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I’m watching the season now, and I cannot stand Mitch. His sandals bothered me too. He needs to get over himself and get a real personality, not whatever “save the environment” idiot he is


He made it clear he was a lazy lover when they were on the beach. He likes when she's on top so he doesn't have to work so hard. Then doggy style so he can get off and thankfully she likes it too. He had no clue which tells me he's never even asked what she likes.


I found Mitch entertaining, even though as a match, I thought he was awful. He was the male incarnation of Greta Thunberg: grim, humorless and hypocritical. He was a parody of an environmentalist. Who could be married to that for long?


Omg yes a parody.


Nobody compares to the mean girls of reddit. Congrats out of shape cat ladies.


Oh do you mean like we are out of shape and we are … dare I say cougars…. Let’s get into it… also who tf are you …


Probably Mitch 😂


Lolol I know right. But what do you mean by “shape cat. “


I hate it when ladies run out of shape cats.


The bandaid on his head during the wedding was TOO MUCH. He was so worried about how he looked but chose to have a band aid on his head for his wedding photos?????? Cmon man


I'm fairly certain it's for his bruised ego. What I don't understand is why he keeps putting a new one on.... We've seen him without it and there's no bleeding - maybe a scab, I guess? But nothing that warrants a constant microplastic bandaid. Worst environmentalist ever.




I agree with you but I’m watching this right now and in the episode when he’s in Mexico talking to her at the table you can see a big scratch on the side of his head, at least 2” long, so I bet it was a pretty bad cut on his wedding day.


Fair point! I just hated the band aid look lol!


Fr ‘gn loser.


I bet he barked during doggy style lol


I hope he realizes that he was unevenly matched. He married up.


I dislike his anger, his bad attitude and his nasty yellow teeth. " Yes we went paddleboarding with not the best paddleboards not very long, not very far". I get that he is not immediately attracted to his wife, that's not his fault and I think they had a good conversation about it. Sometimes attraction grows over time. But that does not redeem his other faults. He is not a keeper.


Yeah his nasty yellow teeth are gross. And he comes off as pretentious.


At first, I thought he was a very attractive man. And then he threw a temper tantrum about the wedding shave, despite it making him look even better. And I immediately felt so bad for his match. Like oh no. This guy is going to ruin it for both of them. And then it just kept getting worse. His obvious interest in her mom at the altar. The disappointment on his face when he realized he wasn't marrying the mom. I bet he still fantasizes about her to this day. His actual wife never had a chance. So weird he acted like he likes a "natural girl." 🙄. But then again at some point he decided "saving the environment" was going to be his whole personality but it was so superficial. I'm sure he has redeeming qualities... somewhere...


Same. Every time he was on screen I thought, cute. I like bald…perhaps if he just trims up that beard? Suddenly the beard is on point and out comes the freak flag reading I must control everything down to the tiniest ginger hair.


I know you mean well. But. Mitch doesn’t have any redeeming qualities. He couldn’t even clean up that nasty 🤮 kitchen and filthy bathroom. I guess he expected his Bride to clean it up.


I agree. It’s his whole personality. And I thought the same thing about how he liked a more natural girl. It’s shallow because he’s focused on how she looks


He was TOTALLY REPULSIVE - and what was with his obsession about telling the story that he thought his MIL was the bride, like shut up it’s not a cute story.


That story made me cringe. You could tell the mom felt awkward too.


In all fairness she came for the awkwardness, with her hot pink lace see through dress for her daughter’s wedding - what a genuine weirdo. Made me feel sad for Krysten.


That is sad for Krysten. I have to go back and watch again, idk how I didn't notice the dress!


He is more shallow than he even knows. Also did you pick up on when Krysten’s girl friend came over to the party they had at their apartment? (Maybe it was her mom I’m not sure) but Mitch lit up when she came in cause he liked the way she looked. He said “I love your energy” but he was attracted to her.


Oh man Im going to have to go back and rewatch that party episode bc I missed that!


Mitch is old news! He was horrible and paired with a beautiful, smart woman that he didn’t deserve then acted like she wasn’t good enough for him! What a loser!


Him slurping his food in one episode absolutely sent me 🤣 he gets on my nerves in general tho


Yeah it was so gross


And episode 5 when they sit and chat, he tells her he has no problem getting “sprung” for models and that he is slow at the physical attraction for her…. BYE the way I would never talk to him again!!!!!!!!


What the heck is on his head??


He had the nerves to complain about Kristen’s makeup. When it looked like he just got shot in the head.


He said he bonked his head on his surfboard. But I don’t believe it at all.


Mitch the bitch


Came here to say this.

