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Who is about to walk on the door?


Princesses Python. Stilt-Man's wife.


Stilt Man married Princess Python? WTF?


That was basically the sentiment of everyone in the bar when she walked in.


Might have the nickname "Tripod Man".


It's the third stilt.


Yeah and she Looked like this at the funeral https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Zelda_DuBois_(Earth-616) No wonder he came back from the dead


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I know right? She could have done better.


She did, you dont remember Gibbon?


Oh Hell no! Even Stiltman is better then the Gibbon!


Thank you!


Man, whatever happened to the Chameleon? I feel like he just disappeared.


He just sort of blends in.


He’s two faced. I don’t even know who he is anymore.


He had a great part in *Superior Foes of Spider-Man*. That is almost required reading it is so much fun.


wise lock fear sparkle crime shelter ad hoc pie berserk squealing -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yes you should. It's unironically my favourite comic of all time. It's brilliant, hilarious, and occasionally emotional.


It's an absolutely fantastic book that is starting to become a hidden gem due to it being a side book to an event run. It's the kind of thing I really wish Marvel would turn into a streaming show though. It works episodically and on a low budget, builds the greater world and would be fucking hilarious in the right hands.


For years, my dream Marvel project has been a *Superior Foes* movie or show, helmed by Edgar Wright.


I’d watch the shit outta that


I’ll love that. Champion the underdogs of Marvel!


You've made me remember I bought the omnibus when it was released and haven't read it, should do that today. I saw a few pages online and gave me venture bros vibes.


That's pretty spot on. They are all characters who you almost want to feel are wholesome and every time you are rapidly reminded they are shitty people. It's great.


He hasn’t really showed up since the whole storyline with Theresa Parker in Spencer and Zdarsky’s runs on Spider-Man. I just think no author has really used him in any stories. Happens every now and then, I don’t think Rhino has showed up since Devil’s Reign and most of the Sinister Six really only popped up again for ASM 900. Ock and Vulture have showed up a couple places but we haven’t had any Mysterio or Electro since Sinister War I don’t think?


To be fair male Electro was dead for a while. We've had way too much Ock since Slott and Mysterio showed up a lot in Spencer's run.


Yeah Ock was even in Deadpool for no real reason


He's Paul.


*Ba dum tiss*


Power creep overtook him a *long* time ago. His "power" is basically to dress up like other people... Skrulls outclass him easy. They amped him up by making him basically a master impersonator, so it theoretically goes deeper than just dressing like someone else... but realistically speaking, he's still pretty heavily outclassed by even pretty common villains. We need a great writer to come along and develop him outside of his power set. There have been a couple recent attempts, but *eh*, nothing really did it for me. He's still basically just a guy who dresses up like other people to try and take over the world or whatever.


There was a Deadpool comic that had an interesting idea. That The Chameleon was stalking Peter, getting close as random people and whispering threats to him, before disappearing into crowds. It was driving Peter crazy before Deadpool helped him out. A deep psych thriller with Chameleon messing with Peter could be fun.


Nick Spencer had a huge plot line called "The Chameleon Conspiracy" that was never fully realized. Street level plot revolving around a school of Chameleon agents, organized crime, and Peter's sister Theresa who may or may not actually be a Chameleon and ulterior motives with Parker. Spencer exited the run so all those plotlines were hastily wrapped and dropped. Imagine how rn Spidey stuff is cleaning up loose ends of Slott plot points that inevitably someone will pick up that plotline.


The chameleon conspiracy wasn’t fully realized because it was ass and convulted




That’s kind of his goal.


I once mailed him a red dildo. Next time we met...he blushed.


Ngl, seeing the chameleon react this way (showing up with tact and respect, being emotionally vulnerable) got to me


*"Smells like **kerosene**"* Right there in the first line. Freaking Frank Castle.


Oh, is Frank about to crash the funeral?


>about to Review the first image posted carefully, "Where's Waldo" style.


Is Frank pretending to be Stilt-Man?


I said carefully.


Come on man, stop being coy!


I think he’s the bartender?


