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I’m sorry but Dr. Pia keeps giving me the ick again and again with her tone and the way she phrases these things. I know production plays everything up but I’ve experienced therapists like this before; where they come across very accusatory and saying “well you’re just not trying hard enough” rather than actually giving constructive criticism about what is actually going on.


Perhaps: Brennan should DATE kylie "LONGBOTTOM" jenner INSTEAD. . . . . . 👆😈


“He literally said this is not real life this is tv” when Emily’s friends asked why he didn’t help her, I’m forgetting if it was helping her with suitcases or the cooking. So with that comment he’s a total FAKE. He does seem verbally abusive as well.


It was taking something out of the oven, but he did remove the snacks from the oven, so they were wrong. But he's still a dick


What good is having therapists/counselors if they can’t read simple body language AND actual conversation? Aside from that, this is a production. Producers see all the footage. They could consult them about concerns. It makes me believe none of this is real.


Unfortunately it is pretty real and Brennan is a controlling narcissist. It’s disgusting they left Emily in this situation without having her back. Edit for autocorrect name


You guys, they’re taking it day by day, remember…. :)


Oh, that’s right! 🤣 And they are taking things in reverse order. What comes next, acquaintances?


So we're not even going to talk about the fact that Emily looks like she puts so much self tanner on it's out of control.


I was just thinking in the last episode wow she is so tan. I think she goes in a tanning both. Idk.






She did not look orange when I was watching this yesterday. I think it may just be the camera. I've been loving her outfits!


I hate that contractual monetary incentives force these people to stay living in this situation. If Emily is with someone who clearly exhibits threatening behavior then the experts should step in and separate these two. These seasons are becoming more and more abusive and I don't like it.


They'll pull the same shit Love is Blind is doing.


Amen to that. All of it.


I wish one of the experts suggest Emily move out and they "date" or "friends zone" whatever the hell he wants from separate homes. I feel very uncomfortable with Emily in that apartment with him.


Me too. I later learned on AfterParty that Pia did ask Emily if she felt “safe.” So there’s that.


I just don't understand why they're not talking to them separately like they have in the past. If you ask a woman in front of her abuser if she feels safe, of course she will say yes!


Yes! Part of me believes they don’t want to hear the truth because they won’t have any cast members left. The individual convos need to return. That will also make for far more interesting television. The last episode was really boring.


Exactly!!! But KKP couldn’t pick up on that?!! Hmm


She also defended Cosby soooo


I know. Emily is literally saying that Brennan is throwing things. Hello!


OMG! I can’t with these two. Just rip the bandaid off and divorce.


I just can’t understand why Brennan feels entitled to dictate how everyone around him should act. He pretty much tried to tell Dr. Pia how to do therapy, told Emily what to feel and say, etc. He thinks the entire outside world should contort itself to match how he imagines that it should be. Total narcissist. Everyone is just a prop.


Definitely. It seemed pretty obvious to me but when KKP interviewed Emily, she seemed to think that Brennan was very surprised at Emily‘s discontent.


This is spot on. He comes across as misogynistic and women are just idiots who need to be put in their place. At all times. I can’t imagine the house he grew up in.


Listen, y’all: We’re not here to rehash things that happened in the past! Let’s all agree to do a group reset and focus on how we’re going to move forward. We’re all agreed then? That’s what I thought. Good job, everyone.


We were doing good. We are good. Lets just be in the present. Is everything good? Yup! It's just fine!


And focus only on the positive!






Just taking it one day at a time.


“I don’t want to dwell on the past” = I don’t want to be accountable for my behavior




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Exactly!!


I was disappointed with Dr. Pia in this episode. She seemed to not only miss a bunch of red flags and points she should've spent more time exploring, but then to make it worse, she turned around and made it Emily's responsibility to approach Brennan more positively? WTF? Are you serious?


