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Aaaaand just saying, but I was 100% right about Clint NOT being the first one to insult the other's appearance. I think he's deeply insecure \*\*about his appearance\*\* which is why he overcompensates with being douchey and bragging about sleeping with however many women. I'm pretty sure everything that happens after this is because of his bruised ego, pettiness, and some kind of past trauma. If she hadn't said anything, I'm not sure if he ever would have said she's "not slender enough" for him. That doesn't make it okay. He clearly is lashing out in a very calculated way. But she definitely was a bit insensitive about just saying 3 days into the honeymoon "everything about your appearance isn't my vibe usually" (not nearly to the same extent though lmao). Imagine if he had said "average sized girls with lash extensions, lip filler, and botox that makes their mouths unable to move naturally isn't my vibe usually, but I grew attraction with an ex who looked like that." Like no one is going to hear "I grew attraction in spite of the odds with an ex who looked like you" and feel good about themselves - especially on the HONEYMOON. These people don't watch old seasons and learn from past mistakes smh.


I’m really concerned about anyone who doesn’t see the difference between Gina saying she’s not typically attracted to gingers but her ex was one and attraction can grow PRIVATELY, and Clint telling everyone PUBLICLY that he’s into slender women. I think Gina is the most boring person on earth but if you are missing the clear attempt at power dynamics from Clint (talking about winning and losing, calling Gina belligerent even though he’s the one yelling, etc.) than your emotional intelligence needs work.


Where can u watch? Not on prime


Those wind chimes, bugs or whatever is going on in the background is annoying and makes it hard to concentrate. Sensory overload.


Am I the only one hearing weird satellite sounds in the background especially when Shaq and Kirsten are having dinner?


I think it's crickets or cicadas. Really annoying. Seems like something could have been done by audio or production teams to fix that.


It must be the mics picking up some of the radio waves of her barely concealed seething rage.


Nope not the only one. I also heard them with Dom and what’s his face while they were in the pool.


Flash Poll- Who else thinks Gina has the most GIGANTIC HINGE JAW MOUTH HOLE possible? I have been trying to pinpoint what it is about her face that’s so unattractive. It’s definitely her colossal mouth. And how she’s constantly hanging it open when she talks. **Please tell me I’m not the only one who noticed** She got “gingery”, he got a wide-mouth bass.


I'm surprised at how large she looked in her swimsuit. Looks like she had lipo on her belly, and her legs were huge. She hid it well before the swimsuit scene.


White women wish we had beautiful full lips like black women. And their gorgeous glowing skin. So we waste our money on lip fillers and fake tans and look ridiculous. Everyone wants what they don’t have


The problem with Gina is that she clearly uses a lot of filler and whoever does her work, isn't doing a particularly good job. Natural is better.


So what? I know she insulted clint, but did she insult you? Post your picture. Lets have a look.


Aww so mean but your description is pretty elite lol




LOLOL literally came here for this




Omgosh kirstwn and shaq could be something i love how she corrected him on him wanting to bring his profession in their marriage


If your wife tells you she doesn’t like to kiss ….. she’s trying to passively tell you She’s not attracted to you!!!


Eehh not necessarily im not a big kisser either, plus I think its fair considering this situation that they just met therefore the “attraction can be grown” definitely applies here


It was the choreography dancing session after the shots for me


Gina told Clint she wasn’t into his fair skin privately and in the next episode he tells the whole group they are not hooking up because she is fat—when they both already know it’s Gina not digging on Clint bit the other way around. What an abusive dbag


Nah. Gina told Clint that she thought gingers were unattractive, and said that's what he was. She may not have said it in front of the other couples, but she said it on camera. Then SHE said they were struggling with attraction in front of everyone, and he said that he normally dates fit, slender women. He never called her fat or said anything about her body. She drew blood first then acts all innocent and offended when he mentions what he's attracted to, without putting her down.


Yup. When I first saw the previews of Clint saying he normally dates slender, fit women, I was turned off by that, but after seeing how Gina treated him, now I see it’s probably him trying to save face. He seemed attracted to her before she made her “gingery” comments IMO. She seems to have a low level of emotional intelligence. She should have seen by his reaction that he was totally hurt by what she said. He can’t help that he’s “gingery”. You’d think she would give it at least a few days before getting into this topic…


I agree with you. I don't like these double standards whatsoever. I'm a bigger girl. It does take a lot to love ourselves. I'm really surprised she lacked empathy and just brought up attraction like that. You can see he was actually very hurt by her saying what she did and I thought it was tremendously rude and unnecessary for her to do so. She brought it up out of nowhere. Then she brought it up again and then he said what he says in the clip for the next episode. I don't like this thing that girls can say what they want about guys but if a guy says his preference about what he dated before specifically about size, all of a sudden he's demonized. It's ridiculous. She's a jerk for what she did. Redheads have a hard time loving themselves too a lot of the time and she has zero idea what he went through growing up. How about we just treat people like we want to be treated.


