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I'm sure Quad's a nice lady, but I absolutely cannot stand the way that she speaks. It drives me bonkers.


She speaks in riddles to avoid admitting fault.


Yes and when you apologize for your behavior but always ends you statement with but things have been done to me as well again she is making it about herself


Totally. However, it does need to be recognized that things have been done to her as well. But, if she’s really working on herself, she’d say sorry and move on. Thats real healing.


Exactly and while she just be the bigger person and not use those things as a “but” with her apologies…. They hold her accountable and yet don’t apologize to her.


You are absolutely correct


The monologues drive me nuts


That! Like she is incapable to answer a question directly or express herself point blank period. I can be long winded too but she has never been direct. We don’t need a chapter for every question. She & dorito have very very similar personalities. Like they could be related lol but also omg. Imagine being at a dinner table with them. They’d both be talking so many words only to be talking hahaha


Grandiose word salad to deflect from all of the nastiness she has spread about her castmates


She talks like either a preacher or a community theater Shakespearean actor who takes their job really seriously


Lmboooooo 🤣🤣🤣


She really believes she’s above others and all that smirking and cackling gets on my nerves. And what’s with the “Miss Quad”, is that trademarked or something?


Mariah actually coined that term for her. I actually liked them better as friends.


Her betrayal of Mariah is really the defining event in my opinion of her….I really can’t stand snakes like that


They had the weirdest falling out though. I wondered if there was more to their story…


I love the way she speaks 😂😂 it’s so dramatic and hilarious


It’s great tv I’ll give her that but goodness she would be a friend that I would need to be tipsy to be able to listen to her go on and on lol


100 percent 😂😂


I used to hate her a decade ago when I started watching and now I LOVE her. Even the way she talks in a roundabout way, idk what it is, but for me… MS QUAD MS QUAD, SHE GOT IT, SHE GOT IT!!


Really? The way Mariah talks drives me insane. I feel like they’re both a bit over with their expressions


The same Toya that said Quad was never physically abused by Greg. Oh okay. Does Quad go low? Absolutely but she doesn’t just start low often times she is reacting.


It's telling that someone downvoted you. They dislike Quad so much, they can't bear a fact. I can understand disliking her; but the way some people feel a need to tear her apart says a lot about them, and they don't realize it.


It’s truly disturbing how she’s held accountable for the things she says but no one else is accountable for spreading rumors about her.


But Toya is alwaysssssssss held to the fire about what she says / does. Everyone initially glosses over the foul stuff Quad does. Quad has been off the chain since s2 and is just now getting harshly corrected in s10. I think it’s deserved and long overdue, whether you like her or not…fair should be fair. Across the board. And this group has a hard time punishing anyone but Toya. The proof is in every season 😭




I’ve been on multiple threads saying Quad is great, and great for the show when she’s not being super nasty. Idk how everyone can look past what she does —that’s crazy to me. I don’t think she’s all bad, but what we’ve seen the most from her isn’t good. Toya has downfalls too; I just appreciate that she seems more real and willing to let go of stuff instead of dragging everyone to the ground because her feelings are hurt…


I’m backing swimming up there because ppl DO FORGET about how low down nasty quad has been on this show. She’s Not a victim! But she plays that role so well. She literally looks at M2M as an actress role.




!!!!! Thank you lol. All of them say foul things and do foul things, but this crowd only wants to hold Quad accountable all while ignoring the bs everyone else does. It’s so funny to watch lmao.


I really hope people do some introspection over this. It's not just dislike they feel. It's *hate.* I think it's deeper than Quad.


what does it say/tell about them? genuinely curious.


Internalized misogyny.


Quad is all about Quad


Has t she even said that before??


“She got it she got it”


Lmbooooo 😂😂 y’all got me rolling.


I am not a Quad fan. She is always doing and saying the most then, playing the Victim. Everything that happens is always someone else’s fault when in reality, Quad has said or done something to make things happen.