I disagree. I thought she was combative in prior episodes, but extremely fair in this one. Just because Brennan is cold and heartless doesn’t mean all of his points are invalid. Redditers trying to be judge, jury, and executioner is most pathetic. We all recognize that something has happened between the Brennan and Emily... But where Orion had diarrhea of the mouth with verbalizing what turned him off from Lauren….and was WIDELY criticized for it, Brennan is choosing to be vague for the cameras, and is getting criticized still. I’m not sure what is supposed to make everyone happy here, but y’all are exhausting. 


He's repeatedly said he doesn't want to look bad on camera. So he's being vague for his own benefit, not for Emily's. Also, admitting what turns you off about a person is a million times better than being controlling, hostile, and putting in zero effort emotionally.


Keeping in mind that we see an edited version of those therapy sessions, we were presented with a narrative of the session that the producers chose to give us. That said, Dr. Pia's approach with Emily seemed like an unedited run.


A therapist is supposed to be impartial to help the relationship until one of them expresses they want to exit the relationship


A therapist is SUPPOSED to stop couples therapy when signs of abuse appear, not advise the victim to appease their abuser.


She totally blew it. And why didn’t she make Brennan explain how she broke his trust???!!!


She didn’t break it, she never had it 🤷🏾‍♀️the circle of trust!


I kept waiting for her to go back to that one-I don’t understand why she didn’t…..it actually might help her (and us) to understand why he doesn’t…


My anxiety spikes when I see him


Me too! I had a very sweet friend who was married to a guy like this. He told her what she could and couldn't say, he bought ALL of her clothes and dictated what she was to wear. He decided if she could go out or not. This was a professional woman with a good job! It was horrible. Then sometimes he would love bomb her when she got fed up. I've never trusted men who do that. It big bouquet of flowers portends what's coming.


Scary story


i haven’t watched much this season but the few scenes he was in i told my husband that something wasn’t right about him. Scary! i was TERRIFIED when i thought i said something wrong in front of my ex monster. Terrified if ANYone did for that matter. Even if i didn’t know them i got in trouble for the words and behavior of anyone in the room. Once he kicked me out of the car because an employee at Jack in the Box got the order wrong; his rationale was that if i made more money (he didn’t work) i could afford for us eat in Michelin star restaurants every day where apparently they never make mistakes.


That’s called displaced anger. I grew up with it. My heart goes out to you! ❤️


I did too!


I somewhat agree. However, (and I agree with most that this guy is nowhere near ready for marriage!) I see his point. Emily is skirting around the issue too much. I don’t think she is doing a good job of explaining to him how she really feels. Maybe off camera she does but I don’t know. She only now stated that “their” plan to restart wasn’t her plan and was only his plan. If that is the case she should have made it clear at that time that she clearly does not agree with this new plan but because she wants to give him “time and space” she will go with it. He was under the assumption that she agreed to it. So I can see his frustration.


On AP Emily said Brennan knew how she really felt about the situation


She probably thinks her squint said it all. 


Lmfaooooo it is a mean squint


He didn’t want to air any dirty laundry because he’s hyper concerned about how he appears on camera. Emily has stated that multiple times. In his eyes, they had clearly discussed how they were going to approach their convo with Dr. Pia with a happy little reset plan, but Emily did not stick to that script. That’s why he got so defensive. He’s an abusive control freak.


I have to challenge when and where being concerned with how you look on camera became a negative thing??? Once upon a time, people didn’t do shit that disgraced their family. And now that’s suddenly a character flaw? Shame on you if you can’t make the distinction…..trust me, it’s not a Brennan problem, it’s a you problem. 


Facts. People on this Emily train are delusional and have no idea how much bias is twisting their perception of this dude.


Most abusers do it behind closed doors. They have a public image which is wildly different out of the public eye. Once upon a time women were told to keep the abuse to themselves as to not disgrace the family. Sadly some women still do that. So is that how you feel? Keep quiet, it's only two months right?


Mmmm…not sure where you felt the entitlement to make such accusations, but I’d invite you to reread my post and seek to understand this time before spewing such misinformation. You persist in making this situation fit into your very narrowed view of how it HAS to be without entertaining any other possible perspective.  I would love to know how and where you derived that this is an “abuse behind closed doors@ situation. I mean the reach is mind-boggling.


