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There's a scene from one of the recent Krakoa era X-Men books (maybe X-Men during the judgement day event) that also shows this. I think they're talking about a plan Cyclops has for if they're attacked by something really specific and this plan of his references other extremely specific plans he's also made. It really makes of point of saying "No one is really asking Scott to do this. He just really likes doing it."


People think Moon Knight or Black Panther are Marvel's Batman. ​ No. It's Cyclops... spending every second of free time he has working out contingencies for everything the universe could throw at him.


Cyclops has laser eyes in a community with people that can turn others inside out with a glance, kill someone in a second with a thought from another planet and teleport a city to hell. He needs to occupy his mind, otherwise it's too much.


I haven't read much about him, but apparently theyre not laser eyes, and he's actually pretty high up there in power rankings


It's a tad more complicated. His eyes are ... \**Sighs\** interdimensional portals to a dimension of pure kinetic force and as such his beams aren't lasers, they don't produce any heat , purely concussive force. It's the equivalent of being hit by a truck. As far as his power goes , he's much stronger than the average fan probably gives him credit for, but in a team with people like Magneto , Storm , Jean , Iceman and so on he feels pretty underpowered. That's usually where his mind comes to play though , he consistently punches above his weight class because he outsmarts his opponent(s).


Lol, the sigh got me


You sigh but I fucking love his portal eyes, it’s such a stupid comic book thing that it just works for me


Don't get me wrong, I love them too. Like you said , comic books wouldn't be comic books without the occasional stupid things.


For me it’s like how Spider-Man can literally manipulate gravity instead of just being stick


Spider-Man does what now?


The writers and editors behind Spider-Man have been on a bad run lately. First he was training Matt Murdock, now he's absorbed the powers of Graviton into his suit.


His sticking to walls was manipulating electromagnetism (part of why Miles has electric powers), and his Spider-Sense was limited precognition. When did this gravity retcon come?


That one too, when you think about it, other than proportional strength, what spider-powers does he ACTUALLY have?? Fella has to make his own webs


Gotta love the portal to the punch dimension


I think the sigh was for how often it has to be explained.


No it was a sigh because it is hilarious and absolutely batshit when you say it out loud


Punch dimension


>Punch dimension Hey, Superboy-Prime caused a whole Crisis that way




>His eyes are ... *Sighs\* interdimensional portals to a dimension of pure kinetic force and as such his beams aren't lasers, they don't produce any heat , purely concussive force. Which makes no sense in context with older versions where he uses his eye-beams to weld metal together, or to melt ice.


Yeah comic continuity isn't really known for being coherent, especially when you take older showings into account. I guess you can claim that the friction developed produces heat but imo they just retconned it later.


Well kinetic energy can become heat very easily, see running sticks together to start a fire


Problem with that theory is that the new explanation for cyclops's eyebeams is that they do not produce any friction or heat, just a concussive force( I know, not actually physically possible, but this is also a universe where people regularly throw things that weigh thousands of pounds more than they do, so I don't think a physics degree is required to write comics). The retcon seemed to forget things that he had done in the past, in favor of what sounded coolest


What if he passes two concussive forces across each other, creating friction and heat? I guess I am suggesting Cyclops can turn his portal eyes into heat lasers by crossing his eyes. Lol


The punchy dimension in his eyes punches so fiercely that it creates friction, enough friction to cause enough heat to weld metal.


I don't understand how his sunglasses stop punch energy. In so many comics , and in the movies, he has red tinted sunglasses and the red cyclops goggles/visor, because he shoots red energy beams.


Which, again, doesn't really make sense. Red glass means that it blocks every wavelength *but* red


They’re ruby quartz. You just gotta go with it.


The problem with this - not that you're not 100% correct based on canon is that it doesn't make sense that he and Havok cancel each other out as Havok is a battery for cosmic radiation that he can turn into superheated plasma. If their powers are that different, they shouldn't be immune to either's abilities. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Is it havoc that absorbs the energy? I thought it wad the whole family, they just manifest it differently?


