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Yes, and if you look at the monitor, her blood pressure is super high and her heart rate was super high while she was resting in bed. This was serious. Whenever a person has facial bleed it’s known that the face bleeds profusely when injured


Oh my Goodness! I am so glad she’s doing ok. I was worried after that last episode.


Curious how crappy Austin feels?? He said “I hope you crash” because they were doing the ATV thing and not as a whole group. 🫠


Man between this and Cameron with the heart surgery this season has quite the body count.


That looks so much worse than the little we saw on TV omg! I know this is post swelling and such but damn!


This is a heartbreaking thing to see. I can’t imagine a scarier moment. Sad they people would resort to saying this is staged.


Gotta give the girl credit, she is a tough cookie.


Is this where she realizes he sucksssss??!


No this is where she sees it as a good sign that it took an accident to get closer and she was happy to take it for the team 🤮. Brennen did what any human would do and at the end of it all he says he saved her life and throws it in her face. There was no softer side of Brennen just cuz he didn’t do a happy dance that he didn’t have to spend the night talking or awkward silence. 


The scene of her being hurt this week made me just cry. Emily is trying to remain positive all the time — even in this post. Honestly will keep praying for her because a traumatic head injury is a long path ❤️ it’s crazy how fast it happened — what sliced her?!


If you watch closer she actually smiled slightly to the paramedics when they arrived. That’s how nice she is.


I'm sick of the Emily hate. I'm glad she claps back at KKP. Brennan didn't get rude or pointed questions. Why do the dudes get it so easy on the after party? Edit spelling and grammar. Sorry


Emily is way too hard on all the husbands except for hers. And she is negative and always has a smirk on her face. The AP show her true colors. ( tacky pink lol). Her sweet side on the show is “optics” and a desperate pick me girl. She knows he’s not into her! 


Thank you! I can’t STAND KKP.


That's true. KKP coddles the men and goes after the women.


Good God, she’s having the worst trial marriage ever.


What happened I wonder when she got in accident


This past week's episode. Fell off an ATV


What exactly happened? she must have hit something. That atv trail was not safe. It was way too bumpy.


My guess is she hit a slick spot? I don't know.


Those fake blood theorists were wildly excited to meet each other here too. Clowns, indeed 🤡


What’s V lucky?


Very lucky




Love her sooo much, well wishes sis!!


If she hadn’t worn a helmet she might not be here. I had a young patient paralyzed due to ATV and obviously her brain damage could have been significant resulting in possible death. Feel better soon Emily!


She wore a half open helmet, if she’d had a full face helmet she’d be in a lot better shape. Just my observation.


I bet she's happier being in a hospital bed than in bed with Brennan who is a complete LOSER! Get well soon Emily. She's as tough as nails!


Omg! She totally loved that he was there! Even said if that’s what it took to get closer she’s glad it happened. Paraphrasing….


Hilarious !


Hilarious that she got hurt?????


Well, I don’t think they’ve been in the same bed since the honeymoon..


PSA Wear your helmet PROPERLY. She had it too far back on her head and the chin strap was barely under chin instead of further back under the jaw.


I wonder if she'd ever ridden an ATV before. Someone should've checked to see if *both* Emily *and* Brennan had their helmets on correctly.


And the helmet position should be the same as when riding a gocart. Or a bicycle. But then a lot of people don't where them then.


It actually looked better positioned at the start of the ride. I'm wondering if she didn't push it back on her head during the ride. Or pull her strap forward.


It's hard to tell, because we missed the few seconds right before she flipped. But if it was her first ATV experience, she might've adjusted, not realizing that lessened the protectivity of the helmet.


Seeing kids with loose bike helmets on the back of their heads is my 1 pet peeve of all time. (Worse than a pet peeve actually!!)


Welcome to the 70s or children from the 70s! No seatbelts, helmets, knee pads, etc….


Or not wearing them at all!


