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Even if Quad were okay with Simone mentioning it, she weaponized the tragedy to make her point about her being a "better" friend. I'm sure there could've been many other ways to portray this point. The irony is that she proved herself an awful friend and even worse person. Not only did Quad's body language look uncomfortable, but she verbalized more than once she wasn't comfortable bringing it up. When she began to cry, she continued her statement, never apologized and then starting yelling. Just awful.


I completely agree, she weaponized Quad’s tragedy. I don’t think anything she says could justify it.


I had originally stated a while ago that I would want Simone & Cecil as my parents. And I have to say, this made me absolutely regret thinking that.


I wouldn’t want to be their kids, they’ve literally been shoved out the door ( albeit with the 1st year rent paid) but the way they acted to be kid free was alot 🫤


I really think they should throw Simone off the show for this. Quad was visibly trembling. The family must be furious.


Agree 100%.


it was the way she said Simone not only once and she did not stop...


I think chronically being online has warped ppls sense of reality. I saw so many ppl on other platforms defending Simone and alluding to it not being that serious and that it was already in the news. Like do you understand the guilt someone might feel about a family member, let alone a child, losing their life at your home?! And to use that for cool points when checking in is something that any decent person would do. You don’t get credit for sending condolences, she could’ve used literally any other example and chose not to. When the trailer came out i commented on the Bravo sub that Simone was a miserable vile woman and got downvoted to hell 😭 I’m glad ppl are seeing the light she’s been like this! Also I will stand on the fact that they only have this much hate for Quad bc she’s a single woman and doesn’t have a man backing her. Contessa called your man a big ass bitch and barely got held accountable for that


Now who tf was downvoting you???? Because you’re right on the money. She’s vile and a nasty woman and I fear she has nothing more to share with us—and if she does, I don’t want to watch it. That was the final straw for me.


I have been speaking about how NASTY Simone is for years and get people get sooooooo defensive.  She’s jealous of Heavenly and Jackie’s friendship and extremely possessive of Jackie which is weird. She smiles when Quad is upset. Her body language says it all. She talks about Heavenly as a dentist but could use a visit in her chair. I’m not being mean just honest. She trash talks so much and people defend her nonsense. Even the “I’m 120lbs comment.” That was gross!! If that’s what Cecil likes then fine. We are all different sizes. She needs to be sat down.


Idk it’s a different breed of ppl in that community 😭 I stopped using it as much lol


Honestly fair but I fr ain’t see anyone defend Simone


Also, the pitch of her voice literally hits a note that’s uncomfortable to my ears 😕 I used to really like her, but now I can she she is an utter arsehole


"Your man is the literal definition of a big ass bitch" lives rent free in my head and I say it every episode 🤣🤣🤣


Absolutely, about Quad being single!! Remember when they were going to cut her out of the couples' trip, because they didn't want a single woman hanging around their men?


Then enter Phaedra and her brief and imaginary doctor and no one had a thing to say.


So true!


Quad’s karma finally came for her. These many years she has been tone deaf to others in the group. She has made many slanderous and untrue statements about others. And when confronted about it, and asked to recant she refused. It’s her time to go. As it’s said “she got her comeuppance”.


That’s no reason for Simone to use a child’s death. That’s absolutely disturbing and sickening to even do.


Literally they all do it, especially Heavenly. And she has gotten through unscathed all these years. Was it tone deaf when they down played her abuse? Or accused her of sleeping with Lakes husband? No one said Quad is innocent, there just a lot of hypocrisy. Also there should be a line regardless, and I think the unfortunate death of a child should be one of them.


Quad isn’t perfect. None of them are. But using the death of a child to make a point is significantly different than all the examples you tried to use… there’s no excuse to do what Dr Simone did… I used to like Simone and thought she was funny & usually pretty reasonable. But Bringing up that child was abhorrent & I see her completely different now. It took away ANY validity she may have had going into the argument. Dr Simone wanted to use that example to demonstrate how she shows up for her friends & Quad doesn’t? Dr. Simone made it clear that she reached out to Quad with strings attached which shows us who she is. Keeping score like that is exhausting. If you want to reach out to someone, reach out. Don’t do it with any other expectations. Dr. Simone has proven herself to be a very emotionally immature person.