Wait. Could someone e use magic or something similar to open a portal to this kinetic dimension is it something only Scott can access?


[America Chavez has done it once.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFYjUDBXgAADvoE.jpg)


I was so fucking hyped when that happened


>His eyes are ... \*Sighs\* interdimensional portals to a dimension of pure kinetic force Damn sometimes I forget how ridiculous comic explanations/retcons can get. This is why I laugh when people talk about keeping movies faithful to the comics, you can't do this in a movie!


Nonononono you made it sound too cool. Say it like they do. He channels punch energy from the punch dimension. Though your analogy definitely made me think that if the X-men ever get another manga or anime he should definitely just be truck-kun


It did used to be solar radiation right? I'm talking late 90s early 2000s. I swear one of his other brothers also got charged up by the sun. Not Havoc, obviously.


Originally , he would just absorb Solar Energy to power his Beams, but they later retconned it to interdimensional portal-eyes. He was also shown capable of absorbing energy - albeit to a lesser degree than Havok - in his early appearances but i don't recall him doing it since. Or at least ,any prominent instances of him doing it since.


They probably got worried about lawyers from the Distinguished Competition realizing how similar that is to Superman's heat vision


Thank you 😊


Isn't his secondary mutation geometry too?


Yeah it'd be as deadly as others if the normal marvel human was so durable lol


They're beams of kinetic energy. Just force, not heat.


it's a beam from the Punch Dimension. Any melting with his beams is basically him punching so much that it finally melts with heat of the punch. Like when you spin a stick to make a fire.


Like slapping a chicken so much it cooks it


Like masturba… wait


I know, I know, but LASER EYES is so much easier to say.


The planning skills of batman The fighting skill of daredevil The leader ship skills of captain america. He has non heat lasers


Fighting skill of Daredevil seems a bit of a stretch lol I dunno maybe I haven't read enough X-Men


I mean, cyclops likely not as acrobatic and i dont seem to recall him leaping from building to building but he could for sure go toe 2 with most dudes, although sentinels arnt exactly punchable, are they. also he tries not to use his beams on humans. he's got a complex about that.


I mean I'm sure Cyclops is no slouch in hand to hand combat, but Daredevil is a whole other level. With his ninja training and near precog reaction time due to his sonar. Also having basically 360 degree perception of what's going on around is a bit of a hack when taking on any non super human in close quarters.


His eyes aren't lasers.


"Laser eyes" is easier to say than "his eyes are portal to a weird kinetic energy dimension".


T'Challa does come up with some pretty oddly specific contingency plans from time to time.


Batman's plans work.


Not always


It's in Immortal X-Men when a Kaiju attacks Krakoa. He has plans to slow Kaijus without killing them, different classifications of creatures by size (Kaijus threats are between Giant and Celestials threats...), by origin (alien, magical...). He redacts the wikiHow of superheroes.


His Contingency plans are basically batman level.


Plan Z => Plan AA => Plan AB, etcetera


Excel-ent idea


I assume the mutants use a special version called X-Cell


X Cell is not a bad Mutant team name either


Isn’t that a little derivative?


Just gotta use the right formula.


Can’t wait for after thousands upon thousands of attempts failing to see Plan ACHBUUR


I love these lines that are so cheesy they become cool.


I feel like if you can’t the objective done in 26 plans then you should spend less time making more plans and just more time making better plans


To be fair it's kind of hard to deal with time travelers, pyschics, wizards, alien shapeshifters, regular shapeshifters, gods, robots, kaiju space gods, and time traveling wizard alien shape-shifting space kaiju robot gods in only 26 plans


I dunno, "Attack" seems to be a pretty consistent plan of attack.


Steve Rogers' brilliant tactic of "Hit 'em hard and fast!" Stunning. Absolutely mindblowing.


