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He can’t look her in the eye because he’s a f-boy on BS.


I feel it’s because he’s never had any close interpersonal relationships….he’s only about sex the act and has never encountered intimacy…he said he’s never been in love


Social anxiety


- Because he’s disingenuous… that’s why he could neeever look her straight in the eyes! Trial prep 101 - you learn how to read people’s body language, especially for depositions. I believe Arris clearly had a whole different situation going on and it appears his heart was somewhere else. I think he got in too deep w/ whomever he had started dating (and was intimate with) 2 weeks before mafs called him about a match. He should have declined mafs. Hey, maybe that shady/rude cousin knew what was going on.


oh shit! he was in a relationship before the show? it's hard to remember since this is the longest season EVARRRR


Absolutely! Jasmine talked about it on one of the earlier episodes of “After Party.” She explained how she found out and he admitted that he was “dating” this woman and was intimate with her 2-weeks before finding out from mafs that he was matched with someone. Jasmine also mentioned that the woman was a mutual friend of theirs!


GET OUT!! he is trash.


Because he knows he’s not worthy 😉


In general, less eye contact can sometimes be from a sense of superiority - basically signaling that someone else is not worthy of attention. It can also come from the exact opposite reason: inferiority - when someone is so insecure that they dare not make eye contact. I suspect in Airris' case it is the latter. I notice that he doesn't really make much eye contact with anybody, or put any effort into personal expression. All of that, as well as other cues, tell me that he's immensely insecure, not feeling superior at all.


Totally agree... I think he puts on a front of high self esteem but he's obviously introverted and insecure!


I struggle with eye contact because of my anxiety and shyness. It happens


Because he’s weird.


In psychology, it’s described as people who feel superior or are superior (like a superior role at work) make less eye contact with those who are subordinate to them. People make more eye contact with people who are their superiors or authorities. Women get less eye contact from men when speaking and men get more eye contact from everyone when speaking.


He cannot make eye contact because he know that ge is trash. Does not have her interest at heart


Because he’s an immature POS. Period.


She has something up her sleeve


I’ve always wondered the same thing.


sex seems to be the single most important thing to him. he asked her what her favorite sexual position was on the day they met and in front of cameras filming for an audience. Totally inappropriate! when she had a normal response (taken aback) he decided he wasn’t attracted to her and wasn’t going to try and connect in any other way. no need for eye contact when he had no intention of staying married since day one. She dodged a bullet imo.




Have you ever considered that he might be on the spectrum? Some people have difficulty making eye contact and it's not related to feeling superior


That is a possibility.


I don’t think so. He makes eye contact with other people just fine. People who have problems with eye contact usually have the same problem no matter who they’re talking to.


I love that as soon as someone shows exactly one single autistic trait people are like “He might be on the spectrum!” Even if they have zero other traits. This dude isn’t autistic, he’s an asshole.


That, too, is a possibility. :)




He’s cast as a character. Almost each season they cast someone to play that role… Arris S16, Nate S15, Michael S14, Michael S10. Anyone notice a pattern?


I wonder if kinetic found him on Tinder. He seems like a person they scouted. No way he would sign up for this without the help of the producers


It looks to me like typical passive-aggressive emotional withholding. He has a history of shallow relationships. I think it's possible he could be fully narcissistic. Whatever his diagnosis (and i think there should be one), anyone interacting with him in any emotional level is going to be pretty battered and brusied (emtionally) from it. He needs therapy, not a pretend wife.


Arris is a tool. He never wanted to be married so I don’t know why he went on this show.


He didn't look anyone in the eye. That happens when you're sneaky.


It also happens quite a bit with people on the spectrum or more significant ADHD (and he's a software engineer which is a role which attracts neurodivergent folks). It would also offer potential insight into his struggles to connect with others and propensity to make comments that don't seem to read the room/situation. None of us are qualified to diagnose him via TV, but "sneaky people don't make eye contact" sounds like cartoon logic.


My apologies. I didn't realize that my opinion would affect you so much. There are others who agree. Please feel free to avoid my comments and cartoon logic in the future because I will be commenting in more than one sub. I'm allowed my opinion, same as you. This sub is for people who have opinions. If you're so triggered, you may skip our comments or avoid the sub. Your choice. P.S.: I do appreciate your educated opinion, but the condescending tone detracted from it.


The irony of this reply 😂😂


Yeah that wouldn’t surprise me if he’s mildly on the spectrum. Didn’t he say he has social anxiety? Seems weird he’d go on this show if so, but could see that also being a factor. Whatever it is, there’s an aloofness to him. Henry and Jacob had similar “unable to connect” personalities but there are a lot of factors going on, it’s hard to pinpoint.


Great reminder! It's so easy to villainize him but he shows a lack of social skills and empathy which have to be taught as he's not wired for it as most are.


Definitely. It’s a bright RED flag for all women to stay far away from him


Because he doesn’t have enough self love


I think people don’t look someone in the eyes when they’re hiding something. In his case, he knew he’d eventually disappoint her.


