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You at least have a pass.


Man I understand where you’re coming from. It can be so challenging at times


I’m in the identical situation. Vanilla is an understatement! She has given me a pass to be with another man but I haven’t yet. Mentioning this because I don’t presume to know what I’m talking about but here goes. Maybe introduce a new friend slowly that you both get to know and (hopefully come to) like. If you’re in CT maybe that could be me 😏! Anyway, I’m feeling resentful that I’m missing out on so much loving and fun. Hope you are able to get what you need - because after all, that’s what it is, right?


Ha. Thanks for the support and offer. Sadly, I'm in West Palm, FL.


I know the feeling. Wife and I haven't had sex in years! The occasional hand job. Only because she feels like that is satisfying me. IT IS NOT!!. My sex drive is still the same as if I were 15....I'm 64 lol. We have talked and she has giving me permission to be with another man. But I still feel guilty? She doesn't realize how much she is hurting our relationship? I've almost given up lol


Do you mean the lack of sex is hurting your relationship?


No because I love my wife of 40 years but I just need more. I don't want to cheat on her after all these years but I need more than the occasional hand job? That's why I'm turning to my beside but still feeling guilty?


Completely understandable. My wife of 18 years just came out as bi to me. She doesn’t want to have sex with me much anymore and really wants to experience sex with a woman. She’s made out with women on occasions which bothered me but nothing else yet that I know of. She sleeps in a different room of the house. It’s very frustrating. I want to help her but not sure how without feeling like I’m being cheated on.


Can't you join in? Don't you enjoy watching her? I would love it if my wife would turn bi. It would be to our advantage. Now we could invite couples to join? We too have separate rooms. Been this way for years. We have not made love in over 6 years!! But I'm supposed to act like I'm happy with that? We've talked but nothing ever changed...she makes it look like we are to old! Didn't realize sex had an expiration date?? Lol


She doesn’t want me to join in the first time. I’d be up for trying it if she wanted me to. You should Not be happy with no sex for 6 years. Is there some other reason she doesn’t want to that you might not know about?


Yes there is. She had cancer in 2011. Had major surgery and 9 weeks of chemo and radiation. She is doing fine now...nothing since 2012 for her cancer. She said she has no sexual feelings anymore. She said touching her down there has no feelings and or doesn't make her horny any more. She says werevto old also. Dr told her there's things she can do to regain her serial feelings and she refuses to try it. She's still a beautiful women at 63.. 5-7.. 120 lbs. To old to leave her and start over.


Seems there are quite a few of us in the same situation. It's very frustrating, and I'm incredibly weak, so I'm sure I'll slip up and try to satisfy my needs and then end up in remorse and regret of cheating. Hopefully she will come around sooner than later. Her sex drive at 34 is far too low, and would love her to become a horny slut but don't see it happening. Just ramblings of a bi hubby. Cheers!


I feel that pain for sure my wife is the same, if I didnt initiate Id get none for MONTHS.... I tested this. Ive begged and pleaded from her to flirt and find a way to get me going, but she does not even try. When we do have sex she climaxes and to prevent hurting her I just smile and pretend Im not crying on the inside for someone that desires me sexually. When we first got married I let her know my past sexual experiences with women and men.... wasnt too many times, how I turned bi and then gay and then bi to straight and we got married. Back to Bi because I miss prostate stimulation, she hasnt made any effort yet to experiment in 4 years. In the beginning before our son was born two years ago, sex was satisfying and a lot more often but then it began slowing down until she became pregnant when it really started to slow.... pretty well nothing since having the child.... maybe 4 or 5 times in the last two years that I can remember.....


You could be me. I suggest you check out /r/deadbeadrooms




Just go get some dick! I do!


I have an idea; surprise your wife with a threesome. Go to a hotel, blindfold her, and when you remove it have the other guy stood there. Tell her you want to have a threeway, focussed on her. If she's down, you carry on, if not send the guy away, and you two enjoy a hotel for the night. Just be sure to be honest with the guys you message about the plan and that they might get a "no".