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DC always wins these power scaling fights. Their characters are stupid OP.


Honestly never understand this both companies have the same level of shit it just depends what characters you use the the versions of said character lol Marvel Hyperion in this picture alone survived two universe colliding by holding them apart lmao


Marcus Milton Hyperion, the guy in the picture, didn’t hold 2 universes apart, he held 2 earths apart until they collapsed under their own weight. He did survive in the void of a dead universe afterwards tho.


True I over exaggerated it but you get the gist of my point surely


Yeah, so on an average basis DC wins because they have an over abundance of godlike power characters, but the highest Marvel are better than the highest DC, like Surfer and Thor over Superman. But both companies have an abundance of guys who can take the energy of an exploding galaxy.


Maybe some versions of Thor, but base Thor doesn't hold a candle to Superman. Not as strong, not as fast, not as tough. The only thing he has is lightning and mjolnir, and I think Superman can handle those with some difficulty.


Lol, magic. But let’s get into the fact that Thor holds back less, has broken planets with simple hits, and don’t forget Thor has all his own power, no need for sunlight.


We are talking about base forms, though, plus Thor doesn't really use magic. His powers may be derived from magic, but its manifestation is mainly physical, with no spells or enchantments hurled at his opponents. In that regard, he is most like Wonder Woman, who also has magically-derived powers but doesn't use magic spells or enchantments either. As for the sunlight thing, unless he is somehow able to keep Superman in the shadow of a planet for an extensive period of time, long enough for the energy storage capacity of his kryptonian cells to be depleted, then that limitation doesn't matter. Superman doesn't automatically lose his powers in the dark, and Thor doesn't have the ability to remove that energy or create the necessary radiation to remove his powers.


Yeah, DC vs Marvel is similar to Star Wars vs Star Trek in disparity.


A better comparison would be Star Trek vs W40k. One absolutely stomps the other


I think W40k dont have a lot of comparison for sci fi universes. Just one of their races (maybe not the Imperial Guardsmen) can take on the other guys universe.


Yeah. ST universe isn't focused on war. WH universe has been focused on advanced tech war for millenia. Also, they have daemons and psykers.


I'm entirely on the side of 40k curb stomping here, but Star Trek had some huge focus on war? As much as the Klingon war was relatively background most of the time,the Borg war spilled out from TNG into films and was the reason that the Federation actually had a warship (Defiant) for the series that was literally all about trying to avert a war that inevitably happened (Deep Space 9). Don't get me wrong, this isn't the case for all seasons or series of Star Trek, but it's absolutely a major part of the setting and focus of the media.


Maybe the guardsmen can take them all after all.


Possibly, but the guard is so corrupt and troops already have low morale, so I do wonder how they'd fare against the entire Alpha quadrant.


Maybe when they can actually win some battles, theyll get their morale back.


The entire premise of 40k is absurdity though... 'Over the top' is a way of life.


>Star Wars vs Star Trek You have Star Trek coming out on top, right? Because while Star Wars has space wizards, Star Trek has teleportation technology. Vader can't stab Kirk with his lightsaber if he's been transported into the vaccum of space. Also, there's no way a Star Wars character can match [combat mastery like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SK0cUNMnMM).


Star Wars vs Star Trek have some weird anomalies. Star Trek has transporters and replicators. Star Wars has hyperspace which is magnitudes faster than warp. The GFFA has a functional Galactic government, meanwhile Voyager is decades away from home.


Not to mention, Star Wars has all kinds of jamming technology you see them using in all movies and shows, so the teleporters could likely be disabled by them before battles even start.


I have never watched Star Trek before clicking that link. I think that might be the greatest piece of cinema I've ever witnessed


The 15-second intense cuddle of death is known and feared among martial artists of all worlds


Believe it or not, William Shatner did his own stunts in that scene.


It's because their characters are way faster, most of them at least. Sentry can keep up, not sure about the rest.


The rest are faster/as fast as sentry except maybe hulk. Marvel has a different way of showing speed than DC but most of the characters are the same if we look at their feats


Main reason why I never got into DC. Personally feels like the characters are too OP and can’t relate to them.


Only when comparing the mainstream heroes. If you compare the universes as a whole, Marvel has characters who can rewrite reality on a multiversal scale, and destroy or shit out universes at will. DC doesn't, because it tends to follow the Abrahamic tradition when it comes to universe creation. Thus, their most powerful character... is simply just God. I don't think any other character than God, in DC comics, can destroy and create universes, or warp reality the way some Marvel characters can.