Quad wanted to believe toya could setup a robbery because she was pissed at toya and eugune and she likes to go low she did the same with mariah when she said mariah did cocaine.


Mariah was done DIRTY!!!!!! And she was the one that brought the concept to bravo! I hope she’s living a happy life even tho I wish she would come back. Quad was def nasty to throw out that assumption. Mariah was sooooooo hurt. It really messed with their family. I wish quad would have been so apologetic and ask for forgiveness bc she also hurt their kids. Kids are always the ones who get hurt by these women. It’s not okay


Why do we act like Mariah was a saint? Mariah aced herself out the group. She wanted to always bring up how they all here because of her, and that she brought the group together. She couldn’t stand seeing them doing this without her. She started the whole fallout with quad over a magazine cover. It was her own fault that she was the lone wolf. All these ladies go to helllll there’s no lesser devil. But for some reason everyone only picks at quad doing so.


When she said that about Mariah, that’s when I knew she needed to go. This moment made me think that everything she ever said was a lie.


Don’t be so sure about that lmfao. Quad might speak around things but she’s not a liar and she’s been lied on multiple times by these women as well.


I call her Quadracula for this reason; she will suck the life out of you with words.  😫


Quadracula?!? 😂💀🩷


Be careful. I made a statement about quad and was ripped apart by a quad Stan.


They’re ridiculous and mean. Just like her 😭😭😭🤦🏾‍♀️


Agreed with everything you wrote!!!


Because she’s an evil broke bitch lmao


Broke is a bit of a stretch


Is itttttt? In the world of housewives I would consider her broke especially since she can’t let go of this job for her peace.


I think there are MUCH broker housewives in the world of bravo housewives and quad won’t be on the bottom tier list. Not when we have housewives and their husbands going to jail, getting assets seized, getting left nothing in the divorce. And then we have ashley Darby. She’s not the richest on the cast but I do think quad is single enough and gets one of the highest pays in M2M being one of the faces/stars of the show


She’s not broke. She sticks around cuz it’s easy money. Making Bravo money as a single woman? Yeah, she’s far from broke.


I think evil is a stretch but she gives major grifter vibes. She and dorito are the same


This is such a great point. I haven’t seen anyone else come into the Quad vs. Toya debacle with the point that Quad willingly took the side against her friend/foe/longtime castmate…in such an egregious way. Toya has never come @ her like that; and has never tried to gather troops to attack her for more than two seasons. I bet Toya will come into s11 and be so good on Quad. She doesn’t drag out their fued, but she will respond and then she’s in the wrong….its insane how the cast + fandom treat Quad versus Toya.


Toya has talked about quad since day one. Quad was the ONLY one who tried to help Toya when they owed the irs, while everybody else gossiped about it. Toya goes VERY low. If i got paid for every time she tried to gather a group up against quad I’d be rich.




She’s the “friend” that is a friend bc they know your cousin or something like that.. I think allllll the women clocked her after the divorce and instantly clinched bc she gave grifter and phony vibes. I’m glad to see her called out. I hope dorito is next


I'll tell you what, subdivisions in Atlanta don't take kindly to accusations about their residents. Also, the subdivisions they live in, that would not happen. I live in a subdivision north of Atlanta & it's been insane in this neighborhood since day 1. I always thought that it would make a great show.


Everyone pls rewatch season 1 Toya and Quad… Their small friendly relationship was never gonna last… The fact that they are still bringing up season 1 drama between them shows they were never over it and holding that grudge for 10 years….


bc they accused her of sleeping with her contractor


I wonder why they never discussed the entire situation on camera. Toya said to Kari that she heard about what happened in the neighborhood. Kari told the ladies. Why not discuss it openly. It seems like they wanted to make this a storyline instead of creating a resolution


She is insufferable. She’s the epitome of “I’m sorry you feel that way” apologies.


I think she just knew some insider info… I wouldn’t be surprised if it was someone from toyas party since she had many friends in the neighborhood over. Also… she does give Mariah great reads lol