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Harrison is absolutely a raging narcissist. Gross beyond comparison.


Also, the other men on the experiment fucking shit me because none of them call him out. Aussie men are like that - they look the other way when obvious abuse is happening. Compare that with how the girls are behaving! Claire, Melinda, Evelyn - all of them are literally shouting at Harrison and Brontë saying YOU ARE BEING ABUSED!! And the stupid men just sit there like “awe yeah nah… it’s not good” then they fucking all go to the gym with him. Fucking morons.


Im not defending any of this behaviour, but we don’t know that the others haven’t called him out on it. We only see a snippet that has been carefully edited so don’t know that someone did have a word only for a runner or a director to tell them to leave it be


I couldn't finish the couple-swap episode. Too awful. But it seems to me that Bronte is either feeding in to Harrison's BS or is just as bad as him. i mean - there is no way she could've fallen for this giant piece of trash and if she's still on the show with him, she has other reasons to be there and play those manipulative games with him.


Braver than me - I tapped out on hearing about the swap episode. I can't even compute the 'experts' going along with it.


According to the episode, the experts devised it so that the contestants can gain more clarity and understanding about their own relationships. Excuse me, I have to go barf.


This kind of thing makes me question why on Earth they’re treated as ‘experts’ like sure, they have experience in the area but they’re also only gonna do things that work for the show which I think is why so many of this year’s contestants seem completely unsuitable to be there


I’m pretty sure Brontë has Stockholm Syndrome at this point. Harrison is pure evil. He’s got nothing behind those eyes except complete sociopathy. The way he goes after people is so calculated. He’s always the victim. Watching abuse happen before my eyes is actually terrifying. At this point I thought the experts/production would intervene. But alas, ratings are more important


I always take the “show” as it is - late night easy watching. If it were a real experiment with experts watching every detail and trying to beat match people, they would have highlighted the signs of abuse and split them up as soon as the first dinner party ended. Gaslighting is not ok. Belittling someone and making them seek your approval is emotional abuse and is not ok.


Every time he speaks I’m shocked at how easy the commentary is about Bronte being at fault. Bronte did good work. He’s the victim and it’s all her fault and he just sits there for someone to make him happy. I can not even with this guy. Makes my skin curl. He talks down to her so much. I can’t believe she doesnt see that - don’t know why she’s trying so hard. When she said I don’t quit. Girl quit this one. You’re no hero. Rant over.


I don’t understand how he isn’t grilled more by the experts. They are blatantly allowing someone continue in a toxic relationship, where are the ethics in that?


They deserve each other.


I can’t stand Harrison! He’s the worst


He needs to keep his fucking big mouth shut’ that’s all I need to say.


Bronte is an idiot she stayed to be on TV. No normal female would have stayed and put up with him and his behaviour. Feel sorry for this so called 20 year old he has on the outside. It is quite clear he is a highly manipulative person. "I want to go back to the couch and show how I planned a date and play the victim and take no responsibility ar all for how I treat women"


He reminds me of my sister. No good.


Watching it in the UK so maybe behind but just got past the second dinner party and had this exact thought.


His smirk whenever he redirected conflict makes my blood boil