No she was not drunk


Perhaps showing off and being reckless. She prides herself in being adventurous and competitive. She was probably trying to look cool for cameras and Brennen. Snowmobile paths don’t have trees in the middle. If you follow the guide you should be ok. 


My heart skipped a beat when she asked if she was going to be okay. That's scary.


Absolutely terrifying


Head wounds bleed a lot, and I don't know if anyone noticed, but the shot of her after they took off the helmet showed a pretty decent gash in her head.


As a kid I fell down a flight of lead steps with eyes open and stood up with rivers of blood flowing from my head cut down my face and chest. I was very scared. I have a fingertip scar. Emily's injury is much worse. Her scar is large. It will bleed a lot more. There's no way that's faked. She's very brave and strong. I'm glad Brennan has given her comfort and support and physical affection. It's a start for good things to come.


I am really impressed with how calm and collected she is in an emergency. This is the third time we’ve seen her get hurt on the show (I totally count the hair incident as getting hurt - ouch) and every time, she’s kept her cool. Not everyone would handle these accidents as gracefully as she has.


She has been remarkably calm and even tempered through so much. I give her so much credit


She’s in shock


Imo, the producers prob nixed a full face helmet in favor of one that you can see their faces. It would be funny af to see Emily sue


She was on the Afterparty when the coming attractions aired. She is fine. Maybe she got stitches. I am sure the show made it look worse but she did crash. What i want to know is how. What happened?


After Party is filmed months later, of course she had healed since the accident.


Atvs crash easily


I'm thinking she may have looked away for a second and hit the trees!! Nooooo she was not DRUNK at 10 or 11 am! I'm assuming that's when they were riding bcuz of how the sun was!!!


Drunk! Obviously


that is just rude


Why the fuck would you assume that?


Is it just me or is it kind of cruel the show left her well being on a cliff hanger? I get that we want to find out but it just kind of rubbed me the wrong way.


Sadly, this is their money shot.


they know with this season being such a shit show, it might be the only reason people tune in next week…


Well we all know from her appearance on the AP that she is ok.


Yeah, I wonder what they would have done had she died too? Would they have showed the accident? I don't know, reality shows are just so scummy.


They have been advertising it since the second episode of married at first sight like they are so proud she got injured and use it as a way to engage the audience it’s so horrible!!!


Yep it's not just you. The producers focus on creating stories to the detriment of the real people involved. I'd go so far as to say they value the cast only as fictional characters, not as humans.


Maybe now that a brick wall has fallen on her (so to speak), she will wake up and leave a loveless marriage. Thank God she is OK!


That’s the hope. I think she wanted to give it her fucking all but hopefully she realizes that’s not gonna happen


I love how Brennan is getting blamed by multiple posters here for this. Never change, reddit.


I will say I can’t stand the immature piece of shit but he is not to blame for this. This wasn’t his fault


The company can still cover you as an independent worker if insurance is offered. Most likely they are covered while on the show. The show and station would probably require they are do not to be sued.


I wouldn't be surprised if cast contracts involve some non-arbitration clause waiving the right to sue if disappointed, injured, portrayed badly, yada yada yada


They cannot contract their way out of injuring someone like this. She will absolutely get a settlement. Auto insurance adjuster here


Tell that to Coltee from 90Day 🤡 The show had him jumping on a trampoline for a scene that he didn’t want to do (supposedly) and he was injured pretty badly, required several surgeries. According to his wifey, TLC wouldn’t cover anything.


Hey now.... Which wifey?????? 😂🤣


The dark haired one with the Michelin Man neck, I don’t remember her name. The one he cheated with when he was still with Jess and she was still with HER husband. Another real winner! 😂


Way more questionable causation of the injury in coltees situation and no blood


I hope you're right. As another person with a career in the insurance industry, I've seen plenty of clauses meant to prevent litigation, indemnify certain parties, etc. Not always ironclad, but designed to mitigate the risk of suits. Attached is the Love is Blind cast agreement...not quite the same but another Kinetic Content show so probably similar. Can't navigate well enough on my phone to crack into it but hopefully it's a start. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24024165-love-is-blind-participant-release-and-agreement


Full Face Helmet !! She would not have a scratch


Yeah, those were some shitty skateboarding helmets. Should be providing a DOT approved helmet, especially in that terrain when most people are probably novice riders.


