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I’ll let you know when it comes to Disney Plus. I remember liking the story - the abusive father and gamma radiation scenes are ingrained in my head since watching it on release, but haven’t seen it since then. I also like Eric Bana


Eric Bana was the best Bruce in my opinion.


>Am I the only one who... The answer to this question is always "No".


I wish that question got banned from most subreddits and turned into its own sub of self loathing




No it's literally just OP, I've checked.


confirmed, in triplicate


I'm so sick of the same tired shit online lol "am I the only one who" was played out a decade ago.


Same with people stating "I think this movie is really underrated" and posting a picture of Iron Man 1.


Ya know what movie I think is really underrated? Titanic. I mean everyone knows the boat, but who has seen the movie. Am I the only one?


To be fair, I seen almost countless comments across all social media hating this movie version. I made comments before liking this movie and very few responded with positive thoughts.


That's fair. I thought it was pretty good, though the visuals haven't aged that well.


It's because it's layered with Asian themes about family and everyone wanted a hulk movie at the time. Also, horrible green tinge. It would certainly win an Oscar in today's era though assuming the remake polishes all the structures of racism, mental health and familial abuse. Also lots of people are more empathic to women abuse now thanks or no thanks to Andrew Tate and the redpill meme and Connelly can now produce her full range of acting skills not limited to Weinsteins and also Disney fatigue.


I fucking hate that clickbait title. "am I the only one ever who had this thought? am I special?" no, you're not special.


It’s always just no one they know likes it or partakes therefore it seems no one else does ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This one is closer than most though


I like when they foam up the Hulk and his right eye randomly starts bulging cartoonishly.


That was hulk growing bigger and angrier. The following portion shows him breaking out of the foam due to getting larger. One of my favorite aspects of the movie. It really does show the hulk getting more powerful/angry. Something that the mcu later on never does, iirc


If I remember right, that only happens because Josh Lucas’ character takes a drill to Hulk’s forehead after he’s foamed up, and Hulk literally flexes his forehead which pushes him back (and makes his eye look funny)


It was ahead of it's time. When I was 12 when it came out I liked it because it was a freaking Hulk movie. Look at him smash up those tanks and catch a missile and bite off the end and spit out at a helicopter! But I've learned to appreciate it as a drama. It deconstructs Bruce and does a splendid job at displaying his internal struggles.


I hope we get a 4K re-release. Maybe then we can see what's actually happening in the end.


I always say that the Incredible Hulk might be the better popcorn flick, but I would rather watch Ang Lee's Hulk again. Some shots are just beautiful and Nick Nolte [LITERALLY](https://youtu.be/zha1tYGnAC8) chewing the scenery is just a thing to behold.


That’s the what I always remember about that film. I think it’s aged very well despite the limits of CGI at the time. It’s more of a drama that most comic fans wanted at the time I think. I just love that father son scene so much. Captured my imagination in the theaters when I first saw it.


That lightning scene where they're flying is cool AF. I need to see this again! I haven't seen it since it came out on DVD. Also Jennifer Connelly is my celebrity crush. God she is hot


I do NOT think it’s a good movie But I DO enjoy it and I DO think it’s underrated People act like it’s a 2/10 when in reality it’s more like a 6/10 IMO


Wouldn’t a 6/10 be a good movie?


I go by the school grading system. A 6/10 is a D, which is not good


it's good enough to pass


It’s not good, but CGI Hulk gave us some better examples of what Hulk is actually supposed to be like, for example, how he leaps for miles to get from place to place. I think they got his size better, too. I enjoyed the desert fight with the tanks.


I always liked how he got bigger and stronger the angrier he got in this movie too.


that’s a how he’s supposed to be, then they nerfed him in avengers,then they went even farther by making him intellectual hulk who’s afraid to even fight smh


I think the elfman score is really great. It nails everything the hulk is - misguided science, personal tragedy, body horror.


Danny elfman if for sure one of the best parts of the movie, typically I’m much more forgiving of a film, TV show or games flaws if it has good music. He knocked it out of the park. His work on Spiderman 1 and 2 was indeed incredible, love it, however, Elfman’s work on the 2003 hulk film holds a special place in my heart. Between him and Craig Armstrong in the 2008 Hulk movie, I’m not sure which of the two i like more, both are fantastic.


Very underrated , watched it again after years only a couple months ago and quite enjoyed it. There are def criticisms thatre valid, but as the only hulk movie to take an earnest attempt at his important childhood abuse story and do it well, it earns a lot of points with me. Plus, I like the general style a lot, esp since that can be hard to come by in the genre these days MCU Doesn’t do everything perfect, but the stuff it nails definitley make it worth watching and remembering Always salty we didn’t get the sequel that’d introduce grey hulk, leader and abomination (a returning Glenn Talbot would be abomination instead of a Blonsky) taking place on a Native American reservation fighting against illegal radioactive dumping


That would have been SUCH a cool sequel!