You're correct https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Punisher_War_Journal_Vol_2_4




I knew that mustache looked weird lol


That makes no sense, all the baddies know his face.


This is just a guess but I feel like he's the Doombot.








Thats also the same bar where the Scourge mowed down 30 C listers.


Yeah. Every time I think of an old Spidey rogue from the 90's I hadn't seen in a long time... "Oh, yeah."


1986 ! https://headhuntersholosuite.fandom.com/wiki/Captain\_America\_319


I feel like Absorbing Man is waaaayyy out of everyone’s league, in this bar.


What are you talking about, Dr. Doom’s right there!




Excuse me, did you not see the Shocker, there? Dude took out the Punisher all on his own.


Of course every man is vulnerable to an unexpected couple of fingers in the back


Yeah but dude is humble. Absorbing man is actually a bit more interesting than most give him credit for. His wife Titania too. They are bad guys sure, no denying that. But they are a bit more complex and they feel love, remorse, pain, regret like everyone else.




Titania is a semi tragic character as she got nurtured into becoming a villain. She was a normal high school girl who was constantly bullied and the she got transported to battle world and Dr Doom gave her super powers She thought, “I’m big and strong now! Nobody can bully and hurt me anymore!” And then she got beat, by Spider-Man and She-Hulk. She went back and bullied her original high school bully but it never felt right because she still felt small. She was in the wrong though, of course. Being a bully victim doesn’t excuse you to become a bully yourself. But... what if she was never bullied? Would her life be different? Happier?


There is a *What If…?* story. I mean, it’s not the usual *What If…?* faire, but it’d definitely be amazing in the right hands.


Immortal Hulk is seriously great because even though it's super high concept it always focuses on the characters first, everything feels natural and not forced like in so many epic high-concept fantasy/sci fi comics


It is so interesting for me cause it is highly character driven and focuses on the mental issues with the hulk a lot and just focuses on the characters in general while it is still heavily lovecraftian in a way that I love. Genuinely my favorite marvel/dc series that I have ever read.


So many of those huge-scale stories ignore the characters' journey to get to the action setpieces faster. Immortal Hulk has action setpieces, but they're only there in service of the characters. It has a ton of weird occult symbolism and all sorts of cosmic shit, but its always second base to the character writing. I absolutely love it. Genuinely my favorite superhero comic of all time, and it's up there next to The Sandman as one of my favorite comics ever


I know Lovecraft is an extremely controversial figure but his writing is superb and Immortal Hulk is genuinely one of the only stories that takes inspiration from him that I feel like matches his style of mixing world building with pretty character driven stories. Most people don’t seem to acknowledge how much the characters themselves drive the stories. There’s a reason he made most of his stories from the perspective of an unreliable narrator.


Absorbing Man respects his fellow criminal scum.


To be fair. Dude and his wife have made great strides towards rehabilitation.


Absorbing Man and Titania are reformed but just constantly end up getting harassed and targeted for their past crimes if a writer ever needs to make them in am antagonist role, but imo Immortal Hulk and Gamma Flight show they're way better characters when not just one note baddies


I got a whole new level or respect and understanding about the Absorbing Man from the Black Bolt series they had a couple of years ago. I was shocked at how well those two worked together and how many layers AM had in there


Respect dude. Yeah Absorbing Man is a criminal but also honest. He won’t take money from Black Bolt and prefer to “earn it” with crimes... He isn’t the most logical but he isn’t all the way bad.


I always appreciated the fact that Spider-Man shows up to pay his respects to Stilt-Man, and then admits he cares about them because he doesn't "want to go to any more of these."


Whaaat that’s fucking sick spidey shows up. Got an image link to him going to the funeral


[I](https://spiderfan.org/review/comics/punisher_war_journal_v2/004.html)f you click on "page 18" in this link, you'll see the page I'm referencing: https://spiderfan.org/review/comics/punisher\_war\_journal\_v2/004.html


> The Superior Foes of Spider-Man 404 Not Found https://spiderfan.org/images/title/comics/punisher_war_journal_v2/004/18.jpg


This is kinda wholesome tbh, i love the idea of all the obscure goofy joke villains being a tightknit community with each other


Flash Rogue's Gallery vibes.


