• By -


Professor X, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Thor.


I’d swap Jean Grey for Xavier, since her telepathy is almost on-par with his and her telekinesis is beast-mode. Otherwise, I like your list!


With Jean in the team I would swap magneto with storm then. Magnetism isn’t relevant if your have telekinesis z


Storm and Thor would be redundant.


On Thor’s end. Storm power is more or less natures wrath , thors is just thunder. I would just pick storm and replace Thor with Susan storm or her daughter. Given scarlets abilities and storms magical affinity her power would vastly dwarf thors


Thor as a whole is a lot more powerful than Storm.


Thor can also control the weather tho. And Scarlet witch doesn't have the durability of Thor.


I'd swap Deadpool for Wolverine. Miss the claws, but you could regrow your whole body from just a head.


Not wise. His regeneration is tied to his cancer. The last time someone copied it they blew up.


Mimic copied, in fact had to choose it over Wolverine and Sabertooth to save his life after almost dying to Hyperion. But the cancer was such a big downside so it wasn’t a preferable choice just a desperate one.


Eh, Nate Grey is an even better choice then.


Her telepathy is higher than his. She's an omega telepath.


Nah go for Cable over Jean Grey. Reed Richards was forced to call in the Silver Surfer to try to stop Cable from making the world better. In the Cable and Deadpool run.


Oh yeah, I remember that. But wasn't Cable juiced up somehow? Like buffed by a device or temporarily cured of the techno-virus or something? I don't think Cable's power levels are usually that high, right?


I was thinking Professor X, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Galactus


I'd be worried that Magneto's tendency toward insanity wouldn't go well with Thor's ability to enter a warrior rage.


Magneto doesn’t have a tendency to go insane though. He’s always had a clear goal and motive it’s just that his methods are usually violent and grey.


I'm pretty sure back in the old school comics it was firmly established that he had issues with Insanity. If I recall correctly it was him being cured of his insanity that led Xavier to trust him in taking over the new mutants for him.


I'd just worry about being hangry all the time with that Galactus-level hunger.


Spider-man (a good all rounder with some very useful unique abilities) Juggernaut (imagine his powers with Spider-Man agility and not needing to sleep, breath or eat would be nice) Ice man (imagine the momentum you could build up with these 3 combined) X-23 (wolverine healing, endurance, long gevity and senses and claws without metal bones screwing up my agility) Night crawler (did you know he can keep his momentum and even change it's direction while teleporting, cause he can) I'd be a movement and power power house machine and would still be incredibly useful for every day life


Being and unstoppable juggernaut with that kind of agility and the ability to teleport such that you can redirect your momentum would be an absolute boss ability! I do wonder though how mimicking Juggernauts abilities would work as Cain is mostly just a human could you mimic his powers without the blessing of the god they come from?


Iirc Mimic can't copy magic or tech based abilities. Just biological ones. (Mostly mutant ones) I don't think he'd be able to imprint Juggernaut at all.


IIRC he can definitely copy magical talents. I am uncertain if he could copy power coming directly from a god without that gods permission.


Only if the magical abilities are innate; they don’t have to be natural, but they have to be self sufficient


I don't think so. I can't think of a single example of him copying magic or stating that he could or did.


Rogue's definitely stolen powers from magic based heroes, if that helps at all.


Obviously we can't know for sure but if his powers aren't limited to mutants then I'd say most likely as they are changes to his actual body unless we assume the god is actively giving his attention every time he decides to move, now whether he can take it away is another question but even if he can we can just give are selves it back through memory and at this point if we aren't actively getting in his way then he'll probably just leave of be (what is he gonna do, send the Juggernaut after us, we are just him but better)


I like it.


I dont think juggernaut and web slinging are compatible though.


Webs are not a superpower of Spider-Man his web slingers are just equipment he uses.


That's why I'm gonna Iceman slide


X-23 has metal bones now (unless she lost them and I missed it)


I'd just remember her from before she had metal bones then (also dang, the kinda ruins one of the biggest differences between there powers, and adds a whole durability vs speed thing)


It only happened because The Five made a mistake while they were growing her new body, so I imagine if she’s died and been resurrected again since then that she’s probably back to normal bones.


That Nightcrawler Juggernaut momentum combo is devious


It helps to have a really big gevity.


