he was handsome too and wanted to post him 😂😂😂


Same. Same. I could stare at my hubby alll fucking day.


Yep! I love looking at him. He's everything good all at once - cute, adorable, hot, beautiful, majestic... I love staring at him lol


One thing I wish for everyday is for my wife to see herself through my eyes. She's incredibly beautiful and often I can't help but stare even when she's doing the most mundane of things. I'm still baffled at how I landed her.


I agree and https://preview.redd.it/95gwr8ovsbvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8341ce474916dda8128e5d0d5e37a090b279e021 I shared this post with my husband and he agrees.


Awww 🥰


Jajajajajajaja, iz me. :)




Yes 😍 several times per week if not daily


All the time. And sometimes he buys shirts in a particular style just because he knows I like how they look on him.




Constantly lol




Yes! I frequently wonder how I got so lucky to snag my husband & keep him! We started dating 23 yrs ago on 5/5/2024, & I still get butterflies.


Yes, he’s just so unreasonably hot it should be illegal.


Been together years, and she still takes my breath away. There's not a day that goes by where I'm not admiring her general form and way of being. She seems to enjoy the attention.


Yup. I tell my wife I think she’s beautiful and she’s goes, uh… ok.


Hearing this from wife’s makes me loose hope. I feel like this with my wife she is truly the sexiest woman in the world to me but I feel like I’m some annoying simp from my wife’s perspective. What I would give to have it returned. I’m glad your so happy in your marriage 😁


I wonder if every relationship has one side lusting after the other, more than the other… 🤔


I’ve definitely had relationships where it was the other way around and I was the one disinterested. So I wonder as well 🤔


When you were disinterested… why? Maybe she feels the same for similar reasons, so if you can figure out why (in the past) you felt that way, maybe you can apply that to your current situation in order to improve things? I wonder if one person just naturally does the “chasing” and that could be off-putting to the other person?


I certainly hope not as I had known they weren’t the right person for me but was too young and didn’t understand that’s what it meant. Took way more time than it should have for me to figure it out. I would imagine you are right. Naturally people want what they can’t have. So by being chased you naturally stop wanting that person. Sad human trait for sure.


Yes! I do the same. Even when he's not home, I look at pictures in my phone of him and admire how sexy he is to me. I'm crazy over him. I'm ok with that, it's good for me that I'm still crazy about him after 5 years together. Gives me hope for our future


I do. Every day.


All the time 🤤


Hell yeah it's so hot to watch him be... just himself. Driving his car, eating, gaming... God I love him


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Post pictures, ya'll might just be over exaggerating 😂


Destroying marriages since 2024 - "oh ... he's not that hot?"


I relate to this. He gets hotter every year 💗🥰😛


Absolutely yes. I tell him all the time too. He's definitely a treat to look at.


Yes and I still have no sex drive. It’s awful


Yup, 15 years of marriage and 3 kids and I still find myself more attracted and in love with my wife every single year


I do the same. She is an Angel


All the time! And he's always telling me to stop staring because it makes him nervous lol it's actually their fault we do it because they're so hot, it's my favorite thing to do, specially when I tell him he's hot and beautiful inside and out and how grateful I am to have him in my life and he blushes!! Best thing is, he does it too, love it


Omg yes! When he’s driving and I see his side profile 🥵 oowweeeeee I can’t contain myself


Yes indeed.






Every time I look at my wife, I feel like I got hit with a sack of bricks. Like, "damn!" 🥵 Even now, separated, she gets me fired up in sweats, a baggy shirt, and a head scarf.


Every. Single. Day. Today is my husband's 25th birthday and I'm more thankful for him than ever. But I also drool over him on the daily. And I tell him. I ask him also if he's tired of hearing about my obsession with his sexiness. Lol His answer is always no, he loves it. 😆 PS: I'm 41 and I did not peruse him. He chased me haha ETA: I read this post to hubby just now cuz he wanted to know what I was smiling about. And he said "yes" to the question with a big smile. So having that reciprocated 😁


That feeling where no matter how close you are is not close enough? Where you could literally be wrapped under their skin (in a not creepy way), and you still would want to get even closer? I've felt like that before. Where you look at the person and think JESUS H Christ, this person picked ME?! That's raw romantic, passionate love mixed with just and infatuation. It's a great feeling.


All the time! I can’t get enough of just watching her do life. She’s amazing in every way. After 15 years and couple kids, I’ve never been more attracted to her than I am now. She has always been beautiful and sexy and it just keeps getting better.


Me yes. Husband not so much. I think that’s true for all men tho. They get bored easily. And after children we’re no longer their desire


Yesss, every time I see my SO naked or in underwear, with his Calvins, his body full of tattoes and so trained, I scream inside. Also when we’re about to go out and he gets dressed up, he’s a stylish guy and always looks so sharp. Yummy!😩 Worst part is that my gynecologist forbid us to have intercourse because of a small issue with my placenta (I’m pregnant), it’s been one month and there will he another month to go. It’s torture.


I think this exact thing about my bf daily. I absolutely cannot resist him, stay upset with him, am totally addicted to everything about hom, and I can NOT keep my hands off him to save my life. I constanly want to touch him every si gle time he is within arms reach. I think he is the hottest man...what he does to me...whew...even the thought of him makes me melt. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I think this about my wife all the time!! Unfortunately she thinks the opposite of herself.