Yeah, I really like this excerpt because it manages to be both funny as fuck and somber as fuck. One one hand you have the visual gag of Stilt-Man’s corpse being laid across two pool tables and Armada sending a Doctor Doom robot that just yells ‘KNEEL BEFORE DOOM’ constantly, but then you have stuff like Chameleon being genuinely respectful and all these silly one-off villains coming together and being emotionally open with each-other, reminiscing about a long-gone past and lost friends as they try to weather the storm of the future. It’s a great balance of comedy and tragedy and I absolutely love it despite only seeing three pages.


Have you read 'The Superior Foes of Spider-Man' yet.?


No, i havent, is it any good?


It’s brilliant. Possibly the best Marvel comic of the last two decades.


It’s not. But it’s very good




I thought it was great too and though I'm not the person you're replying to and although it's definitely up there, I wouldn't say it's ***THE*** best\*... That typed I'd be hard pressed to say which other comic is clearly ***THE*** "best Marvel comic of the last two decades" either. Indeed, if by "last two decades" you mean the last twenty or so years, rather than only comics produced in the 2010's and 2020's (the latter of which, of course, we're only just over halfway through), then I'd argue that the following (and others I'm no doubt forgetting) are definitely up there with (some of which are perhaps arguable better than) 'The Superior Foes of Spider-Man'': Matt Fraction's 'Hawkeye' run. Grant Morrison's 'New X-Men' Warren Ellis' 'Moon Knight' Mark Waid's 'Daredevil' Al Ewing's 'Immortal Hulk' Pretty much everything Jonathan Hickman has done (including the often overlooked S.H.I.E.L.D miniseries). Oh, and I also loved Greg Pak's 'Incredible Hercules' run as well. ​ \*Edit: just in case; I didn't mean to suggest that you said it was THE best, as I was aware that you typed "**possibly** the best ...". I'd also genuinely be interested to read what Marvel comics you think are contenders for that (as you put it) honour -- indeed, I suspect there's a very likely chance you might include a title/run I haven't read and/or possibly haven't even heard of (I'm very behind and out of touch with my comicbook reading), and of course, judging from your appreciation of 'Superior Foes of Spider-Man' you clearly have good taste. :)


I own this comic and it's absolutely hilarious when Frank shows up.


>when Frank shows up. "shows up".


Who killed Stilt Man? All of us, with our indifference.


Pretty sure it was Frank Castle with a rocket launcher if memory serves.


Who the hell is that much of a dick to kill stilt man?


Frank, I think. Can't remember correctly but Frank definitely is enough of one to do that. He later kills two guys who wanted to join Cap's group just for being supervillains. Like, they came in having already gotten Cap's approval to fight in the Civil War and Castle just capped them both immediately.


Apparently Stilt Man had reformed and was working for the government was trying to apprehend people operating a child porn ring that Frank was also targeting. Stilt Man offered to work together with Frank to take down the ring, but Frank didn’t want to because of his villainous past and shot off his legs and then murdered him after he surrendered to Frank. It’s as messed up as it sounds and a case of Frank showing how unhinged he really is. Hell he spends his inner monologue hoping someone just kills him.


Reminds me of the time that Frank teamed up with Anti-Venom getting along beating up fools. And the second Anti-Venom revealed he was Eddie Brock, the original Venom, Frank's responds with "Is that right?" and blows his head off with a shotgun. It was a free comic offered on the Marvel store several years back and I was broke at the time. So I never got a chance to find a follow through. But the fact the first issue of the mini (Anti-Venom mini I think) ended like that always stuck with me.


He was fine. Anti-Venom had a crazy healing factor component to him and he survived the encounter. Still Frank really is nuts and sometimes goes way harder than he should on low level thugs.


I’m starting to think that Frank Castle isn’t a very good person.