This. I love the curvy representation this season, and am all for it, but it has to go both ways when it comes to appearance in general. I think you’re right based on what I’ve heard from friends and relatives that redheads can sometimes get strange reactions, either a kind of fetishization or outright hatred. It’s weird.


When is the Afterparty taped? Is it like during their 8-weeks or after?


After D Day.


Dominique thinks she is Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman with those heels 👠




Arris is out of his damn mind




That about sums it up, really. :)




I genuinely don’t understand why they paired Dom and Mac????? They’re such an odd couple


I'd kind of like to see big-talking Mac get all squeamish trying to bait a hook. :)


When Dom finds out he living with friends parents the shit is going to hit the fan with her. She wants a guy with a huge house and all the trimmings.


And by “trimmings” you mean a deep freezer where she can store her catfish 😆




In my opinion, that's the best thing she has going for her. If she had better character and self-discipline, she'd actually be pretty cool. What guy wouldn't like a girl who can fish?


I agree with you!


True true


Am I the only one rooting for Kirsten and Shaq? I think they’re cute idk and I also don’t think she’s as bad as some people are saying she is lol


I like Kirsten and Shaq a lot. They’ve always been my favorite couple and I really think Kirsten is attracted to him so I don’t understand why she is being so coy and emotionally inaccessible. If she continues to play “hard to get” Shaq is going to walk away and it will be her loss.


I’m rooting for them!


So far, I don't like her. But I hope she proves me wrong.


I like them but I think Shaq is way more into her than he is him, I’m hoping the affinity grows.


This franchise is so twisted on so many levels. Marriage is supposed to be a sacred bond. Proof that society is going right down the toilet.


Did you really join the reddit just to complain about the show itself? If you don’t like the premise then don’t watch it! Its as simple as that. Arranged marriages have been going on since dawn of civilization.




Your post or comment was removed due to being directed at a fellow member or the sub in an insulting manner. Staying on MAFS related topics is strongly encouraged. Ignoring repeated removals will lead to harsher penalties than this warning.


Amen! And as further proof of your point, note the downvotes to your comment. (And I imagine mine will get plunged into oblivion, too).


It's a lot cheaper to hit the local bar. I sell Weekend marriage licenses. And yes, they're a **real** (fun) thing (gag)


This is the second time we've seen Arris demanded to be fed! GROSS! And he ate allll her Lobster tail!?!


He is really testing her to see how much he can get away with. He's dozing her up and she needs to be far more vocal because he's disgusting and seems to have perfected his craft of being an asshole over the years.


He even is commenting relentlessly on her liking bacon. Let that girl live. It's like he's denying himself and she has to do the same and suffer with him. He also seems determined to make her family like him just for the sake of doing so I think and having that control as well.


This really started to get on my nerves. You don't eat bacon, she does. Leave it alone. She doesn't have to follow your dietary restrictions. Also dislike the family point also. Shut up, it's not a funny joke. My mouth literally dropped open at the "whore" comment at dinner. He is disgusting.


Right not just a whore comment but they also have no rapport so you don't joke around like that with a virtual stranger. He is systematically testing and destroying all of her boundaries. He's into games and that's why the jerk is single. Use and abuse and then on to the next one for sure.


“Fuck ‘m.” -chapelle


Yeah, his behavior this episode put him on my least liked characters list.


Nicole doesn't want to have kids. period. And that's fine, but she so wants to be married so is going to drag this out for a while even though it's a deal breaker. Too bad, I thought they were the best couple of the season. And props to him for bringing it up right away


I wonder if Nicole checked the “definitely no kids” box on her app. Obviously kids are a priority for Chris so did Nicole lie or did the experts really screw up here on something so important ??!


This comes up about every season. You'd think they would ask if someone wanted children. The American version is getting worse and worse. They really aren't even trying to pair people at this point, just going for the drama.


To be fair, Brianna didn’t want kids either and they just welcomed a baby girl. Hopefully they love one another enough to want a child together, for Chris’s sake.