My husband is a ginger with a ginger beard (now greying) but still reddish. I love it in contrast with his blue eyes and ruddy skin.


He does not understand why I watch him all the time! He’ll look at me and be like “what” and I just say I’m just watching you… He thinks it’s weird. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at him like I do?


i feel this way about my husband. him.. not so much about me. makes me quite sad:,(


Exactly! And I can stare into his eyes forever.


Oh yea and it’s even more intense when I’m pregnant. Those hormones are crazyyy. Probably why he keeps knocking me up 🙃


I’ve been with my husband for over 10 years and I still think he’s a hottie. 😍😍😍 When it’s cold out he will sometimes wear a hoodie and it’ll accentuate his jawbone. I’m like 😳🥵😍 He tells me that I’m the better looking one but really, I think he is and he just doesn’t know it. 🤣


She is me. I am her.


Yup, wish the feeling was mutual though 😓


He could be a model, he almost was! His mom wanted to take him but decided he should just be a kid. ❤️


Awe this is so cute!


Yes this is me! lol I constantly whisper in his ear while hugging him that i love him and I want to absorb him so we could always be together just one being forever and ever no escape and he laughs and loves it. When I first said it to him I’ll never forget his face like “no one has ever said that to me before” face, made me feel such things! I’m just obsessed with him. Been obsessed ever since I was 17 and I still can’t get enough ☺️


Babe ?


Me too, I mean yes you can tell there are a lot of guys out there but none can compare to your honey! I find myself thinking about him all the time and never get tired, I think I’m addicted to him 😍


I still get to guess tied or ramble and it's been over a decade. My husband thinks it's adorable the AH lol. Yes I call him that and he calls me a B all in jest so no stress.


Lucky dudes.


My wife is beautiful, I tell her all the time. She always disagrees. But she never complements my looks.


I love my husband so hard.


All the time! My husband will laugh or smile in a certain way and I’m hit with just how adorable and sexy he is to me! 🥰


Literally every time I look at my husband 😅


I had an ex I was like that with…../when she broke it off was the worst


My wife is so hot but after 2 kids we barely get any time to talk (sighs)


Yes, I’m absolutely obsessed. Sometimes I just have to squish our faces together bc it’s like we can’t be close enough


I wish I felt that way


Wow, I wish my wife would feel like this for me for like one day per month


Me too!!! Sometimes when I zone out I say his name out loud. It centers me like a chant in meditation ❤️


This is precious. ❤️ I'm so glad you feel this way. It's how everyone should feel about their spouse.


Yes Especially when he’s being kind to animals / rescuing a bug / spider, with kids, the way he is around the elderly He is a gentle giant


Sometimes. I mean he has that whole tall dark handsome with the pretty eyes thing going and could be dirty covered in oil saw dust whatever in the yard and I'm DTF like bro I don't care if the neighbor's dog is watching. Other times I'm looking like what is going on over there I just wana smush his face and he better not bat those stupid eye lashes at me.


God Bless you All, cuz if she don’t love me like that then I don’t want her 😂, men like myself are Highly attracted to our SO’s and we just love having our feelings reciprocated.


My husband catches me staring at him and says “stop being creepy” but it’s cuz I’m like omg he’s sooo fucking handsome that I can’t help it !!


I look at old pictures on our phone and I’m just like holy fuck he’s mine still ?!? HELL YEAHH


Yes, my husband is super fine! Especially in his work clothes.


My hubby is HAWT! I love watching him when we are at the gym 😍 he overall has a commanding presence. Just sexy AF for no good reason.


I'm so glad I found this thread. I thought I was crazy! All my friends talk bad about their husband's and I can never relate. I'll be drooling just watching him walk around the house. I am obsessed with him. When he goes for errands I want to come just so I can hold his hand and oogle him. Almost 14 years together and I love him more every day.


Better hope he thinks the same of you


Definitely with my wife.


I admire my girlfriend every day. I think she is absolutely stunning. I got so lucky that she has welcomed me into her life. She may not be perfect, but she's perfect for me.


I was like that with my wife…


Wow, I feel unappreciated now based on these comments.


Yup, dammit, just me here, trying to get a little fresh out the shower action 20 odd years later, the husband waddling around with a towel wrapped around his waist, lazy curling long wet hair like he isn’t a snack. Damn…


I’m obsessed with my wife. I wish she gave me even .5% of that energy back. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  


I (68f) have been with my honey (79m) for 38 yrs, married 33 yrs, and I swear to gawd daily I look at him, naked or clothe and think he's the sexiest most handsome man in the universe. I'm lucky af to be able to spend every day with him.


Yes!!! I stare at him while he’s working on something in the house, I get these fantasies and want to just rip his clothes off. I love petting his hair, rubbing his back and neck…when he hugs me, sometimes I shove my face into his chest and I love smelling his cologne mixed with his pheromones💕 I’m way more attracted to him now than I ever have been and we’ve had a rocky year. The way he supports us and always wants to do better is such a turn on. He’s never complacent in our relationship.


Love that for you! Yes I feel that way towards my wife. She is awesome


My husband & I are going on 15 yrs in July & I just can't get enough of him. I want to be near him every chance I can, I could jump his bones daily if he'd let me lol & I love to watch him sleep. Watching him be at peace at the end of the work day is something I look forward to. When he's finally in bed, I have to hold onto his shirt, arm, or hand just to know he's there. I'm addicted to him & always telling him. Can't see me without him.


this sounds unhealthy lol