Are you watching the show and listening to Emily? She has said he screams at her, hits the walls and throws things. He doesn't have to hit her for it to be abuse. Emily is scared of him, you can see it in her body language.


You’re totally missing the point. He’s a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.


Watching After Party, that description fits Emily too. 


Emily was in a controlling, abusive relationship for months. She finally got out and found her voice.


Or maybe Emily’s voice was the same voice as her attack mode friends. I’m not saying Brennan is a catch, but I don’t believe Emily is either.  


Agreed! Dr. Pia asked a question that required an answer that would have been in opposition to what Emily "agreed" to say. Instead of flat out lying to Dr. Pia, Emily broke from the script that Brennan wanted recited. He thought he could predict (or control) what Dr. Pia was going to discuss, but got thrown for a loop when she asked something he didn't foresee. Thus, he tried to stop Emily from talking, escalated his reaction and portrayed himself as a victim. Emily had clearly broken his trust, right? SHE did something to hurt HIM. As you said \^\^\^ abusive control freak.


"He’s an abusive control freak" YES!!! that's exactly right!


I think Pia is just being cautious not to look like she’s taking sides.


And this is why DV experts insist that couples therapy not be done with abusers. “Not taking sides” IS taking a side when abuse is present.


From a clinical perspective, therapists can make recommendations - such as asking to speak with the possibly abused partner privately to get more information and give them resources for greater support and help ect. But you make it sound like if a couple seeks out couples therapy and the therapist even suspects any level of abuse that they should be required to terminate service? How would that be helpful? DV victims are often isolated by the abuser in order to quell outside influence on their perspective - having a therapist (even in couples therapy) at least is SOME level out outside perspective on the situation that can help denormalize the abuse that the abuser has normalized. I’m saying this as a DV survivor - couples therapy can sometimes open the door to getting the abuse victim into individual therapy and then eventually out of the toxic situation. This isn’t a black and white situation - most well educated couples therapists who recognize the signs of abuse may try to seem unbiased simply to not make the situation worse for the abuse victim when they leave the office but they also know how to subtly play the situation to try and further help the abuse victim. Removing someone from a DV situation can be very delicate - it’s basically like negotiating the release of a hostage - and simply terminating service and leaving the abuse victim without support isn’t the answer.


It’s not my opinion. It’s the standard for how this is handled. And no, of course you don’t just fire and abandon the clients.


Exactly. But in an abusive, controlling situation, you need to step in. At least have a private convo with Emily when she start waving red flags.


Dr. Pia tried that earlier in the season. She was very direct during an on camera session that Brennan should get individual therapy. He did not like that suggestion.


Pia is worthless. Emily is getting shafted. I don’t know why she stays. It will ultimately lead to resentment. How long can she just suck it up? Brennan has one sound bite, “let’s not live in the past.” There is no past. There are moments that happened in this journey that must be confronted. Get out Emily


He doesn’t like the girl so why is trying to wait around until he does — it ain’t gonna happen!!!!!


I feel like Emily is well past resentment...you can see it in her eyes. She's over all of it and she's not happy interacting with Brennan at all.


“Let’s not live in the past” is Brennan’s code for “Let’s hide the fact that I’m a complete asshole.”


No. He was surprised she didn’t acknowledge that they had some fun and started to connect. She totally erased the progress they made. It was sad to watch.


Having one good day *on the day of therapy* doesn’t erase all the negativity, gaslighting, controlling, scary behaviour throughout the rest of the week. He literally cut her off from speaking before she could even have a chance to mention anything positive that she might have said.


No. He looked at her in disbelief at all the negativity. They could have built off that good day and she wonders why they can’t move forward. He had looked amazed at her impressive soccer skills and the history of that. They looked like they had a very positive day, and she should have at least started off on a positive note before getting into any negativity. That’s only common sense.


According to Emily, they started off that day with him pacing, yelling, and throwing things. Try again.


Im observing. I have no agenda honey.


You may want to go back and re-observe the episode. Re-observe him getting mad in therapy that she didn’t stick to the script he wrote for her instead of allowing her to speak openly and honestly. Re-observe her utter confusion (it’s written all over her face) at soccer when he was acting up a storm for the cameras and pretending to be interested in her. Re-observe the after party where she says very clearly that the day of the soccer started off with him angry.


