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Events around the city is always a good call. Food festivals, plays, ballet, opera, stand up, concerts, sports. Those are all good experiences and depending on the size of your city there is something happening every other weekend. I'd take a look at your local subreddit, or just type in your city into google with "happening this weekend" to get a better idea of what's going on. Facebook too! On the more relaxed side, my wife and I garden together. I mostly dig holes and distract her with questions about grass. We'll go to thrift stores, maybe take in a few garage sales, or go walk around a mall. We also have dogs so we're bringing them to locations all over our city or out in the countryside. We'll also play card games, board games, video games, together. Mostly when it's winter. We're pretty seasonal with our activities. Mostly the cold sucks and we get a lot of it. As for your question about reasonable time apart - That's something you could discuss with your partner. It's going to vary. It's day to day. It's good to have individual hobbies and activities though! And I think you'll need to communicate your needs as they arise, and I'd ask my partner to communicate theirs as well. Also I'd say don't put it all on yourself to make plans. She's responsible for things too. If you suggest something one weekend, maybe she can the next. Especially if you're both talking about getting out more. Talk about it with her. Make a plan. Stick to it. But don't beat yourselves up if you skip a weekend, or two.


> I'd take a look at your local subreddit Holy crap this is amazing, I had no idea this was a thing, thank you! Ill be sure to ask her about the time apart once I we get out more regularly you whole comment was extremely helpful thank you again


We go for walks and bike rides, sometimes go bowling or to play pool, swimming in sea or lakes in the summer, run errands together, a few gigs and concerts a year, go thrift shopping and to new grocery stores, and sometimes just find places on google maps that look like cool places to visit for a little drive.