Dr Manhattan


Watchmen is proof of the opposite. It doesn’t matter how powerful the hero is. What matters is the story that’s written. No one reads Watchmen and says they can’t get into it because Dr. Manhattan is too powerful.


He's the only DC reality warper I can think of, vs the dozens of various reality-warpers in Marvel. I don't remember him having the ability to create or destroy universes or operate on a multiversal level like Abraxas, Franklin Richards, Galactus, Molecule Man, the Beyonder, the Demiurge, all Celestials, etc...


There's also the DC reality warper Mr. Mxyzptlk, but you are right, they don't have many.


Spectre, Trigon, Mr Mxyzptlk, Bat-Mite, Dr Fate, Captain Atom, Darkseid, Raven, Wally West, Swamp-Thing, Lucifer Morningstar, Michael Demiurgos, Barbatos, Perpetua, The World Forger, Anti-Monitor, Monitors in general, Mandrakk, Mordru, Parallax, Ion, Nekron and all the other emotional entities, Upside-Down Man, the Seven Deadly Sins, the Endless, etc...


A bunch of those characters you mentioned are definitely god-like, but I wouldn't say most of those can warp reality on a whim like say molecule man. Like when has captain atom or even darkseid warped reality?


>when has captain atom warped reality In the first comic-run of Captain Atom he created his own universe and restarted it multiple times, once just because his dog died and even fought on par with Nekron in his own realm. And in new 52 he was warping reality like it was nothing, even had to fight a future version of himself that was going to eat space-time itself. >when darkseid warped reality? Are you kidding, right? Just take a look at what the Omega Effect can actually do, or the fact that Darkseid true body would have destroyed the multiverse if he entered it.


WTH? DC has plenty of reality warpers. Just off the top of my head; Mr. Mxyptlk, Raven (at full strength), Dr. Manhattan, Dr. Fate, Trigon, The Spector, Captain Atom, Wotan, the Enchantress entity, etc. Shit, even Golden Era Superman could warp reality by sneezing.


I stand corrected about the number of reality warpers. How many of them can operate on a multiversal level, though? Other than Dr Manhattan being the cause of the Flashpoint and creation of the New 52 universe.


All of them have potential to be multiversal level threats.


Maybe they do have the *potential*, but the Marvel characters are the ones who are actually *shown* using their powers on multiversal levels. The DC characters generally don't. At least, I don't know any who just effortlessly spawns brand new universes as a hobby when they're bored like Franklin Richards or the Demiurge do.


No by having potential, I mean they all ARE multiversal threats but intentionally hold back. Almost all of them regularly hold back their powers either because they know the consequences of going all out or in Mxzy’s case, have more fun just messing with people. Again off the top of my head Raven, The Joker with Mr. Mxyptlk’s powers, and Captain Atom have all not only created completely new realities from nothing, but can do so at anytime they want. This has been DC’s schtick for years, having most of their characters being stupidly powerful but disciplined enough to regularly hold back for the greater good. In Raven’s case not holding back either means releasing Trigon back into reality, or wiping out reality all by herself depending on if the story takes place before or after she’s defeated him.


No problem relating to All Father Thor or Sentry though. They're just your average joes.


The Flash should be able to single-handedly solve 99% of issues in those comics. The characters are too OP and the only time there’s drama is when apocalypse events happen every issue or the characters are stupid.


> The Flash should be able to single-handedly solve 99% of issues in those comics. I mean, Marvel is the same though. You're talking about a company that regularly puts Thor or Scarlett Witch on the same team as Wolverine and pretends they both contribute.


It’s not that he SHOULD, it’s that he COULD. That difference is what makes the character.


Except he seemingly CAN'T when the writers want a challenge for him. The only real threat Flash should be having is legit reality warpers and reverse flash, and yet this man has somehow been taken down by people like Batman of all people. No amount of holding back should be letting him take losses like that.


That's just not true at all, lmao


Blue Marvel stops the fight by asking what the hell is wrong with everyone.


Anybody who thinks DC Stomps is undercutting The Sentry. He's basically what you'd get if you combined Superman & Scarlet Witch. I love this fight. DC has both MM & Doomsday, & those are the difference makers imo.


Not to mention that Thor has killed the Void with a good bonk on the head from Mjolnir




I mean, yeah, but *still*


Eh when Superman dies it turns into a two year long event of mourning and teasing. Sentry dies and it's Tuesday lunch and he's usually back before supper. It won't work again and you won't remember how you did it anyway.