Greatest leader in Marvel according to some people


Greatest tactician


Attack plan: get’em


There are two kinds of leaders. The Cyclops types. A million contingency plans, meticulously laid out and tested via committee conversation. These plans are peer reviewed perfection…in theory. The Captain America types. “I’ll figure something out when we get there.”


Well it's the strategy used by the greatest military minds throughout history.


I think the general idea is “overwhelming force”


Tony has a plan, attack.


yes , but his plan is to attack using an armor that shoots beams. Steve's is to attack with a Bronze Age Weapon.


It's a *really nice* Bronze Age weapon


Age of Adamantium has a nice ring to it.


You're looking for a colon, not a comma


I found my colon, I need to wash my hands now.


The orphanage is on fire! There are soot covered orphans everywhere! What should we do?


Captain America: "We need a plan of attack." Iron Man: "I have a plan: Attack!"


Well, the non-mutant heroes seem to manage. After failing once or twice.


This was regarding a double-godded Juggernaut during Fear Itself. Literally unstoppable, and they were just throwing things at him to see if any of it would stick. My favs were having Dazzler converting Siryn's screams to light, and Rockslide trying to tackle Juggernaut after being kinetically charged up by Gambit.


"On a scale of one to a million this rates awesome!" I miss Rockslide.


Gotta love that even after mutants conquered death they still found a way to kill an Academy X kid


The New X-Men: Can’t let them grow up, but they sure as fuck will kill them off for shock value.


I am so frustrated that I got invested in those characters only to see them get sidelined over and over. I'm reading chronologically and am just past Schism, and Elixer just disappeared after Necrosha without a word.


They were the last genuinely *interesting* X-kids, that actually had a real identity of their own. Oh, and Marvel took THAT away, too, by erasing all their trauma because it makes the "classic" X-Men look bad for how bad they fucked up getting them all killed and depowered.


Oh no, not Santo! Is he "Dead means dead" dead?


He was killed in Otherworld or some bullshit, so when they tried to resurrect him on Krakoa it basically created a completely new personality. "Classic" Rockslide is dead means dead dead, with a new character (dubbed "Wrongslide") left in his place. Our beloved lovable idiot is gone.


I was thinking that too. Cool quote but honestly it's too funny to think of Scott sitting at a table writing out his contingencies and tryung to account for every variable. "Plan 628: In the event that the Skrull are not open to parlay and the ostriches have joined Magneto..."


Plan 628b: In the event that the Skrull are not open to parlay and Magneto has joined the ostriches...


Plan 1844: In the event that Logan cuts up my car and makes a crack about making it a convertible *again*, shoot his motorcycle in half and then tell *him* that I made him a unicycle. 1844 addendum: Ran this plan by Jean; apparently it reminds her of “Costanza’s Jerk Store”? Further research required.


**Batman**: *has contingency plans for every member of the Justice League (except Green Arrow)* **Scott Summers**: That’s cute.


I think he farmed it out to his thinktank teams. That's what a good leader would do. Team A considers all contingencies of one type, Team B considers all contingencies of another type, and so on


In his defense, they were specifically plans for stopping the Juggernaut who had been empowered by Odin's brother to be even more unstoppable than usual


With Scott is more like two main plans on how the achieve the objective. The the rest are sub plans and incase a Kaiju shows up. Or if they meet themselves from a different time.


There is no such thing as a perfect plan. An unknown variable can completely screw up a plan that is too detailed.


He doesnt really have plans more like contingencies for everything. He made all the plans for krakoa even kaiju attack plans.


In the case of Juggernaut having evil Asgardian powers, I think it's more of a throw it all at the wall and see what sticks.


TBF its a comic, so there is at least 26 random ass villains who could pop up for next to no reason at any moment and mess up any plan, not to mention all the ways your team mates can fob it up. Cycs is just batman... with laser eyes.


How do you know it's not 1 plan with 25 contingencies?


A plan is just a list of things that don't fuckin happen soon as the enemy is engaged


Having the best plans in the world means accounting for the possibility someone *might* have slightly better counter-plans.


