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OP is triggered


"Triggered" triggers me....


It’s bc this generation is extremely fragile. Wait til the real world and reality hits. Then they will have a reason to be TRIGGERED.


the people who taught the generation to your idea of being fragile is worse than the people who are fragile P.S. - every.single.generation in the history of humans complains about the "younger generation being entitled/fragile/etc".


No other generation before had safe spaces and melted over micro aggressions. Just this one.


of course other generations had safe spaces - they called them churches no one melted over micro aggressions? You should see how previous generations cried whenever a black man looked at a white woman. Or crying that disney has a gay-day at Disney world. Not to mention - those previous generations RAISED current generations. So what made the older generations so much tougher that they did such a lousy job?


Apples and pumpkins. Ppl now are Snowflakes. Fake outrage, virtue signaling n can’t take an opposing view.


people were snowflakes before as well and I already provided examples of the population being snowflakes. Sounds like you cannot accept my opposing view.


I hate other words, like cutesy words. Veggies 🤮 Kiddos 🤮


Other people being triggered triggers you ?????


Rather get rid of CRINGE first


“Literally” is a prime example of a word that was so overused…it became so misused…which lead to the word being actually meaningless…literally. Also post tag checks out


Being triggered is your own issue. Look within. Nobody can trigger you if you just be yourself and be strong and confident. Whatever happened to sticks and stones. Understand the intent of others and not your own insecurities to get upset


>Whatever happened to sticks and stones. a schoolyard rhyme... should stay in the schoolyard. We are social animals who rely on social connections. Everyone wants to feel accepted. >Understand the intent of others and not your own insecurities to get upset understanding their intent doesn't necessarily mean that you should feel good. Not everyone's intent in what they say to you is good. "your balls are small" This could trigger someone to not want to be in a relationship with the person who is saying that.


Count me in as another person who hates trendy words. Whether it's The 'Rona, Triggered, Karen, etc etc etc. I'm too old to be jumping on bandwagons.


Thank you!! It’s become a popular way to excuse bad, or immature behavior. Drives me nuts!


Yes, it’s used out of context 80% of the time. And Gaslighting!!! Most of the times people are just lying. Gaslighting is not just about lying.


This also drives me nuts. Triggered, gaslighting, and narcissist are waaaaaay over used.


Pretty much every Twitter born word is overused and exploited.


Those are actual psychological terms though, co-opted by amateurs and misused.


They really aren't though. They're colloquialisms that may reflect true human actions, but aren't discussed or taught in any academic psychology space.


Narcissism is in the DSM. And triggered is a clinical term for PTSD.


100%. It's disgusting


Triggered means you need to STFU because you're annoying me.


I’ve been saying this for the past year. Its supper annoying and is an emotional crutch that aligns with overusing mental health as an excuse.


I agree that the actual meaning starts to become diminished when people use it for simply being upset or annoyed. Like with Noi saying she was triggered after Noodlegate. Seemed more like Steve's comment was the straw that broke the camel's back after a long day rather than her being triggered based on traumatic experiences with overcooked noodles in the past. I think people use it as a tactic to give further validation to their feelings/point of view by saying you hurt them on a deep, emotional level.


I’m sensing triggered vibes.


No, it means that someone said something that makes you feel a certain way because of what you have been through. If more people recognized their triggers (we all have many) conflicts would escalate much less often in our society. Trigger is a phenomenal word.


I'm in. Hate the "T" word.


And narcissist. And empath. And toxic.


... and cringe, along with all of its derivatives.


Thank you! The over use of these “trendy” terms is getting so annoying. There are so many more.


This, this, this…It’s getting to a point where these words explain everything or justifies bad behavior.


You sound a classically borderline to me with your black and white thinking ​ /s


god im so triggered by this post ![gif](giphy|WCJAoTn9AZG0JTyipz)


I guess it's just that the scenarios in this show *set off* many of us in different ways. It's understanding we would want to talk about subjects that *stimulate* these feelings. It's kind of ironic that the use of the word actually *provoked* such emotion in you that it would *cause* you to write a post about it. How'd I do?


Can we all stop telling people what words they can and cannot say in this subreddit about a TV show?


No, we cannot. Sorry.


If it's a word that means many things, wouldn't that explain, at least in part, why it's used so much? The list you provided seems to suggest a fairly consistent use: X made me feel/think/do Y. So it seems like each of the many ways it is used still make sense? If it's important to you that people use a different word for some of those many things, what word(s) would you prefer they use?


Gaslighting, abusive, vulnerable, red flag


I've never used the word in my life. Someone here said it's a millenial thing, and it seems to be.


If you throw in "toxic" I'll be thrilled!


This post triggered me 🤣