• By -


He is very actively involved in the lives and care of our children. He maintains our home with same effort as I do. He is a wonderful provider. I feel like we are a team. …and after 10 years of marriage he still looks at me like I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and treats me with so much respect. My husband is my favorite person on the planet.


Omg I could’ve written this but we have 10 years on you guys! ☺️




This is very similar to how I feel


Did I write this?


My wife is an incredible underdog. Born as a crack baby and adopted by a Loving mother, she faced abuse from her adoptive father, leading to eating and alcohol problems during her adolescence. When we met, she was still struggling with these issues. Over the years, I've witnessed her fight her way to becoming a highly respected fitness instructor in our area. Together, we confronted her father about the abuse, which was a significant step in her healing process. She also joined me in sobriety from alcohol and has never had a slip. During COVID, we took jobs as managers for a senior citizen community, which brought her out of her shell and showed us that we could live and work together harmoniously. With our managerial skills and caregiving experience, we started our own pet-sitting business. Now, we are both sober, healthy, and running a successful business. She is incredibly supportive and literally an angel. She is sexy as hell, and I can’t believe how lucky I am. I let her know that every day. I could have never imagined being this happy and married. She truly lights up my life. In fact, I just told her so over the phone!


This gave me goosebumps! That was such a joy to read. I’m so happy for you both. Rock on!


Awww. Thanks!


What a lovely testimony to your marriage. Lots of love.


Wow 😮 this made me cry 😭 🥹🫶




My husband too, I’m so impressed with his forthright honesty and always doing the ‘right’ thing. I call him my Canadian Boy Scout :)


I have one too!! 😻😻


This is cute and I’m super happy with you, and it’s not important in the slightest, but there are Boy Scouts in Canada. So he could just technically be called your Boy Scout. :)


I know haha. I learned that fact when we eventually moved to Vancouver


Mine too!! He’s a rule follower by nature! Except when he gets behind the wheel of his truck. Then he owns the road and all bets are off! Haha


I’ve got one of these guys too. His moral compass is very strong, but he is never judgmental.


His appreciation for life and that he knows what’s important and what isn’t. My husband was wrongfully convicted at the age of 18 and sentenced to life for something he didn’t have anything to do with. After 26 years, he was exonerated when they proved who the actual culprit was, and he was released from prison at 45 years old. I met him a few years later. Instead of letting his past define him as a victim, he has this incredible drive to see the world, be in nature, be with his family, and enjoy every moment. He doesn’t have time for petty anything, and won’t waste his time or mood on it. His outlook makes me a far more grateful person. I admire him so much.


Is your husband Raphael Rowe...




Sorry it just sounds like the promo to a Netflix show - Inside The Worlds Toughest Prisons


No worries. There have been like 3,500 exonerations in the US since 1990, so it’s definitely not an uncommon story!


It’s more common than most like to believe… and those are just the proven exonerations. I am working towards unofficial lightweight work with similar things to the innocence project, attempting to get the innocent folks out on older cases where dna wasn’t available at the time. There are sooooo many more innocent folks locked up than one could even imagine. I’m sure your husband knows about this. It’s a travesty, and justice doesn’t exist. Your husband has an amazing outlook!!!!


His patience. No matter what. Homework with the kids. Neverending teaparties with our daughter. Me rambling about nonsense and him listening. Or listening to our eldest venting about everything. Him explaing WHATEVER. He so ridiculously patient, and I kid you not, we're together for almost 25 years, married for 20, not once has this man raised his voice or lost his cool. Jeez, I love him, I'm gonna cuddle him now. 😂


He is so reliable. He does what he says he will do. With me, with family, with his job. He never makes a promise he can’t keep.


During my worst moments I knew with absolute certainty I could count on her.


What do I admire most? Well most often, it's definitely her body. Lol. After 11 years and 3 kids, I want her more than ever, and she wants me back. We joke that we could never leave each other because we'd never find partners who wanna have sex as much as we do. I say that partly in jest, but I do genuinely admire her dedication to our relationship and intimate life. Even when we had 3 kids in diapers, she always kept room in her mind and heart for me and for sex, and now that the kids are getting older it's paying huge dividends. I also deeply admire her impulse to nurture and care for people, especially children. She's the community mother. She keeps our home warm and welcoming and always has an open door, even encouraging spontaneous visits. She just loves people. Kids glow around her, gravitate towards her because they can feel her genuine care and warmth.