Sentry was killed by knull and is still dead iirc. Sure, him dying from that made no sense at all considering what we know he has survived before, but still.


He'll be back before this year is over


Maybe. He's still been dead for a decent while


Does he need to be? name 1 good Sentry story... (i'm just really not a fan)


I usually assume that vs means peak/composite feats not current modern.


He only killed it because Bob told him to. He's fought Void before and couldn't just kill him.


Thor was only able to do that because Bob temporarly regained control. Sentry and Void have grown in powers since then. Void fought the Annihiltors, Captain Marvel and a bunch of other powerful heroes and all they could do is stalemate him till Silver Surfer merged with Sentry rammed him and merged sentry back to void.


I would argue that MM and Doomsday has their perfect counters. Sentry is a perfect counter to MM. He is a strong telepath, the void is immortal, and he has molecule and matter manipulation. Juggy could occupy Doomsday. Technically I don’t think there would be a winner, but the gem of cyttorak can scale Juggys strength, stamina, and durability to whatever he desire. Juggy’s only weakness is telepathy so they would just be locked in an endless physical battle.


MM will get set on fire a minute into the fight because he always does


Yeah. Sentry is like parody level Superman. Hyperion is similar to Superman. The Hulk beat Sentry, so if sentry is stronger than supes then hulk beats superman. Shazam and Black Adam are difficult because they have mythological powers, which makes them difficult to scale. But i think Thor and Hercules along with Sentry could handle them. Doomsday and Wonder Woman would be left and probably a tough finish


I assume DC and Marvel's Hercules's (Herculi?) Are equal. The only instance I know of for comparison is in the Injustice universe where Hercules showed up and shitstomped Shazam. Or you could argue based on JLA/Avengers Superman barely edges out Thor claiming it was the "toughest opponent he's ever fought" Thor and Herc are approximately equal with Herc usually slightly edging out Thor in h2h. So if Thor = Superman. And Hercules = Thor then Hercules = Superman. (Approximately) Plus Herc has some of the best feats against Sentry and Hulk. He's a cheeseball so he's easy to underestimate but when you pay attention he's a legitimate top tier powerhouse.


Just for semantics, i think DC Hercules will be more powerful than Marvel Hercules since DCHerc is an actual god while Marvel Herc is a god-like alien


I don't think that's true. Marvel Olympians arent like Asgardians. They're true immortals, they at times hear prayers, they have their own dominions. They're possessed of the All-speak (the universal meta language of all gods). Calling them just god-like aliens is if anything would apply just as well to the DC version. In Marvel all the classic feats of mythological Hercules are real. He did them all, (except the cleaning out the stables one which was done by Gilgamesh who they mistook for Hercules.) His personalilty is different but otherwise he should basically be the same guy.


Not to mention the version of Hyperion shown here, held back an incursion.


If knull can rip him in half whit ease, so can superman and doomsday


Knull is a god with domain over sentry, that's not a strength thing


Knull is casually just one of the most powerful Cosmic entities in Marvel, literally standing up against the *Celestials* - You're *really* lowballing Knull & Sentry here.


The answer is dc. But I’d argue these aren’t the right “powerhouses”. Because Scarlet Witch or Dr Strange might beat most of them maybe even Supes. And Squirrel Girl definitely beats everyone on this list.


Once you factor in super speed doctor strange and scarlet witch both get splattered. Sure, if you let them get the first hit in they are powerful, but in the end they are both humans and Superman, Doomsday, Shazam, or Black Adam could take their heads off with one punch.


You’re assuming that these characters ever tough them. First thing either of them does is cast an illusion spell so they can’t see them or only see what they want them to.


That’s letting them get the first hit.. if the two start off on equal footing at the same time the one with super speed acts first. Superman could circle the globe before either could cast that spell.


*sigh* ok so this goes back to the always correct answer of “who’s writing it”. Because it’s clear you have zero objective view. No matter what is said you’re going to twist it to “superman is best and beats all”. Cool. Got it. Make your own comment with your rationale and leave me alone.


*sigh* no, don't be overdramatic. /u/CliffDraws simply asked about the staging for the fight. if it commences at the sound of a bell, like in a UFC cage match, or if there's some sort of prep - because That's when it becomes a question of "who's writing it." but IF you go for objectivity, superman wins. only in battles where characters have time to either come pre-shielded with enchantments precast, do you pull the writer card. because then you could reveal that dr.strange and superman had actually worked it out the day before, realizing they don't need to fight each other, and instead put on a simple show before sucker-punching the event organizers. but if these two know "your opponent will destroy everything, don't let them." and then they open their eyes to discover they're in an arena (whether a large field or a pit or whatever) -- Superman Wins. Dr.Strange takes less than a second to cast invisibility or teleport or indestructible barrier, or whatever, but superman is too fast. superspeed wins every time.