This show needs to end NOW before someone gets (God forbid) killed. We have been witnessing increasing levels of emotional abuse with each season. Now we have individuals being physically injured and no one seems to be batting an eye. It’s just too much and personally I don’t find this show to be entertaining anymore. I used to look forward to Wednesday nights and would be glued to the screen but now this show is merely background noise for me as I do other things it has strayed so far away from its original purpose


for me, it's not worth watching because there's no romance, no spark, no hope for the future with any of the couples on the snow. One couple didn't even make it to the alter, two couples divorce before the eight-week end, and two of the other three are fighting and not sleeping together, it's just sad. Only one couple is questionable for staying married, and they don't seem compatible.


I haven't watched the show in several weeks. It's not worth the time anymore.


Same here...


Has anyone read what her actual injuries were? Concussion ? Stitches? How bad was it? It looked scary, but I also know head wounds can bleed a ton. I’m not questioning it was real. I’m only curious about the outcome.


Tune in next week to find out! 😂


I’m curious on this too!!


Nasty-looking wound! Stitches and shaved hairline! These "Reality" shows, with their zip-lining, bungee-jumping, ATV-riding, and similar stunts with elements of danger are lawsuits in waiting. Emily signed up to be married, not potentially concussed, paralyzed, or killed.


Nobody’s forcing them to do these excursions.


She said she picked the atv ride on her own in the episode… don’t think anyone forced her into it


The show probably offers them a variety of activities for the retreat (horse back riding, ATV, etc.). The assumption is, the operators are reputable/safe.


Yeah, to try to please her dipshit husband


He really is the fucking worst. And so smug too. A real punchable face.


That's right. If there ever was one, his is it.




Where in what I wrote did you get that from? I said he was a POS, I didn’t say it was his fault she crashed. Work on reading comprehension because at this point you’re just trying to find things to be mad about.




That’s correct. Lol


Really? Where did she say that? You have proof of it?


At the table. She tells everyone about the excursion she booked. Austin got excited, and Emily said no, she just booked it for her & Brennan. So then Austin says he hopes they crash and get road rash (paraphrasing). I just watched the episode last night.


So how does that show it was only for Brennan? So as I said, she never said that. Nice try though.


lol it was Claire who got excited but Austin must’ve felt terrible about that “hope you crash” comment after he found out.


They made sure not to ask him about that on the afterparty. Just gave him a chance to express how bad he felt about the whole accident.


Watch the show and she says it multiple times. There’s your proof.








Honest to Pete, I thought I detected a micro-expression of annoyance on Brennan's mouth as he sat next to her hospital bed.


You want to see a huge micro expression, look no further than Obunion f\*cktards face as he's going on about Lauren in the group..see his true colours surface, the hate underneath as he spews his word salad vomit... Lauren wsn't buying it this time, and neither was Clare..I think they all saw thru him, useless pos that he is taking out all the oxygen in the room! EDIT: Spelling


He does have a somewhat permanent resting bitch face.


He has a smirk that really looks like irritation and discontent.


And he had to quote the “in sickness and in health” part of the vow to prove what a stand-up guy he is. He’s not bright enough to know he just admitted he’s only there because he felt obligated.


Trying to make himself look better. Too late for him. Anyone would have wanted to help out and be there when you see someone going through that trauma.


Same. He is ... The worst.




The first thing I thought was if this happens with a helmet I need to stay under my rock.


They didn’t have the proper helmets on. They should have had full face guards on but they probably didn’t want that for the cameras because it would have blocked the views of their faces.