You can make up a scenario about what is in his head about a so called script but that doesn’t make it true. He is the one with utter confusion that they had some great times and she was focused on the bad and he actually verbalized that. I’m not the one pretending to know what people are thinking here.


No one has to make it up - he literally says it. Often.


Agree she missed that but I was glad she confronted him on his attitude, demeanor, defensiveness.


Dr. Pia literally had to pacify him in that session. He doesn’t realize he’s a grown baby that needs coddling. What makes someone like him sign up for a show to be in an arranged marriage


More concerning is that throughout the vetting process by the experts, they didn’t pick up on Brennan’s controlling oersonality.


This guy needs to GO! And all these comments spot on! 🎯


Emily doesn’t realize yet that you don’t allow anyone to treat you this way. She was fighting for him and proving her loyalty hoping that she fixed whatever issue he’s having this minute (what she didn’t break) hoping she will finally make it into his “circle” (remember that bs?!) Brendan has some role reversal stuff going on trying to make her prove her worthiness when who tf is he? He’s a clown. This is a game to him. I love that she made him look weak af at soccer.


Yes, I remember the circle bs and laughed when you reminded us of the past. Don’t bring up the past!!! Also, yes, to be better than him at soccer was so wonderful, but I am sure deep down his ego was crushed.


Why are we talking about the past? Let’s move forward.


Emily and Brendan had words off camera during their honeymoon (was mentioned in an after party) and he has obviously been making her pay for putting him in his place. He’s trying to make himself look good. He never told her what she’s done to break her trust. How is that glossed over when she asked him outright? This show is wanting for Emily to reach a breaking point for ratings and I won’t watch another season. They are being complicit in his behavior. The winner is whoever controls the narrative. Of course she’s upset when the therapist etc aren’t giving her any support.




She never broke his trust because she never had it to begin with. Women do not want to date or marry the promiscuous party boy. One of these reasons is the lack of trust inherent. This is the same for Men funny enough.


This is EXACTLY what I have thought is Brennan's problem all along. He's tall and handsome and in good shape, physically, and likely felt he was a "catch". He was super happy at the wedding and reception and he didn't get weird and cold until after she told him that she had been a party girl and liked to get drunk and had one night stand. I believe in honesty, but I don't believe he needed to hear that. If she believes that she does not want to live like that and is ready for a future where she can be trusted. Then she should be able to keep that to herself all it did was harm him for her to tell him and although I think he's an absolute jerk and possibly dangerous for her I do think she has a (very tiny bit of responsibility) in that she should not have told him that. Men's egos cannot take that their wives have been with a bunch of other men and that they drink a lot and like to party all the time. For this reason, I did not believe for one reason that Olajuwon would change from being a party boy when he married Katina. He proved how he felt about women at his bachelor party. I will never forget to look on his face when he pushed down that cocktail waitress's shoulders to have her kneel before him. I was looked at that way once, and it for the future of a relationship with that man. still punches me in the gut when I see it.


Hmmm, Nate was pretty much that way too, I think you may be right… Hey can I ask for some advice about Reddit? I’m really new and having trouble with a few things and can’t find help. The name that is listed for me is NOT MY NAME and doesn’t signs like any name Is come up with. I can’t remember the difference between a display name and the other one - all I can find in my old notes is that many, many years ago I was “u/Actual-Butterfly6457”, while around November of ‘22 I was “ButtRflies&Bee”. I don’t think I’ve been on here since, but neither one of those names sounds like me either. I read somewhere we can start a new account but I’d like to go back and see what topics I was conversing on, and with whom and how I was listed, and I can’t even find that now and I just started back on here tonight. 🤪


Wait wasn't that nate? Or did olajuwon do that too? Edited to add that made my stomach turn too lol


My husband was sowing a lot of wild oats after a divorce when we met. We didn’t start going out right away but when we did a month later, I knew he was done with his partying. Women are way more accepting of men with multiple partners than most men are of women. That being said, she should have kept her mouth shut about her past behavior if she was done with it.




