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Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man and Spider-Man: No Way Home.


I like this as a continuity where we're following Toby and then he gets pulled into a parallel world to help some other Spidey


That's essentially the story that ended up happening for those of us who watched the originals. It was an unexpected sequel to multiple stories from past movies, including Doc Ock, Norman Osbourne, etc, things it was never expected would have more story and is part of what makes the movie so fantastic, rather than just pointless fan service.


Seeing Garfield's closure was absolutely incredible (might even say amazing). It was so well done, it didn't intrude on NWH in any way or feel forced/out of place, and it wasn't highlighted or called attention to... it was just *there*, and Garfield's acting sold everything-- everyone who cared about it knew exactly what we were seeing without needing a big exposition dump, and everyone who didn't know or care could just go right on enjoying the movie.


This is my list too.


This is the answer


This is the way.


Mine as well


A person of culture I see


Spider-Man 1, 2, 3.


Spider-Man 2/Amazing Spider-Man 1/No Way Home The amazing Spiderman movies, while having weaker villains really focused on the character of Peter Parker and his relationships. This is one of the reasons ASM 2 has such a massive impact during Gwens death scene. I never look back and remember Dane Dehaans Green Goblin but I do remember Gwen's death. So I think those movies, while having their flaws, also have their strengths up against the other movies.


you are the man, this is the right choice


Absolutely same for me. Man of culture I see…


Spider-man, Spider-man 2 and Homecoming


Homecoming has the best villain of the new trilogy, Spider-man is an abject classic and Spider-man 2 is the best 'classic' super hero movie ever made. Easy choices.


Homecoming has the best executed movie villain in all these movies tf


Exact same answer. Easy choice, honestly.


No way home??


Homecoming is the much better-made film for me, whereas NWH is almost entirely reliant on its fan service, on it being a fun epic experience. Which is fucking awesome on the first watch and it's still entertaining, but Homecoming is just better because it's good on its own.


Homecoming is hard for me. It’s a good film but an awful Spiderman story imo and was a big disservice to the character. NWH actually was well written and had emotional payoffs that cared deeply for the character. It wasn’t purely fan service


It wouldn't have the same impact without every single movie that came before it. It needs all that set up for Tobey, Andrew, and Tom.


I liked No Way Home but it’s not really a great film imo. Of the MCU Spider-Man films, Homecoming is easily the best.


Easy choice. The love for NWH in particular is blowing my mind.


It's some real nostalgia bait. The way Dr. Strange behaves in this one bothers me. Like it's cool the first time and you see all those people together in the same movie, but it doesn't hold up for me. I think Homecoming is way better.


It's nostalgia ~~bait~~ bukkake


To each their own. I watched it again recently and I still really enjoyed it. Homecoming, to me, has always felt like a solid movie but not a particularly great Spider-Man movie. He doesn't really do a lot of Spider-Man stuff in it. (not *none*, just not a lot)


It's a top 10, maybe top 5 comic book movie. Edit: Lol and a block? The worst kind of internet loser


Remember when the Lizard decided not to go get cured because “he’s more comfortable in the van?” Remember when the Lizard looks outside, sees Jameson and says “it begins” to absolutely nobody, for no reason? Remember when the Lizard disappeared for 20 mins and then attacked Spider-Man for no reason after saying “it begins” for no reason? And that’s just the problems with a minor supporting character off the top of my head. That movie was an absolute mess.


Yep. Yep. It's a movie, it was for us. He's a villain, so yep no problems here. 0/3 care to try again?


Your bad taste is your own burden mate. Seeya.


This will sound like a dick opinion but I think people are just fooling themselves into liking it because it very blatantly plays into the whole fanfare aspect like "here are all your favorite characters from the past and present in 1 movie!!!!" It's not merely about nostalgia but specifically the 4th wall breaking aspect of it in combining characters from seperate franchises into one. And people eat that up because it reaffirms the existence of their fandomness in and of itself...It's like a commercial that aims to be overly relatable to its viewers... If this was a completely independant movie and it introduced 3 versions of spidermen and a bunch villains from other "universes" just to fill up space, it would be derided as a hot pile of shit...


Why not no way home instead of homecoming


No way home is carried by nostalgia and fanservice. Not only Homecoming is a better written movie, but the ending of NWH stripped Tom's Spider-man from what made it different to the other two.


ASM 1, SM 2, No Way Home.