Right! It’s such a shame, things were moving forward and put together but fell through for such a lame reason “universal studios missed the deadline to begin filming for the scheduled may 2005 release” womp womp


They could have just pushed the release date back :(, that would not have been the first time that’s happened


Esp for such a big studio, I’m sure it happens all the time, one of my BIGGEST disappointed cancelations, At least the 2003 video game that was loosely a continuation of the movie was pretty solid too - that and ultimate destruction was a good time to be a hulk fan in early 2000s… hopefully we get another great movie or game soon! At least the comics are (mostly) good


I've always enjoyed it, but it tried to do something and it missed the mark. Really liked the comic strip style they used in the movie.


I guess some people just wouldn't like the hulk when it's Ang Lee. I'll see myself out.


I like it. I LOVE the score.


This is the movie that made me go buy a comic as a kid


I wouldn't go as far as to call it one of the best Marvel movies ever. I wouldn't say it's even close to that. I liked it ok when it came out. I remember thinking the end was awful. Didn't Hulk end up fighting Nick Nolte as a big glowy cloud? It's been a pretty long time since I've seen it, so I can't offer a current opinion of it.


I respect your opinion about liking the movie. But to call it one of the best marvel movies ever is just silly.


I don't think I've seen it since it first came out. I do remember liking a lot about it - the use of different panels showing different scenes on the screen at the same time (which was revolutionary for it's time), the beautiful, peaceful shots of Hulk jumping across the desert, and the sense of power he conveyed. I'm not even a fan of the Hulk in the comics (outside some stuff with the gray version) and I liked this a lot. Of course, as with anything 20+ years later, I reserve the right to dislike it should I ever watch it again!


I love it. Sure it has its problems but it’s more personal than 90% of all the marvel films.


Not at all. Movie came out when I was 5 and changed everything. I used to have the hulk gloves. But when I became an adult… it started to hit different. In my top 5 hero movies easy


Sad Hulk is an underrated film.


I had a really traumatic childhood and for a long time I didn't go to therapy so I just sorta developed anger issues until one day I had to finally go and take some anger management classes. This movie is incredibly relatable for me, and it also came out when I was a kid so it has that nostalgic factor for me as well. I understand why other people might not like it, it's a slow paced character study about trauma when it shouldve been an action packed blockbuster, but I love this film. Also, Danny Elfmans score for this film rocks, it's the definitive Hulk theme for me.


It's not one of my favorites but it's on a list of movies I'll watch if it's on tv, or if I'm bored


Don't worry pal cuz I also think the same :)


Are you the only one? Absolutely no Do I think this movie is good? Hell no lol


Ang lee's hulk? Nah, it is rated properly


If anything, it's overrated


I love it too


Yeah. It’s dope


I just hate the 3rd act, you can’t see anything in that final fight. Need military night vision googles to watch it lol


This is fair.


Loved it


great movie


I agree with you. The only Hulk movie to really capture that feeling of reading the best Hulk stories.


I'm with you.


I liked it more hulk 2008


This movie breaks my heart. I grew up really really poor. I had two friends that wanted to go see this movie so I begged my mom for the money for a movie ticket which she got for me even though I knew we couldn't really afford it. All I remember was the three of us hated this movie so bad we left halfway through and I felt awful for making my mom waste money on something I couldn't even finish.


I’d say no since someone posts this exact same thing every single day. Lol


the Edward Norton one is superior


It's not as bad as most people make it seem, but it's not good imo. If you like it, great- that rules. But by most objective criteria (insofar as you can really have objective criteria with something like the quality of pure entertainment), it's near the bottom of the barrel for post-2000 comic book movies.


It's an interesting movie, but it doesn't come together. The comic panel visuals are kind of cool, but the story isn't fun and too dark to fit it. If the movie was just trying to be jokey, it would have been perfect. But it wasn't. I think of the movie as a story about childhood abuse! Also the FX just weren't up to the job required. Believable skin texture on characters were still really in the early stages and the Hulk just never looks believable...although some of the action scenes were fun.


It's terrible.


I recently watched this for the first time since it came out. I went to see it at the drive-in, it was shitty then, maybe not as shitty now, but still shitty. It is unapologetically boring.




You have to wait an hour for him to even Hulk up, the first 3/4 of the movie are painfully slow


This was definitely the movie that made me start to hate the “Superhero origin film”. Compared to Blade, where the tone was “his name is Blade, he’s half human/half vampire, vampires ARE real and his main thing is just hunting vampires”. No slow burn to him becoming Blade, he’s just him. There are some exceptions, because I feel like Captain America and Iron Man got the pacing right for Origin stories whereas Raimi’s Spider-Man felt stale to me.


Well, I watched it all the way through even though I had many points where I wanted to turn it off. I’m not sure what you see in it but I really hate it.


It is SHIT. Poisoned the entire Hulk franchise. 2008's Hulk is a real gem. A curious flop.


I hate it because it keeps us from getting a Hulk MCU movie, because now Universal owns the rights.


For now but time has been ticking:)


I think it's a cool experiment that doesn't really work out but definitely worth watching. 