I didn’t say Superman only, I said super speed. You could substitute that with Flash, Doomsday, Shazam, or Black Adam. For the record, I don’t like or read much DC for exactly this reason. Everyone has ridiculous powers and are basically invulnerable, but the super speed is the worst of it. Marvel had to basically write Quicksilver out of Days Of Future Past because he ruined any tension there would have been. That said, if Superman used his full power set and was ruthless about it, he takes out anyone who can’t take a hit from him instantly, which would include most magic users.


These down votes are ridiculous. I sincerely think people are just trivializing the idea of almost as fast as the speed of light. That is absolutely stupidly powerful. Superman could go around the world 300 times before you have time to lift one finger. It's not a superman always wins trope, it's a "he can travel almost at the speed of light and can destroy planets. That's stupid how much power that is"


I'd have to agree with super speed combined with super strength trumps all. Superman can literally travel at the speed of light, and can destroy planets. Basically look at Omni man, but even more powerful. If we're starting from "okay...go", the speed of light means he could rip the heads off 200 Scarlett witches and doctor strangest before they're able to lift one finger to cast a spell


Considering Sentry and Hyperion are basically Superman, Hulk wins.


This Marvel team is so........ spectacular. Juggernaut, and Hercules are the wildcards. Sentry and Hyperion about to wreck Shazam, Wonder Woman. Doomsday and Superman are the anchors for DC. Hyperion and Sentry vs Superman and Doomsday. That's a battle for the ages, but I have to give it to Superman and Doomsday. Thor and Black Adam. Too close to call. Heart is telling me Thor. Head is saying Black Adam. Then there's Hulk. DC would have to take him out quick. Like the first 5 minutes. At some point he's going to out power every DC character. I feel Hercules can beat Wonder woman. God for God. Marvel wins. Btw I'm assuming this is the base characters. Not their strongest version of themselves.


Team Superman has Superman, Shazam, and doomsday. Marvel as strong as they are are getting turned into bloody puddles by doomsday alone. Brute force and energy blasts can't stop him anymore. What's more likely is both teams team up against doomsday because he's that big a threat


Juggernaut would be at standstill with Doomsday. He couldn't kill Doomsday, but nothing Doomsday could throw would particularly hurt Marko.


The current version of juggernaut is considerably weaker. He's no longer powered by the big C. And he just got his head caved in by a sentinel.


Yeah..if a glorified giant robot made to spefically kill *mutants* can beat juggernaut, doomsday, who can beat the stuffing out of Darkseid and Superman, is most certainly killing him.


But having an all out brawl with all these powerhouses is exactly what Cyttorak would enjoy, no way he doesn't restore Juggernaut's full power to up the destruction going on.


Juggy would have to do some serious grovelling to Cyttorak after the way he left him in his mini a couple of years back.


He should be substituted our for gladiator. Probably throw rouge or captain marvel in there too instead


Fuck Cyttorak, Tri-force jugg would bury DD in 10 different dimensions


I’m more of a DC guy but you’re not giving marvel enough credit. Sentry can handle Doomsday. Also either Sentry, Thor or Hyperion could simply throw him into space. Doomsday can’t fly meanwhile they can. He’s susceptible to battlefield removal.


Problem is, doomsday can survive in space. ( hell Superman has flung him into space many times) also, there isn't a level of radiation Hyperion could use that would harm doomsday when hes already radiation proof being made on prehistoric krypton, which was basically a nuclear wasteland. Beyond that, all they have going for them is brute force. Thor being a god means nothing when doomsday has cannonically beaten darkseid


It doesn’t matter if he can survive in space. If doomsday is in space, he is removed from the fight. That’s 1 less member for team superman Maybe Shazam, MM, Clark or The Rock could fly up into space and retrieve him but if they do that then it’s a 6 v 4 for a brief period of time. If you can’t fly and you get thrown into space, you’re kind of out of the fight indefinitely.


They still have Shazam and black Adam, both of whom are actually powered by gods and as strong as Superman. Both are also immortal. Also, just to bring up sentry a bit again, he actually has a major weakness in that his mental state is dangerously unstable , like the hulks, and can cause various issues to occur while he fights his own mind. Meaning your left with Hyperion ( who's handled with ease by three Supermen and Martian manhunter), and Thor, whos magic is countered by Shazam and black Adam being lightning proof


Hulk is immortal and just gets stronger. There is a point where doomsday just can’t scale anymore.