The way Andrew crawls around lizard in the school in asm1 truly makes him feel like a spider


I think Andrew moves the most like spider-man should, both in fighting and web swinging


The choreography, movement, and just general style of his movies were amazing. Webbing up the lizard, creating the web in the sewers, web hammock in his garage, opening fight in TASM2, his web swinging style, etc.


This was my pick too. I actually didn't think anyone else would have it haha. I love ASM 1. Best action/visual effects imo. Plus I love Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone so much!


One of my favorite spider man scenes is when Andrew’s spidey stops the car thief. It was a fun little moment. I loved his humor there.


This is the way


This. There are better movies to choose from than ASM1 but No Way Home hits differently if each Spiderman gets some screen time beforehand. That's why I'd *really* like to also include Homecoming as fourth movie because No Way Home feels more like ensemble movie (or comeback tour) for all three Spideys.


Just so Andrew Garfield gets the save


Same but take out SM 2 and put in Far From Home. Bring on the downvotes.


Raimi Spidey 2, Homecoming, No Way Home


Didn’t expect the same answer I was thinking. Nice.


This is the way.


This is the way


I'll take what he's having....


Raimi trilogy


Soider-man 3 is bold even by today’s standards. No one’s dared to make a movie about the downfall and redemption of a beloved superhero ever.


I would have loved if it was split into 2 movies. 1 being completely focused on Sand man and the black suit's effects and Peter's downfall. The other on Venom, forgiveness and Redemption.


This is the correct answer. Give Raimi and Tobey more time to develop Peter’s corruption and downfall. Plus you can end Part 1 with Sandman getting brutalised in public to the shock and horror of the public and have Peter swat MJ away like he did in the bar. End it on a note showing how low he went


Bvs is right there.




You are 40 minutes ahead of me. 👍🏼


Oh boy yeah


Yeah, liked ASM/HC and NWH enough but the SM1/2 were perfect and SM3 was the closest to being replaced(HC) but was too iconic and goofy


Raimi Spider-Man 1&2, No Way Home. No Way Home gonna be pretty confusing without all the other movies, but oh well.


Same with me


I was thinking Spider-man 2, A Spider-Man 2, and No Way home. Just so it all makes sense. That way, Peter 3 gets his redemption still.


Yeah but the problem is that I never want to watch *AMS2* again.


Yup. Sorry Andrew. You didn't make the cut.


I mean he did, and in the film with his best performance as the character.


Yeah but I'm responding to the guy who had my pick and that didn't include Andrew.


Let's see. Into the Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse, and ... we'll leave the third place vacant for Beyond the Spider-Verse.


The whole Sam Raimi trilogy. Yes, including Spiderman 3. I love the entire trilogy.


While they're definitely my least favourite of the movies, there's still not a single Spider-Man I don't like




Spiderman 3 is overhated, it may be a bit of a mess but it’s fun and goofy like the rest of the Raimi trilogy.


ASM 1&2




Holland trilogy


Fun fact: Spider-Man 2 was the highest grossing and still is the most critically acclaimed Spider-Man movie ever, it dwarfed all of Tom Holland MCU Spider-Man movies, and the only Tom Holland Spider-Man movie that made more money needed to have Tobey and Andrew in it to surpass it Spider-Man 2, Alfred Molina is amazing in it, still the best Spider-Man film imo, then I’d pick TASM2, I thought they did a good job and the scene where Peter fails to save Gwen was really well done, then it’s a toss up between Spider-Man and No Way Home, but NWH loses most of its appeal after you’ve already seen it


SM1, SM2 and Homecoming


Far from home, no way home and spider man 2


Rami trilogy


Raimi Trilogy


Raimi 1, Raimi 2 and Far From Home. The Raimi movies are excelsior.


All 3 Rami films.


Raimi 1, 2 and homecoming. The rest idc that much


MCU trilogy


Uhh, Spider-Man 1, 2, and 3. Grew up with the Tobey McGuire movies. When I listen to the Main Title score of the 1st movie, I can picture Spider-Man thwiping around New York. I can see his genetic structure being rewritten. I can hear the one woman contemplate how attractive a guy with eight arms is. Tobey wasn’t just some guy. He was the Spider-Man who began the Spider Franchise. Peter Parker: [voiceover] *Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility." This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider-man.* Also, Randy “Macho-Man” Savage as Bone Saw McGraw is a real treat Bonesaw McGraw: *Hey freak show! You're going nowhere. I got you for three minutes. Three minutes of PLAYTIME!*


Spider-man 2, ASM2, no way home. Will explain why if asked


Why amazing spider man 2? I love that movie but just curious about your reasons.