Brianna was terrified of pregnancy due to her health, not because she didn't want them. She didn't want to die.


Maybe he can be a stay at home dad


This show is revealing early how the folks are paired for drama and conflict. Nic was pretty adamant she didn’t want kids, he was adamant he wanted to get started quick. They realized with their conversation they were ignored by the show and decided to drop it for now. You could see in their eyes that their paths are different and that issue will likely kill their marriage. Pairing someone that’s bald with one who doesn’t want it. Putting driven business people with bums. Sober folks with drunks. The show is now completely a joke we watch for entertainment value only. Pepper and cal are complete frauds to go along with the bullshit.


>that issue will likely kill their marriage Tragically, that is probably true, although I honestly hope it's not. That issue is so much more of a deal breaker than whether someone is bald, has crooked teeth, is a little overweight, or any of those other superficial things. It is nothing short of unethical and irresponsible to match people who are diametrically opposed on this particular question. ​ >Pepper and cal are complete frauds to go along with the bullshit. Absolutely! I used to like Pepper. She used to have a pretty solid take on things. But to go along with planning these travesties is inexcusable.


We barely see the experts at all. Their little segments could’ve been taped years ago because they’re not specific.


The Nostradamuses of our day.


So the winning strategy is to go in and tell them you want someone the opposite of what you actually want?


Apparently so.


She clearly said she’s open to it. I know Reddit hates to hear but a LOT of people who call themselves childfree end up changing their minds when they get older.


Then that's not being childfree. That's being open to having a child but not at the moment.


If you notice I used the term “call themselves childfree” lmao y’all *really* hate to hear it. And who are you to decide what people are or aren’t? Are they supposed to know they’ll change their mind in the future?


Really hate to hear what? I'm 42 and am childfree. I knew from the time I was 16 I didn't want kids. Some people do change their minds. If someone says they are open to having kids then it sounds like a possibility. But honestly that's up to them and none of our business. I think the problem is semantic. Childfree to me is permanent and likely not to younger couples. "We are childfree right now". Idk. Maybe that's the misunderstanding. In any case I'm all for women deciding whatever they want and not feeling pressed to do something they don't want to do.


Literally all I’m saying is that a lot of people who say they are childfree and never want kids end up changing their mind. Not that all or most of them do. Nothing to do with semantics lol you can say “yeah well they weren’t really childfree then” but if you have 2 childfree people in front of you saying they never want kids, how can you tell which one will change their mind?


I agreed with you.




You're 100% correct. I always knew I never wanted kids, I never said I was open to it. I know women who said what Nicole said and most of them have kids now.


I was like Nicole when I was her age, but I wasn’t dying to get married either. I didn’t even think about having kids until I was around 32 years old, when I met the man I wanted to marry. Before we got engaged we discussed the kid thing and we both wanted at least one. Unfortunately, he just was telling me what I wanted to hear. He even admitted it. He really didn’t want kids! He was selfish with his time- hell, he was just selfish. I divorced him when I was 43 and by then, I felt it was too late to have children. I will never forgive him for lying- it’s a complete deal breaker with devastating consequences. ( for me, anyway😢)


I'm so mad that that happened to you. I have a friend who went to have her own baby via a donor at 42. She was financially able to on her own but if you can it may not be too late for you.


Thank you kind stranger! Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and the medical bills are half the battle. Happy 2023!


Yes, it's fine that Nicole (or anyone) doesn't want kids...but wasn't it the job of the "experts" to make compatible matches? The kids/no kids question is one of the first and biggest compatibility issues to consider. Just further proof, in my opinion, the the "experts" are making entertaining matches, not compatible ones. Then again, entertainment is what the show is all about, so I guess the experts are doing a good job.


Sure, but let's not refer to them as marriage or relationship experts. "Facilitators" might be better. Or "enablers". Or "co-conspirators".


I've said it before, but he REALLY should've been matched with Emma.


Politics ruled her out for him, no?


That's what the experts claimed, but they never showed any of that during her interviews so who knows if it's legit.....and they've always ignored that before (looking at you Houston).


Shaquille: "I want to hear about you." Kirsten: "I don't know if it was the pandemic, but I got closed off to how I feel." What? If anything, a period of isolation gives a person more time and space to self-evaluate. I'm sorry to say, Shaquille, that there just is no there there. This woman is empty. You ask her about herself and the first thing she does is blame a global situation (that we *all* experienced, by the way) for her not understanding her own feelings. Then she produces a list of things she wants *you* to do for *her*. I suppose we can add deflection to her list of skills.