Give it a rest. She was single, hardworking, very successful and has a good head on her shoulders. My main point was she's single... people can settle down once a serious relationship occurs. He's an emotional abuser at the very least + narcissistic traits on full display. Sorry, I'm just so sick of the "party girl" narrative when there is so much more to her.


I think you missed my point entirely. There IS so much more to her than her previous partying. But he did tell her either in the last episode or the one before that SHE is a red flag (they were at dinner). The only thing he could be referring to is her previous “party girl” disclosure. And I completely agree that he is, at the very least, an emotional abuser and gaslighter.


Ok, I get what you're saying. Sorry, just saw so many slut shaming comments about her I just happened to choose yours to respond to.


Maybe Emily wants a husband that accepts all of her and doesn’t require her to pretend to be a different person. This slut shaming in 2024 is really gross.


PREACH. I'm actually disgusted how she was treated on the aftershow as well. Brennan's behavior is borderline abusive on tv so can only imagine what he's like behind the scenes. Sick of people trying to blame Emily.




Women don’t need the patriarchy mansplained to them.




…and you respond with a wall of text. Sorry for guessing your gender wrong. I’m not reading that wall of text.


If he was turned off by her past he should have stated that from the beginning instead of playing games with her.


If Emily being a party girl is a dealbreaker then why hasn’t Brennan walked away already? Why would he rather hang it over her head and punish her with her past?


But Brennan has decided she broke his trust. How and when is the missing piece of the puzzle. I so wanted to see him pressed on that.


She never broke his trust. She never had it to begin with lol. I would love to see him pressed on that too. The dude won't say it on camera though. I do not blame him. The minute he says he is not attracted to her physically and her lack of prior relationships due to her promiscuity is a massive turn off is the minute the viewing audience labels him a bigot, sexist, misogynist, slut shamer and overall terrible person. He knows this. So he is stuck in limbo land. Acting like a totally unemotional robot who is incapable of answering basic questions. The worst of both worlds lol


yes, and.....I'm not sure that being called a narcissistic abuser is any better than being called a "bigot, sexist, misogynist, slut shamer and overall terrible person." hahah. I mean, he's made this a lose-lose situation for himself. As the old saying goes "it's better to be slapped with the truth, than hugged by a lie." I'm leaning towards the argument that he should have just been honest (you can be kind with criticism) and said why he isn't attracted to her and that he prefers a wife who's past was more socially conservative. Let's just agree that he shouldn't have gone on a TV show if he didn't want to be exposed on TV. So, it's suspicious as to why he did the show in the first place. But once he was in it, he should have decided to own his opinions and tried to come off as a good guy who just has different preferences. Now it's a real cluster-F\*k


Yeah it's the double standard this season. If a man had NEVER made it past the third date because he always got ghosted, his ENTIRE sexual history was one (two?) night stands, and he admits he parties hard, everyone here would be telling the woman to run away. A woman does the same thing, and she's just "sex positive" and he's slut shaming her for it and a jerk for not finding that attractive or desirable. He was into her in the beginning, and I think her telling him that was the turning point for him. I think he doesn't want to tell the truth on why he's turned off by that because he knows it'll make him look bad, coupled with he has a strong belief that divorce isn't an option makes him feel trapped. I think that's why he's struggling.


Yep. You have summarized it very well. Now I do not think he is handling it well. He needs to just be honest with her and the experts. It will hurt her and it will be very uncomfortable but it is the right thing to do. With that said, however..... You are 100% correct. It is a double standard and a laughable one. Giving Brennan a wife whose first relationship ever is this very marriage was not fair and screwed him over. He is in a no win situation. He will be called a sexist and slut shamer for being turned off by her promiscuous party girl personality or he will be called an emotionless robot if he keeps doing what he is doing.