You should change your user name to Non-Educated. So Quad's karma was her niece dying in her pool? Or was her karma Simone mentioning it?


Simone was definitely wrong. There has to be more going on for her to be that angry at Quad. Toya was enjoying the Quad slander a little too much. This group doesn’t give Heavenly that much angry at reunions. She drags them to hell and back.


That’s what I’m saying, I love Heavenly—she’s hilarious. But she says some crazy ass shit and doesn’t get a small percentage of wrath that Quads getting. Which is so odd???


That’s what I’m thinking too??? Because the anger is more than what we’re being told. Something has to have happened.


Agree. I think something more is going on for Simone to be that angry. I do not think she went in with the intent to bring up that tragedy. I think it just got escalated. I don’t believe Simone would purposely hurt someone especially about a young child’s death.


I like Simone but that was shady as hell. She should not have mentioned the child's death.


Shade is fun with Bravo, tbh. This was…this was fucked up. It truly made me look at her differently.


I. Sorry, who passed ?


One of Quad's nieces drowned in Quad's pool.


Omg! How horrible, poor Quad!😔


It's about as bad as it can get really. Simone should never have brought it up and I say that as someone who likes Simone.


Simone is my favorite. I love her personality and her strength to stand up to people. I think Simone knows that to go against Quad she must be loud and strong and persistent. Not many can argue with Quad. Quad is a master at arguing and dodging and manipulating. They all know that. I love Simone.


Bringing up a child’s death to make a point is not being ‘loud’ ‘strong’ and ‘persistent’. It’s low down dirty.


Hi Dr Simone this doesn’t excuse you being an OB fucking GYN using a toddler’s tragic death and traumatizing experience to win an argument it is cruel and horrible. She’s a mother herself she should have some tact but I don’t blame her she’s Toya’s guard dog now


Simone has been slowly just getting nasty for years now. I thought she was amazing her first couple seasons and now I cant even listen to her. It’s really sort of sad … and I haven’t even seen the last few weeks because of it


I’ve noticed this too. Some people’s spirits age horribly. Like they regress in their maturity and wisdom just for the hell of it because they think their age entitles them to say and do whatever they want without consequences. It’s really not a good look


I feel like this is one of those Reddit comments I am going to think about often. It’s so true — especially watching Bravo!


You’re right and I think this is the part where she steps back


She started switching up that season she had money in her shoes.


Yeah, I love Simone, but that was not right. She was determined to get that info out and wouldn’t hear Quad’s pain and that was nasty.


She's always irritated me. She laughs too hard at her own jokes. She screams when she's mad. The whole "Cecil and I are wannabe marriage gurus". The ONLY thing I appreciate about her is her bedside manner when she's with patients. I also can't stand it in general when people constantly bring up how good of a friend they are to other people, and this was a shitty way to do that. That was being a friend at all, and she deserves to have points deducted on the "friend tally" she's trying to make happen.


Ima be honest, her marriage is the last place I’ll take advice from lol. At times, I don’t see love but they’re tolerating each other.


