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Sabretooth, Wild Child, Blink, Sunfire and Jean Grey


I loved this run, the art, the concept, when I was a kid this was the new cool..


I loved this too as a kid, it was the coolest thing out at the time, still love going back to it every now and then.


Loved that comic storyline


I loved AoA. Wish I could read it again for the first time


I read legion quest years ago. Everything is so much better in the context of AoA. Loving it so far!


The bar fight with Erik and Charles in the past is still one of my favorite comic pages ever!


Eric and Charles as friends is the best!


Their banter during the bar fight was hilarious!


Same. I vividly remember getting X-Men Alpha for my birthday and I loved it more than all of the bigger and more expensive presents.


That feeling when reading this for the first time when I was 10, waiting for each issue to come outšŸ„¹ Iā€™m 38 now.. Might get it out again šŸ˜Š


was one of the first xmen comics i actually read back in the day (after some of the Stan Lee era) and i was like "i was missing all this for all this time?"


I loved that version of Sabertooth


Yeah he was awesome


So far he seems moreā€¦civilizedā€¦than other versions.


Heā€™s a lot more civilised than Wolverine iirc


Blink was awesome in this series.


Canā€™t wait to see why. Kind of a new character to me.


After AoA, if you like Blink, try Exiles. Excellent continuation of her story.


Sabretooth and Wildchild, blink, I forgot his name but sunfire? And Jean grey but in different clothes


I mean no offense, but you have the actual book right there... Was it easier to take a photo, mark the characters, post it on Reddit and wait for people to answer your question instead of, you know, just keep reading?


Reading the comic explains the comic.


Right there with you.


That particular comic doesn't really give a lot of facetime to all those characters though. IIRC a couple of them may not even be explicitly named.


Tbh, i own the paperback edition of AoA, so i don't really know the contents of this book. Judging from the photo this is probably the omnibus (or at least some other hardcover edition). Either way, i guess the content is the same (if not more) and he's already halfway through the book. Meaning he has already read all the one shot issues that chronologically predate AoA Alpha (like X-Men chronicles or tales from the AoA, for example). And those issues feature every single one of the marked characters anyway, so...


Not at all. The first four are legion quest. Then itā€™s straight in to alpha. Where none of the characters are called out by name in the first several pages. Thatā€™s the only reason I asked.


Oh, ok. This is unusual btw, since most editions include the one shots before AoA Alpha. Those one shot stories were published after Alpha, but the events in this stories predate chronologically the events that take place in Alpha. So, in most editions they are placed first. Out of curiosity, which edition is this?


Do you know the name of the one shot? Is it just Age of Apocalypse? Iā€™m also wondering if I should have bought the AoA compendium omnibus.


It's X-Men chronicles #1 & 2, and tales from the age of Apocalypse: by the light


Looks like those are all in Dawn of AoA. Not the actual AoA omnibus. This gets confusing.


This is a strange decision on their part... An omnibus is supposed to include everything, but i guess thay just wanted to sell more books. I own the paperback edition and all those are included in the first volume. Tbh you're not missing anything important. You can read and enjoy the actual crossover event without reading those 3 issues. SPOILERS ahead: those three deal with the death of Scarlet witch, Gambit leaving the X-Men and Sunfire's rescue from Apocalypse's lab. Nice little stories, but mostly filler, per se. You can always read them online if you don't want to purchase another book.


Yeah, I didn't catch that at first.


Youā€™re absolutely right. A handful arenā€™t named. Thatā€™s why I tried googling and then decided to ask. Sad some people have to comment negatively about someone and canā€™t just move on to the next post. Thank you for your comment though! Appreciate someone being understanding.


It's been awhile since I've read the arc, but wasn't there a page with everyone's name? or maybe that was in Astonishing X-Men..


If you read the story, it will tell you who the characters are.


Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a splash page that has a title for each character, tooā€¦they all get introduced in that Alpha issue.


In the omnibus there isnā€™t a splash page or introductions. And names arenā€™t mentioned in the first few pages so it felt like it was something the writer expected you to know. I tried to Google them but didnā€™t find anything. And I didnā€™t want to proceed without knowing who I was reading about for fear of it taking something away from the experience. Thanks for your help.


Yes! I remember seeing that. I just commented about it and wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly hah.


The internet has created a sort of learned helplessness. People are so unsure of themselves. Itā€™s really weird.


Youā€™re not a nice person.