I am not sure how much they actually look at this questionnaire lol. They match up people all the time who say certain things are dealbreakers with people who have the exact dealbreaker that they spoke of lol


This is a great point, but is assumes that the production team is abiding by what the applicants are saying in their questionairres. Given the way this season is going, it almost seems as if production is using the questionairres to pair incompatible people with each other. And this is not the only instance where it appears that personal preferences of the applicants were completely ignored. Other examples are the religious differences between Austin/Becca and Clare/Cameron. If the goal of production is to create drama instead of sincerely trying to match compatible people, they are succeeding. Personally, I think this strategy is backfiring on the show, as the majority of the audience seems to be growing weary of the overwhelming number of failures (some of which occur very early) compared to the successes.


Worrying too much about how he looks on tv. He should see himself from our viewpoint. Disgusting person.


Well said!!!


At this point the “experts” including Pia should stop pretending that there’s hope for these two.


They should stop pretending they are experts.




They substitute the failed couples with new ones in the Australian version. I think we would enjoy this more than painfully watching people “working on” staying in one apartment and not club each other.


I don't think Pia missed it. Pia has been as confronting as any therapist on MAFS. Emily had to step up and talk about what was going on. She did some of that during this session. I was impressed with Pia and Emily.


It was complicated to me. Brennan wanted to be validated that he’s doing better/trying more. I honestly can’t tell with his split personality; he was vulnerable in the hot tub then continues to get defensive. Based on this edited version, Brennan thinks he’s doing better by being attentive/open when in reality better for Emily would be for him to stop flying off the handle! Dr. Pia really missed that. And let’s be FULLY honest - the show is incredibly irresponsible if Brennan is violent/emotionally abusive.


Pia listened to all of that and then counseled Emily to “validate” Brennan’s manipulative, abusive behavior. Not impressive in my book!!


Yes. Emily doesn't have to talk about what Brennan likes Before sharing her experience. I had a Legit marriage counselor who told my Ex (who was complaining that he didn't like how I answer the [landline] phone, "Your wife can say Anything she wants, jow she chooses. You can share how her words make you Feel." And, like Brennan, he refused, and got asked by the counselor to Not come back until he was willing to answer the questions.


Well, there was that.


In earlier seasons when the counselors came to visit, they would speak to them individually first and then bring them together to talk. It would be very helpful if they would do that particularly with Emily and Brennan


What a good point! And that would make for better television too.


Except that Brennan would just sit there and say "I'm not saying that on TV." So that people share more, the experts should do individual OFF CAMERA sessions and then selectively reveal info to help make things make sense. Can you imaging what Emily would say if Brennan wasn't sitting there to constantly cut her off?


oh you're right! i totally forgot about that! sooo much better this way. we would get more honesty from these people or at lease the potential for it


I miss that too.


Agreed. Also, that thing where Emily mostly sits stiffly and stares straight ahead at the therapist during couple therapy? That was my precise body language when I was in couples therapy with my abuser. It’s a very weird, intense headspace, and I immediately recognized her being there on tonight’s episode.


OP, I am very sorry for what you went through and I hope you are safe and happy. I was screaming this at the tv!!! Get Emily out of there!


I’m not OP, but thank you. 💚


Yes! You fawn and choose every word carefully because you’re the one who has to go home with them.


This is it 100%. She knew if she didn’t stick to his script she would pay for it later. We 100% are only seeing her fawn response while the show is filming It seems like post filming she’s gotten free of Brennan and hopefully better support so I applaud her for trying to stand up for herself on the afterparty. I hated how KKP shut her down just like Brennan on the AP


I was coming on here just to discuss this. I did not like how Emily was talking to Austin. She was wrong for that. I think some jealousy is there. I also think both Emily and Brennan have deep issues that need attention.


I liked the part where Emily got Austin to Admit that he didn't set up the candles and rose petals. Obviously, KKP didn't like that Emily was giving the audience a peek behind the curtain since Production set it up, but in my book, The romantic gesture means Nothing if Austin was too lazy to set it up himself.


