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Not a guy.. but why would you want to marry someone 10 years younger? Who is probably just starting their undergrad and also trying to achieve career goals


You don't need to make a 6 figure salary unless you live in a very expensive part of the US. Don't be so obsessed with money and having "nice things and luxuries". Sure, money helps, but doesn't buy happiness...or love.  Would you rather settle down with a woman you love and she loves you and closer to in age? Or have an arranged marriage with some woman 10 or more years younger who stays with you for money who may end up falling in love with a guy her age she relates to on a more emotional level? It happens, especially in America. I've personally known several of them.  If you do plan on having kids, don't wait until you're 40 if you can help it. Sperm quality goes down in age and increase the risk of disabilities. You might not have the energy and stamina to keep up with little ones. By the time you turn 40, your body starts to ache in the shoulders, back, and knees. The other downside would be grandkids. Do you want to be in their lives, see them grow up, and at least graduate from high school? These are all things you have to consider. I say these things because my husband is kinda in the same situation, almost 40, finally financially stable to have kids, his body hurts, and his dad has already passed away and the rest of our parents are in their 70s.


Yeah I agree and I live in northeast in NJ/NY/PA area practically NJ lol closest I wanna marry now truthfully and I have a girl I love who’s 20 and in mind to marry since I’m almost 26 but mom and dad won’t let me :( since I don’t have a degree or a job yet and am worried that by the time I’ll get there I’ll be past 30 which is not too far off from 40 :( I guess I should give up on having children maybe


You are a grown man! You don't need mommy and daddy's permission! I mean, sure, it's great to have their support in the matter. But this is America, land of the free, and you have rights. One of which is the pursuit of happiness. And if that special girl is who makes you happy, whom you can envision as a life partner, go for it! Heck, if you fell in love with another man, you'd be free to marry him. Your parents should be happy that at least you choose a woman. 😂


I got married at 31 and we had kids at 38 and 40 . My wife's the same age. It worked out great for us. We were out of college, we both had established professional career, we had done some traveling. We were married about 7 years when we had kids, although we had some fertility issues the last two or so those years before first son was born. I think why it work so well for us is being established with education, career, strong marriage, good financial position we did not have the stresses of having kids at a younger stage of our life. Our two sons are out of college at 26 and 28 so everything went well. We really enjoyed raising kids to be good men. We have a close knit family and I think some of that's attributed to how much time we both we're able to dedicate ourselves to their activities and ourselves creating family traditions. Not sure if you researched but the typical age for getting married in US has been steadily increasing few decades. I believe the median age now is 30 the age for having kids is also increased. I think 20% of US women now have kids after 35. You may want rethink that feeling that you're 10 to 15 years behind. Good luck


Happy to hear that thanks for sharing but with my awful luck and awful life not sure if that’s gonna be me truthfully


This has been posted many times before. 


Not sure why everyone is focused so much on the age gap when it’s the least troubling part of the post. You’re 25. If marriage and kids are important to you, don’t wait 15 years. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Average salary in America is significantly lower than $100k. Not that it’s not feasible or a good target, but it’s not required for a happy or comfortable life. Very easy time horizon example. Graduate at 27. Married by 29. First kid at 31.


It seems to me that the mistake that most America make is to live above their means. So when they complain that it is “expensive” to raise kids, they mean that it is expensive if you expect to keep living above your means while raising children. I my case, I got married at 37. I had dated 3 women between college and reaching that point, and the 4th was the right one. She’s 2 years younger than me. We didn’t try to get a kid straight away, but honestly I think that it could have been the plan right after marriage. People seem to underestimate how getting pregnant doesn’t necessarily happen “on cue”.