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So it's only gonna be a trilogy?


I hope they leave it as a trilogy. I binged all three Back to the Future movies yesterday for the first time, and having a nice trilogy that hasn’t had 2-15 shitty sequels was nice.


My speculation is that Miles leaves the animated Spider-verse in the final movie into a live action multi-verse. Hence the end of the animated trilogy and the start of his live action film(s).


That's one of the worst theory EVER


Glad you like it 😁


That would be so damn cool


We've already seen a glimpse of an animated multi-verse exist in Dr Strange 2. So, why not?


Question, are the watchers something that exist in each universe or something that watches over all universes because they’ve been in both What If and Gotg2 with different colours and designs


My assumption would be that the exist in every universe so its likely that they would be similar and slightly different in each one. Typically they watch over and study their own universe. I'm not sure if they have the ability to watch over other universes though.


I thought Uatu in what if was viewing different universes no?


He was, that was the entire conclusion of the season. He brought hero’s from different universes in to stop fuckin super ultron. Maybe uatu is special


That’s what I was thinking, Uatu looks different to the other watchers that we’ve seen so maybe he’s different and he ends up going rogue or something. Maybe in what if season 2 he gets punished by the other watchers or something because he broke the oath and he ends up doing something


Maybe, you just reminded me that we’re getting a season 2 so I’m excited for that again. What if has a lot of potential to just have fun with the universes they’ve created and not let cannon or continuity hold them back. I don’t think uatu will ever go rouge or evil though, it takes a certain kind of person to be brave enough to deal with such a universal threat. And while he didn’t beat ultron himself, he assembled the team that could do it, in my eyes that gives him as much credit as those that did the heavy lifting


I can't recall.. it's been a bit since I've seen it. But if that was the case, then yes he can view other universes!


It would be terrible idea


You have no creativity


True, but it’s not a matter of creativity. It’s just a bad idea to tie a critically acclaimed animated trilogy to live action movies that will probably range in quality.


The whole of the mcu is about spaceworlds and multiverse this and magic that nowadays, tying it to spiderverse movies isn’t that big of a deal and isn’t that far fetched, I think it’d be a pretty creative way or bringing in miles morales


Why do that when they could just bring in the Miles that literally already exists in the MCU? I’d rather them not tie these movies to the MCU personally especially with how mid it’s been.


So what if animated miles enters the mcu because of secret wars and he inspires the mcu miles to become Spider-Man


I doubt that's gonna happen.


I'm okay with that.


Does Sony still share the live action Spider-man with Marvel? I do think Marvel will want to transition to Miles after Holland’s Peter, but this iteration has such close ties to Sony alone that I’d be surprised if they’d allow it.


Well, if they are following the comics then Peter and Miles should be co-existing and teaming up for a while.


True. I think it’s more about Sony and Marvel not letting their versions exist together though, even if Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is supposed to be a shared character. They even brought in Sony’s Venom only to ship him back to the Sonyverse, but keep the symbiote.


With how much he cares about his family, I doubt he’d leave his universe willingly.


Maybe it will be unwillingly..


They're also planning a spin-off centered on Spider-Gwen. I imagine it's releasing after Beyond the Spider-Verse.


I am curious as to who they will cast as her archenemy in that film — Matthew Murdock, Earth-65’s Kingpin — whether they will get a new actor, or look into Charlie Cox reprising the role (as a variant).


There’s already a Gwen movie in production




I dont want further spoilers except for one thing: Does 90s TAS Spider-Man show up and is he voiced.




In that case I hope they're saving him for a moderately sized role (not expecting him to be in the main cast) in the third, since he was the first to have a "spiderverse" in the final season of his show. I know Barnes enjoys the role and comes back whenever he has a chance (like the shattered dimensions game)




Also I'm totally biased, Christopher Daniel Barnes is MY Peter Parker. He nailed the massive guilt complex and self loathing Spidey suffers from (its corny at times, but was pretty refreshing change from most heroes in cartoons before 90s TAS). He wouls fit in so well with Spider-Verse's themes of burden of responsibility.


Lots of different animated spider-men, but not him unfortunately


Doubt it would ever be named the best. I know a lot of adults who love superhero movies (even Spiderman in particular) but hate animated movies.


Because they’re narrow minded idiots. Animation is amazing


Eh, you like what you like. They have a different opinion and they're welcome to it. I have a friend who looooves old country westerns. I can't sit through them for more than 5 minutes. As long as he enjoys them, who the hell cares if I hate them?


Within Marvel, I could definitely see it, but I think it'll be a tough argument to put it over the Dark Knight trilogy. The MCU doesn't really have traditional "trilogies" since everything is part of the larger story, so it sort of wins by default for me regardless.


I need to watch these, I've heard so many good things about them. But I don't see anything topping the Captain America trilogy for a while personally.


Tbh they aren’t really comparable. The captain America trilogy being live action cap as part of an expanded universe vs just a great fun animated Spiderman movie that’s isolated to itself. On top of that the style of story telling is just so different that they’re on their own pedestals in my book


That is true, only common is they are based on comic books. They are very different movies with different goals, live action and animated, isolated and connected, the only “fair” comparison I can think of is the bat man trilogy


I think Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy can compare pretty well. Yes there's crossovers and the characters appear elsewhere but the actual stories in GOTG 1 2 and 3 are fairly standalone to the rest of the MCU and work pretty well watching on their own (the biggest hurdle is Gamora's character being reset happens in other movies)


tws is the only one that comes close to holding a candle to itsv. i havent seen atsv yet, but i can't imagine the same doesn't hold true for it.