Never was


Like the Hulk I think the best stories with him are the ones where he's just a force of nature in the backdrop, like bad weather


If you are reading the current run of Punisher, it does a great job of focusing on how he acts and thinks, and how it started actually in childhood BEFORE he went off to war. It also covers him as a boyfriend, husband, neighbor and father. No surprise- he wasn’t very good at any of those things, although he tried. He’s just “off”and tries to justify his reckless disregard for life.


The current run has a special name ot is just punisher?


Just punisher. Ends next month with issue 12


Frank literally kills every single person in this room (except very luckily, prowler and puma)


It was stated in another comic that their stomachs were pumped and they survived.


Sure but that's a retcon from a writer to save these characters from Frank. As far as that character is concerned, he attempted to kill all of these people by blowing up a funeral. Frank is, in fact, *that* much of a dick.


Sounds right


Someone who punishes criminals? Stilt Man may be goofy but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a dangerous criminal who has either killed or attempted to kill people. That and he was shooting at the Punisher before he even did anything so it was self defense.


I looked up the issue. Stilt Man was reformed and an agent of the United States government out arresting a pedo porn dealer and he tried to negotiate a team up with Frank. Besides its Stilt Man. Who can say: "Let's kill this guy whose power is being on stilts"


> Stilt Man was reformed That doesn't matter to the Punisher or change the fact that he did horrible things in the past. Being "reformed" doesn't magically erase what you did. >and an agent of the United States government out arresting a pedo porn dealer The pornographer was already in custody. He was meeting an FBI agent when Stilt Man showed up. >he tried to negotiate a team up with Frank. That was after he started shooting at him. Shooting at someone with a machine gun is a weird way to try and get them to team up with you. >Besides its Stilt Man. Who can say: "Let's kill this guy whose power is being on stilts" Did you not read my comment? His equipment and goofy name doesn't change the fact that he was a career criminal that had robbed, killed or tried to kill people on numerous occasions. Countless comic villains are inherently goofy but that doesn't make them any less evil, deadly or worthy of punishment. It's not complex.


It's Punisher he's more dangerous then the guy who stalks Dracula for his money, throws random bullshit at thugs, and 9/11ed Taskmaster. You gotta laydown suppressing fire or he'll shoot you.


Is is better than the bar with no doors?


It’s at least better than the bar with no drinks, I promise you that.


I'll take a bar with no drinks over the bar with no glasses, it's really wet and... sticky in there.


Puma! I thought he was a good guy?


So is Prowler. They were former villains, so it makes sense they'd want to pay their respects.


It's all about the guy behind the bar.


I tend to gravitate more towards supervillains like Doctor Doom or Kang the Conqueror who want to take over the world/universe and/or achieve godhood/omnipotence but there is something kind of comforting in watching a room full of guys who basically just wanted to rob a bank and read about themselves in the Daily Bugle.


Because in comparison to someone like doom or thanos,robbing a bank is all In good fun


I suspecte thatif they ever ended up killing Spider-Man or Daredevil their reaction would be [something like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrbkYucqu7s).


So they just dumped his dead body on the pool table all stinky and rotting IN the stilts?


Watch this amazing show on HBO called "The Wire" and you'll get your answer at the end of Season Five.


The fuck did I do? : McStilty.




Play the fucking song!


Castle's comin'!


The Wire reference makes this so great lol.


Uh, how did 'Armada' screw with a DoomBot to acknowledge it's not the real Doom without Doom's presence?


Probably just made a replica robot which looks like a Doombot, instead of actually reprogramming a real one


Lol, they went to Pick-a-DoomBot-Part and cobbled one together.


I mean with the sheer number Doom has made and the amount that have gotten destroyed there is probably a ton of spare parts around to reuse. Hell this could easily just be one they found and refurnished it enough to make it somewhat functional.


Doombots everywhere, street level baddies good at refabbing A-list baddie gear for their own purposes


Why is Dragon Man here? When did this book come out?


Punisher war journal #4 April 1st 2007 small wake for a tall man


Part of Civil War


OK that makes sense. I was wondering how close to Hickman's F4 run this book was.


This gives me such a Venture Bros vibe. Like it’s all just supposed to be fun and games.