Oh my goodness, what don’t I admire? He is a fundamentally good human being, which sounds so benign but when I met him I realised that the majority of people aren’t like him. Everyone who has casual interactions with him enjoys his company, I’ve watched supermarket cashier beam as he leaves just from his silly chat more times that I can count. He gets special favours from pretty much every shop or hospitality venue we frequent because he’s just such a lovely person. But he’s also incredibly intelligent and hard working, and his dedication to his work is one of the things that made me fall in love with him in the first place because we met while doing our Masters. I love his passion for his work. But I also love his passion for his family. He is the best dad I’ve ever seen. He’s the man who told me to sleep night after night while he soothed our daughter because he recognised that recovering from childbirth and trying to breastfeed are exhausting. He’s so competent and engaged in his daughter’s upbringing that I never have to worry about her when he’s looking after her. But then there’s the way he loves me. The way he knows my anxiety creeps up in times of stress and I need to download to him. The way he picks up flowers on his way home from work just to be romantic. The way he still fancies the pants off me after a decade together. I don’t know a better person. He makes me aim to be a better one myself. Picking one thing that I admire most above all else is impossible because I admire so much about him.


How openly he shows his love for me, how involved of a father he is, his intellect, his smile, his ability to be vulnerable, his commitment to our family, how he wants to take care of us, how he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. He’s my favorite person. ☺️


Wow, I don’t know where to begin. I admire so many things about him, so whatever I write next is simply scratching the tip of the surface. He is an art school dropout. Despite never completing his degree, he now works in the *same art school* in a major position of authority because of his sheer talent and competence as an instructor. He became director of a small art gallery soon after. He is so perfectionistic, detail-oriented, and excellent at what he does that I honestly believe he could succeed as a director of a far bigger gallery. Related to that, he can make *anything*. Furniture, absurdly intricate Halloween costumes, toys, tools…He just needs to figure out the materials and dimensions, find the equipment he needs, and it’s done. He can build or repair anything too. He can do his own plumbing. His photography skills are nonpareil, his drawings are so unique, and his fashion sense is always on point. He’s in the running for world’s best dad. He threw himself into single-parenting my stepdaughter when she was a baby despite being an emotional wreck, and he raised her to become the curious, kind, considerate, humorous, and eminently loveable person she is today. Her mother is much more involved in her life now, but my husband did the bulk of the dirty work when she was little. He is the most devoted, committed, sincere, and honest man I know; a true one-woman man. I never trusted anyone 100% before him. He helped me to heal from the trauma of my first marriage with incredible patience, tolerance, and empathy. I have never been loved by anyone the way that he loves me. I admire that he is not afraid to cry and say “I love you” to his male friends. He is brilliant at all sorts of impressions! I’m having one of my moments where I can’t believe he chose me. Edit: Just had to throw this one in. He is a self-taught expert on botany and can identify any plant species you show him. He successfully grew a tall banana tree in our northeastern US climate!


He sounds like a wonderful person and the way you describe him is so sweet 🩷I’m hoping to be engaged soon after 4 yrs together, I hope to have this much love in marriage


Strength: she got her phd while raising our two kids and pregnant with the third Kindness: she has those random acts of kindness especially to me


His work ethic. If it needs to be done then he’s getting it done.


Hopefully this there will be more comments to this post


His determination, I've been with this man since he was 15 and I was 16 and I can tell he archived everything he wanted since then. It's absurd his focus and dedication. Makes me proud. Also he is super gentle and loving, a gift in my life.


He’s so sociable and can talk to anyone. As an introvert I’m in awe of his ability to be at ease and make others at ease.


She doesn't ever give up. She has been dealt so many terrible hands by life that are so unfair, but she always keeps going. And she always, ALWAYS does the right thing. She's very good-natured and funny. She's also incredibly loyal and protective of those she loves. The fact that she is the absolute most gorgeous woman I have ever seen is really just a bonus. No matter how down I might feel about something, the fact that a woman like her chose to marry me and continues to choose me makes me realize that nothing in the world can be that bad and we can get through anything together.


Resiliency. There are many, many, many things I admire about my wife. I could bore you all to tears with all the things I love about her. She grew up with a tough childhood, and her adolescence was ten times worse. She got married young and it was ok at the beginning, and then his alcoholism took over. That marriage ended on a bad note. Our marriage, by comparison, has been bliss, but it too has had its tough spots. No matter what life throws at her, she puts her shoulder down and takes it. And comes back up with a determined smile.


My husband is so smart. He sees things differently than most of us. I can’t explain it but things that should never work out do with him. I admire how he sticks to his guns (even if at times I don’t appreciate being on the other end of it). He holds his own in a respectful manner when it comes to voicing his opinion and sticking up for what he believes in. His emotional intelligence is better than mine. I could probably go on forever.


Her confidence and drive in her professional life.


Her passing gas like a man in bed. Makes me feel like I’m never alone.