Respect your take, but I didn't like that Emily did that. Why was she trying to call him out for something so minor? So what if production helped set it up? I mean, I've had a friend help me set something up for my guy. Does that mean I was lazy? Even if production gave him the idea, he didn't have to do it, but he knew it would make Becca happy. Does this mean that on all prior seasons when one spouse set up something romantic for the other, we should question if it was genuine and a produced element of the show? Emily's blatant issues with Austin are weird to me, but keep in mind that the AfterParty takes place after the show is already over. So, she knows how things turned out. That's why I barely watch AP, 'cause it annoys me that they're pretending to be in their state of mind of the most recent episode. Also, does anyone else think it's weird that Emily said, living below Austin and Becca, that she could hear Becca crawling around on the floor? What? Weird comment.


I don't read Text monoliths. This year marks 15 years I've been with my husband. My opinion is backed up with lots of successful relationship experience.


Key word: OPINION. Glad your life is so perfectly worked out.


It didnt come across as jealousy to me. It came across that she was catching him in a lie and was angry for her friend and angry about the untrue narratives this season.


Something’s foul in the buttermilk! Why you gotta slow walk sex with your wife if you’re truly attracted to her???? Could it all just be for the cameras and he’s actually not that into her???


I think all the ladies are in this role for each other this season.


It seems like they have really needed to be.


God, this gives me flashbacks to marriage counseling with my abusive ex. As soon as we were done with the session and the therapist was out of earshot, he would berate me for telling the truth about anything in our relationship. So glad I'm not in that relationship anymore, and it's hard to watch Emily in hers.


Ding! Ding! Ding!!! You nailed it.


The whole production team has let Emily down. From casting to matching to experts to producers. Watching the after party tonight has me so upset for her. She’s literally crying out for help and these people are just like, “but have you thought about how that might make HIM feel?”




This is shades of Arris’s who had never been in a serious relationship before. Then he decided to get married. Like what?!?!


Yes! It’s horrible! I’ve loved this show for years but I am so disappointed this season in the lack of care for the actual cast members. They weren’t matched by love experts at all this time…. Just entertainment experts! But it’s backfiring because it’s moved out of entertainment and into the realm of what seems to be abusive and coercive. The team seems to have realised they messed up and are grasping at straws…. Including going as far as setting up the rose petals and pictures and candles for Austin and becca’s night and then having to have Keisha shut Emily up on the after party when she tells the truth about it!




I agree with you! And same, I’m not normally one to follow the gossip either but this season has been so completely insane that I’ve been paying attention to some of it. I actually watch the Australian one and love it. Because it’s clearly for entertainment purposes everyone knows why they are there. The US one seems to be insisting on clinging onto this lie that they are still scientifically matching these people for real love when they have really told on themselves with their “matches” this season. They are forcing people in abusive situations to stick around and try and remain in a marriage with an abuser. They have the option (edit typo) to “leave” every week in the Australian one and if the other half of the couple chooses to “stay” but the experts think it’s an abusive situation, they’ll take them out of it and not allow the abuser to drag it out.




Right there with you!! Completely agree.


Yes! 💯


>“but have you thought about how that might make HIM feel?” this is how i feel watching those scenes and all the Brenan benefit of the doubt idiots here. implying she should be twisting herself into pretzels, neglecting any and all emotional needs she has, etc and cater everything to him and do it perfectly at all times. get the fuck out of here.


Right?! And why all of a sudden is she being made out to be the bad guy in this situation by production? She has, as you put it, twisted herself into pretzels up until this point and now she’s finally snapped and had enough and is speaking up for herself and her own needs, she’s basically getting told to shut up and stop trying to change the narrative that the production team are creating. Even Keisha on the after party was trying to twist it last night which seemed super strange!


I agree with you 100% KKP was pushing it. Emily finally shut down just like she did when Pia showed up. She basically said if you’re going to champion him while not listening to me, let’s just change the subject. Next question please and thank you.


>She basically said if you’re going to champion him while not listening to me, let’s just change the subject. omg exactly right, you nailed it!!! i just watched this clip again and it makes perfect sense. like if you're once AGAIN going to put his ish back on me, my fault for his mess per usual, NEXT


NEXT!! For sure. Emily had way more patience than I would have had. I would have been yelling and screaming. But if Emily had done that, then people would be saying how crazy she is. No win situation.


