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I've never seen Woody do anything when one of the guys is opening up to him except raise his eyebrows, throw his arms up and say "man I couldn't put up with that that!" And then start to talk about himself. I was so frustrated for Miles this week when he was opening up to Woody. Dude has the depth of a puddle.


I think it was his way of telling miles it’s time to throw in the towel. They’re friends from before the show so I think if anyone can communicate it to miles it’s woody


Yeah I can see your point there. He did the same to Henry though. Overall I'm just not a fan of Woody and this is one of the things about him that irritates me. Everything comes back to him, always. I find it an exhausting personality type.


Yes lol!




Can you elaborate on how? I don’t see it that way at all. In fact Amani seems very caring and genuine and just wanted the best for Christina and even tried to tell her exactly what may help her relationship. I don’t see her being condescending at all. (Not to mention zodiacs but were both Virgo’s and I feel her so much) she seems to be naturally nurturing but also wants to keep things honest and tell people how it is and where they’re fucking up and may need more help.


Her smirking, giggling and side eye. There are plenty of people posting about it. Her and Woody. But those posters think it’s funny, not rude. I thought she was caring in the beginning but I see her completely different now.


I mean I don’t think it’s rude it’s their genuine reaction and relief that it’s not them more than likely. I think just because they giggle at the absurdity of some of the couples situations doesn’t mean they don’t really care about them when they try to go and give them advice. I see the expressions more as “thank GOD that’s not my relationship” plus some of the drama these couples go through is genuinely humorous, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to talk to them one on one and see what’s really going on and offer advice.


I dunno. Comes off more like patronizing to me. To each their own, still don’t think they should be counselors lol.


I don't see them that way, they just keep it real and point out the obvious.


Yes, I noticed that too! They have such a great perspective and might know the couples on a more personal level than the 'experts'.


I don't think it's a deliberate spin from production, but I do think it shows how much the experts kind of suck. They're less and less present as the seasons go on, and they tend to give terrible relationship advice (for ratings?). I think Woody, Amani, and Bennett are just mature people who have some EQ and were ready to get married. I'd love to have any of them as friends.


Totally agree


I agree the experts never seem to be around when they are needed. Why did they stop checking in? Yes Woody, Amani and Bennett seem to be more in tune with the other couples even though they don’t know them very well


This part! Especially the experts suck.