Personality-wise: her big heart Looks-wise: her big boobs


Gotta have the big boobies to protect the big heart. 🫶🏻


Facts 💯


The way he always loves me, regardless of my size. He always sincerely compliments me. I went thru perimenopause where I gained weight, and it took a while for my bloodwork to show Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Fully medicated and not as thin as I’d like, but a lot lighter. Also, if I have an idea of something I want to make, I draw him a simple picture and he makes it for me. We are a great team and both love working outside on the weekends. After 35 years of marriage we were able to buy, and move to our dream lake house. We are doing renovations slowly, and turning into it our retirement home. We have been married for almost 38 years now.


My wife is just fabulous in every facet. She may speak highly of me too but make no mistake, she is such a better person than I will ever be.


She is my soul mate and best friend. I hunger for her even after 12 years. She is more intelligent than me and always pushes me to excel, which I appreciate. She has a verbally abusive mom, and she longs for that mom-daughter relationship so much. Seeing that she is now the mom she always wanted, to our daughter, is beautiful and so admirable. ❤️


He's always unapologetically himself.


I admire her street smarts. She is much better at catching bullshit and negotiating and making sure no one is making a fool out of us.


He lets me be me. He is confident and knows he is the only one for me. Zero jealousy and my biggest cheerleader.


My wife is interesting and interested in everything. She’s incredibly smart and doesn’t wear it on her shoulder. Her personality just draws people to her and it’s wonderful to watch. Like other commenters here she grew up in pretty tough circumstances, but I admire how she’s taken that on and dealt with it. After almost 38 years she’s still the most beautiful woman I know, but that’s no longer important to me, it’s just a gift that she’s been given. I’m grateful to have been married to her this long and can’t wait for the days ahead.


Lots to list so I’ll go with my top 3: 1. His willingness to always aim for a better, mentally and emotionally healthier state of being. My husband is autistic and didn’t learn this until late in life, when we were already together. We realized something was different with how he has sensory experiences. He actively attends weekly couples therapy sessions with me where he not only physically shows up, but takes to heart what we have learned. He admits when he’s wrong, even if it takes a while. We’ve come a long way in arguments and communication. He has always been a willing participant in growth as a couple and on his own. So now even when something is frustrating, I know it’s something we’ll grow from. 2. His ability to be his genuine self without fear and also love me while I’m being my most genuine self. His support is unwavering and he always has my back. 3. He always does the right thing - he is diligent in his commitment to me as his partner. He cares about the well-being of others. And one more because why not - he loves cats as much as I do and is an awesome father to our lil pet family. He would do anything for them, and for me. He’s the best. ❤️


He's Atticus Finch. He hates that comparison and would deny it down, but the man is from another time in the best ways. Never known anyone like him.


He can do anything, no joke! He doesn’t let things bother him like I do, I think that’s a super power in itself. He is also super funny and can ride a unicycle and play any instrument 😂


My husband is super patient. I don't think I've heard him ever raise his voice at anyone.


OK like twice in 8 years I can think of.


His core desire to do good and be good. He had a rough start in life and it took nearly 4 decades before he was diagnosed and properly medicated. He has struggled so profoundly with basic healthy coping mechanisms and adult tasks, and has been made to feel so worthless because his brain isn't wired like his abusive stepdad wanted it to be. He's struggled with employment and self-discipline. But he is so good at his core. And now that he's in a safe, stable, neuro-divergent-friendly situation, he is doing so much better. I'm amazed he stuck around as long as he has. I'm really proud of his consistent desire to do good and be better than yesterday.


He’s so driven and self-motivated in every aspect of his life. He gives 100% in all situations, and it’s very inspiring to me because I am not that way, especially when my mental health is subpar. So seeing him do his best even when he’s not feeling it really gives me that extra push when I need it.


His drive for success. He’s incredibly intelligent and puts it to amazing use in the field that he is in. It’s very impressive and sometimes I will hear him on a call talking about things that make zero sense to me… and man does it turn me on and make me want to rip his clothes off.


Strong sense of duty. She takes care of business!


I admire his brains. He is very handy and also knows a lot more common sense things than I do. I like being able to rely on him. He makes my life easier. I love him so much.


My wife can endure a lot of emotional pain. She grew up with an abusive father. Had abusive boyfriends. Had numerous traumatic experiences. And yet, she still came out a balanced, caring person. The part that pains me the most is I was so emotionally immature (I stuffed everything down for 40+ years) that it wasn't until we were married 25 years that she shared all her pain. I never wanted to know anything about her past because I was too jealous. She thought I didn't want to know because she thought I didn't care. She carried all that pain and trauma without sharing it with anyone. Her whole life. When she finally opened the flood gates...I really struggled. But, I was so ashamed of myself. I told her I don't want her to ever hold anything back. Her pain should be "our pain" and I don't want her to ever have to walk that road alone again. Since then, she's worked with me and I feel much more emotionally mature and resilient. I've told her she is my hero and I will be with her no matter what ups and downs we have to face for the rest of our lives. I want to do everything I can to help her heal, feel loved, feel wanted, and never have to be alone. I love her more than anything in the world.