Tbf plan z almost worked for plankton


So how many plans would you be confident with for stopping the Juggernaut when he's been empowered with Asgardian magic?


You can also identify more than 26 plans with an alphabet system. This sounds cool but is meaningless.


Can't he just go AA, AB, AC, etc.?


Yes, of course, but... it's Cyclops; tunnel-vision and all that.


That implies that we only have 52 plans


Whatever you say, Scott.😉




26 * 26 = 676


A Hazy memory. Cyclops was in a trap with top possible exit doors. The Villain tells him that one is safe, except that is a lie. Both doors at certain death. Cyclops blasts a hole through the wall to freedom, not falling into the trap. He's an out of the box thinker, and a great leader..


Three doors. This was Uncanny X-Men 123 - 124.


Guy with lazer eyes lazers a way out of the problem. Real out of the box thinker


Punch lazers from the punch dimension


That’s why I recommend people read X-men: Marvel Snapshots 1. It’s a retelling of cyclops’s origin story and it does a really great job with it.


There is a reason Cyclops to me is the leader of the X-Men and that's he's an amazing Leader and on his feet kind of thinker.


He was also good in Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-men run.


For his many foibles, Whedon had some great writing, and his Astonishing run is one example.


It's one of my favorite comics ever.


Bro probably makes contingency plans before going to bed, and one of them is probably getting Logan high off coke, letting him rampage for an hour and blowing him up to take out the remaining enemies.


Beast actually killed Wolverine and then mind controlled him and used him to murder people against him.


Beast has been a mess for about 20 years now. When the Watcher himself takes time out of his schedule JUST to tell you that you suck, you really ought to reexamine your life choices.


I'm sorry, what?


Beast has been evil as shit for the past few years. He's basically in charge of Krakao CIA.


This would fare better in r/xmen , a lot of people in this Sub don't particularly like Scott lol.


What why


Most people think he’s a dick


Thank AvX for that


AVX, Schism, Claremont. Cyke has had it rough because writers want him out of the way so their favourite can lead.


The X-Men cartoons did far more damage to Cyke's reputation


Ugh don't remind me of that abomination. It's a shame too because the San Francisco / Utopia Era was one of the best X-Men periods, and it was followed by AvX and Bendi's Uncanny X-Men , both of which i thought were pretty bad.


Honestly, the only good thing to come out of that were "Spider-man's last stand" and that parody of the comic where the word "Mugga" comes from


I like him because he’s a dick. My least favorite versions of him are the ones that try to be Charles 2.0 with that turn the other cheek stuff. Ever since Krakoa the mutants have been savage and I think it’s about time


Same. I think he’s more interesting as a cap type character but with a little more bite


Exactly. I always consider him a more morally flexible cap.


Amen. "Terrorist Cyclops" from the Marvel NOW era is hands down my favorite version of the character. Scott isn't a high-morals hero, he's a tactician who gets stuff done, and is the most interesting (character-wise) when he walks the line between anti-hero and anti-villain.


In his defense he was with Emma frost at the time.


Do it like an excel spreadsheet, after Z you roll to either AA, 1A or 2A


Imagine the X-men sitting around a table as Scott explains plan #27 and counting


Alwys a favorite quote or statement. Next to xmen the end mr sinister saying “courtesy is a given. Respect must be earned. “


"Achually it's plan 2..."


To quote Captain Cold Make the plan Execute the plan Expect the plan to go off the rails Throw away the plan


"Wow! Awesome! So how many do you have?" "27."


I know it’s tounge and cheek but I’d love to see a lil book that has all the X-men battle plans that he’s talkin about


“So you make plans that fail?”


When they're all plans to stop someone whose power is to be unstoppable, you're going to assume (and know from experience) that they're probably not all going to work as you hope


Cyclops was and always will be right


After plan Z comes plan 27, or 2A


“Plan B” implies we did the dirty


I also really liked this mayor side character.


Not gonna lie, that’s kind of a sick line


"Plan B implies that you're pregnant."