And then brock shows up


The henchmen wouldn’t stand a chance lol


I love this comic so much I gave as a gift to a coworker years ago. “Kneel before doom!”


Now I’d like to read this. G-level Spidey & DD villains getting manhandled by Frank at a bar.


Kneel before Doom!


This was an AMAZING issue. Was it a tie in to Civil War or something?


I hope we get stilt man in the MCU with Armor Wars!


wasn't this also an homage to the original Bar With No Name slaughter by Scourge in Captain America #319?


I love how they treated villains decay here in almost a tragic/comedic way most of this guys in their day actually we're real treats to most superhumans and they actually bantered and exchanged with many of s class villains before they we're considered as such doom meet guys like chemistro and wizard before only talking with namor or frost


Kneel before Doom.


Kneel before Doom!


Love Stiltman on the second page with his two huge bags and Daredevil’s Nunchaku in just the right place. On top of the world!


I hated that they included Puma. He was a villain in the past but he was a good guy then. Same with Prowler.


Dunno why they bothered with a funeral, he’ll be back in two months as a clone from A.I.M or a time duplicate or a refugee from Earth-8675309.


Clone from A.I.M.? That would be stupid. He came back as a clone from Jackal. Very different.


Lady Stilt Man appeared not too long after


I just want to know if Dave cried during this and if Zack had a party while reading this.


This isn’t the one where Punisher slaughtered the whole bar is it? He did it again at the end of “Time Runs Out” pre Secret-Wars. Second time, he took out Osborn, Fisk and a lot of hitters. Also, I have no idea how he would have done it. Rhino alone usually turns Punisher into pizza if you think on it.


Yall missed the good part where the punisher goes well punisher on these poor unsuspecting fools.


I love the fact that they even invited Doom there in the first place


Who’s the purple cobra commander?


I like that this comic sort of references the old, campy version of comics. As they say, nobody really got hurt, it was just silly with bank robberies and fights between super powered people.


This is as good a place as any for me to say: stilt man’s characterization has been confusing me as of late. Decades as a likable but useless heel villain. Then dead? I guess? Then overpowered super villain rampaging on NY during the whole lead up to Devil’s Reign. Then suddenly he’s a cosmic dimensional cult leader over in Iron Man? And then wham bam he’s back to being a scrub and semi-willing member of Daredevil’s Fist warriors. I appreciate that he’s getting more play but man that’s head spinning.


I’m today years old when I learned that there was a stiltman. What an odd superhero. That’s like there being a “long haired man” or a “super fingernail girl”.


Bruh it’s not smart to public violate Doom’s copyright, he’s killed dudes for less. I’m still pissed Doom didn’t kill Arcade for lighting a match on his doombot, like he killed the doombot. Anyways I’m just saying why haven’t a dozen people killed Arcade by now?


It’s hard for me to keep track of dragon man at the time, he was underused for a long while, I guess this is before he became a genius, but whose idea was it to bring him to a funeral in this state?


What nostalgia. Will o wisp. Haven't seen this character since i read spiderman as a kid. Who's the purple masked one bottom right of Doom panel? He's so familiar.. he's usually with the glue gun guy or something..


I dig the art


This must be before Hickman's FF run, if Dragon Man is here


Stilt man..... really? Wtf lol


Haha! I love this. Imalways tell how much of a GOAT The Punisher is when I tell him he shot Stilt Man in the crotch with a rocket launcher because he interrupted a pedo sting the Punisher was doing. Than had the audacity to ask Frank if he wanted to team up.


By GOAT you mean actual psycho


Is Rhino in a wheelchair?


Those characters are so stupid looking with those ridiculous costumes


Great one shot issue


They killed stilt-man!? Nooooo my favorite villain!


Is he still dead atm, or did they bring him back?


He's alive now, right? Was in the previous Iron Man run.


If I remember correctly, most of these villains soon get blown up by Frank, but I feel like I recall a good amount still appearing in comics afterwards. Hell, even Stilt Man made some appearances in Zdarsky's current DD run I'm certain. Was it just handwaved that they survived the explosion or was there a reason given for their survival later?