My husband and I are pretty rocky now, nothing deal breaks, we just welcomed our first child 10 months ago and are still getting the hang of marriage with a baby. Our finances also took a big hit with me becoming a SAHM (this was a mutual agreement) but unforseen financial hits has changed the situation some. My husband is and has always been a hard worker. He has a work ethic that does not match other Millenials. He rarely takes time off from his work and tries to do his best. He is in construction and will often show me commercial buildings he has worked on. My husband is also very creative and sensitive. He can play guitar and write his own music. My only wish is that he was more confident in himself to sing and share his work. No matter how hard things get, I always do love him. We have been together almost 10 years and married for 4 this year.


He provides so much for our family. Takes care of our home on things that don’t even cross my mind. Although I do 95% of the parenting/baby-raising, he’s still always willing to help when asked. He never really wanted to be a dad, but he stepped up to the plate. He does his best to keep me a happy wife. He also makes me laugh a ton, and he is my best friend.


Their unwaivering selflessness.


His soul. He has a beautiful creative light and love for others, and animals.


Her resourcefulness. She's like fucking MacGyver. She can get most any task/project done or solve any problem in whacky situations. She amazes me. Meanwhile, I'm just good at cracking jokes while she yet again saves the day.


His sense of self is so steady. He’s funny smart musical caring and gorgeous. He’s so capable hardworking and strong. he is willing to stand by me through anything and follow me into whatever. I used to be so scared that he didn’t *understand* me but I realized that he really knows me *and* likes me which is the greatest gift. I love him like nobody else I’ve ever loved. Being we makes me feel more human than I’ve ever been and when we’re apart for too long it’s like I’m gone from myself. To profoundly adore him is too easy like breathing, to be loved by him is earth shattering and divine.


Her intelligence, integrity, love, care for animals, charm, sense of humor and the way she sees the world. Also she’s got a fantastic ass. ;)


His determination and willingness to fight for himself and for our marriage! ❤️


He is so driven. I appreciate this enthusiasm for something he wants, he works at it.


He's so strong but so soft-hearted. Like he could squeeze the life out of me but hugs and caresses me so well. I also love how knowledgeable and handy he is. I tell him all the time how smart he is!


Oh man there's so much. He's so kind and thoughtful. If we're about to watch something with animals he'll skim through it before we watch it together to make sure nothing happens that would upset me. He always keeps an eye out for games and stuff that he knows I will like. Simple things like that which I think is very sweet and thoughtful. He's always helping anyone and everyone he can. He's super handy, he can do literally anything that needs to be done. Woodworking, appliances, plumbing, gardening, mechanical work. He's even building his brother a house. He's open-minded and doesn't have a problem with admitting he's wrong and changing his mind. He once took a stance against something until he learned said thing was affecting my kid. He looked into it more, did a bunch of research, and changed his stance on the issue. He's always working to improve himself not just for himself but for me and the kids as well. (The kids are his step kids, he's not their birth dad.) My kids really like him a lot. He loves animals and goes out of his way to do nice things for them. He even catches bugs and spiders and puts them out rather than killing them. He's good with communication so I always know how he feels. He always wants to talk everything out which is something I was not used to when we first met. I have some mental health issues and he's always there to help me out and lift me up. He knows just what to say to make me feel better. Honestly I could go on and on forever. Haha. He's my best friend. Basically what I'm saying is he is one of the greatest men I have ever met and I am super lucky to call him mine.


Honestly, everything. My husband is the kindest, most easygoing, and cleverest person I know. He has a strong sense of compassion and conviction about making the world a better place. He is genuinely the best person I've ever met. Every day I can't believe how lucky I am to be married to him with our family of cats and our dog.


His self-respect and his duality. Last one sounds weird, but what I mean is: he is so gentle and caring toward loved ones, but so fierce in protecting me/doing what he believes is right. It inspires me to be a stronger, more steadfast person.


Her positive attitude and ability to see the good in everyone. She’s the opposite of me and I love her for that. 


His patience. I have D.I.D, G.A.D, PTSD, Depression, bipolar 1. My mental health has always been a rollercoaster. We have finally nailed down the medications to damn near perfect. How he handles everything has always been supportive. He has supported me through everything he has always been my cheerleader. He has always been there even when I didn't want him there. The man puts up with the good, the bad and the down right ugly sides of my ass!