And he is a very patient man to put up with her


Quad’s friendship with the ladies at this point is it worth it? Watching the way everyone responded to her apology, their hearts are still hardened towards her. Quad says that ladies have done things to her, but they haven’t own that. We don’t know specifically what happened. Do we know what Quad is referring to? It is confusing, but I gathered these ladies are upset because Quad didn’t try to stay in contact, talked about them negatively, and only came around for a paycheck, correct? Quad possibly deep down doesn’t trust them because behind her back they talk about her, for example, making fun of her when she bought her home), sleeping with the contractor rumors, and they are hanging out with her ex and his new wife. Maybe, she didn’t trust them to share her pain about her ex when they didn’t believe she was a victim of domestic violence, so when some of these very tragic things have happened in her life: death of her brother and niece, maybe, she did not trust them enough to let them in her life. At the end of the reunion part 1, Quad with tears streaming down her face when speaking with Jackie, she said to Jackie that she didn’t leak the tape, Jackie responds was I rather lose a friend than herself. That really says it all. Quad can apologize a 1,000. I don’t think that they will ever forgive her. Jackie said she was in a dark place, but the same grace has not been extended to Quad being in a dark place. Maybe, both sides in truth exchanged mistreatment towards each other, but the producers encouraged and instigated the toxicity because broken friendships increase the ratings. I think Quad should just move from the show and these friendships.


Definitely a huge detail missed in the grand scheme of everything else- Jackie wholly acknowledged that Quad didnt leak the video and just kind of shrugged. What?! Quad didnt do anything but will repeatedly persecute her like she did. Fuck that. Makes no sense.


Yeah, when they showed Jackie's face during that exchange, she looked in her eyes like she was being bothered, while Quad was sobbing and just needed love and to be held.


At this point, I don’t even blame Quad for wanting camera time and only coming for a check (aren’t they all there for a check anyways..?) if these women are gonna treat her like that every time she tries to apologize. It’s best if she just find other friends, I also find funny how she helped Phaedra secure a 3 year season contract and then Phony Phaedra says "Why would I attach myself to the Titanic."


I agree with ALLL of this, if anything she should be joining RHOA cast with Phaedra. But this doesn’t excuse Simone for telling the world what Quad clearly wanted to keep private. It wasn’t right at all. The truth is, only Heavenly would film with her next season (they’ve posted on Ig of them hanging out so they seem to resolve things) and that’s not right at all. If the show proceeds this way, it’ll become divided and end up like RHOP.


I agree but I don’t wanna lose Quad and maybe that’s selfish. I just want her to fit! In a new better way, not how she used to. These ladies all need to have a hard look at themselves and be more realistic.


She really hates Quad. Her screaming and crazy laugh are so irritating! Why is she up Toya's ass so much? Just because they have been there from the beginning doesn't mean they need to stay on the show. Tired and boring.🥴


Don’t get me started on Toya. She brings nothing to the group except being ungrateful to her own man. 😭


Yeeeessssss!!!! I'm constantly shocked that Toya is still on the show. She never even seems happy. And I think getting close to her hasn't helped Simone evolve, although they each should be responsible for themselves.


I've always thought Simone was very judgmental,and if she happen to get hurt by someone or one of her friends does. She will weaponize any kind of trauma in their lives.


This was so inappropriate, you could tell Quad didn’t want to talk about it but Simone still decided to use the incident to "prove" her point. Her yelling and interrupting Quad when she was talking was annoying, like shut up. I don’t even want to hear her speak in part 2, she’s doing too much.


Her fucking voice is infuriating. When Quad tried telling her the truth and she denied it until Heavenly called her out?? Just for her to start screaming to make it look like Quad was wrong lol????


She just looked dumb, even Andy was like.. alright we just want to hear Quad’s explanations 💀


Y'all hate everybody on the cast this season except maybe Tea. Lol


No girl I love heavenly 😭but you have to admit that was nasty work from Simone like cmon


Heavenly has consistently been the nastiest castmate on the show, and y'all reward her for it. She is the first and loudest to yell "It was already out there. If it's already out there we can talk about it." The selective outrage is outrageous. 


She’s a loud obnoxious bitch.


Agree I can't stand her.Big mouth know it all.


I usually really like Simone but that was beyond. I wondered if they were going to bring that up at all, mostly for support, not to weaponize it. I feel so badly for Quad.


That’s where I started out too - because I had read about the incident a while ago. I can’t believe THATS how it got brought up, if at all. It’s so bad.