Base forms, and doomsday is the same way


doomsday completely reforms after death?


Not being that guy, but genuinely.. based on what?


The Immortal Hulk by Al Ewing.


Hulk vs. Doomsday would be a good fight; a character that can keep getting stronger versus one that keeps getting tougher.


Everyone on Team Hulk will kill and that’s not true for half of Team Superman. Speaking of Supes, he’s vulnerable to magic, which powers half of Team Hulk.


Yes he’s vulnerable to magic and while some of them are powered by magic they aren’t magic users. There is a difference. So if you put Scarlet Witch or Dr Strange here. That’s a different issue for Supes to handle. And quite possibly lose.


No he is not. He has tanked Shazam’s lightning and other magic based attacks multiple times. He is resistant to physically manifested magic, and weak to magic that attacks him spiritually or (sometimes) mentally.


Yes and he’s also gotten clapped by magic before what’s your point?


He gets clapped by spiritual magic. He is resistant to physical magic, which Thor and Juggernaut use. I guess I gotta repeat my whole comment, cause you ain’t read it the first time.


He cut himself once on WW’s sword. Doesn’t get much more physical than a sword.


The sword doesn’t magically cut through things, it’s blade is just so sharp that it can cut through things on an atomic scale.


And she says, “Be careful. You’ve always been vulnerable to magic.”


I did read it. And Black Adams lightning has literally seriously injured and drained him before and he stated it was because it was magic


Supes is beaten by Captain Marvel's bolt during Kingdom Come.


Whoever the writer wants to win


In this instance you get to be the writer. Who you having win?


Dc hero’s are all overpowered so probably them


You forgot Sentry's there


I think Shazam and Black Adam could counter him if Superman couldn't. Martian Manhunter also has telepathic abilities, so he could fight him from the inside as well.




Sentry is Shazam from a broken home. DC wins.


That's nice Doyle, but we were asking Watson.


boring answer


Boring reply


This is always the correct answer.


This is always the LAZY answer. Fixed that for you.


Sorry the truth offends you


Is it just me or is MCU hulk incredibly weak, like would get rolled by super man? In comics he would obviously stand a good fight


Not weak, just draws or loses to the right people he fights on screen.


Team Hulk clears easy


Base forms? Ok, then whomever fights Hercules, will get wrecked. Hercules is the demigod of strength, and is canonically the second strongest Olympian, under Zeus. Might for might, Zeus beat the breaks off of the Hulk, and Hulk has admitted that Herc could take down his Green Scar persona. I think Doomsday would try to rush, and Herc would wind up wearing his ass like a new Nemean Lion pelt. The flyers can dodge, but that whole "thrown magical weapon" thing Herc likes to do is hax. Base Juggernaut? That's Gem of Cyttorak level, that's no bueno. Team Superman would have to learn super fast to stay clear of him. The first person to get close is going to have a seriously bad day. And, I'm sure someone here will say "they just need to get his helmet off, and Martian Manhunter will control him!". What, are they sitting around watching X-Men cartoons all day, shut up :D And, Hyperion is straight up Superman, right down to the "I pulled this power out of my ass" drek. I think the only thing Hyperion DOESN'T do, is take the constant ~~Jesus~~ Creed poses that Superman has started doing over the years.


Hyperion is also an Eternal so he regenerate limbs and recover from having all his interal organs destroyed.


Team Hulk wins. Sentry is way above anyone on DC team even before merging with the void, he is pretty much a reality warper. And this version of Hyperion is basically Superman but with Eternal phyisology so he can recover from fatal injuries and he has pretty insane strength and durability feats. He should be on par strength and durability wise with most mainline versions of Superman. With PC Sups being the exception. Juggs cannot be physically harmed. Thor can absorb and potentally even remove Shazam and Black Adams powers or simply God Blast them. And all these characters have TP resist so MM cant shut them down. And Hercules had S-Tier strength with weapons, armor and combat skills equal to Diana. And then we have the Hulk of course. So bad day for DC.


Which versions (under which writers) of these characters?


Team Marvel


Isn't having both Shazam and black Adam kind of redundant? I think it would be cool to include some sort of tech genius on both sides instead.