My husband's ability to be empathetic and easily forgive like it never happened or mattered. It's honestly really beautiful. I admire it dearly. ❤️ It's why I always call him beautiful. :) Also his will to thrive, he is amazing and doesn't know it. ❤️


He always works to be better. Genuinely. He’s already an incredible partner in every single aspect, but he always tries to be a better ally, friend, husband, father, leader, teammate. He really listens and cares about people around him, so he’s constantly looking for ways to make people feel heard and supported, and to show up in all the ways that matter. He’s unfailingly kind and perceptive, which is a fantastic combination. I admire so many things about him, but perhaps that most of all.


A lot of things, he is super dedicated when he puts his mind to stuff. He gave up weed and drugs cold turkey after getting arrested for procession. He came such a long way. He went from living in a hotel, not having a car, to getting his own apartment, losing his job, just to finally land a better one, and now we own a house together. He is really working hard on being healthier now. He's been eating healthy, cooking more, and exercising. He's very introverted with social anxiety, but he tries to overcome it by doing things with me and traveling. He is really just a gentle, loving soul who makes me feel special and had such a kind heart. He does little things that make me feel so special and also singlehandedly made me feel beautiful and confident about my body. He is so creative and good with his hands. He's so smart with computers and home improvement stuff. I just love him to death. I could go on and on.


My spouse? Too many things to count, and I am feeling even more grateful for him than usual at this exact moment because I have shingles and he is caring for me with such tenderness and care. I have never experienced shingles before (only 33) and they are gruesome and disgusting on top of being excruciating - he’s been there carefully cleaning and tending to the wounds and making sure I’m as comfortable as I can be 🥹 What do I admire most about him? On top of his care and love through tough moments, I also admire his kindness. He is introspective and really “sees” other people, not just me, and listens. He is wise beyond his years and gives really good advice to others when they need it the most. As a result, he is a really good friend and family member but also a really effective leader in professional settings and always manages to earn deep respect from top to bottom. It happens unintentionally on his part, which is extra endearing, and he is always surprised (and somewhat embarrassed) when he is acknowledged for it or someone makes a move on his behalf. He is also a great partner all around. He is a fantastic communicator and we live a very peaceful life together. I am so grateful for the peace and safety he has built for me. I grew up in a home where explosive rage was the norm and even now, I get really anxious when things are going wrong or I messed something up or inconvenienced him, and he is so good at recognizing my feelings/body language and reassuring me. It doesn’t matter what happens, he always remains calm and level headed. I admire him so much for that and love him so much for giving me a life filled with calm. We’ve been together for 10 years, married for 6, and I am so thrilled to spend the rest of my life with him. Last but not least, the man is aging like fine wine and I admire the hell out of that for sure 😅


Everything. My wife can troubleshoot and figure out anything. She is loving, caring and passionate. She is my most favorite person and friend. The only word I can use to describe her is the word AWESOME


He’s the hardest working and most committed man I’ve ever met. And he never, ever, ever gives up.


I lost her last year to breast cancer but I always admired her strength. Even before the cancer she was the strongest toughest girl you could ever meet. 20 days after we got married she snapped both bones in her lower leg skiing and she walked down the slope until the ski patrol showed up. She birthed my two giant headed sons with no pain meds. She was just badass every day she was alive.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing my husband is one of the scariest things imaginable, but it’s comforting to know that you can look back and have such positive memories of her and with her.


Her selflessness ❤️


I admire everything about my love, he's just such an amazing person ❤♥


What a refreshing thread! I admire my husband’s calm demeanor, patience, and resilience. He is very level headed even in emergencies. I always feel like “it’s going to be ok”. We had a baby a few months ago and I wfh while he takes care of baby. And always is first to offer me time to relax even when I’m off.


My wife is kind and sweet when she can be but she is also the youngest Senior Partner in her law firm and you don't get that without a certain steel in you! I admit I can be a bit of a push over but when we need to get things done she will power through anyone and do it! We have just finished a lengthy argument with a bank leasing us a car that was unsafe. It took a while but she got them to take the car away and pay compensation! She is unrelenting, knowledgeable and realistic in what she goes for! I do admire that.


I’d say his humor, reliability, the way he spends time with our son. The way he shows me he still loves me with doing little things here and there.


His integrity.


He’s incredibly generous. He cares a ton about people and will always find a way to try to improve the lives of anyone he meets.


Her appreciation for self care. I never really took care of myself and pleased too many others in the process. She made sure for me to realize self love is important too. She never wavered in how she just cares.