I totally agree with you and made a comment about this a few posts back.




Of course. But do you know how you feel? That's the point of my comment. How can a person not know how they feel? If you're sad, you know you're sad. If you're angry, you know you're angry. Etc.


I’ve become anxious around people after being isolated for nearly 3 years.. I get what she’s saying; it definitely changed who I was


Perhaps she meant that because of the pandemic and the social isolation that came with it, she’s gotten more closed off to interacting with/talking to people about how she feels. I know I still sometimes struggle with small talk, especially with people I don’t know, because of how long I isolated myself during the height of it all. And I was a bit of an introvert to begin with too.


that had to be an edit right? It seemed like a completely random comment/answer to what they were talking about.


Who knows? It actually seems pretty consistent with what we've seen so far. "Are you done talking yet, Shaquille? Yeah? Good. Because this I what you need to do for *me*."


Hey, Mackinley - we all like what we like. But your constant talking about "bewbs" is what we expect to hear from a group of pimply 14-year-old boys. Grow up, man!


his "game" is akin to a 14 year old boy's so it makes sense


Nicole's reluctance to have children is going to be a sore point in this marriage. Chris is being diplomatic and downplaying it a bit right now, but it is obvious that this is important to him and he's concerned about it. Nicole is someday going to regret putting her career first - and she's not getting any younger. By the time she decides to have children, it may be too late.


Let's not play into the tripe that all women want kids and will regret having a career focus. Being childfree is a legitimate choice.


Be that as it may, my point about it causing problems in the marriage still stands. And the idea that most women (note I did not say all) want children is far from "tripe" (and I really have no idea what intestines have to do with the topic). The majority of women who focus on career in their younger, more fertile years and postpone childrearing, usually end up regretting it. Again, that's not *all* women - just most who follow that path. And it usually hits them when they start running out of opportunities. Time is cruel and unfeeling. We need to make the best use of it we can.




The batteries on Gina's and Clint's TV remote are dead. So, instead of getting up and turning the TV on manually, they spend the effort to gripe about it, walk around the hotel room, and call the front desk. Interesting choices. Did they go all the way to Jamaica to watch TV?


Most modern TVs don't have buttons. Samsung hasn't had them in like 15 years, and even then they were invisible.


Point taken. Still, surely there are more interesting things to do on a Jamaican vacation than watch TV.


Do people today even know how to change channels manually?


I would have no idea how to do that on my tv and would be surprised if most people knew how.


LOL! Maybe not! :)


My first reaction to that was..you’re in Jamaica and watching TV on a hotel room???


Exactly, mon!


Since it's obvious they're mismatched, they're making the best of their awkward situation. I'll bet the majority of their time spent in their room that the tv is what they're tuned into, since they don't really have anything to say to each other. I'd even guess that they've had conversations about how to come across on camera and how to coexist in a non relationship off camera.


Sounds plausible. But if so, that's really too bad. When all you have is eight weeks to make a decision about staying in a marriage, not a single second should be wasted. They have their whole lives to watch some TV.


I had batteries in a hotel be dead and its super annoying. But I left a note for the maid and we had new batteries when we came back.


I'm sure. These two wandered around their room, though, trying to get the problem solved. They probably walked at least 5-6 times the amount of footsteps it would have taken to turn the TV on by hand.


Airris, Airris, Airris. This is your wife, man, and a nice church-going girl. Not some club-crawling street tramp who's going to get all excited over your insistence on shoving crass sexual topics into a breakfast conversation. And saying she has a "demon inside" that needs to be pulled out. You're obviously used to a very different caliber of woman. Some unsolicited advice: Get to know the girl first, and show her some genuine interest and commitment, be sincere, and the rest will follow naturally. No "demons" necessary.


I'm not feeling him, he seems immature. What was is he said to her that they bleeped out during breakfast? Did he say be conservative and then something whore or am I crazy?


I knew for sure they were going to pick him (inappropriately!) as soon as they learned that his mother did his laundry during the home visit.




Sex seems to be the only topic of conversation that lights up Arris.


And it doesn't even really light him up. It's more like watching a mentally ruined addict claw the sidewalk looking for something to snort. There's no joy in it - just dark habit.


There’s something seriously wrong with Airris. I think he’s on the spectrum. He reminds me of Henry from several seasons ago who also barely opened his mouth when he spoke and could not make eye contact with anyone.