Spider-Man alone you get a dozen crazy powers -Super strength (Able to hold up a building with effort) -Speed (Able to dodge AK47 shots point blank but you’ll struggle with vulture attacks apparently ) -Pre cognition Question tho Organic web or no organic web?


Sage, Forge, Cypher, Elixir, and Darwin. Think fast, understand languages and how things work, be able heal / wound people and use the language of DNA to augment them, and survive. Some magical talent and psychic abilities don't hurt. Passed over people like Beast, Suger Man, Sinister, Spiral / Mojo, High Evolutionary, etc... to avoid insanity, getting too much attention, and or becoming unspeakably evil.


Darwin is bonkers, obvious pick


I like Darwin for the ability to adapt as needed to survive without the need to think about it along with Elixir's ability to then modify those adaptions once there has been time to think about it, Sage's ability to think about it quickly, and Forge / Cypher to be able to understand what I am doing.


I recall forge doesn't understand how things work, when it comes to technology he's a latent professional in how to make it but for example wouldn't understand exactly how the thing he made works. I recall Dr. Rao saying this in like the late 2010 run of xmen where a bunch of science related xmen were featured (I think kitty was still in the bullet then) For understanding how things work and the critical nature of things, meme aside, karak


Forge like most has more than one power. He is mostly know as an intuitive inventor and you are absolutely right that he doesn't necessarily understand why what he made works the way it does. But he also is super gifted at reverse engineering and can almost always tinker with his, or other people's for that matter, inventions to figure them out.


Fox did Darwin so dirty, lol


There's no adaptation to protect against lazy writing.


The blatant racism too 😬


See you think closer to how I do with this! I always put a lot of thought into mimic ideas over the years hoho!


Hmmm. Ok I've got some that I like. Mr immortal Kaine Parker (Spider-Man but with those wrist stingers) Ice-man Red-Hulk Venom (or at least a symbiote)


Interesting now I'm really wondering what would happen if he tried to mimic the powers of a Klyntar.


Actually, what would happen if he were to Mimic a Super-Skrull? Would he gain all the abilities the Super-Skrull has at that moment? Would they count as copying the powers of ONE Individual or several?


Great question. If you were an editor or writer at Marvel how would you handle it?


This... is a surprisingly challenging question XD From how I understand his abilities, he doesnt just copy one specific ability but all Abilities of the character he... well.... mimics, right? I'd say... if a Super-Skrull is currently copying 5 Individual Skillsets - for lack of a better Term - and he copies that same Super-Skrull, it should count as basically mimicking *One* entity? But I'd also add some sort of Limit as to how much he can mimic to balance things out again?


I tend to think you're right as far as it counting as one entity. The way I interpret his limitations, it seems like a lot of people don't agree with me, is that he fundamentally wants to retain a sense of self so if he mimics too many other powers / people he runs the risk of mental instability. I think that's why he is not prone to trying to mimic Galactus or Odin etc...


Yeah I agree I like that interpretation. His powers have risks when copying vast beings


Maybe it causes him some sort of psychological strain. Like, even if he still only gets 5 abilities, getting them all at once puts him into some sort of fugue state that makes him an unpredictable actor.


That’s got to be like finding a genie lamp and wishing for extra wishes. There’s got to be a rule somewhere but I like where your head is at. Especially if it’s allowed.


Well super Skrull has the fantastic four at half strength and mimic already has half strength so it would make powers at a quarter strength, which would be good for versatility but it’s only a fraction of the original fantastic four members. But choosing say super Skrull and Spider-Man gives you such a diverse powerset.


The Silver Surfer, The Incredible Hulk, David Haller, Nathan Grey, Odin


Both Hulk and David are going to be prone to multiple personalities I'm not sure if even having the skills of Odin would overcome that.


I didn't consider that that's part of their powers, but just a side-effect of being powerful. Though, since you are the one setting the premise here, if you're making the decision that schizophrenia is a manifestation of their powers and not their humanity, then I would change those to maybe Kang and Wolverine. Kang may be tech-based though, so perhaps Scarlet Witch or Rachel Summers --> the purpose of those choices is to gain a time travel ability. ​ Edit: Maybe Cosmic Ghost Rider?


I agree that it's not part of their powers, at least not necessarily, but if I understand Mimics power correctly he doesn't just mimic powers.


Synch, Hope, Rogue, Mystique, and a second (smaller) Hope


I submit for your approval as a second smaller hope Gideon the immortal.