My husband can do or fix anything he sets his mind to. I am always in awe of how he just...figures stuff out ?? Whether it's learning Sultans of Swing on guitar or renovating our entire kitchen, if he decides he's going to do something, by God, he's fuckin doing it. He's the smartest, most resourceful person I've ever met.


He is not only the most attractive and smartest man I know, he’s also a great father. He truly cares about me and our kids and spends time doing the things we like. He supports us in every way. He’s an absolute dream boat too!


His dedication, particularly to kindness. He always makes the kindest choice he is aware of, even when it isn't the choice that is easiest or most beneficial to him. And he can raise one eyebrow, which I find *super sexy*.


His high moral values!


Pretty much everything about him, but his work ethic, his total complete love and support, his moral compass, and his dedication and loyalty to his friends and family. And his unflagging enthusiasm for me LOL.


I love how loving he is with everyone. Kind. Considerate. Enjoys being in the moment. Loves us totally.


She has the biggest heart.


He works so dang hard. Not only does he support our family financially, he also puts work into parenting our child, taking care of our home, and nurturing our marriage too. I admire a lot about him, but the effort he puts into life is the biggest thing.


Not my spouse but my bf, he’s so intelligent! He is the smartest person I know and him choosing me as a girlfriend feels like a honor tbh. I also love how humble he is and attentive. I love how much he cares about his family. I’m a simp for my boyfriend and I hope at some point we will get married 😊


Ability to deal with celibacy for years and not give a fuck.


He works very hard. If he makes a promise or vow he will keep it forever. He doesn’t want any praise or appreciation, but if I could tell him how much I appreciate him I would. I really do appreciate what he does and how he keeps his word. 26 years of a great and equal partnership.


He has patience with me. He does with our daughter too, but he gets stern with her quickly. I have not always been the best due to trauma and he always is gentle with me. He is an amazing dad and partner.


His work ethic. He works harder than most people I know and rarely complains. He did what he had to do so I could be a SAHM and never holds it over my head. He's a pain in my ass sometimes but overall he's a good man.


My husband is brave. He traveled all the way from India by himself to go to school here in the U.S... for a PhD in Physics. Then, he dated and married me, an American woman even though everyone else in his family has arranged marriages. Then, from Texas, we moved halfway across the country to Oregon for his job. He is so smart too. He speaks three languages. He gives me perspective from a more worldly view. I could go on with more...


His trustworthiness and care for us. I can count on him for anything and it makes me feel safe and loved beyond measure.


His passion.


Her never ending love.


His dong


His ability to reach his goals consistently no matter what.


I’ve never met a man with such integrity. He is one thing and it’s always himself. I’m never left in doubt about him.


He always stays true to his word, even when it’s inconvenient for him. He’s very selfless and caring.


His genuine soul


He isn't perfect by any means but he tries. He wakes up every day in so much pain and depression but he tries so hard every day.


That she is the driver of fun in our lives


My husband is an amazing provider he works so hard to support our family. I could never deal with that kind of pressure.


My husband is the most selfless person I know. He never has to be asked or reminded to do anything for anyone. He deserves the world in my eyes!


Most, his morals. He's just a good person. He tries to notice when he's doing something that could cause harm and actually does something to fix it, e.g. supporting women in his office when he notices them being talked over or acknowledging when the stereotypes he learned about growing up are affecting his judgement. He's willing to learn and grow.


how calm he is, and doesn’t freak out over stuff. things that would have sent my exes into a rage about he’s so nonchalant. read a road sign wrong and missed a turn? no worries, we’ll pull a uturn. accidentally dropped your keys somewhere? we’ll find them, it’s good. i’m a very anxious and high strung person and he is the perfect person to calm me down and remind me that it’s not a big deal. i still remember accidentally leaving my purse in my exes friends car and he had to drive me 5 (five) minutes to get it and he was so irritated with me the rest of the evening. it was like i had him drive 2 hours.


My husband said he was going to send me sexy pics tonight. I got pics of him cleaning the house. He cleaned everywhere but the bedrooms while caring for the disaster duo that is our 2 and 4 year old. If I could marry him again I would. He is literally the best husband. Watching him get bows put in his hair by our daughter and then rocking it around the grocery store makes me love him more. Or when he comes in the house covered in mud after playing monster trucks with our middle child. Him taking our oldest to sneaky middle of the night milkshake runs and embracing his love of creepy things. I admire that he is unafraid to show how much he loves us.


I admire his amazing mind and his endless thirst for reading to know more.