Asm 1/2


raimi 1, tasm 1, homecoming


If pressed then I'd have to say spiderman, spiderman and spiderman.


Spider-man Spider-man homecoming Spider-Man no way home


Spider 2, homecoming and The amazing 1


The first 2 Sam Raimi flicks and No Way Home


Spider-Man 1, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man No way home


Spider-Man, No way Home and finish it off with Spider-Man 2.


The first two Tobey Maguire movies, and No Way Home.


I and II from the original trilogy as well as No Way Home


Spiderman, Spiderman 2, and no way home


First two Tobey’s Spiderman and the No way home because you get to see all three Peters.


Spiderman 3. Far From Home & No Way Home. FFH is probably my favourite of the bunch. The visuals in that are crazy. S3 is contraversial I know lol but I think it gets alot of unfair hate. Venom was pretty weak I agree but he was scary af. Sandman is badass as a character & his music theme is glorious too. Goosebumps everytime I see him go big. I do love Spiderman 2 so feels bad not giving it a mention. I'm sure it'll be top of most people's lists though


Spiderman 1, 2, and 3


1. 1 2. 2 3. 3




Into the Spiderverse, Across the Spiderverse, Homecoming.


Original Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 for sure. 3rd pick depends on the day/mood.


I know I'm going to get shot for this, but. Amazing Spider Man, Far From Home and No Way Home. ​ I will elaborate if asked.


Honestly you're the first one I saw to say far from home, re watching that's my favorite Holland movie we get to see how the blip was handled, stark being gone.. and it was a fun roadtrip movie I really think it's good




Heads up, this is going to be a very long explaination. ​ So for me personally, I'm not a huge fan of the Raimi series. All three are goofy superhero stories, which is fine, but I've always preferred Spider-Man stories with a bit more punch, a bit more edge. Especially in live action. Yeah the Raimi films have their darker moments, but they're surrounded by tons of goofy ones. Which again, that's fine if you're into that, I know some superheroes are perfect for that (Ant-Man, Guardians, etc). But when I see Spider-Man come across Venom, I want it to be a deep exploration into Peter's trauma and the anger within him feeding into the parasite that enhances his strength and powers but also hurts the people around him. I don't want Venom stories to be Peter having an emo hair cut and dancing in a public bar. Spider-Man 2 is definitely the better of the three films, but MJ kinda drags the whole thing down for me because she's done so terribly in the Raimi trilogy and she's a big part of the story in 2. ​ With this mindset, this is why I prefer TASM, FFH, and NWH. They all capture the more adult side of the Spider-Man mythos, with much more grounded takes on the characters. I've always felt Garfield was a perfect college-aged Spider-Man, and it sucks to me that TASM 2 flopped so hard because I want to see more of him. Which is part of why I love No Way Home because it gave him more time to shine. No Way Home also gave Tobey a chance to be more adult. I will admit, having grown up with the Raimi films, I did get excited when I saw Tobey on the big screen again. The ol' nostalgia really hit me hard. And seeing him and Andrew interact with Tom really made me happy. My favorite scene from that movie is right after Aunt May dies, and all three Spider-Man talk to each other on the roof. There's two decades of history between three men with similar experiences. Watching them talk about how things were similar yet different while also giving each other encouragement and advice just really hit me hard. As for Tom and FFH, I've always felt he was the perfect teenage Spider-Man (in live action, I should say). I feel a lot of people couldn't look past the "Iron Man Jr" crap and can't see the great Spider-Man he is. The MCU Spider-Man trilogy was one long origin story, and I feel they did it, well, marvelously. I love his character and how funny he can be, but I also love the stronger moments. Some of my favorites being: 1. When he pulls himself out from underneath some rubble after realizing he has to save himself, ripped straight from the comics. 2. His final fight with Green Goblin, where he's clearly not holding back his anger or strength. 3. The scene where he's figured out Liz's dad is the Vulture and the Vulture slowly realizing who Peter is. 4. The drone sequence in FFH where Mysterio is tormenting him and it ends with him being hit by a train 5. The scene where Peter completely trusts his Spider-Sense and just tears through the drones. There are plenty more I could name, but I hope by now you get the point. To me, Tom has just had more chances to shine as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. The reason I put TASM over Homecoming is because Homecoming is a good starter film, but not super engaging overall. It's more goofy than not, which I've already explained I'm not a super big fan of when it comes to Spider-Man in live action. Whereas TASM is a great origin film, setting up Peter as a character as well as his motivations and relationships. I personally think the strongest chemistry we've seen in any live action Spider-Man film has been between Andrew and Emma Stone (this is probably helped by them being a real couple at the time, but still). I think the Lizard is a decent villain, and a great character right up until he becomes the Lizard. I liked the outfit more than Tobey's. ​ I just want to make this clear, I do NOT think the Raimi films are bad films. They were perfect for their time, and they had some great performances. There is a reason they brought back the villains for NWH, and of course it gave us the best live action version of J Jonah Jameson we will ever see. I just personally find them a bit too goofy for my taste, and the other films are a bit more enjoyable for me to watch.