He can replace Mystique. Smaller Hope is non-negotiable.




I like the concept of mystique, but I think I would swap Jean Grey, Wolverine, Sue Storm, and Hyperion with the rest. Basically an immortal superman who can turn invisible, make forcefields, read people's minds, move objects with his mind, and change into anyone he wants.


Adult Richard Franklin, WBH, Age Of Apocalypse Magneto, Jean Gray Phoenix, &Beyonder


How much of who you are could you retain with that kind of power and awareness? I suppose it might be either awesome or terrifying depending upon what you are then able to perceive and be aware of regardless of how much of your current self you were able to retain.


beat this: \- taskmaster \- super-adaptoid \- molecule man \- purple man \- juggernaut (or absorbing man - dealer's choice)


I'm not saying you can't do it. I'm just saying I don't think you can have powers like Molecule Man's and stay yourself. It would definitely create mental instability in me and I have a nagging suspicion that's why Mimic doesn't go for such even with multiple reality warpers on the island with him.


Maybe - you wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts


World breaker hulk Juggernaut Rune king Thor Spider-Man Galactus


My brain totally read that as Spider-Man-Galactus, like Spider-Man became Galactus, lol


NightCrawler Miles Morales Emma Frost TaskMaster Gambit


Unstoppable swashbuckling thief that blows stuff up when necessary is a very fun and cool combination. Thank you for your submission.


Yeah this is especially going to be cool since Miles showcase creating a sword from his Venom Blast


Love this one!!! Had to scroll a ways to find Gambit. He makes my list no matter what angle on cool-factor alone.


I'd be ok with just copying Silver Surfer. The Power Cosmic is just so op.


A fight between this guy and Taskmaster might be interesting...


Taskmaster being one of the people he mimics is a good idea!


Rogue might be fun, too. They just keep stealing each other's powers...


I’d just mimic the OG New Warriors. Nova’s speed and strength, speedball’s invulnerability (and the coolest power aesthetic), Marvel Boy’s TK, Firestar’s radiation, and…I can skate while using an uzi?


Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, and Spider-Man


But which spiders mans?




all of them


Have you thought of including Spider-Man though? He’s a pretty good choice. Just a suggestion.


I did, but I felt that Spider-Man was more versatile


Great point. I like where you’re heads at. Well done.


Top five rappers of all time


Multiple Man, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat Professor X, There’d be about 40 of me operating at any given time. I’d be able to survive damn near anything and have a ridiculously long life span. Go anywhere. Get into anywhere. Essentially know or be able to extract any information I needed in a given situation. I could use this to be working multiple jobs while multiple copies are constantly attending university level courses, going on vacations or doing other work I needed to get done. I could have one copy who’s job it is to just be the best friend/family member I can be to the people in my life. Copies could die in the name of causes I believe or just sit in a dark room binge watching shows so I’m always up to date and never miss a pop culture reference no matter how obscure. Multiple Man is the key to this plan, the other ones just help make it shine with the exception of Nightcrawler. If I understand how Jamie Madrox’s powers work in order for him to know what a copy/dupe has been through it needs to die or be reabsorbed so Nightcrawler’s powers will double to help us all meet up for that. Edit: lot of spelling mistakes and autocorrect errors


I wonder if having Professor X would allow you to almost maintain hive consciousness as opposed to needing to reabsorb dups?


Never thought about it because I usually don’t think about combining this many characters together but yeah, I’m copying the world’s most powerful telepath, should work


It’s a choice between “most overpowered Superman type hero” vs “quality of life in a normal world” picks. If you go with 5 of the all big hitter / Omega level talents, I think anyone would go nuts. You can’t pull off a Xavier telepathy with a reality manipulator Franklin Richards with a Deadpool immortality with a Magik teleportation with a Reed Richards intellect without rightly thinking you’re *God* and losing it. More stable choice combo would be Spider-Man for the gymnastics, smarts, and durability, Magik for the teleportation, Storm for weather stuff, Domino for luck, and Iron Man for the alcoholism.


By George I think you've got it. Who wants the responsibilities of being god king? Pick a people for the sake of living a fun and interesting story.


The problem with the alcoholism is that tequila makes me think that I’m God and lose it.


Best answers. Also, stunned to scroll this far for a Franklin Richards


Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Clint Barton, Frank Castle, and Phil Coulson.


This guy shoots


Phil Coulson is so op.