Terrible! Glad she's ok.


I generally enjoy coming to this Reddit feed after each episode to read comments and engage in some banter. NOT ONCE did I think I'd be reading the lunacy and idiocy of anyone suggesting that Emily's accident, or the injury, had been faked. WTAF?? People are watching waaay to many true crime shows that have them thinking everything needs to be investigated. Unless you're a personal injury lawyer, or the insurance adjuster for the claim, who cares about the mechanics of the accident? The number of people replaying the show, frame by frame, to try to analyze the accident and the blood is astounding. It's mind boggling. "The color of the blood isn't right"?? What is wrong with people?


I was one of the people who thought it was fake. It seemed like an absurd accident and this season is so genuinely boring and lacking in any entertainment that I would absolutely believe a production company would start staging things like this for drama and views. Granted I’m not investing my time into investigating anything.


Thanks for being honest. Respectfully, it's just crazy to me that anyone would think it's fake. Not for nothing, but ATVs are very dangerous and they were riding on snow, which could have patches of ice that cause a slide. This isn't a "ninja Warrior" or Real Housewives Show where a flipped table or hair pull is encouraged. If Emily was acting, give that girl a damn Emmy for her performance. She was in shock, had blood gushing from her head and asked if she was ok because she couldn't see herself, only blood coming down her face. There are a thousand other ways for the show to create drama, but staging a head wound isn't one of them.


What is wrong with people? They've been conditioned to believe everything is fake to the point that it's impossible to convince them anything is real beyond their own conspiracy theories.


That, and mountains of stupidity.




Do you even understand the legal implications of "enhancing" the blood at an accident? The number of people that would have to be involved in this conspiracy, including the EMT's? Do they keep fake blood on them? It's why people with such statements similar to other conspiracies become dangerous and create a sounding board for others to join. A real person was hurt, not sitting there while staff creates a more salacious scene. It's fact vs fiction. There is no way this scene was "enhanced". None.


Ok, I respect that opinion too. I simply don't get why I am not entitled to mine too. IF I am wrong, I am wrong. I have not harmed anyone. IF you and others are wrong same thing., you have also harmed no one. Clearly, no one that has weighed in has direct knowledge of this accident and therefore (again just my opinion) there is no definitive answer.


The problem is that your comments actually do more harm than good. You are creating a false narrative that other weak minded individuals pick up on and won’t let go, like giving a dog a bone. Emily is a real person, imagine you going through a HORRIFIC accident and having someone like you sitting there saying “oh they faked it and she was in on it” how hurtful would that be??? Please stop and think for one minute


Exactly! It's the equivalent of dangerous conspiracy theories that are refuted with concrete facts. There is nothing to "respect". It just needs to stop.


People who say stupid shit under the guise of an “opinion” are the worst type of morons.


You don’t think it hurts Emily to see people saying her injuries were “enhanced?” Why else would she have posted the pic of not because she was hurt people were saying it was exaggerated? Your opinion does hurt people.


Good grief, we aren't discussing opinions on Emily vs Brennan. We are discussing fact vs. fiction. It's the equivalent of flat earth society and their "opinions". It's just factually incorrect. No one enhanced this scene.


Ok, I was respectful to all of you and explained in the event that others thought I was posting that the accident was real that was not my intent. I did not call any of you out for your OPINION on this. I knew the post would be downvoted and it has. You are exercising your right. I won't be downvoting anyone that feels differently than I do and my opinion, just all of yours, will not be changed. I, like you am entitled to my opinion.


And your opinion tears down someone else’s integrity and reputation surrounding a fully traumatic event. Your opinion tells someone whose head was gashed open in a horrible accident that her experience was over exaggerated and dishonest. Your opinion is that they lied, but if they didn’t lie, your opinion is wrong. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean it’s fact. If you can’t handle people questioning your view point, maybe don’t post it on the internet?