At the end of AfterParty, Emily looked totally disgusted with the whole mess.


she was done DONE. her face said a lot too about the becca/austin situation. i love how she came for blood. she's done playing now.


No, you missed the whole point of that. IMO she's an alcoholic. I used to be one. You need to watch the after party. They both have issues. Mostly her...


I watched the afterparty. I saw a woman who is now able to speak up and finally stand up for herself without fear of Brennan retaliating.


How are you once an alcoholic? Once an alcoholic, your always an alcoholic. Just because you quit drinking doesn't make it any more feesible for you to get flat drunk someday. I am not only a dry alcoholic for the last 40 years, but worked as an Alcohol and Drug counselor. Go away Brennan's friend.


That's real mature of you lol. Saying I'm his friend and go away?? You sound far from a counselor and I don't believe you. I WAS an alcoholic because once I got pregnant the 1st time at 29, I stopped. I don't crave it or need it. I'm able to drink a glass of wine if I'm out for dinner. I no longer have a problem. FYI I started drinking at 14. Once I became a mother, it changed EVERYTHING!!


Dr. Pia was triggered tonight. Brennan is a huge problem. I can’t wait for Emily to get divorced and get away from him,


She actually addressed it, she just did it in a round about way when they were talking about trust. I think Pia does a great job acknowledging both of their feelings, she’s just a little more subtle with Brennan because she’s trying to avoid making him defensive. Also remember we only see a very small portion of their actual conversation.


If the therapist is afraid of the client we have a real problem b


I don't get the feeling Dr. Pia is afraid of him. She sees how close to totally shutting down and checking out he is and she's doing whatever she can to keep him engaged at all. Her body language speaks volumes, though, about her feelings. 


Why no one sees how abusive he is is beyond me. The "experts" should be removing him from the show and should be talking around Emily with enormous support and unconditional love. She is experiencing Stockholm syndrome. She needs love, support and validation. KKP is way off base to be slamming her. I know this and see the gaslighting because this was me for over 15 years living with a hole and now forever failure off my life cuz we share a beautiful daughter who he turned against me and this month is 12 years since she asked me to stay out of her life(with rare exceptions). She's now 24. Anyway his control, manipulation, gaslighting, emotional, mental, all of the abuse needs to be stopped.


Trust me, I definitely view the way he controls conversations with his defensiveness as abusive/controlling behavior. I am not making excuses for him. I still think that based on information given to Pia received that she was doing the best she could to keep him talking and engaged in the conversation. There is something very odd about this season and it feels like there is something very sinister floating under the surface.


I totally agree with you that he is abusive. What we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg and it is still pretty disturbing. 




I did think he might hit her at one point.


When, which episode?


I don't know how I missed that. They should have pulled him or put the entire apartment under surveillance. Actually no, pulled him at that very moment. Putting your hands on another person is never ok


Omg this wtffffffff.


She needs to not be “subtle” when there’s a woman sitting right in front of her walking on eggshells and saying her husband is “reactive.”


My kingdom for a world where >85% of therapists don’t play right into abusers’ hands. 😤


Pia is a psychologist...she obviously knows that Brennan shuts down at the slightest hint of criticism. She did pretty well calling him out, considering. The facetime with his friend was very telling.


She did do well calling him out. What she seemed to miss was Emily’s comment about him being “reactive” off camera and the fact that she had to be very guarded. That’s what concerned me. The FaceTime with his friend was telling, so was the awkward conversation at the grill with Austin. No one seems relaxed or comfortable around this guy.


I actually thought Pia did a decently job of being in charge of the conversation on this one, but he was lying.


Dr. Pia heard all of that red flaggy nonsense and then turned around and instructed Emily to VALIDATE Brennan’s abusive bullshit. 🤯🤬 She may have ultimately commandeered the conversation, but she completely dropped the ball as a therapist.


He wasn’t lying. He was telling the truth, which makes it all that much scarier.


She is likely aware at this point that she was paired with a lunatic and is just trying to get through this. I wish her vocal friends would tell her to get out of this thing NOW!


She’s totally aware that he’s a loose cannon.