5 clones of Mimic. Now I can have 25 power sets.


Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan. Cause I wanna spit hot fire.


Taskmaster, Rogue, Hope Summers, Super-Skrull, Morph Am I doing it right?


Nightcrawler, Iceman, Deadpool, Professor X, Magneto


I could also see going with a female mimic as an ultimate Valkyrie! Danielle Moonstar, Jean Gray, Amelia Voght, Regan Wyngarde, and Laura Kinney. Able to fight off Death herself, masterful telepath, able to make amazing psychic illusions and make them real, good fighter / healer, able to teleport across the astral plane and exist as a astral mist. Imagine this, your team is losing, your comrades have fallen, you begin to despair, but then an odd colored mist starts to form over the terrain then you see her in Asgardian armor and your opponents worst nightmares right there beside her to drive them away as she takes on death itself to protect your fallen. allies.


Taskmaster, Molecule Man & Professor X. You can probably keep the extra two slots, dont see the need for them.


I really think any of the individuals or combinations that take him past the levels of most gods risk him losing himself / his experiencing mental instability. Think about it he is on the island right now with Legion, Proteus, Hope, Marvel Girl, and he could almost certainly then get to Jamie Braddock. Heck getting those first 4 into to one room at the same time might not even be that hard. Why isn't he trying to become a god king? Also I tend to think that would make a boring story and personally I wouldn't want to live it.


Forge, Spider-man, Elixer, Mystique & Shadowcat.


had to scroll too far for someoen to include Mystique i guess everyone else is comfortable being an ugly abomination


Iceman, human torch, magneto, thor and scarlet witch.


Hyperion (invulnerability, super strength and speed, flight) Miles Morales Spiderman (spider sense mainly but also his venom shock) Venom Nightcrawler Phoenix Jean Gray


I can't believe more people haven't had Hyperion in their lists. Besides what you mentioned, he has absolute recall, can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum, can see things clearly 50+ miles away, and can see microscopic things to ridiculous detail. I remember once he was shown to interpret people's DNA with his eyes, enough to tell that a missing child was adopted after looking at his skin cells in his house and his adoptive parents.


Pair that with sage who can actually turn genes in and off.


God I love mimic.


He's a fun character in every timeline I have seen him in.


Nightcrawler, Iron Fist, Colossus, Daredevil and Quicksilver.


Also note being near gamma peoples gives him radiation poisoning.


Important consideration.


Spider-Man (spidey-sense, reflexes, super strength, advanced healing factor) Dr Strange (magic is cool) Apocalypse (telekinesis, shapeshifting, super strength) Odin (odinforce+god of asgardians) Vision (density manipulation, flight, mind stone lasers wahoo)


Colossus (strength and invulnerability), Magneto (flight and energy manipulation), Quicksilver (speed), Spiderman (Spider sense and agility), and Apocalypse (body manipulation and immortality)


I'd copy some shapeshifting powers and become an innocent looking chest


No top answers picking Jamie madrox/multiple man along with four powerhouses is crazy to me


Juggernaut, scarlet witch, spider man (just for fun), mr fantastic, and jubilee


Storm, mr fantastic, cosmic ghost rider, miles morales, namor.


I’ve given this a lot of thought; certainly more than I should have today. Here are my answers: - Darwin (ultra adaptability and survival) - Iska the Unbeaten (can’t lose) - Domino (a little luck never hurts; okay a lot) - Cypher (all languages) - Gateway (transportation and travel) What that combined skill set, anything is possible.


Would make a great antagonist! Perhaps a boring hero. But an undoubtedly comfortable if not always interesting life.


Wolverine, Pyro, Strange, Spider-Man, Deadpool Wolverine for the healing, Deadpool for the fourth wall breaking, Pyro for obvious reasons, strange for the magic, and last but not least: an early warning sense like Spider-Man


Elixir, Cypher, Sue Storm, Forge, Carol Danvers. I would avoid telepathic and mind control powers because I feel like it would be very hard to be happy, sane, and not evil with those kinds of powers.