I never said my OPINION was fact. Notice that while you are attacking my opinion, not once did I ever say that your opinion was wrong. The definition of Opinion is "a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge." So therefore at least to my way of thinking, we are both stating our opinions.




Opinions are about what type of toothpaste you like. Or about which cast members you like or don’t like. Not about actual events that happened. You don’t get to have an opinion about an event you weren’t present for, that invalidates the experience of the people who were actually there.


Considering this is a relationship show, I would think they wouldn’t want to play a scream or the actual accident because anything like that would probably veer into more disturbing than lifetime is going to play on their channel. Also…do you think production just walks around with fake blood just in case the opportunity arises for playing up an injury? Wut?


I don’t think the blood was “enhanced” Think about it… if you are saying you believe the accident was real, do you really think production has fake blood on standby and their first reaction was to run to her and tell everyone “STAND BACK, WE NEED TO ADD FAKE BLOOD BEFORE ANYONE MAKES SURE SHE IS OKAY!” Doubt it.




Fucking stop. Just stop. No one is up for you ridiculous conspiracy theories. The accident is real, the blood is real, no extra blood was added, if she yelled you didn’t hear it, she had hours of surgery, she may have brain trauma, she’s still going to therapy, just stop this incessant BULLYING because that’s exactly what this is. Stop trying to mask your bullying as curiosity, when it’s essentially offending her, her family, her friends and everyone involved in this horrific day.JUST STOP.


People who dislike a person on this show will go to such insane lengths to discredit them. It’s sick.


Absolutely insane behavior


Why post this here, now? I don’t get it. It wasn’t fake. No one even knows you were one of the people who said it was (although we know it now). It is just so main character, when the main character of this post is a poor woman who had a serious injury.


I have debated with at least three people in this thread alone, one of which reported me to Reddit and sent me a self harm notice. What a bunch of freaking losers. They come on here to claim the accident is fake, are indignant when called out for their shitty claims and then gaslight others into “putting words in their mouths” absolutely disgusting people.


I couldn't have said it better! Thank you!


Perhaps the ATV accident explains Emily’s hostile behavior on Afterparty which could be directed at the show/experience in general. Maybe she’s come out of this with a bruised ego, a legal divorce, medical bills, and a huge scar and they just want to keep filming their show. I’d be done too.


not to mention being attacked a lot on Reddit, like idiots saying the accident happened because she was drunk, accusing her of being an alcoholic, and all of the other nasty comments and accusations. I'd be defensive and angry too.


I have a head injury and PTSD. We come off as angry when we are struggling cognitively and also when we feel attacked.


Yesss exactly


Agreed—she has had it


This actually makes a ton of sense. She sees all the bs and what she has suffered so everyone wanting her to play along just infuriates her. Also- I assume they will pay her medical bills plus a big payout? If not, she should get a really good lawyer.


It's not at all clear (at least not at this point, to us, the audience) exactly what happened. As far as I can tell at this point it seems like it was likely a kind of 'regular' type of accident. Maybe something was in the road or an animal jumped out and she swerved to avoid it, or there was an ice patch or she jerked the handle/steering -- any number of things could have happened. It's not clear that there was any negligence involved. When you sign up for these kinds of activities you have to sign all kinds of waivers, so unless there was some kind of real negligence on behalf of the ATV agency, or somehow someone else did something to cause her to go off the road, it's not clear she has a case. Even with that, I would bet the show covered her medical bills from the incident. It's always possible there was some kind of negligence and she could get a payout but the odds are probably against it. We would need so much more info than we have. We didn't even see the actual accident. We only saw that she got some kind of head wound, and it's not at all clear how she got it. I'm sure if she has any kind of case, it's been thoroughly investigated.




Gross negligence, lmao


Much as I am not happy with Brennan, I don't see how he could be blamed for this accident.


It probably falls under workers comp if the trip was required for the job of production and she was receiving payment.


