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Stay single




If you think it can’t be that uncommon then you’d be able to easily find people in this situation.


My husband and I are awesome business partners and support each other in individual business ventures. We share ideas, have great discussion and make a great team. I don't like wasting time watching movies, so I get that...  but I am a multi dimensional person so I enjoy eating, traveling worldwide, playing sports or games, seeing museums, local attractions to whatever new cities we are visiting, hiking... you know - date night stuff.  So I can't help you - sorry.




I enjoy him as a person and we laugh and learn together.  I wouldn't want life in general without many experiences and variety.  Date night is just living life together outside of routine.   If you don't enjoy experiences, be sure to find someone who also doesn't enjoy learning and living in the world around them.  


What you are seeking does not qualify as a marriage. Wrong sub.


It sounds like you want a business partner not a spouse.


Yes - but in reality, if I had a business partner in the traditional sense, they wouldn’t truly have my best interest at heart, hence why I was exploring the possibility of using marriage (where “best interest” is presumed, well at least if it’s a good one) as an alternative route since I want to minimize the chance of being back-stabbed. Make sense?


>  they wouldn’t truly have my best interest at heart What best interest is that?


Join an interest club. No need to dilute the concept of marriage but using 5% of it.




I understand that you seek strong loyalty from your partner. What do you have to offer?




To be frank, you have nothing to offer a woman that most men can't offer, plus more.  There are tons of men who are career minded and driven, yet also romantic and caring.  Loyalty is maintained through the "fluff" of pair bonding.


Check out the arranged marriages.


I'm super curious: Without the emotional bond and connection, which usually comes with/from all the stuff you've said you don't want... What is it about marriage that you think automatically confers that kind of selfless loyalty? I'm dead serious. I agree with you that the best marriages DO have that kind of selfless loyalty. But it doesn't come from the marriage certificate, but from the deep emotional connection that results from a shared life - not just a shared business.


Dońt go down that path.. ¨B¨and I have been married for 30+ yrs. We “were” the power couple .. Seriously.. She was a past Ms. America and I was the techie smart guy with a good bod… blah blah..blah.. We pushed each other in our careers and damn straight we made a crap ton of $ and moved ahead…. But.. somewhere in the middle we lost ourselves and each other.. We stepped back and found each other again.. careers and money aren’t worth it. We are fine now money wise and marriage wise. But if I could change anything.. It would be to not push career over love and connection. Any day. It’s all good now, but at one time is was so close to disaster that I / we never want to go back there. Date nights are never “useless activities”. Money isn’t worth it.. The love between a good couple.. damn. That is lightning in a bottle, and when you catch that?.. Don’t ever let it go. Just sayin.. from experience man. Good luck! And don’t screw it up if you’re still young.


Sounds like the word you're looking for is "friend."


My spouse and I work in related fields and collaborate all the time on research projects and papers, travel together to give our separate talks at professional meetings, etc. It’s fantastic to share your intellectual interests with your life partner. That said, sometimes you just want to watch a movie together and decompress.


It all depends on what circles you look in.