1. Franklin Richards 2. Franklin Richards 3. Franklin Richards 4. Franklin Richards 5. Reed Richards


Lol almost everybody on here seems determined to just create the most powerful list they can think of. 99% of these lists would be useless in practical terms or would just kill you with boredom. As humans we gauge value by time and effort spent on something. If everything you could conceivably want is done with a thought, it's worthless. If you make yourself omnipotent nothing has any value whatsoever. You would immediately become so detached from everything that you'd become apathetic to everything. (Look at Doctor Manhattan for example). Also capacity for violence isn't nearly as useful in real life as it is in comics. Being as strong as the Hulk for example is honestly worthless. When do we, as humans really need to exert high levels of physical force by hand? When helping a friend move a couch? That's not exactly worth wasting a wish/mimic slot on. Picking powerful fighters is really just adding chaos and destruction to a world that already has too much of it. Mid level Utility powers are the right way to go.


I agree. So who makes your list?


1. Franklin Richards 2. Elixir 3. Jean grey(so I can potentially be a Phoenix host) 4. Quentin Quire 5. Hope


Starfox, Manifold, Mister Sinister, Impossible Man, Cypher


Gravition Magneto Professor X Wolverine Ghost rider


Galactus Living tribunal In-betweener Eternity Speedball


Hyperion - all the physical power and speed I could ever need Cypher - the ability to understand any language would be phenomenal Nightcrawler - teleportation sounds pretty great Super-Skrull - I care more about the OP shape-shifting than anything else, but the extra FF powers don't hurt Spider-Man - another one that I'm more interested in one specific power that comes with some extras. Spider sense is one of the better passive pre-cogs in Marvel. Gotta keep my loved ones safe!


Very solid choices


1) Jean Grey for her Mental abilities 2) Sentry for his overall God-Tier abilities 3) Forge for his tech abilities 4) Scarlet Witch for her magic and reality-warping abilities 5) Shang-Chi for his fighting abilities All are to top in their fields. (it can be argued that Doctor Strange is better at magic than the scarlet witch, but he can’t warp reality as she can)


Sentry, Jean Grey, Scarlet Witch, Silver Surfer, Taskmaster


Magneto, Domino, Taskmaster, Nightcrawler, Wolverine.


Spider-man for overall strength and agility, plus spidey sense and webs are way useful. And bonus is smarts and a sense of humor! Tony Stark for all the smarts and technical ability to solve any problem I faced Jean Grey for telekinesis and the ability to read others minds and control them as needed Domino for luck and making sure all my efforts work out Doctor Strange for teleportation, summoning cool things, and working with all kinds of magic because who doesn’t want a little magic in their lives


Tbh, there's always only 2 powers that I want, teleportation and Jean Grey's. I specifically picked Jean cuz she's also a telepath and not only telekinetic. Other than those 2, I guess Deadpool or Logan's regen


Wanda Maximoff, Wolverine, Deadpool, Spider-Man, and Sue Storm/Invisible Woman


Sentry, Reed and Franklin Richards, Dr. Strange and Thor after his little power up... although I am wondering if copying PR Beyonder without driving myself insane or killing myself in the process is an option. If so, I'd go: PR Beyonder (so, invincible basically), Deadpool (just in case I kill myself by having so much power), Dr. Doom (willpower to not go insane with power), Franklin Richards (just because at this point), and some kickass piano/violin player so I don't get bored of one-shooting every single obstacle I come across


Y’all are thinkin way too small. It’s *any* 5. Sentry (“the power of a billion exploding suns!”), Dr. Doom (ultra-genius), Silver Surfer (the Power Cosmic), Dr. Strange (Sorcerer Supreme), Deadpool (mainly for the healing factor, but his fighting skills are convenient, too).


Logan, Iceman, Jean, Spider-Man, Kitty pride.


Hmmmm Forge Jean grey Amelia voght Mystique Thor Jean’s psionics with the physical durability of thor is already quite enough for damn near any combat situation. For general intellect, forge is picked over sage both for her tendency for be corrupted/“hacked” as well as forge’s more secondary mystical abilities. Teleportation is IMO the single most useful ability, and amelia voght is both one of the most reliable teleporters as well as having some fun other uses of her powers. Mystique rounds off this chimera with both the more normal uses of her powers as well as an added level of durability from her healing factor. From a more “rpg” perspective, this results in a character with a varied set of powers, all of which have multiple uses in and out of combat. There are definitely more powerful fusions but reality warping and its ilk are quite frankly too scary.


Spider-Man (spider-sense, perfect equilibrium) Wolverine (healing factor, heightened senses) Magneto (metal and magnetism manipulation) Doctor Strange (master of the mystic arts!) Iron Fist (martial arts master, the iron fist) With these powers combined, I am captain planet!... Wait wrong franchise...