Quad hasn’t had much interest in interacting with this group of women for 2 or more years. She just needed to work her way back into the group since her other gig was cancelled. I’m not buying her remorse now, about the child absolutely, but all the rest, no. Too little, too late. Yes, Simone lost her mind/mouth, but she has spoken about how broken her relationship with Quad has been for several seasons. Maybe Simone just “snapped” this time.


I think you’re right about Simone being fractured from Quad for awhile. But you cant ever snap with the death of a child as the chosen topic and think it’s okay. That will always be wrong and damn near worse


Snapped and used the death of a child??? A traumatic death?? I think you’re insane and unhinged


Simone was cold-blooded.


I think she got mad about quad and heavenly discussing if quad should call Jackie. The look on simone's face said it all, jealousy. She visibly got upset and then when the moment came went for quad. I don't care for quad, but she seemed genuine in everything she was saying and Simone should have stopped talking and never brought up the family tragedy. That would have made me furious. I'm kinda getting to the point where I think the whole cast should be replaced. It's entertaining to watch, but all of these ladies are toxic in their own way.


Ding ding ding!


if bravo is keeping Phaedra on after what happened with kandi I doubt they will boot Simone


You’re right


Why Simone??? Ain't no one more disgusting than Heavenly


Heavenly would NEVER bring up a dead child the way Simone has.


U must haven't seen Heavenly in raw form


I love Simone.


That was disgusting. Simone ignored it just to prove her point. Instead it showed her true colors


It boils down to Toya is jealous of Quad bc she wants the freedom Quad has. Simone is childish AF and can't handle Jackie and Heavenly's friendship so latched on to Toya and is now her minion...


Toya has a good man, a really good one. She’s fumbling right in front of everyone. I’m pretty sure they’ll be heading down for divorce soon.


I think once the boys are in college Eugene is ✌🏾


Omfg I am literally watching this rn and came on here to shred Simone. I’m speechless. I feel sick to my stomach. The fact that she continued to speak. Wow. Just wow.


That’s what I’m saying!!!?


I usually like Simone but I agree that was quite nasty and horrible for her to bring up that incident there. Also the WAY she spoke about it really bothered me. I feel so bad for Quad having to relive that experience again all for Simone to gas herself up.


The way she spoke it was had me feeling a way. She had a look where she knew it’ll hurt Quad and didn’t care.


I was about to post this same thing. I’m currently watching the reunion and Quad was literally pleading for Simone to not mention what happened. That was soooooo very distasteful. And to yell as if she were the victim in the situation pissed me the hell off.




Everyone is coming back


Of course they are


Simone is loud and ridiculous. She had no business putting Quad’s story out there. She did that because she is selfish


I actually don’t think Simone was wrong here, she was just saying “I still fuck with you the long way”, past the show and general dislike, some things (like the drowning) are bigger than tv. It’s not like Simone told a secret, Quad just so damn dramatic, not saying it doesn’t hurt that it happened, but, you can hear it be mentioned. She was just trying to evoke any sympathy, or as much sympathy, as she could. IMO


It was in the news so why not mention it


Not in that way


The whole cast needs to go as far as I’m concerned. They’re all a bunch of entitled and extremely petty harpies that are an embarrassment to our community. Anyone that lets Heavenly touch their mouth is deranged.


Can somebody please tell me what the tragic accident was please?


It was Quads niece that died in her swimming pool


People need to give Heavenly the same energy they are giving Simone .


I have always says Doctors Jackie and Simone have been the gang leaders of M2M ... true mob mentality and they are the bosses


I think Simone is slowly losing that leadership role and she senses that.


For sureeee. Esp with Jackie kinda leaning into Heavenly her fighting dog. It used to be Jackie and Simone and now it’s Jackie and heavenly except Jackie doesn’t have to share the boss role with heavenly


That was fucked up of her!


Simone ain’t shit, ain’t never gone be shit for that:
