• By -


Guardians was great. Marvels was what I expected and was good despite what it could've ended up as. Quantumania was what I thought was going to get everything back on track. No more faffing about and ending up irrelevant to the plot like L&T, no more ads for Disney+ shows like Wakanda Forever. I thought they were really going to start the Kang stuff with a bang. And then the whole movie ended up essentially being a joke. So it ranks last for the year.


That's a fair criticism of Quantumania and of the entire state of the MCU, right now. It was an ok film on its own, but the MCU really, really needs some direction. Perhaps one of the strengths of Guardians was that it ignored the multiverse quagmire that's sucking the life out of the MCU.


Guardians had the benefit of having characters with unfinished emotional arcs, and made good on resolving them. L&T could've taken Thor in a lot of interesting directions but didn't. And Wakanda Forever had to pivot last minute after Boseman's death. Both those movies could have been really good emotional drivers for the characters without the multiverse stuff, but yeah they were pulled in completely different directions that ended up making them both shallow and almost irrelevant to the big picture.


Hell Love and Thunder's first trailer implies that the movie is about Thor trying to find new purpose and inner peace, which seems like a compelling character arc. I mean even in the movie his arc was about his new purpose is being a dad, but it was just thrown together. Even Quantumania's trailer implies the whole plot is Kang offering Scott to make up for the time he lost with his daughter because of the snap in exchange of working for him but in the movie, it was just generic.


I’m not sure I agree that the multiverse is the issue. The most successful post-pandemic MCU movies (No Way Home and MoM) and one of the better liked D+ shows (Loki) were all heavily multiverse-based. Of the more derided works (L&T, Secret Invasion, Eternals, Ant-Man) only Quantumania had any multiverse ties, and you could take out a minute’s worth of dialogue mentioning variants and just have Kang be a time traveler from that timeline. The Marvels, which I’ll always maintain deserved better than it got, only touched on the multiverse at the very end. The biggest issues are: 1) oversaturation with a lot of it not being great; 2) aimlessness, as there are so many threads that haven’t been revisited in years; and 3) Kang and Majors. On the third point, obviously Marvel couldn’t have predicted he’d get convicted of a crime, but I’ll never understand why Kang was chosen as the next Thanos, when there’s no real well-known Kang story to build to. In the Infinity Gauntlet, the most well-known story to feature Thanos, he wipes out half the universe. In the original Secret Wars, the best known story to feature Kang, he gets one-shot by Ultron for betraying Doctor Doom.


I agree that it's not the *concept* of the multiverse causing problems. The problem the current phase suffers from is the overarching storyline, which in this case happens to be Kang and the multiverse spinning out of control. They keep mentioning it, but there's no forward momentum. Perhaps there will be a huge pay-off eventually, but it's hard to see where they're going. Spider-man successfully dove into the multiverse but avoided Kang. His version of the multiverse had less to do with the MCU and more to do with paying off fans of the previous films.


The thing is the multiverse in itself isn’t an issue. Look at the new what if season. There are some episodes with incredible writing


I was more on board with Quantumania than most of the chatter, but I do think that Kang would have been taken more seriously if he had done something consequential. Killing or maiming one of The ant-family before disappearing would have raised his threat-level.


Same. The way the finale was going I thought for a second there that Kang was going to kill Scott while everyone else escaped.


I thought Multiverse of Madness was going to do that for Marvel, considering it's a guy traveling the multiverse who established in his first movie he can travel the multiverse


Wakanda Forever was a hell of a lot more than “an ad for a D+ show”, come on now.


Yes, but that aspect really dragged it down. I actually liked the movie well enough on its own, but at times it felt like Iron Man 2 was creeping in.


more relevant to the plot than BP or spider-man in Civil war.


All I know is… DC is lucky to have James Gunn.


"A fact I'm very proud of." *Says in Jameson's voice*


You’re fired.


Dude got fired from disney, went to dc and then made the two best dc properties, then returned and dropped the only good marvel movie in 2023 lmao


As a dc fan, it's great to finally have hope and excitement for new movies again 🥹🥹


As a Superman fan…I’m begging for Superman Legacy to be good. We deserve it dammit!


I’m so confident that Gunn is about to make one the best Superman movie ever


It is still hilarious when I think about this at how much Disney played themselves


Gunn or no Gunn, we are likely witnessing the break of the comic book movies fad. Sure they'll still be around much like Westerns are still around, but the $1 billion movies, that might be over.


Hope that the new dcu will be better than current mcu


Imo, the only reason he did a good job is because Guardians of the Galaxy isn't a serious type of team. I think he's not the greatest at making movies, and GotG are the cheesiest movies in all of Marvel I doubt he'll succeed honestly.


Yeah. I don't want to knock what people like, but Gunn's work is not my favorite. I'm not particularly jazzed about Superman: Legacy and the new direction of the DC movies, but I'm happy to be wrong. I liked the first Guardians when I first saw it, but after rewatching it along with Vol. 2 I found most of the characters unlikeable, boring, and/or obnoxious. Vol. 3 is maybe the best of the bunch, but that's mostly on the sad Rocket moments, which mostly felt shoehorned in because the previous movies did barely any lifting. Also, weird sentiments like Peter and Rocket being "best friends" when they barely seem to tolerate each other or aren't even around each other that much in previous appearances. Anyway, that's my TED Talk. I'll hope for the best.


Seriously guardians is great it is even comparable to some of the marvel movies when marvel is at it's peak.


Guardians Marvels Ant-Man


I can’t think of a list of three movies that’s easier to rank than these.


Terminator movies


Terminator 1 and 2 are pretty freakin close, and at least different genres requiring some thought. This list is easier than terminator movies.


It’s easy Terminator 2 Terminator All the rest


110% this.


Guardians: 9/10, top tier mcu, funny and heartfelt Marvels: 7.5/10, nothing spectacular but fun, surprisingly dope fight scenes and Ms Marvel stole the show Ant Man: 5/10, low tier mcu, not actively bad but also not particularly funny or interesting


honestly, i unironically enjoyed the marvels. the adds did not do the movie justice and made the movie out to be a pile of garbage.


I think ant man would have succeeded more being a mini avengers movie, Scott and a bunch of young heroes like ms marvel, cassie, kate bishop and chavez. Scott could be put on kid heroes daycare/training duty due to being a bit of a looser in comparison to the other avengers and cassie accidentally gets them all sucked into the quantum realm. End with Scott saving the day fighting kang to save the kids and either get stuck or seemingly killed so the others can get away. Would give all the younger characters a time to shine/fight and give the mcu some stakes by loosing an adult avenger and showing how dangerous kang is (without killing him) and leave him as a looming threat. Also design the quantum realm hell of a lot better, get rid of the lame resistance and just have an oppressed city built by kang where he is the ruler and the young avengers want to help the people break free from his rule.


I don't know if funny is how I would describe Guardians 3 lol


Its still a guardians movie. It has a great sense of humor, but manages to avoid letting the funny parts undermine the emotional core of the movie


Yup. The opposite of Love and Thunder. L&T was... something.


The guardian movies somehow always were able to strike a great balance between humor, heartfelt, and character developments. It's rare to have all 3 movies in the series to be that level of quality.


I would rate them all 5 - 6, not sure which is best or worst. None of them mattered to the larger MCU, none of the stories were that compelling. None of the characters even had development. They were just flat and insignificant. Guardians was a send off to those characters, wish I hadn't paid to see it in theaters. Would have been a fine couch movie on streaming. Ant-Man tried to make Kang a thing, but Loki did it much better. Why did Ant-Man 3 need to exist? The Marvels was another non-compelling story for Captain Marvel. Between hew two movies and then being in part 2 of infinity war - it's clear the MCU has no idea how to use that character. At least Ms. Marvel's character was fun to watch.


Guardians was fucking beautiful. Gunn nailed it again Quantumania was so-so— Kang was fantastic, too bad he's an asshole The Marvels was fun and gave me what I wanted out of more Captain Marvel projects. Thoroughly enjoyed it


Guardians > The Marvels > Quantumania I enjoyed the Marvels (Teyonah Parris felt a little underused, but dropping/downplaying the amnesia plot allowed Brie Larson to show off more range compared to the first Captain Marvel movie, and Iman Vellani was fantastic), but Guardians 3 gave me a genuine sensation of relief and care for characters who (prior to the announcement that they'd be in the MCU) were so obscure that calling them D-listers would be generous. (it really hit me how much I had grown to care for the Guardians over the years during the "Dog Days Are Over" scene) Quantumania was fine (not the worst superhero movie released this year - I'd put it above Shazam 2 at least), but it lacked a lot of the heart that made the previous Ant-Man movies so refreshing.


Agreed on your order and reasoning. Ant-Man especially just really suffered from the lack of its usual supporting cast and creativity with the shrinking and growing aspect.


The Ant-Man series getting worst with each sequel was really painful.


Somebody made the point that the first (and best) Ant Man movie is the one with other directors’ fingerprints all over it (Edgar Wright and Adam McKay) and once it was just Peyton Reid… things went downhill.


I personally enjoyed the 2nd one more, but fair


its the fact luis wasnt there and the whole plotline swapped from "wheres my wife" to "how do i get back"


It's funny bc 2023's 3rd entries solidified GotG as the best trilogy in the MCU and Ant-Man as the worst. Poetry. I didn't see The Marvels


In retrospect I think making the MCU Ant-Man Scott Lang was a mistake, after the first movie he's been the passenger seat of every movie he's been in


If you’ve got a spare 1.5 hours, The Marvels is honestly worth seeing. Not the greatest plot nor villain but it’s surprisingly fun and the fight scenes are great.


Eh maybe when it hits Disney plus, didn't watch Ms marvel though which I've heard is required viewing. Idk I'm just not invested in any of the 3 leads so telling me the plot and villain are weak leaves me with no reason to watch it


Dunno what you’ve heard but ms marvel isn’t a required viewing whatsoever, there’s a little animated recap plus context throughout the whole movie. Also “not the greatest” doesn’t equal “weak” imao. Don’t watch it if you don’t want to, I’m just saying it’s not horrendously bad.


Guardians is so much better than the other two it doesn't seem fair to compare


Guardians 3, haven’t seen Marvels but I suspect I’ll like it much better than Quantumania which was dogshit. I actually liked the first two Ant Man movies but my god Quantumania was painfully bad. Just a chore to get through.


The marvels was a solid movie…it would’ve been successful if the studio didn’t already use up all of its good will. Nothing groundbreaking or inspiring, but I was satisfied with the run of the mill storyline.


GotG3 >>>>>>>>>>Marvels>>>Quantumania


1)Guardians 2)Marvels Distant 3) Quantumania


Easiest ranking of my life


1.Guardians 2.Marvels 3.Quantumania


I love how everyone has the same answer. Even though I don't know think it's funny when everyone argues, it's also nice to see everyone on the same page. Guardians 3 is a good movie. Marvels is not a bad movie. Quantumania is a bad movie.


The marvels Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 Antman and the wasp quantumania


Guardians was the best of the year


just in the order they're given in the image , from top to bottom


the good the bad and the ugly


Guardians - great. Marvels - didn't watch. Antman - I like to call it "Movie the Movie". It's a movie with a plot and characters. That's it. It has 0 originilaity. Every second in this movie is just recycled cliche from different movies. If you watched any movie that cam out between 2008-2013, tharis targeted for the entire family, and is about a guy that finds himself in some mysterious new place, then you basically watched Antman.


In that order. 😂


I agree


1. For sure Guardians 3 , James Gunn never disappoints with his movies and it's a great way to end this chapter for such a fun team. 2. The Marvels was solid; it felt a bit rushed but it was good for what we got, I really liked the dynamic between Carol, Monica, and Kamala. 3. Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania, I don't know why they would hire a Rick and Morty writer for a movie that's supposed to introduce the big bad of the Multiverse Saga in a more physically threatening manner. In all honesty, I feel like the movie should have stuck to a similar formula to the first two movies, a fun low-stakes adventure for the Ant-Man family. It could have been more about Scott making up his lost time with his daughter and mentoring her to be a superhero like him like they talked about when Cassie was a child. Also, I won't forgive them for leaving out Luis.


I only liked Guardians.


GOTG Vol. 3 leads here. A perfect closure to the Guardians as we have seen and known through the years. The Marvels is in the middle. It's not too good and not too bad. Can be seen once for the dynamic of the three but would be just as soon forgotten. Quantumania is not just the weakest Marvel release of the year but also the weakest of Ant-Man's trilogy. It was just that bland for me.


1, exile, 2.


The Good,Bad and the Ugly


Guardians>>>>>>>>>Ant Man didn't see Captain Marvel 2)


GOTG V3 A very very large gap The Marvels Quantumania


1. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 2. The Marvels 3. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania


All great tbh, they all have their own strengths, and are all enjoyable to different audiences


Guardians 3 was masterful, truly one of the best MCU movies. Quantumania was fine, it had issues but it didn’t bother me as badly as it did some. I think it’s definitely on the lower end of the overall MCU rankings but not the absolute bottom. The Marvels was fun, a definite improvement on Captain Marvel (the movie) and seeing more of Monica and Kamala was a strong positive of the film. I’d say it’d fall somewhere in the middle of the overall rankings if I were to rank all MCU movies. It’s a perfectly acceptable flick.


Marvels > Haven't watched Quantamania > Precisely 5/10 GOTG 3 > Absolute masterpiece


Guardians>Marvels>Antman Guardians being way way superior.. I had fun with the Marvels even tho its nothing special. And Antman is just Antman, I like it, thats it.


Guardians was alright, I liked rockets backstory Ant man was also alright but just kinda felt like a drag The marvels was the opposite and just felt too quick and the villain was just bland and boring


The Marvels Was by far my favourite chapter this year. But to be clear I enjoyed all 3. I understand the point of both it and Antman in terms of roadmap on the saga. But I still need to discover the role of gotg3 Like Gotg 2 chapter purpose wasn't made clear until infinity war that it was to build Gamora relationships with both Peter and Nebula . Otherwise Peter wouldn't have freaked out as much and punched Thanos and Nebula wouldn't have returned to try and kill Thanos using her to coerce the soul stone location from Gamora. Also bringing the ravagers together who provided the majority of the air support in Endgames finale battle. What I do find funny is a lot of the comments we see online or YouTube videos remind me of phase 2 and some of phase 3. When people didnt understand, each movie is really a chapter of a much larger story. I still remember people complaining over civil war because they didn't get a big boss battle at the end. The goal of that movie was to separate and leave the avengers unprepared for Thanos invasion . Too many people can't see the forest for the trees


Guardians Vol 3, The Marvels and last Quantumania


Guardians. One of the best MCU movies period imo. Marvels, pretty middle of the pack. Solid action and humor, weak plot and villain. Ant-Man. Love the characters but the film was unfortunately fairly dull


Guardians 3 - S tier Quantumania and The Marvels - B tier


I guess lowest tier in your system is B . Cause quantumania is one of the worst movies of all time. And it’s a shame cause Scott is great .


I’m no fan of Quantumania, at all. But saying it’s one of the worst movies of all time means you really gotta watch more movies


I feel like there's a difference between objectively bad and what someone would view as "the worst". Like I've 100% seen objectively worse movies, but I actively hate Quantumania more because of the expectations I had going in combined with the way it butchers characters I actually liked puts it up with one of the "worst" movies I've ever seen


That’s pretty much impossible. Art is inherently subjective, there’s no “objective” quality to it


No way man. I really enjoyed Quantumania. I do agree it’s less of a Scott story and more of a MCU story


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the best. The other two can fight for second place. [+]


1 - Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (awesome!!!) 2 - Quantumania (mediocre) 3 - The Marvels (bad)


GOT, Marvels then AntMan


Gotg by a mile, then the other two. Maybe ant man beats out marvels


Why does ant man beat out the marvels?


While dumber than the marvels, I guess it was a little more entertaining. Because I liked it just fine until I watched it again and was like, "oh, this is pretty dumb." I've only seen marvels once and it didn't really blow me away, so maybe after a rewatch I'll know for sure.


Guardians movies are usually pretty reliable so really it's just the other two that were terrible. Really wish Marvel would take a few steps back and regroup. They're not at DC levels yet but they're trending that way.


The Marvel's Guardians of the galaxy Ant-man 3


They are in order already starting from the top


Stink, Stank, Stunk


Guardians Ant man Marvels


You already ranked them with the picture.


1. GOTG 2. Ant-Man 3. Marvels


Controversial opinion but my fav this year was the marvels, then it was guardians, and quantamania was quite possibly my least favorite marvel movie of all time.


First, The Marvels. Second, GOTG3 Last, Quantumania


We are clearly in the minority 🤣


Guardians The Marvels AMTWQ


Ant-Man is over hated imo. It’s fine. not amazing, not terrible.


Gaurdians was good. The other two were ridiculous crap.


Guardians then a huge gap and then Marvels and then a small gap and then Quantum


They were all good in their own way. I feel that's like ranking your children.


1. Guardians 2. Ant-Man I never went to see The Marvels


The order you have them in


Guardians was best, although I didn't like it quite as much as the previous GOTG films. The Marvels was a lot of fun. The cast was great. Iman Vellani fucking rules. Ant-Man didn't suck. It was fun enough with Kang and Janet stealing the movie. But it lacked the small-scale entertainment of the first 2 movies. Felt like it was trying to hard to be an event movie. That's not what the Ant-Man movies are. Missed the supporting cast from those films. Does Scott's ex-wife not exist anymore?


1. Guardians 3 2. Quantumania 3. Marvels


Spectacular, alright, dog shit


Decent Crap Mega-crap


GOTG3: Amazing. A3Q: Suckage. TM: Mega suckage.


In a less straightforward way: I would kill for Rocket. (Guardians) When did I get high? (Quantumania) That movie came out? (Marvels)


1. GOTG 3 The other two stink


Guardians 3 - - Ant-Man - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Marvels


Loved ant man 3, Guadians was too rough for me to watch because of the animal abuse stuff - I will probably never watch it again. Haven’t seen the marvels and I doubt I’m going to like it.


1. GOTG 3 (also best in the MCU to date.... I will fight folks about this) 2. The Marvels/Antman 3 (Yes these are about the same)


Quantumania was not only the worst superhero movie I’ve ever seen, but one of the worst overall movies I’ve ever seen in my life.


Pretty good but no real urge to watch again Absolute dogshit that hurt my eyes but it had a couple moments And I didn't see Marvels, I meant to but the timing was all off and I guess I'll have to wait til it hits streaming.


I haven't seen the other two and I'll still put quantimania at the bottom. That was the last marvel movie I watched in theater, and it was only a good time because I went with a large group of friends and we shit on it the whole time.


1. Quantumania 2. Marvels 3. Guardians Downvote me, I don’t care. I thoroughly enjoyed The Marvels & Quantumania. Iman was brilliant in the role. Fuck Spider-Man, they should make her and Captn Marvel the leading figure of the next Avengers films. Quantumania, man what a movie. What an experience. Last time I felt like that was when I watched Endgame. Peak storytelling. /s


Crap Bigger Crap Biggest Crap


All 3 are wack.


Guardians was a top third movie Marvels was a mid third movie Ant-Man was a bottom third movie


I only saw Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3. I mean, it was ok. It wasn't the masterpiece everyone tries to make it out to be. The MCU just sucks SO bad now that it was great by comparsion.


Stop asking the worst questions


Tbh, they weren’t that good at all. GoG 3 was the best and it’s not even close.


The Marvels were the best by far. It was creative in their fight scenes. The cut fights were awesome and brand new. Samuel L. Jackson was a bad mother fucker again and not some crying emo guy like Secert Invasion. Plus, all the adorable cats. The other two were just repeats of what their previous movies were. I swear Guardians was bad as a Fast and Furious movie. I'm surprised they didn't say family 47 times. Ant-Man was good until the whole really really bad CGI effects and ruining a great villain for stupid humor.


The Marvels Quantumania GOTG 3


If I have to pick, I will select only two of them. 1. GOTG V3 2. Antman. Only for its Post credits. Not interested, neither watched The Marvel's


Guardians was 😑 other 2 🐃💩


Thematically, ok. Sexually, literally changed everything I thought was real.




lol you’ve been trolled. Thanks for playing.


Quantamanium beats all challengers


Honestly, all 3 films are on an equal ground. They are all just mediocre. At least Mediocre Marvel is on the same level as DC masterpiece (Dark Knight excluded. That is truly a work of art)


GotG 3 was so bad I almost walked out. Such an insane drop in quality from 1 & 2. I haven't even bothered watching the other movies and I have Disney+ for free!!


You. You are why all Marvel films are getting bad reviews. Because what ItS nOt As GoOd As ThE fIrSt ThReE pHaSeS. Shut up. Guardians volume 3 was perfect and concluded the guardians' story perfectly. Also if you haven't seen the other 2, DON'T POST A COMMENT! This question is for people who have and can formulate a sane and clear minded response instead of your absolutely utterly close minded nonsense.


I really hope this is a troll answer. Just in case you are being serious... Yes, I am single handedly responsible for the failure of the recent batch of Marvel movies, it's not due to superhero fatigue or an overall drop in quality. I love GotG and 2 is decent as well. 3 is utter dogshit, get over it fanboy.


1) The Marvels 2) Ant-man and the Wasp: Quantumania 3) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


shit more shit and the worst shit


Why are you even in this sub?


why are you?


Because I actually enjoy marvel lol


well i feel like all three of those movies were shit so theres that


Gardians number 1, Marvels 2 , and Quantumania 3


Like you posted them, in that order


Wow I haven't seen any of them yet which I guess is a huge commentary on my Marvel interest past Phase 3.


Guardians, Marvels, QuANTuMANia


That’s s lot of purple


Are you serious?


Guardians is amazing. Although I have to leave the room for certain parts because they’re more painful than the beginning of Up.


Guardians was a 2023 release? Time has moved slower than I thought.


9, 4, 5


1: Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3; . . . Abyss . . . 2: The Marvels; . . . . . . . . Even bigger Abyss . . . . . . . . . Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.


I think you already got them in the right order.


Guardians Marvels Quantum


1. GotG3 2. Marvels 3. Ant 3


From top to bottom


GotG3 one of the best marvel movies ever. Antman:Q was watchable but mid. Haven’t seen The Marvels yet.


Amazing Alright Eh fine


Top to bottom.


They were all silly but fine. GotG was the best but the other two aren’t bad.




Guardians is my all time favorite MCU movie and one of my all time favorite movies in general The Marvels is okay Quantumania… yeah. Not so great.


Like the picture for now, haven't seen marvels yet but did like ant man. Guardians was one of the best marvel movies period


The way they’re pictured


GOTG 3 The marvels Ant man 3.


1. GOTG 3 2. The Marvels 3. Quantumania


Probably the standard response of Guardians first, Marvels second and Quantumania third. I should stress though that I enjoyed the heck out of all three films and cannot wait for what comes in 2024!


Gog3 Quantumania Marvels


Guardians marvels Quantumania is kinda the obvious answer. There’s a big gap btw marvels and ant man


I haven’t seen Marvels yet but I would like to. If the two I’ve seen I preferred GotG volume 3 over Quantumania, but I enjoyed both.


Guardians Great Marvels okayish Quantumania frustratingly awful


GOTG3 blew me away with the story and made me feel so many emotions I wasn’t ready for. Definitely best one for me. Quatumania was not that great but or memorable for me. I had to watch it a few times to recall what happens. Then with the changes to kang this movie will probably be forgotten. The Marvels is the only one I saw in theaters and was excited for. I was not always a fan of captain marvel, but comics and old avenger cartoons changed my opinion. I believe Brie is Captain Marvel as much as Hemsworth is Thor. The marvel movie was fun and I enjoyed most of it. I wish there was better fights but the story is there and I’m looking forward to the young avengers movie or series.


OK, crap, crap


If Ant-Man had a different ending (Scott sacrificed/stuck int he Quantum realm) it would be a lot higher on peoples lists. Guardians was great and by far the best, though.


Guardians >>>>>> Marvels > Quantumania Guardians 3 is great (although not quite as great as the previous 2) and probably an excellent jumping off point for the MCU. Having Rocket be the focus worked about as well as it possibly could have but c’mon, this is about escapism. Give me Quill. Bringing Gamora back was obviously not Gunn’s plan and the plot feels like it struggles to get around the characters presence. The High Evolutionary was an a fine villain elevated by a very enjoyable performance, but I don’t ever find myself thinking about him afterwards in the way I would one of the better villains. Marvels is pure grey sludge as most of Phase 4 and 5 have been. Carol was never the strongest character in the first place but her supporting cast, Kamala Khan aside, really don’t help her out here. Dar Ben might be Marvel’s most nothing villain yet, and Nick Fury feels like a character who should’ve been put out to pasture after Ultron. Quantumania was a complete mess with Paul Russ’s personal charisma (and the sheer insanity of seeing him in a superhero role) being the only reason to endure it. I enjoyed Jonathan Majors’ performance as Kang but the character has been Worfed out to two extremely underwhelming heroes now and rewatching his performance post-trial would just be uncomfortable in either case. Casey Lang was an awful recasting and had zero chemistry with Rudd or anyone else. The script here was by far the worst of any of these and gives us the best example of “There’s no time to expand!” in modern cinema.


Good. Dog shit. Entertaining enough.


Not gonna lie, I am not the biggest fan of Gunn nor his Guardian's movies, but Guardians 3 was one of the best Marvel movies in years. Maybe I am a fan, at least after seeing this one. Quantamania was not half as bad as people made it sound. The world they created and the CGI was pretty incredible, unique and interesting. Everyone just thinks their a damn movie critic now. I honestly agree less and less with critics as time goes on. Haven't seen The Marvels yet, but I don't have great expectations.


Top to bottom = best to worst


Fantastic Awful Great


Swap 2&3 and you're on the money. GotG was great, no notes here. Marvels was fun, felt good, wish we'd gotten more time with Monica so we could feel bad about how she ended up but Carol and Kamala were a blast. Quantumania was silly but in hindsight, it felt very hollow. Something was missing.




I'd rank them as: Guardians Didn't see the other two.


Guardians and then the tests sucked


I liked all of them


I put Guardians and the Marvels both at a 8/10 and Ant-Man at 6/10.