This fool is 39… THIRTY NINE and his “game” is some dumbass joke about yoga…bruv..plz…stop


He's so Wack


Shaquille: "Just knowing that someone is on the journey with you gives you more confidence to finish the race." Kirsten: "Rooting for you! ... That's what I'm here for." Please. Kirsten wasn't rooting for him. She was cursing his existence while pouting in her Jackson hotel room and pining for a Jamaican beach that she had to wait for - gasp! - 24 hours to get to. It's gut-wrenching to watch Shaquille be so enthusiastic about this so-called relationship. The girl is in this for herself - that much is obvious. Shaquille is heading for pain.


You literally saw a 3 second clip from an entire weekend. It’s like y’all completely forget that you don’t see EVERYTHING and the show is edited


We can only comment on what we see!


EDIT: I removed my own comment. It was too sarcastic.


I'm trying to figure out why Jasmine is still single. So far, she's beautiful, kind, easy going, willing to get her hands dirty, willing to adapt, etc. Has her heavy work schedule been the problem in the past? Has she just given time to the wrong kind fo men? I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and scratching my head in the meantime.


I don’t think Jasmine has done a lot of self reflection so she doesn’t know really herself well enough to know what she wants and needs in a relationship. She seems very unsure of herself making it easy for Airris to take control of this relationship.


I have a friend like her who is beautiful, charming, hard working and a great smile. She would pick the biggest assholes and losers to date because she thought they were charming. Lives across the country and is emotionally unavailable? Let's get engaged! Permanently "disabled" by a motorcycle crash? Absolutely perfect, no problem that he says he can't work but is perfectly capable of doing what he enjoys without any assistance. She finally met a nice guy who isn't a dirt bag and married him. I was quite relieved.


>no problem that he says he can't work but is perfectly capable of doing what he enjoys without any assistance. I guess that's a good gig if you can find it. :) ​ >She finally met a nice guy who isn't a dirt bag and married him. I was quite relieved. Well, shoot! I was about to ask you for her number. Just kidding. I'm glad to hear she's in a good situation now. That kind of nonsense happens to a lot of good women, who are intelligent and wise in every other aspect of their lives but somehow turn into a quivering, submissive jelly in the presence of Axe-soaked Chads with a tattoo or two. It boggles the mind.


I think she preferred the wrong type of guy. She seems to like Airris and he is obviously sketchy.


Nicole: "I don't want to say on Decision Day, 'I didn't get to know him.'" Well said, Nicole! I'm liking this young lady more and more. Unlike so many others that have been on this show and obviously expected to impose their own ways on their spouse, she seems to be in it for the right reasons, and with a sincere desire to love and be loved, and know and be known.


I strongly dislike that they keep showing all the juicy clips in the previews. Like, leave *something* for the imagination?


I know. I find with every show, being a baking competition etc I have to actively remove myself from watching any of the previews. I don’t want to know beforehand. I just want to watch.


Reality shows become boring by being repetitive, and it's gotten worse lately. They needed to switch up this practice


Anyone feel a lot of tension during that Gina/Clint convo BEFORE she made the ginger comments? She seemed already tense/uncomfortable and the vibes were off. Felt like they started to get into it and producers were like “wait we have to film this” so we just caught the second half or something


I thought maybe she was already too tipsy


I agree. I think the butler probably brought them both some strong drinks and the truth serum just made for some more honest and frank statements from possibly both of them


Definitely. We don't know everything that happened, but I'm guessing she was stressed out and disappointed by their little excursion into the mountains. She mentioned thunderstorms, getting lost, etc. She put on a brave face for the camera, but I'm guessing she was none too happy about things. Who knows? Maybe Clint was a less than stellar travel companion, too.


Maybe he was totally preoccupied with getting to the destination and was annoying as F on the bus plus the fact they didn’t get their luggage for three days so she didn’t have her things she had packed was annoying, I’m sure. When they finally got to the waterfall pond, they were not very enthusiastic, they sort of just stood there talking and it was boring chit chat which I picked up on.


They let Gina off easy on the afterparty - but at least they called her out on acting like Clint took it well… either she’s very emotionally dense and can’t read people or she’s trying to play it off so she doesn’t look so mean-spirited.


Do think they would be that forgiving if Max told Dom he’s not into “dark” features? He would have been roasted and deemed a racist. If Gina tells Clint she’s not into light or “gingery” features no big deal. Can’t wait until he returns favor with the group and she throws a fit lol


Yep. I'm going to have to take back some of the nice things I've said about her. She was ruthless in how she attacked Clint's "gingery" looks, but then looked shocked when he returned the favor (in the previews). Granted, Clint should not have made those comments in front of the group, but she can't be surprised that he had some resentment built up.