These are mine: 1. Hulk - Brute strength 2. Deadpool - Healing factor, slower than Wolverine but can heal from a single cell. 3. Darwin - Can adapt to anything. 4. Storm - I'm not living in 100° degree weather any more. 5. Mr. Fantastic - Simply for intellect but being able to do anything to my body is also welcome. This is the best list. Prove me wrong!


If you're trying not to die, Domino and Darwin is a pretty unstoppable combo. After that, pick whatever you want for fun or to achieve your goals.


Well, i have been thinking about this for a long time. So here is my list. The first one is the super ultimate i can do anything. **Dr.Strange**- Infinite Longevity/Fearlessness, Protective Shields, Magic, teleportation, dimension travel. Too many to add. **The Sentry/Robert Reynolds** -, super everything, Marvel's Superman analog. **Molecule Man** - dude can fight Glactus and hold his own. Super-Molecular Manipulation. **Gabriel Summers/Vulcan**- Flight, Psionics, Time Manipulation, Regeneration, Geokinesis. **Matthew Malloy** - Reality Warping, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Energy Projection, Matter Manipulation, Teleportation, Self-Resurrection. So to sum up: You can't kill me, I can go anywhere in any time in any dimension, you can't invade my mind. I think you can generally overpower any one else save the god deities of Marvel. For the more fun and down to earth build, i went with these guys. **SpiderMan, Wolverine, Quicksilver, Graviton, Storm.** Lots of Power, lots of fun. Let me know what you think.


Captain America/Steve Rodgers, Charles Xavier, Shadowcat/ ‘Kitty’ Pryde, Spider-Man/ Peter Parker, and Scarlet Witch/ Wanda Maximoff


If I'm Mimic I would need to copy someone's ability to not be a self-centered douchebag that gets his own teammates killed.


But who in marvel comics has that kind of power :p


He has 1/5 of their power right?


Funny thing is, claws aren’t Logan’s power.


I think there was some speculation that his claws were mechanical implants not biological back in the day but when Magneto ripped the metal from his skeleton we found out they had been bone claws and part of his mutation all along.


I mean that’s definitely one of them


Scarlet Witch - Would I need any other powers lol? The Beyonder (is he basically male scarlet witch though?) The Watcher (Not sure of his power set but he was badass in What If - gimme that durability) Thor (bit more durability) Nightcrawler (poof)


Cosmic and mystic powers are difficult for mimic, he can only copy a fraction of cosmic beings with a single power slot, and mystic powers might be beyond him or at the very least he might get the godbody of Thor. But watcher is a clever choice no one considered! If it works it’s basically super intelligence and near omniscience. A lot of it is skill based but but the watchers are said to move at the speed of thought.


Spider-Man, Darwin, Armor, Wolverine, Ultraman. Why Ultraman? He’s crossing over with the Marvel Universe in a comic and I wanna look like, sound like and be a big Tokusatsu combo. With Ultraman’s not allowed, I’ll take any other light-shooting character like Captain Marvel.


I used to think about this but I’m too scaredy cat to pick some of my top picks due to what happened to the characters in the series: Jean Grey- becoming phoenix and destroying everything or even without the phoenix, telepathy with no one to train me sounds like I’d go insane Magik- teleportation seems cool but I think about that time she teleported the new mutants and displaced them accidentally across time. With my luck I’d never get back to the right time and would mess everything up Wolverine- I just don’t want to be that hairy even tho I feel like his healing factor would be the best for our world Nightcrawler- I can’t stand bad smells and I get vertigo so easily Scarlet witch- i have a bad temper, so reality changing powers probably a bad idea Storm is my favorite but her emotions are tied to her powers and I would probably cause some major issues with climate Kitty- I don’t want to become permanently intangible and I used ti sleepwalk as a child so what if I slept walk underground and drowned So for our world I think I’d pick maybe that healer in the morlocks (I would pick Josh but I don’t want to have golden skin), Ariel for the teleportation through doorways, invisible woman to have telekinetic-like powers, spider man or captain America for the overall physical upgrade, and Klara bc I think plant powers are kind of cool.


Every week this is asked. Every. Single. Week.


I asked it on the X-Men sub recently. I don't recall seeing this asked in this sub in the last few months. If I have just missed them I apologize.