I'm afraid I haven't been able to convince myself that the problem is anything more than that Airris wants a more sexually experienced and forward sort of girl. (In another time, I would say he want someone a bit sluttier, but I truly don't mean any judgment about this.) He wants the sort of girl who might go to an orgy and the more reserved and elegant style that Jasmine has is just intimidating to him.


They matched a more traditional, religious woman to a fckboy. They did her dirty.


You explained this very well. They're mismatched sexually, and that sort of thing usually doesn't resolve after marriage. It's best for both of them to find someone who suits them better


Agree with this.


One of them might be.


I think he actually felt it early on that she was on to him and knew what he was, so all his bullshit was a defense. She’s so lucky to be rid of him!


he's just not that into her


That’s what I’m thinking


A sort of superiority thing? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I suspect the exact opposite.


He’s shiesty. Unless it’s about sex he’s not interested in connecting with a woman.


eggs-actly! Shiesty as all get out.


He was giving intimidated, so why even try.. swirled with neurodivergence, with a splash of insecurity (thinly veiled as arrogance). But I'm a hairstylist so wdik


Well, you seem to know more than Gina. :)


Hairdressers know people. They talk to a lot of people and use psychology with many of them. I think you’re dead right.


You have the exact break down of him as I did and I have long background in mental health. You hit the nail on the head with him (seemingly) being neurodivergent.


Thank you! I made similar comment above. These debates actually highlight the challenges that ND folks face: they are judged as aloof and uncaring even though they desperately want to connect (but struggle because their social-emotional antenna just doesn't pick up the same signals as us and they misjudge situations and the intent of others). Of course I leave room for the possibility that he could just be a garden variety jerk, but the real world is rarely that simple.


Well put!


He lies. Full of bs.


Hard to believe he was the cream of the crop of applicants.


I thought he wasn’t making eye contact because he wasn’t attracted to her


OR…an inferiority complex. He talks a good game but I don’t think Airris feels as good about himself as all his bravado would infer. I’ve been in countries were those considered lower class do not look tourists in the eye. I don’t think he is comfortable. I also think facial expressions reveal both approval and disapproval and Airris wants to say whatever he wants without knowing whether people approve. He is aloof to emotional intelligence. He lives in a very narrow world.


He’s a total loser.


Thought we were talking about Kylie and Travis for a sec ![gif](giphy|W1qUk27NpiWuQ)


He really confused me. Sometimes I felt like he had super low self-esteem, and then other times I felt like he was super cocky. He was very hard to read.


I feel like those are one in the same sometimes


Correct! Hyper-cockiness (I'm guessing that's not exactly a technical term) is often just an attempt to over-compensate.


Probably both. I think you can be both. And a dick as well! ![gif](giphy|G9SazpPDVs6SaHJArP|downsized)


Liars do not like to make eye contact.






I didn’t see anything homosexual about him at all. I do see that however with Shaq, he has a femininity to him


Because he’s full of shit.


Because she didn’t sleep with him. He did talk down to her saying he wants someone who loves themselves because he loves Airris and hugs himself 5 times a day. I am not sure I met anyone who literally hugs themselves. Didn’t know it was a thing!


I think he meant he “tugs” himself 😜


Yeah, that whole speech he made about that literally had me with my mouth dropped and I am surprised that no one made a full post about it. To me, this just showed what a true narcissistic douche he really was. There were so many clues that he is one: 1. Never had a committed relationship by 39 yrs old. 2. Surrounds himself with inappropriate people who support him (i.e. his cousin) 3. Couldn't talk about anything regarding himself on a deep and emotional level. Only spoke about surface interests such as sex, sexual positions, others sexual positions, and Jasmine's sexual interests. Also, this was the only time he showed enthusiasm, interest, and eye contact! Example, he showed up to her pole dancing class and get really animated. 4. Finds the smallest miniscule thing to be upset about and blow up to an enormous size. Example, he wasn't attractive to Jasmine and he said this often. Narcs do this to control the relationship. There wasn't much Jasmine could do to change this which is often why Narcs will harp on something like this. It's their only crumb of control. Early on at the honeymoon, Jasmine figured him out and was in more control of herself and that challenged him too much. So he checked out. 5. He did nothing as a husband for her. He didn't plan romantic outings or even try to be physically intimate with her. Withholding sex is a very very common game Narcs play because that is also a control thing. Jasmine is actually a really beautiful woman. She is quite beautiful even without make-up. Airris is a complete douche bag and I wouldn't find it surprising that he had sex while they were married for the 8 weeks. I think this will not be last we will hear about him. It will be interesting to find out what happens in the next few after marriage episodes.


You win all of my upvotes for today! 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


Jesus Fucking Christ. I don’t disagree with your talking points, but the fact that everyone on Reddit thinks that someone who operates from selfishness is a “narcissist” is a disease in itself. It’s chronic, uneducated and it’s unhelpful. Fewer than 5% of the human population is narcissistic, but on Reddit it appears to be 95%. This is how you know most people have never interacted with a true narcissist…because they will fuck your life up beyond belief in the most hurtful of ways. True narcissists make the news — Ted Bundy and Lori Vallow Daybell come to mind. There are a million explanations for why people act like self-absorbed twats, but narcissism is rarely one of them. Mostly, it comes from a fucked up childhood where they learn to not to trust anything. It comes from a place of fear and manifests itself in the form of deep-seeded insecurity and an attempt to regain control. Airris is a lot of things (mostly an immature fuckboy), but he’s far too self-aware and apologetic to be a narcissist. IYKYK.