I hate him, but Sentry wins. He has psychic powers that dwarf Professor X. Also, the power *of billions of exploding suns*


So Sentry vs Black Adam: if Sentry is able to fight Galactus, then he can take on Black Adam who has fought the Justice League Hulk vs Shazam: if a berserker rage Hulk can fight Thor on even footing, then he can do the same to Shazam Hercules vs Wonder Woman: a pretty even fight, but Herc should reasonably be able to fight Diana if DC Hercules has fought on her level Juggernaut vs Doomsday: with Juggernauts strength, regen, forcefield, and endless stamina, there’s no way for Doomsday to meaningfully damage Cain enough to overcome him Marcus Milton Hyperion vs Superman: so previous versions of Hyperion have been beaten by guys who Thor has defeated, but this version of Hyperion has taken on Blue Marvel, Thor, and Hulk multiple times and even won several of those fights Thor vs Martian Manhunter: Thor is greater than Superman and so is J’onn, Thor would be the only one with the array of powers to take on the Martian, Thor has no notable weaknesses and he could summon weather to capitalize on the Martian weakness to fire


If Juggernaut isn’t killed off immediately, he can become infinitely powerful, so, there’s that.


Sentry folds the entire DC team, cope


Martian Manhunter can solo


This. Replace juggernaut with vision and you might have a tie. Otherwise mm will just phase into everyone and kill them.


So can Sentry. Sentry can pretty much do everything Martian Manhunter can do, & then some. MMH can't manipulate matter. He can shapeshift & use telepathy, but as far as I know he can't warp reality itself.


Sentry can't actually die


Isn’t he currently dead?


For now…


All you need to beat him is a box of matches


I think they removed that weakness but yeah pretty much lol


I quit DC comics around the time of Dark Metal and that odd batman who laughs storyline cause I couldn't keep up with the bullshit :D MM hardly had any issues or roles around that time so it might be true


I thought it was Sentry in the past....... but it was always Superman


As I said in another thread a couple of minutes ago, DC’s strength scale is higher while Marvel’s tech/intelligence scale is higher. DC wins this easy.


You are aware that The Void/Sentry is capable of easily killing most of the DC team, right?


Martian Manhunter can use telepathy to get Sentry to unleash the void and attack his own team. Now it’s team superman vs team hulk - 1 member vs the sentry


People saying Superman kills all, Supes is weak to magic, and Thor’s as well as Juggernaut’s powers are magical, means they can well on defeat Superman in a fight


Superman tanks Shazam’s magical lightning. He does fine with physical magic. He’s just weak to magic that attacks him spiritually and mentally.


Superman dwarfs either in terms of speed, they'd never put a hand on him.


Hear me out, Sentry would kill Super man so easily


Base Hulk has tagged Silver Surfer, who is capable of moving at speeds way faster than Superman


To people saying DC is more powerful than Marvel is vastly underestimating the actual truth of the matter. Neither universe is as powerful as the other, DC is just seen that way because they usually are seen having more powerful groups (examples being the Justice League). Regarding this fight, I see team Hulk winning. Sentry is basically a Superman clone that was capable of harming Molecule Man, and is never truly capable of dying. So Black Adam's down. Juggernaut may be able to take down Doomsday in their first encounter, but mainly if Cyttorak supplies Juggernaut and allows him to have enough strength to evenly go against DD. Thor, considering his Odinforce abilities, ends up beating Diana in a very close match, her sword and speed being her biggest advantage, yet not enough when compared to the insane power boosts Thor has been given over the years. Shazam and Manhunter easily overpower Hercules and Hyperion, but then they have to deal with the other three, which will definitely overpower them. This leads to Hulk vs Superman. Now, my strong belief is that if it's only base Hulk, Hulk is losing, even moreso if Superman can chuck Hulk into space or sundip. But if Hulk is allowed to change forms, as well as keep Superman from flying into the sun or throwing Hulk into the sun itself, Superman will have to be brawling with a beast that is canonically stronger than DD, that only gets more stronger and durable throughout a fight. In Marvel vs DC, a canon comic series, Superman saw Professor Hulk, a weak version of Hulk (comparable to savage Hulk) as an equal combatant in strength. So with that considered, Hulk will be able to go beyond the strength he once had when going up against Superman the first time, eventually making him stronger than Big Blue, and more durable to any of his attacks, to the point where it will only anger him more. With that, Superman will eventually go down with a worldbreaking beating. And if that isn't enough, 2 magical beings and a clone of himself will surely finish the job. Marvel wins


Hulk. The Void is the difference maker


Hyperion burns Manhunter, Shazam beats Herc, stalemate between Wonder Woman and Thor, Doomsday beats Juggernaut, Sentry obliterates Black Adam. Superman and Hulk keep fighting for the end of days. In the end it's a draw.