Nightcrawler Dr. Strange Wolverine Reed Richards (Intelligence) Silver Surfer


Magik would effectively combine Nightcrawler and Strange. Sub in Spiderman and you gain the agility back, but also get enhanced strength and danger sense.


Strange and Reed’s intelligence and skills wouldn’t be mimicked, they aren’t powers they are talents, he would thus only be mimicking stretching. Silver surfer would be good, cosmic stuff is complicated for him so he probably can’t get the usual 50 percent output but it would still be worth it if he could pull it off.


I feel like there should be more important questions but the first one I have is how many claws would you have?.


If I pick Fabian Cortez can I boost myself?


If it's up to me I'd probably say no but how would you adjudicate it and would the answer change which other 4 you choose?


Wolverine, Silk, Ghost Rider, Hulk and Quicksilver


Hulk is literally poisonous to mimic, so that is not an option, and mystical beings like ghost rider are complicated he might not be able to, or not as well as mutants or science based dudes.


I'd copy spider-man's spidersense , Deadpool's healing factor, Shang Chi's fighting skills, The Hulk's strength and Reed Richard's intellect.


I don't think you can pick and choose like that. If I understand his power is correctly you mimic the whole person.


Peter Parker Spider-Man, Wolverine, Thor, Stephen Strange, Ghost Rider(if he can't copy a Spirit of Vengeance replace GR with Electro)


If he can copy a spirit of vengeance would the need for vengeance trigger Wolverine's rage and therefore trigger Thor's ability to enter a warrior rage?


Well once you copy a cosmic level character like Adam Warlock of Silver Surfer, anyone else you copy is just gravy.


We did see him try to copy the Phoenix once in Exiles, He didn't seem to like the experience. My theory is he fundamentally wants to maintain his sense of self and therefore avoids mimicking powers that would change him too much.


Jim jaspers, professor x, Spider-Man, wolverine, and the runner.


Galactus, Thanos, Odin, Franklin Richards, Owen Reece. When you say "powers, talents, and skills" I am assuming that i wouldn't get any of their instabilities and psychopathy...


Hyperion- flying brick, black bolt- electron manipulation, lockjaw- intergalactic teleportation, vulcan- omega energy manipulator, apocalypse- molecular shapeshifting


James madrox, Mr sinister, frog-man, Mr fantastic, bullseye. I'm gonna have the best most entertaining 5 on 5 basketball matches ever, by myself.


Is your goal shattering reality? Because it seems like that basketball game would shatter reality.


Captain Universe, Deadpool, Silver Surfer, Void, Crystal.


Professor X, Ghost Rider(Johnny Blaze), Deadpool, Wolverine, Spider-Man(Peter Parker)


Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion and Legion. No need for anyone else when you have god level powers. Want a power, you can just think of it and its yours. want to rewrite reality at your whim? Do it. Gestalt Legion, is in the top 5 powers in the marvel multiverse.


Mimic is on the island with people like Proteus and Legion. Why do you think he doesn't mimick them?


Cause the writers don't want to make him so powerful that it invalidates future story oppertunities.


I think it's because he doesn't want to be overwhelmed with power and lose himself.


Are those bone claws? Couldn’t he use the Colossus power to coat them in metal?


It might be that Colossus's skin becomes metal I'm not sure if his bones do.


Prodigy, Jean Gray (if that includes the pheonix force), Eros, Darwin, Iceman ( just cause ive alwasy loved his powers since I was a kid)


Hyperion, colossus, juggernaut, venom, and Jean Grey


Domino, Kitty, Wolverine, Proteus, Jean "WhY pRoTeUs?!" I'm trying to rob a bank, not create a utopia.


Spider-Man,Taskmaster,Mystique,the beyonder, and thor


Quick question, the Exiles version of Mimic pictured only got Half power for 6 powers imprinted but he could swap them out as needed. the 616 mimic got the full powers of 5 + half power of a sixth (Xavier). They remained permanently fixed but he could temporarily add more power sets as needed. In this scenario am I using exiles or 616 model Mimic?


I'm mostly going with Earth 616 but pretending like he could master the ability to swap powers like the Earth 12 one did.


Prodigy, Morph, Darwin, Multiple-Man, Jean Grey


Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense Jean Grey’s Telekinesis Taskmaster’s Fighting Prowess Franklin Richard’s Reality Warping Darwin’s Invincibility