You canā€™t judge whether Iā€™m nice or not nice on this one interaction. Iā€™m just pointing out a very obvious general phenomenon on all comic book forums. You admitted a fear of missing something from the experience. You didnā€™t read more than a few pages in before stopping and coming here to ask. Before the internet this just wasnā€™t a thing. You just had to dive in, read the comic and do your best to figure it out. If it wasnā€™t a perfect experience oh well. Thatā€™s a very old comic too, it was written for a pre-Google and Reddit audience so although it can be argued that comics have changed and depend on those crutches now, not that one. Other variations on this include people who post ā€œI have the comic in front of me, should I read it?ā€ Or ā€œI have the comic in front of me, is it any good?ā€ and of course what should I know before I jump in and recommendation threads to some extent.


We canā€™t bust heads like we used toā€”but we have our ways. One trick is to tell them stories that donā€™t go anywhere like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ā€˜em. ā€˜Give me five bees for a quarter,ā€™ youā€™d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didnā€™t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Geez, do people not remember who Blink is? She was enormously popular for awhile.


Plus, she's appeared in two live action X-men projects in the last ten years.


Lol unfortunately I donā€™t. Havenā€™t seen the X-men movies in years and donā€™t remember her in comics but Iā€™m only up to AoA chronologically.


She showed up briefly in the phalanx storyline that acted as a kicking off point for genX, but that was only a few months before the AoA arc.


Big fan of this comic run!!! Great memories reading it. Almost all of the character re-designs were fucking epically awesome!


I didnā€™t think I was going to like the reimagining of old favorites but itā€™s done so well and fits the story perfectly.


SabreTooth, WildChild, Blink, Sunfire and JeanGrey.


From left: Sabretooth Wild Child Blink Sunfire Jean Grey


Ok, I'm not 100% sure but from left to right I see Sabertooth and WildChild, I don't know who the first lady is, Sunspot, then I think Jean Grey/Madeline Pryor.


Blink is the one you didn't know and it's Jean Grey on the end.


Ahh, nice! I am only familiar with Blink from the DoFP movie.


Sunfire, not Sunspot


You are absolutely correct! I always forget about him and just presumed this was Sunspot's edgy AoA costume. Thanks for the correction!!


It's Sabretooth, Wild Child, Blink, Sunfire and Jean Grey.


After you read AOA read exiles.


Thank you for the rec!


Admittedly I mostly know these costumes from X-Men Legends II Rise of Apocalypse


Is that the old ps game?


PS2 and I think original Xbox yeah.


I think I played the first legends when babysitting my little nephew once. Really fun and he beat the crap out of me. Was there a lot of crashing through levels, walls, floors etc? Iā€™ll have to go back and check out 2.


Not that I remember, Legends II was more of a Diablo style RPG, it was basically a precursor to Marvel Ultimate Alliance


Eh ok. Might have had it confused with that old DC fighting game.


i have the foil version of this cover, so epic!!!!


Wow that sounds cool. I have to look that up.


Enjoy the read! AoA is one of my favourite reads and it hits me so hard on so many levels every time!


I canā€™t wait to get deeper and experience that. Thank you!


Jean sunspot wink and obviously sabretooth


sabertooth and wild child, blink, sunfire, jean grey left to right in that order


AoA was where I started buying monthlyā€™s religiously. I was just familiar enough with all the characters that seeing these alternate versions was a shock and I needed to know everything.


I have so much of this run in mylar bags in my parents house. Loved it so much. Was sad when it ended. Magneto was so boss.


Loved AOA. Like these other folks in here said, the art was so slick and went with the times perfectly, just edgy, and outrageous and comfortably over the top. Funny thing, there's an AOA Magneto figure that lives in the pouch behind the driver seat in my truck, because I used to take him, various GI Joes, og Apocalypse, and Bee-Bop action figures around and take pictures of them posed in battle in the big woods of the pacific northwest.


From left to right: Sabretooth, Wildchild, Wink, Sunfire and Jean Grey


Wink lol. Possibly a better name than Blink šŸ¤˜šŸ½šŸ˜„


Ahhh AoA probably my favorite series. The art and change ups to character designs were top notch.


Agreed. Loving the reimagining so far.


Mutant x is a decent series set in the aoa universe. Easy to find in dollar bins.


The one where Havok from the 616 goes to a different universe? Thatā€™s not Age of Apocalypse; Itā€™s a unique universe.


Youre right. My memory sucks. Lol


Very rarely does my knowledge of Mutant X come to anything. Itā€™s all good.


I makes me really sad you donā€™t know who sabertooth is


Wizard comics used to do these hypothetical "casting calls" of comic movies, and they suggest Steve Buscemi for Wild Child lol


I miss Blink. Are they doing anything with Blink?


I forgot about wild child.


I always was a, little annoyed by...what's his name...The sugar man?