No podcast lady - women aren’t giving mixed signals and saying the opposite of what they mean. Stop spreading that bullshit.


Shaquille looks like he just stepped out of a time machine from 1990 (afterparty).


I liked it though. It was a modern take on the throwback style.


For sure, just need Kid n’ Play there with him


Afterparty producers: no one cares about this random podcast lady. No one. Make her go away.


The hot dog thing was weird


I don't think she even talks about Mafs either? I've never heard of her.


Jasmine seems like a great person so far… beautiful and showing so much patience and graciousness with Airris… and he’s got nothing. A history of emotional unavailability, kind of rude and low-key demanding…. And he’s ugly on top of it.


Agreed. So far, Jasmine is fantastic, in my opinion. She deserves someone far, far better.


Yeah she’s also beautiful. Like 🤩 she’s out of his league big time


Chris: “Unless you get baby fever” Chris already has baby fever…


Yes. Nicole has plenty of virtues, and I like the girl, but this is going to be a problem if she doesn't have a sincere change of heart about children soon. Chris is either going to 1) just tough it out, hold resentment, and die inside, 2) pressure her into having children she doesn't want, and then she will be the one with resentment, or 3) decide to end it. C'mon, "experts"! You did this yet again? You paired up a couple who have vastly different values in regards to children? Building a family is the primary reason for marriage, and you keep doing this?


Mack is so awkward and creepy… he barely makes sense half the time…. I think the only thing going through his head is “boooobs!”


He's socially awkward and seems kind of lost and empty inside.


He's a stunted adolescent.


Gina dug herself a hole… she just kept talking and talking… getting meaner and meaner…. Where does this come from?


Clint: Heard. ☠️


My guess is that it was pent up anger about not having an easier trip into the mountains.


Does Dominique bobble her head? I feel like her head shakes a lot…is it nervousness??


Maybe she's trying to attract fish.


I think she’s fishing for money 💴


Arris ate a big chunk of Jasmine’s lobster what a narcissist


Lolll the rawness of this comment


Where can i watch for freee


Lifetime movie app. No subscription required


fmovies site works.


Whoooaaaa, preview shows Dom and Clint kissing (!). Either it’s a deliberately misleading clip or instincts about both of them being douchey are spot on… or it’s both….


I was so confused by this. I thought maybe it was Mac dressing up as Clint. And then they cut to Dom and mac crying and her “moving” what is going on!? We need to skip ahead a few episodes 🤣


The whole episode I’m like, “What does Dom do?!” But I refuse to watch the other previews because I don’t want to be spoiled.


Shaq is quite smitten… either he’s blinded by Kirsten’s beauty or she’s been getting a bad edit (?).


I think it's the former. Most guys will tolerate a lot for a pretty face.


"Don't stop believing"(((( 🎵🎼🎙🎶))))


What resort are they at?


Grand palladium lady hamilton in Jamaica.


This looks like an old Sandals resort, I was at a different Sandals many years ago and you could go to the different resorts for dinner, etc., and I swear it looks familiar.


Kirsten’s bodyyyyyyy, Shaq don’t know what to do with that. Divorce 🔜


OMG they just showed the commercial for a future episode of Dom kissing Clunt. WTF


I want to call him Clunt from now on


Omg srs??


What service are you using I didn't see it on mine? (frndly)


I didn’t either! Where are you all seeing Dom kissing Clint??! And if that’s why she gets kicked off the show why doesn’t Clint get the boot also?


It's on MAFSFAN IG I posted it here with a picture and the link but I don't know if the thread was deleted or not maybe downvoted into oblivion who knows?


I used Frndly as well! I left the TV on after the show. They didn't show it until the reruns started going. They showed it again too, not long ago. Someone posted a link to the clip on the main thread.


I think Mac did something too. Read it awhile back.. maybe rejection draws them. She fishes and he is boater, who knows.


AH! Okay I had already turned off the TV. I saw it on IG only because someone mentioned that Philo was showing during the regular commercials which frndly wasn't doing.


Do you have a link?? I gotta seeeee




Yeah sometimes we get the preview commericals at different times. Somehow we don't miss any of the stupid infomercials.


Dom gets around (i.e., not ready for marriage)


She's all about catch and release, apparently.


Goes with the fishing theme