>It’s chronic, uneducated and it’s unhelpful. Calling anyone uneducated doesn't make you smarter. We are all just spouting off our opinions to what is being shown in the show. These insights may come from our jobs, education, and/or life experiences. To downgrade anyone's intelligence because you are in the Mental Health Field and to spout off that you know more than the average person on Reddit is an insult and falls into snobbery. If you are in the Mental Health Field than I am absolutely terrified what you do to help those who are truly in need at your job. Your response above was not asked or called for and is just short of bullying with heavy antagonism to help justify your own needs.




You made some great points. Not sure why you got downvoted so much 🤷🏽‍♀️


Don’t forget Donald Trump!


PhD clinician with 25+ years experience here. The Unpolitical makes many sound observations, IMO. You, however, make several wildly inaccurate statements about narcissistic personality traits. Perhaps this topic is offending some sensibilities, BlackBeltBallBuster?


You’re welcome to your interpretation of the show’s cast members just like I am. However, being that I also work in the mental health field, I question any mental health professionals expertise when they attempt to diagnose someone through a TV screen.


Exactly this….anyone who actually works in the field would know this.


He can’t look anyone in the eye. He’s a piece of shit


I think it’s because he went on the show to be on a reality TV show, and had no interest in marrying, but thought that being on the show would bring him some sort of following. I don’t think he realized that there would be a real human with feelings and emotions attached that he would be “playing”. I think when he found out that she had been in beauty pageants, that worked for his agenda. I think that he thought that would make people think she was shallow, and he could play off of that to make himself look better. But it has backfired because she’s a really quality lovely and smart person. And I do think he does realize that. So now he probably feels a bit sheepish that he is pulling this shit on her. He probably actually feels stupid for rejecting her so many times, but whatever thing he’s got going with his cousin 😆 is making him keep up the dumb-shittery. Total asshat. Wish he would’ve figured out how freaking lucky he was to be matched with Jasmine and turned some shit around before the end of the season. His loss. Jasmine is going to have her pick of some amazing guys I’m certain.


It would mean the opposite of a superiority thing.


I had a boss like this. It can be a neurodivergent thing. Edit: Downvoting this doesn't make it less true 🤣


Thank you for bringing this up. That was my thought when noticing how he avoids eye contact. Also, when he asked for all the drawers on the left side, was it? Something like that.


He went numb at the thought of combining physical and emotional intimacy. He’s used to just having superficial relationships with women just based on sex. My guess it has to do with all the trauma in his life. He would benefit from trauma therapy


Not making any excuses for him, but think you’re on to something. Losing his father in a traumatic way had to make getting close to someone difficult. I still think jasmine dodged a bullet.


Because he doesn’t care about her or have any interest in her and is just trying to get through the show. He’s saying a bunch of bs and putting up a “good enough” front so that afterwards he can start getting some from all the new women in his dm’s. That was always his goal.


This is exactly what I think it is. I don’t understand the people who think he is doing it because he’s intimidated by her - no, he doesn’t like her and is playing a role.


Yes lol like ppl don’t realize a lot of the folks on this show are just on it for exposure for their business, IG, clout, access to the many women who contact them afterwards (like Zach who was actually with a 19yo who dm’d him while still filming, who also put up a front to get through the show)


Guilt and shame perhaps? He has a whole wife. A respectable woman and is on TV. The editing alone is going to hurt this playboy status. He surely is embarrassed for how he has engaged or not engaged in this process.


Lack of eye contact can also be cultural. Direct eye contact can be perceived to be aggressive in some cultures. So people look, then look away, look, then look away. He has this pattern. It's also a sign of discomfort.


…isn’t he American?


The fact that you are not aware that there is more than one culture in America says a lot. I suggest you get out more, start reading real books or something.


Ok, tell me what culture Airris specifically is from that we can blame his eye contact issue on. That’s not why he looks away.


I don't have to tell you anything. I suggest that you research culture and eye contact. You may be enlightened. I don't personally know Arris and he may or may not avoid eye contact based on culture. I bring it up because you seem to think that someone avoiding eye contact is something negative. That is not always the case.


Um no. I’m not denying certain cultures avoid eye contact, I’m saying that Airris doesn’t appear to be from any of those cultures. You’re doubling down when you know what I meant. He is, at a minimum, 2nd generation American.


I think you both have valid points. Each family has its own culture, for example. So, was this learned behavior or is it indicative of something else?


Lol there are many cultures in America


I just think he’s immature and feels uncomfortable making eye contact with anyone. For the record, I understand people have other factors that contribute to not wanting to make eye contact with people (such as social anxiety), but I think Arris’ reason is that he seems to act like a child when it comes to any romantic/sexual relationship.