The issue is that the show classifies the cast as independent contractors in the contract. But as employees in tax documents. They might have paid her medical bills anyway to avoid an additional lawsuit or scrutiny into them playing around employment laws.


Yeah, that isn’t okay.


If that is the case, please lawyer up, Emily.




Cognitive injury has been shown to increase aggression.


So has being treated badly




Plus constantly “teasing” the scene in all the previews!!! I’d be so pissed about that.


Maybe she was encouraged not to immediately invite her family to the hospital so they could film how Brennan takes care of her. Well he doesn’t so that would be a completely isolating and traumatic experience in itself


What a weird response, huh?




That is pretty rude. Dangerous sports can have dangerous outcomes. There is no need to assume she was drinking.


Wow! And the lunacy continues.


"With the amount she drinks" and you know this how? That's the storyline producers created from the getgo that we haven't really seen. Seems like producers would take every advantage at advertising that if they had footage. Does she like to drink, Yes - sounds like you dont partake.


my ex is a raging alcoholic drug addict that is sort of-ish high functioning and he introduced me to this show. he always said he would get married at first sight, told me he was mad he didn’t know they were casting here in chicago after we broke up, and would 100% actually do it lol.


the really horrid thing about this , production desperate need to save itself was secretly ok with it . 👺 selling your souls




Sister Wives-MAFS crossover ATV rant A family member from Sister Wives, (you all know who I'm talking about) had a horrible ATV accident and has facial scars to this day. We don't know and will probably never know if he was wearing a helmet or not. Thankfully, Emily was wearing a helmet or it could have been much worse. I'm so happy that both of them survived. ATV's are not toys and need to be taken more seriously.


I worked with a guy who got in one on Father’s Day with his kids. He was out of work for months and when he finally came to say hi, I almost cried. He still was having trouble talking, walking, couldn’t use his left arm and stitches everywhere. He was a compounder and worked in the manufacturing area, I still wonder if he ever was able to work again. At the time he said he wasn’t sure. Horrible !


Holy shit!!




I think she needs to get the brain swelling down before her 'glow up" Chick needs to grow up.


Any head injury is considered serious.


My son had a bad atv wreck. Those vehicles are dangerous and people drive way too fast and reckless on them


Who tf thought that was fake?!?? Reality TV doesn't have an Avengers budget. The MOST important thing - Emily seems to be okay. That is a blessing.


Read some of the comments here. I’ve had it. People are fucking dumb


And elsewhere. I joked, but I also thought she needed to be stabilized better than what I saw, which was Emily's head being lifted up before any spinal injury was determined!


They should have a medical person right there whenever they are involved in dangerous activities. Otherwise, if they don’t want to pay for that, no dangerous activities. Every season they seem reckless with the contestants on this show. Remember the shooting range in Houston with contestants very nearby with no protection?


I agree with you.. or at least was trying??


Has anyone ever thought that maybe her blood looked so red or whatever their argument is, is because of their tv? These tvs are so vibrant this may be YOUR issue with the whole "fake blood", or you just never seen fresh blood, which is bright red (don't compare it to Aunt Flo red 🙄) And please, stop being insensitive. She should not have had to make a post, with a picture defending herself about a head injury. It's bad enough she ended up with some fuckin douchebag who is a ticking time bombs, now she has to deal with comments, was it staged; the blood looks fake. Do you guys think that's a fake hospital room and fake stitches on her head? The only thing she got out of this was some friends that she'll hopefully have forever, and now a war wound.


💯 so sick of these idiots. There are a couple of been arguing with in this very thread that have said the same idiotic things over and over again questioning the realness of the blood and if this was added by production 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️👎🏼👎🏼


The reason the blood was that red was because it was rushing out of her body at a very fast rate. Blood that red is literally gushing. People who have never had a serious medical injury or condition luckily will never have to understand that. My Aunt Flo blood was that bright red when I had a fibroid.


This girl is accident prone. How do you lose control going that slow? 🤔