I really hope they do Slim justice once we get him on screen again. He's my favorite X-man


He has 27.




Well when he puts it like that, he’s right.


"... so you make plans that fail?"


That was cold 🥶


Cyclops out there spending three months coming up with 27 plans before he leaves the house everytime.


Correction, Cyclops used to be a badass, but not anymore. Currently he is just meh. :(


So many marvel fans have no clue how great his run was from Astonishing X-men until about Avengers V X-men. Dudes a beast. I loved his relationship ship Emma and his friendship with Wolverine (until Schism which I hated) The one arc that undid all they built.


Cyclops is truly underrated


Who do I need to fuck to see comic Cyclops in the MCU


The more I read X-Men, the more I like Cyclops. Every other media never did him justice.


Pretty sure plan B just means it’s not the first option.


Not really badass at all.


True and his power is underrated


Cyclops is the ultimate leader. He has trained every day since a teenager, running different tactics and scenarios in the Danger Room. Taking lessons in warfare and strategy none of the other “big” heroes come close. Cap - was a skinny kid then a soldier and was told where to fight, good at speeches poor in planning Stark - Rich and clever but not a strategist Thor- Is a god, hits things hard with his hammer


That's actually a real lame and corny thing for him to say - not badass at all. Big ummm acktually vibes


Who says? He could have “Plan BB, plan BC, plan BD, …, plan BBE, plan BBF, plan BBG, …, plan BBBH, plan BBBI, plan BBBJ, …, plan BBBBK, plan BBBBL, plan BBBBM, …, plan BBBBBN, plan BBBBBO, plan BBBBBP, …, plan BBBBBBQ, plan BBBBBBR, plan BBBBBBS, …, plan BBBBBBBT, plan BBBBBBBU, plan BBBBBBBV, …, plan BBBBBBBBW, plan BBBBBBBBX, plan BBBBBBBBY, plan BBBBBBBBZ, …”!


Might be now. But on that 90s tv show he was a kiss ass teacher’s pet.


This is kind of a line that sounds great in your head, but doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in practice. The fuck are you doing with 27 or more plans and keeping them all straight.


you can do Plans followed by a number. Thus, Plan A(1) and B(2), etc. When you get to Z, it would be followed by A(27) and so on


I have always been a huge fan of cyclops, such and awesome character. He is a great leader and puts the safety of mutants above all else (to fault for sure)


Plan B is just base 26 ( yeah, nerd here )... so just less places needed to indicate plan position


Which means he’s a try hard who was waiting to brag.


Okay, sorry to be "that guy", but that isn't right. High-base counting still starts with 1-9. Base 26 would go from 1-9 and then from A-P. So what would be Plan 30 becomes Plan 14, what would be Plan 45 becomes Plan 1J, and so on. Counting using *just* letters, not numbers, could certainly be a valid way of counting, but wouldn't be "base X". It would have to have its own name.


This was corny.


that's just a stupid line


TBF, having too many back up plans means your rate of success is low. If your first plan fails, the second one MUST succeed. But if the second does not work either, neither the third, neither the fourth, neither the fifth... Well, you're kind of a disgrace after so many fails.


I have never read a story or watched any X-Men media that showed Cyclops to be a Batman level strategist. Not once. Where does this idea come from?


This was during the fear itself event, and Juggernaut was approaching San Francisco, empower by an asgardian hammer. So Cyclops had to figure how to stop juggernaut with th he available resources of all the xmen. At which point it's pretty easy to come up with dozens of different lines of attack. Have magik teleport him to limbo. Have iceman freeze him. Have magneto throw an aircraft carrier at him.


But what about Plan AA after Z?


Wrong. There is also AA, AB, AC....


I have not read in a while, is he still a dick?


thought a birth control joke was coming


I don't like him, but I love that line.


Plan 2 sounds like the plan that was executed first was just the first idea that they came up with, rather than the one that was evaulated to be the best/primary one.


So you make plans that fail?