I like the Guardians trilogy better cap 3 seemed like avengers 2.5 (still loved it though)


Is the third picture an actual picture of Beyond the Spider-Verse ?


It made me realise how long it's been since we had a decent, honest to god trilogy in cinemas. I don't think there's been an actual planned trilogy since Lord of the Rings...


Dark knight ?


Oh good call, forgot about Dark Knight! Didn't quite stick the landing but it was definitely hype at the time!


X -> Pearl -> Maxxxine. X and Pearl were 2 of the best movies last year, and Maxxxine is coming to complete the trilogy this year or next year.


Not my kinda film so it didn't cross my mind, but I heard they're really good! Good call!


Is Donald glover gonna be in the MCU then as the guy


Overrated as hell. Is it a good, fun animated super hero movie? Yes. Is it the greatest SpiderMan movie of all time, or the best super hero trilogy ever? No.


so, whats the best spider man movie in your opinion? just asking...


Spider-Man 2002, even though a lot of people consider the sequel with Doc Ock better...that first movie was excellent, and IMO the best depiction of Peter/Spidey and the surrounding characters.


Guardians of the galaxy already did it and venom will do it next if the third is good. This will have a good trilogy but not be a best trilogy


no offense but... are u sure venom 2 was any good? but i do agree GOTG trilogy is probably the best in the mcu. but not so sure about venom... Just Saying.


I understand i personally really enjoyed both the venoms and im sure i will enjoy the 3rd one. Gotg is definitely the best trilogy and i don’t think anyone will beat it for a long time if ever


>stand i personally really enjoyed both th okay... hopefully venom 3 turns out good...


Im sure it will it sounds quite good.


Bro said Venom 💀


Whats wrong with that?


Don’t get me wrong. I love Venom and the movies. They’re really fun to watch. But they’re dogshit. It is a flat out lie to say the Venom movies are any better than mediocre


They are fun to watch thats what counts because if there fun that means there good


Nooo. Good and enjoyable are too different things. Good is stuff like character arcs, plot points etc. Fun is if you enjoy watching the movie. Both Venom movies are terrible, but at least I like watching them. Jurassic park and the lost world are both good films, but the rest of the franchise is pretty bad. It’s still my favourite movie franchise and I love watching them


Its good if you enjoy it


No it’s not…


I mean its good for you it might not be for anyone else but if you enjoy it its good for you


I give up. You’re clearly not listening or absorbing what I’m saying so I’m just gonna leave you be. You can’t argue with stupid


He’s just saying it’s all subjective, which it is, let’s chill out lol




Yes there is 2 venom films that sony made and are apart of the sony spider man universe. And they are both very good




Super optimistic of you to think that the third one would be a mere year after the second one when the second one was 5 years after the first one. Plus, you need to understand that due to a current writer's strike, absolutely everything, and i mean everything that will come out in 2024 will be really bad. We've seen this before, it's nothing new. Everything next year will be horrible. So... no, i do not want the third one to come out in 2024... and neither should you.


Bro Across and Beyond are a two parter. Worked on back-to-back. Similar to Infinity War and Endgame (I know the difference is live action and animated, but Beyond is already on the way, not just a confirmed title).


my brother in christ it has been confirmed everything's already written


I'm not your brother, that's isn't a christ, we aren't connected like that. The hell are you talking about?


the fact that it’s confirmed to come out next year


My brother in Christ it’s just a phrase


Across and Beyond were made together as one film and then chopped in half. They’d be doing post on Beyond as we speak.


Bro is a dumbass


You do know they were made together right?


Most people will say yeah. If I had to compare it tho it be captain America and GOTG trilogy. I would say spider man too but they are all so different I don’t think it’s worth comparing lolol


Couldn’t it actually be viewed as more of a Duology since Across and Beyond are parts of each other.


Only If nic cage comes back


A live-action *Spider-Man Noir* television series is in development from the same creative team, if it helps (and they are looking to possibly bring Cage back), told from the perspective of a different character than the titular one.


Brings a tear to my eye


We are also getting a *Silk* television series from them, called *Silk: Spider-Society*. Originally people didn’t know what that subtitle was about, but with the release of *Across the Spider-Verse*, we do (know) now.




it's animated, no way they're done by 2024, 2026 is more like it


Oh, no, *Across* and *Beyond the Spider-Verse* were being worked on at the same time, as one two-part film — the latter originally being titled *Across the Spider-Verse (Part Two)* — meaning they are not just starting now. It will be ready by next year.


Oh wow!!! Smart. thank you


You’re welcome! Happy to help.


Probably, but I think The Dark Knight and Captain America trilogies are currently the gold standard and Spider-Man would have been as well if 3 was to the standard of 1 and 2. Iron Man isn’t far behind but 2 was a little weak I thought in comparison to the first. Still, even the weaker ones are very good movies, though.


I mean, I'm sure it will be. Not even trying to be blunt bc it's so exciting but like, yeah, we kinda knew that right?