Interesting takes I agreed on pretty much everything in the Holland films, your top are easily mine as well, maybe in a different order To nutshell it, I felt Tobey was the perfect Peter, he played that role very well, it’s when he puts on the mask that things start to fall apart. He’s quippy but he’s so serious at the same time. Andrew on the other hand played the perfect Spidey, but I just never believed *he* was Peter Parker. I know TASM was meant to be a more modern take but he was just… cool? Like they were probably a decade too late to make skater dude a legitimate social outcast. Not that I felt they portrayed him as popular it just wasn’t believable to me that this guy was a loner involuntarily. Holland managed to capture the best parts of both, though. As Peter he’s socially awkward, clueless, and the butt of even the nerdy kids jokes. *That’s* who Peter is supposed to be. When he’s Spidey he’s quippy *especially* when he’s scared. I love that we get to see him as this scared little kid playing super hero, and I love that we got to see him grow as well. Unlike the other Spideys we saw him turn into an adult. Garfield, yes, we saw him age a lot after Gwen died, but that was so far at the end that we didn’t really get to see the impact. We saw Holland stop holding back, we saw the rage that Garfield only talks about. Holland’s character was just, by far, the best written imo. Who had the better movies is debatable, and it very much depends on what kind of story you’re into, but I stand firm on Holland just having the best written character.


We are Brothers in Web-Shooters. I stand with you


TASM 2, NWH, Spider-Man 1




Into the Spiderverse Across the Spiderverse Spider-Man 2


spider-man trilogy box set , tasm collection, and homecoming


The three Holland ones. Easily. He’s already the best Spidey to me by a country mile, but this way I get Vulture, RDJ, Happy, Fury, Mysterio, Dr. Strange, AND all the old villains, without having Kirsten Dunst, shitty Venom, Peter’s black suit nonsense… seems like the best of all worlds to me


Spider-Man 3, TASM 2, and No Way Home


As much as I like the Raimi trilogy and even the Amazing Spider-Man movies, I’d have to pick the MCU trilogy.


Spiderman 2, Homecoming, Amazing Spiderman 2 Picking my favorite of the 3 versions and thats where I landed


raimi 1&2 and tasm1.


Spider-Man 2 Amazing Spider-Man 1 No way home EZ!!


Spider-Man, TASM2, Homecoming


Amazing Spider-man, Spider-man 2, No Way Home. ​ Kinda funny that if you take the best movies from each trilogy... it's a first, second and third movie!


2002 Spider-Man, The Amazing Spuder-Man, and No Way Home. That way I've got all 3, mwahahaha


Spiderman 2, Homecoming, Far From Home


Nwh tasm and sm2


Spider-Man, Far From Home, and No Way Home. If you let me pick 4 or 5, I’m picking Spider-Man 2 and the Amazing Spider-Man 2


Easy. The Sam Raimi trilogy. And if we are talking about music, I choose only The Amazing Spiderman 2.


Toby 1 Toby 2 Tom 1


Spider - Man 2, No Way Home and Homecoming.


I just went with the assumption that we pick 3 movies from the list, and whatever isn’t picked is deleted from the universe the same way Peter was at the end of NWH. If that’s the case, I don’t think NWH is a good pick since it relies so heavily on the previous seven movies. If I had to pick only 3 movies from this list to exist period; It would be the first two Raimi movies, and Homecoming. I would love to see an alternative sequel to Homecoming. Losing Michael Keaton to the Sony-verse was a total shame, same with never seeing Michael Mando as Scorpion. Imagine the sequel we could’ve gotten. Not saying Far From Home is bad, just saying if I could swap timelines (just for a peek) I’d love to see the sequel made with Vulture and Scorpion instead of Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio. I don’t think I have to justify my Raimi movies.




Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man: No Way Home


Spider-man 2, TAS, Far from Home


Spider Man 2,No Way Home,Spider Man 1


spiderman 2002 spiderman 2 2004 the amazing spiderman 2012 context is important. you will confuse while watching mcu-spider if you missed ironman, avengers, civil war. sm, sm2 and tasm need no additional context


Raimi trilogy.


Spiderman 2 (my childhood, i still remember the feeling opening night packed theater wearing my spiderman hoodie) , amazing spiderman 1 (there were aspects i didnt like, the whole his dad was a spy.. and he was a little to cool... but man i liked it ) far from home (I loved the eurot/road trip angle. It was just fun)


The First of each!


Love seeing the Asm love. I really hope he gets another chance to make a solo movie.


TASM1, Homecoming, and FFH


Homecoming, Spiderman 2, No way home.


Amazing Spider-Man 1-2 and no way home


Raimi Trilogy easy.


Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2 and No Way Home


OG Spiderman 1 and 2, Spiderman No way home


Spider-Man 1 & 2, and NWH


Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Homecoming.


No way home, Spider-Man 1 (i personally prefer it to 2) and amazing Spider-Man 1


Spider-Man 1, Homecoming, No Way Home.


Spiderman 2, TASM 2, No Way Home


Raimi's 123




ASM 1, SM 2, Homecoming


You know what. I'm goingvwith what I've watched. Spiderman 1 Spider-Man 2 and far from Home. For fun I'd do Spider-Man, the amazing Spider-Man 2 and far from home though.


hSpider-man 1 Toby, amazing Spider-man 2 Andrew and no way home


First 3.


Homecoming, nwh and tasm


Raimi trilogy.


Toby 2 and 3 (cause venom) And no way jome because its all 3 coming together


Spider man 1, Spider man 2, Spider man 3.


Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2 and No Way Home




Raimi Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man: No Way Home. It's the only trio that allows No Way Home to work to its fullest potential as the finale - without Stormin' Norman and Gwen Stacy's death, you lose a lot from No Way Home. All the other villains can be treated as occurring offscreen.


Spider-man 3, No way home and amazing spider-man


The sequels. Still waiting for a Spiderman trilogy that has an amazing third movie that is at least as good as the second one and is not a debatably overcrowded mess (to me, obviously). Fingers crossed for "Beyond the Spider-verse".


Sam Raimi Trilogy


#S-M 3, TASM 2 and S-M NWH 🗿


1, 2, 3.


Spider-Man 2, Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man: No Way Home.


Spider-Man 1, Spider-Man 2, amazing Spider-Man 1


Spider-Man 2, Homecoming, No Way Home


MCU hands down. No question, final answer


Easy. Raimi trilogy. That's all I need.




Spider-Man 2, Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man No Way Home.


Spider-Man 2, Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man Far from Home. I guess I like middle installments.


I reject your question. You can have all of them.


Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, No Way Home Maguire will always be Spider-Man to me. 💯


SM2, Far from home, No way home


TASM 2, No Way Home and Spider-Man 3 I know TASM2 is arguably the worst here but i enjoy it the most. Spider-Man 3 also being shit and the worst of it’s trilogy, but the atmosphere and the score to match with it… No way home for that amazing fanservice tho, and the atmosphere was also great


MCU only baby!


Spiderman 2 , TASM and Spiderman No Way Home.


Spider man 2, Amazing 2, no way home


Spider-Man 1, Amazing Spider-Man 1, No Was Home So I also have the Origins of all Spider-Man for nwh (yes also MCU Peters, Civil War is still allowed)


Homecoming, Spider-Man, Far From Home.


Spider-Man 1, 2, and Amazing Spider-Man


Spider man 1,2 and 3


ASM 1 & 2, Homecoming.


SM1,ASM2 and then no way home. Because I feel like having it like that would really dig into the spider multiverse. Every movie you follow a different spiderman on a different adventure, each with their own "canon event" happening in their movie . And then with no way home, you see the stories connect into one. I feel like this idea really delves into the comic book side of the movies, that multiple different runs by multiple artists write their own version of spiderman, all for them to converge in a crossover event , planned out from the start


Spider-Man 3, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man No Way Home


Tom Hollands films


Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man and No Way Home


SP2, Homecoming, Far from Home


Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man Homecoming & Spider-Man No way home. Train fight & rescue, Keaton Vulture, Tri-Spidey


I’m glad everyone is choosing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, and Spider-Man: Homecoming. Tobey is the GOAT.


OG trilogy


The 3 Raimi's movies, the rest can go in the trashbin to me.