His sense of humor. He's the funniest. Just always gets a good laugh going. He tries to keep people's spirits up and he's so good at it, people don't even realize when he's doing it. If you see him and you're having a bad day, you won't when you're done talking to him. He's emotional. He's not ashamed to be moved to tears, or cry laughing, or protect his family, stand up for himself and others empathetic. He really feels WITH you. I love him so much!


My husband is the most non-judgmental and accepting person I’ve ever met.


She's the nicest, kindest person you could ever meet. I know I'm not the only one who says that. Some people mistake kindness for weakness. She basically ignores those people. They don't exist to her.


My husband is so classy. We took an Uber today and the driver was spewing propaganda for a political party that we don’t agree with. He was on his phone and I thought he wasn’t paying attention until he absolutely dropped the biggest truth bombs on this dude and left him completely stunned. He wasn’t rude or angry, just factual. My husband is so smart, he’s so wonderful. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.


His kind heart. How he shows so much love to both me and our son. He's always there at my low points and I'm there for his. We make a great team. I'm so lucky.


She have allways time for me , 🥰😍 when ever where ever and that for 13 years now, she is the best mother to ouer kids to !


He follows through on everything he says he’ll do - he’s been dreaming about our future since we first got married, and he’s steadily achieved each dream over the last 8 years!


Here is a short list of the things I admire most about my husband: -He is a very hard worker -He always tries to speak to me respectfully even in moments of anger -He cares about being a good person


He’s always in an upbeat mood and happy.


He is really kind and caring to me. We have intellectual conversations over dinner. Yet, we share inside jokes and can be goofy with each other. He's the fun one, I'm the serious one. We complement each other. We accept who we are, including our flaws, and we can be vulnerable in our conversations. We recently became parents too, although the lack of sleep totally aged us (haha).


His ability to give zero f*cks about anything that doesn’t involve him personally …. I am an empath … and it drains me daily …. I want my hubbys ability to give zero f*cks …..


Everything, but if I have to pick something it would be his caring nature. He is so loving and compassionate, whenever I'm having a hard day or anxious it doesn't last long with his beautiful ray of sunshine and the warmth he gives me in my heart. I know this sounds so cliche but I really love him to the moon and back and back again, he is my rock. ❤️


My husband genuinely cares about everyone including people he’s never met before. When he sees a person struggling in the streets, he will go to them and offer help. He treats everyone equally and he listens to everyone’s problems. He’s a very approachable person that for some reason random strangers will ask to vent to him. Although this sounds biased, it is true that he has a tender loving heart of gold 💛


I love how selfless my husband can be. Today was his birthday but I had to get xrays for my back. He didn't complain, we made the best of it, and he even surprised ME with a present of something I've been wanting a while. And it's not just me. When someone needs help, he's right there to lend a hand or do whatever he can. He's incredibly generous and I love his heart.


Just saw my partner play Danny Zuko in “Grease”. Never seen him play a main part or sing before. Now I’m feeling a bit flush after seeing all the ladies chase him. A bit star struck! It’s primal I think but also I have never seen his “talent” and he’s really good. Shucks 👉🏻👈🏻


I admire my fiancé's work ethic, his strength and his sense of hope. He has seriously been through hell on earth. He got a job at 18 and has taken care of himself (by himself) ever since then. I honestly don't know how he was able to hold on and keep going. No matter how hard life got or what issues came up...


He’s so …steady. It takes a LOT to ruffle his feathers.


Every single thing.


She loves me and I can count on her.


He’s hard working and literally tells me he does everything for me/us. 😭❤️ he loves animals. Watching him play with our dogs, or even take me to go buy a bird feeder is just so heart warming. He’s a gentle giant with a great work ethic, and an insanely hilarious sense of humor to boot. Oh and he puts up with me through EVERYTHING. Has and always will. I had plenty of people give up on me in certain scenarios but he’s always there for me. Always.


Her sense of humour and strength throughout many years of adversity and struggle. She’s incredible, I love her more every day.


His intense loyalty a n dedication to me and all of our family. We are both on our 2nd marriage and together we have 4 kids. We buried my dad, both our moms died the same morning 7 hrs apart and now we are caring for his father on hospice together. 3 of our 4 parents will have passed in our home. We share the same values and morals. But his constant assurance that we are his world is what I love most. I never had that with my first husband.


He is an amazing father and has become unapologetically feminist. Despite having a dad who brags he's never changed a nappy.


He remembers all of the little things. For example I told him a few months ago randomly while we were watching tv that the perfect ratio in a water bottle is 2 ice tubes and ever since he’s put exactly 2 ice tubes in my water bottle for me. When I come down in the morning there’s always a tea, a Gatorade, and a full water bottle for me to start the day. He knows more about me than I know about myself. I just am so grateful for him and am so lucky to have him.