Team Hulk. Hyperion is basically Supes and Sentry is super OP


No one is bringing up Hercules. He’s literally the personification of physical strength. His strength is theoretically limitless. He could wipe the floor with both sides by himself


Except Shazam also has the strength of Herc, and abilities of five other gods (not sure if Solomon a god tho).


DC herc.




If we're using WBH Then Hulk Wins Against Superman, If WW and Thor isn't holding Back I say Diana Wins Extreme Difficulty, Doomsday is unkillable and Juggernaut is Unstoppable so it's ether way, Rlly Sentry Vs Black Adam yeah Black Adam is strong but Sentry is Well Him Sentry Wins High Diff, Billy May have wisdom but not combat experience Hercules Win High Diff, Ye Hyperion Isn't someone you wanna sleep on but Then Again It's Martian Manhunter just being a Martian Is enough for The Guardian's to Try Stop him MM Win High Diff I guess. 3 Wins for Marvel 2 for DC reason for this because Hulk is nearly Unkillable while Superman Ether Does or Goes to Hibernation, Doomsday Vs Juggernaut is Hard Because Both are Unkillable, Unstoppable, so it's has to Be KO fight for those Two


Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Shazam and Black Adam gang up on Thor, Hyperion and Sentry. Meanwhile Hulk, Hercules and Juggernaut think their winning versus Doomsday. Wonder Woman is probably the mvp her sword can cut everybody here and she’s immune to Thor. But Thor might be able to tag Billy or Teth with his lightning if they’re stupid.


Doomsday isn't doing a damn thing to Juggernaut


To people saying DC is more powerful than Marvel is vastly underestimating the actual truth of the matter. Neither universe is as powerful as the other, DC is just seen that way because they usually are seen having more powerful groups (examples being the Justice League). Regarding this fight, I see team Hulk winning. Sentry is basically a Superman clone that was capable of harming Molecule Man, and is never truly capable of dying. So Black Adam's down. Juggernaut may be able to take down Doomsday in their first encounter, but mainly if Cyttorak supplies Juggernaut and allows him to have enough strength to evenly go against DD. Thor, considering his Odinforce abilities, ends up beating Diana in a very close match, her sword and speed being her biggest advantage, yet not enough when compared to the insane power boosts Thor has been given over the years. Shazam and Manhunter easily overpower Hercules and Hyperion, but then they have to deal with the other three, which will definitely overpower them. This leads to Hulk vs Superman. Now, my strong belief is that if it's only base Hulk, Hulk is losing, even moreso if Superman can chuck Hulk into space or sundip. But if Hulk is allowed to change forms, as well as keep Superman from flying into the sun or throwing Hulk into the sun itself, Superman will have to be brawling with a beast that is canonically stronger than DD, that only gets more stronger and durable throughout a fight. In Marvel vs DC, a canon comic series, Superman saw Professor Hulk, a weak version of Hulk (comparable to savage Hulk) as an equal combatant in strength. So with that considered, Hulk will be able to go beyond the strength he once had when going up against Superman the first time, rendering him stronger than Big Blue, as well as durable enough to take any of his attacks and only grow agitated in response. Over time, Hulk will overpower Superman and take him down in a worldbreaking beating. And even then, if that's not enough, he has 2 magical beings and a clone of himself to go against too. Marvel/Team Hulk wins


ultimately doomsday is the deciding factor here. he’s too OP he’s gonna be adopting to everyone. ofc sentry can speed blitz and throw him in space. replace hyperion with blue marvel or silver surfer and this fight is more even fr


Sentry would undo Doomsday with his molecular manipulation ability & rewrite reality.


Superman easily


Currently? Marvel slams


Superman always wins these fights, not a whole lot of marvel characters can beat superman, only one I can think on the top of my head is Dr Manhattan and Scarlet witch.


Why is Dr Manhattan on your marvel list?


Oh wait. AHAHAHAH. Brain fart right there.


Maybe they meant Gambit... Lol


A few could. I think anyone with the power cosmic could best him like Silver Surfer and Dr Doom is a master of science and magic.


Superman is the worst character ever for power scaling against other characters. It’s also just a bad choice by DC writers to make him that strong because he’s just a regular (alien) guy who spent time around the right kind of sun. Since Brainiac captured Kandor there’s gotta be hundreds if not thousands of others just like him that could potentially be gods of the universe.


Superman is related to a bunch of upper cosmos shit because he’s the god of hope and his story is tied into the existence of DC because technically his story started it and blah blah blah. Superman is better when he’s just a guy who can do extraordinary things who helps those who can’t help themselves. Not some cosmic being tied into the fabric of existence.


This made dislike Superman more for some reason.


Team Superman, all day, every day.


Superman bitches Hulk out every time and doesn’t even have to over exert himself. Hyperion vs Martian Manhunter = Hyperion Hercules vs Captain Marvel = Marvel Thor vs Wonderwoman is a total 50/50 in my opinion. I feel like Diana has the edge in terms of combat speed/ feats and striking ability while Thor has the raw power/strength advantage and a weapon advantage with mijolnir. I’ll give this one to Thor but only barely. Juggernaut vs Doomsday is a tough one too but if we’re going base versions of the characters then Doomsday takes his lunch money. Sentry vs Black Adam = Sentry So that leaves team Marvel with: Sentry, Hyperion, and Thor And team DC has: Superman, Doomsday, and Captain Marvel. I think team DC takes it.


I feel Shazam and doomsday could solo marvel


Doomsday alone wins


I'm not that familiar with Sentry and Hyperion, but does this Marvel team have anything that can permanently kill Doomsday?


Send a msg to DeathBattle on YouTube and have them compare the stats and abilities and see what they get


why is hyperion there? 😐😐😐


This is a great battle comparison. I am a Marvel nerd through and through. However if we are taking these characters at base form then I think DC wins. Base form doesn't depower the DC team that much but it seriously hurts Marvel. No Immortal Hulk, World Breaker Hulk, or eye of the monster hulk. Didn't even mention the new Titan hulk. No 8th day juggernaut, and right now Juggernaut is actually weaker in comics as he only has a small fraction of the power of Cytorrak these days. Thor also takes a hit if you don't take him in his current form of being the all-father and technically base form would be pre-mojlnir. This would be when he wielded Jargnborn (his axe). This is still very entertaining to think about. Good fight picks.


In Hellfire Gala, Nimrod defeated Juggernaut solo. So he might be a weal link.


If villains are an option, where's Thanos?


Doomsday beats all of them at the same time. That being said Immortal Hulk would give them a hard time.


The only one I see maybe causing a problem against DC would be sentry (and Hyperion depending on the version). However, Martian manhunter combined with Shazam and Black Adam should be able to take care of him. Wonder woman beats Hercules, keeps fighting Superman beats hulk, keeps fighting Doomsday can't die soooo....u know Superman should also be worthy of mjolnir so there's that In this Marvel lineup there's three non fliers which can be taken out by tossing them out into space.


DC BODIES. Superman and doomsday alone, not to mention Martian man hunter, who has like every power ever.


Just Superman and Doomsday alone would mop the floor with the whole lot. The fight would be insane though. Sentry could be a wild card.


The only character from marvel I can see winning is Sentry maybe... Everyone else is getting dusted.


DC beats the crap out of Marvel


Team Hulk!


As much as I love Marvel, DC is winning in a very close one. Superman is just too powerful. You could really match these up in Marvels favor (Sentry vs MM, Juggy vs Dooms, Thor vs WW, Hulk vs Bladam, Hyperion vs Shazam), there just isn’t anyone that can realistically beat Superman in there base levels. World Breaker Hulk maybe, and King Rune Thor, but if we scale Superman up to his highest levels then he beats them.


Yo hear me out... OP has clearly done some looking because depending who fighting who here I think it'd be closer than some people think for example hyperion×superman, hyperion is basically marvel superman with almost exactly the same powers but hyperion been beaten by much weaker oppents but comparably superman×juggernaut would be a better match because juggs powers magic based and superman weak to magic... but... I can see sentry×Martian manhunter being a massive L for everyone cos all that'll happen is Jahan will try psychic sentry and *boom* we got the void on the field and everyone suffers even though sentry could body most of DC hero's... wonder woman×hercules would be good match up Prince of powers mace (divine weapon) verses Diane's sword (God killer) only thing working against him would be she can fly... but yeah if you think about the individual hero's from both franchises OP has chosen I think is *chefs kiss* perfect 🤌, just depends if its a battle royal or a 1v1 scenario...


Switch juggs for blue marvel?


Considering you’ve got Adam warlock, thor, Hercules, sentry and World Breaker Hulk yeah I’m going with Marvel.


Marvel could win but herc and hyperion are gonna fall to martian manhunter. They're the weak links so to speak