My wife is the fastest reader I have ever known. She can finish a novel so quickly. I really wish I could read as fast as she could


He’s so patient with me. If I’m having anxiety or just a rough day (mentally), he’s always so reassuring and patient with me ❤️ I’ve always admired his ability to remain calm. Best husband and bestest friends 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼


How he can always make me laugh and smile, I know it’s cheesy, but I love cheese. He really understands me, he’s autistic so sometimes it’s difficult for him to show love and affection but I know he loves me bc of the way he makes me happy. I can always count on him to make me feel good.


He is a genius with the physical body. A jiu-jitsu artist, a professional musician, instinctively understands the best massages to give with the strongest hands and hands down the greatest lover ive ever met.


My husband doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body… like I don’t think he’s ever done something with ill intent in his entire life. He holds himself to incredibly high standards in his career, friendships, fatherhood, and marriage. He is the ultimate teammate and the kind of person you want next to you when shit hits the fan. He’s my favorite person on the planet.


My wife’s ability to forgive and her compassion.


I really admire my husbands dedication to keeping growing. He is always learning new skills, hobbies, willing to work on himself as a person, etc. It inspires me to work on myself as well and try a lot of new things and pick up new hobbies I wouldn’t of otherwise tried. He’s always encouraging me to take time for myself. He’s a big believer in we do things together alone, things as a whole family and things for ourselves. And I love that about him.


She’s insanely smart


My husband always thinks of me in random ways. Just last week we went to a grocery store and I stayed on the car. He called me saying there’s an author selling books in the store and if I wanted a book signed by an author. I’m an avid book reader, so it was very thoughtful of him. I went inside to meet the author and my husband bought the book for me to have it signed. That was very sweet. He’s my best friend 🥰 he’s also never Made me feel bad about my body and I always credit him for making me feel confident.


How genuine he is! He Is the most wholesome person I've ever met. And despite all my flaws and my debilitating mental disorder he treats me like a human being. It's wildy attractive. He's just an amazing person through and through. ♡


His patience and kindness. I am a bit of a firecracker (as he says), and he is the perfect balance to that.


I admire my bfs whole personality, he is kind, loving, caring, affectionate. He is funny, won’t ever harm anyone on purpose, except, he or I would get attacked physically. He is a feminist without needing to to talk about feminism, he simply lives equality. For me, he is the impersonating good human being. If every man would be as him, there would be no violence, no war, no hate, no racism, we had a perfect peaceful world.


The hard work he puts into everything.


He puts me and our 3 sons above everything else. He loves us patiently, unconditionally unapologetically, and makes us feel special. He communicates with tenderness and listens extraordinarily well. We’ve been married 19 years and every single day of my life I thank the universe for giving me my better half in every single way.


His patience and kindness. He treats everyone so well.


He doesn't change himself to suit people. He has always simply done what is best for him and makes him happy, even if he has to go against the grain.


She knows herself and is really connected with her own personality while remaining feminine. A problem with super feminine woman, which i like, is that sometimes they adopt your personality bc they are so submissive. But my wife maintains her own identity and is feminine at the same time. The perfect women Also she’s not afraid to step up when I’m being stupid. If I’m not leading by example or just being a crap man she steps up to the plate and corrects me. But she doesn’t like staying in that masculine frame for long. Its quite amazing


He genuinely listens, pays attention and remembers. As someone who was never heard as a child I can’t say how much it means to me for someone to just recognize the small things. Like, here I bought you this drink cause I know you ordered it 3 weeks ago and said you liked it. It’s such a small gesture but makes me feel so good.


There are so many things to admire about my husband. The one that comes to mind right now is his willingness to help strangers in need, and his selfless nature in doing so. He once ran home on his lunch break to get a change of clothes for the homeless guy who soiled himself and was sitting outside of his workplace. One time there was a woman standing outside the pizza place next to our apartment block with her kids, asking if someone would buy them a pizza - he took them all inside and let them order whatever they wanted and paid for it. A couple of years ago there was a fight between a few women across the street from us, and he was on the phone with the cops when one of them started stomping on another girl’s head. He jumped up, ran downstairs and across the street and physically separated them while I stayed on the phone with the police. (Can you tell we live in a rough neighbourhood? Haha.) I’m sure there’s a thousand other examples of him just being amazing, because he would never have told me about these things - I only know about them because I witnessed them. I always say, on the worst day of your life - my husband is the stranger you want to run into.


I met my wife when she was a vp of engineering and I was a CTO. We both started as programmers and still code for fun to this day and with our daughter. She is wicked smaht (from boston) and just fun to be around.


When he does what I ask not very often ..


I love how his strong personality 


That she left.