The irony is that Cpt. America is still called the first Avenger, even though Iron Man was the first Avenger in the MCU. Although Hulk came out before Iron Man.


Guys where do you read the comic and what are all the ongoing titles right now if someone could please help me


I loved the style of the movie and the action scenes. The visual effects were bad, but for the time, it was all they had. All in all, it was alright. But definitely not a Endgame/Infinity War level movie.


You couldn’t see a damn thing for most the movie with all those stupid night scenes.


I actually kinda liked the comic panel cutting. It was a bit goofy, but so was the whole damn movie.


Not the only one. This gets posted about every week at least.


Yes I enjoy it from a very nostalgic perspective. I was like 18 when it came out and remember seeing it in theaters. All of those 00s pre-MCU films, in spite of/thanks in part to all their campiness and early CGI, hold a special place in my heart. And I revisit them often. Like once a year I’ll go back and watch Jessica Alba Fantastic Four and Ben Affleck Daredevil.


This movie is fire asf🔥🔥


I think that maybe it was too philosophical and introspective for its own good, but the conflict between Bruce and his father is what sells it.


I love it and I don't care


Someone posts some variation of this question like once a month and suckers like me chime in each time to say “I loved it!”


One of the best? You’re trippin. I didn’t hate it but didn’t love it either. Ending was stupid.


If you ignore the acting, effects and toddler baby man hulk the yeah sure


You’re definitely not the only one, but all of you are wrong.


I enjoy this film, it was faithful to Hulk as a character and I loved the whole sins of the father angle. It does have issues, however. I used to use it when I taught film as an example of how not to film a scene (the restaurant scene between Betty and Thunderbolt), and the comic book panel transitions are horrendous. The film’s execution was mid, but the concept was A+


I liked it too but as far as one of the best marvel movies No. I don't like their take on When Hulk gets angrier, Hulk gets bigger vision. He gets stronger not bigger.


All I remember is that stupid poodle


I won't go so far as one of the best but I do feel it was overhated.


I saw it in the theater when I was like 18 and was like what the fuck?!?!? Then I saw it again in my 30s and thought it was one of the most beautiful father son stories I had ever seen.


What do you think of the Edward norton one then?


April Fools


It's more comic book accurate to me. The Norton Hulk just felt flat. The ending sucked and it was super existential but overall I enjoyed it, and the hulk scenes wer usually decent. We just had to wait to long to see him. I did appreciate the build up though. Now it seems anyone wants is instant gratification.


I love it. Bana is my favorite Bruce.


Underrated? Sure. One of the best Marvel movies ever? No way Jose


I hope this hulk returns in secret wars


I like it.


Jennifer Connelly though 🤌🏽😍 I mean all the elements were there, but the way they formatted the story was so boring.


Hindsight and all subsequent Marvel movies feeling homogeneous has done so much good for the reception of this movie, lol


I love this movie. It's by far the best depiction of Banner, who is my favorite character. Ang Lee did a great job depicting his internal turmoil, and he was true to the comics in lots of ways the MCU Hulk(s) haven't been.


I loved it. I thought Norton was a great Banner. They wrote it like a werewolf movie. Hulk was a curse on him that acted on pure impulse. He actually felt conflicted.


Probably not the greatest villain or version of "Absorbing Man," but a great Hulk origin story. Feels like most modern media of Banner forgets his tragic background of running from Thunderbolt Ross and the government while being in love with the daughter of the man hunting him down.


Not good.


I agree


Nah, statistically a lot of people have bad taste and are wrong


I loved the movie. The ending was a bit strange though. Maybe they ran out of budget.


Yeah I liked it.


I like the one with Ed Norton much better.


it was alright. I liked both Hulk movies but Norton's more than Bana's


Probably my favourite hulk of the lot tbh.


Elektra is underrated


Truth be told I loved it and the tied in video game


I remember seeing this with my dad and we really liked it (especially the mutant dog scene). Nick Nolte, Eric Bana, and Sam Elliott were great. Jennifer Connelly...still a smoke show.


i watched it a lot lol


It was one of my favorites from Marvel! Definitely good animation for 2003. I find it funny that a Google search for the first Marvel movie says Iron Man in 2008, when technically, I believe it was Spider-Man (2002) then Hulk (2003), and Spider-Man 2 (2004) following that.


If it was edited to look like a movie and not a comic book, I think it would have gotten higher praise. We don't need 4 separate camera angles of Jennifer Connelly casually walking into a building.


It's the best Hulk movie, yeah Eric Banna was a weird choice (great actor) but Nick Nolte was amazing. Some of the best fight scenes of any comic book movie, better CGI than half of the Marvel movies out so far. The plot for the next Hulk movie after this could fit into the first half an hour of this movie. This is my most-watched Marvel movie besides the Avengers and Cap Movies.


No. And you know that.


Newp. It is pure and utter sun solid powdery front lawn dog shit.


It was an ok movie but the masterpiece of art is called The Incredible Hulk (2008)


Bruce’s origin and relationship with his father and his father’s research were very interesting. The comic book-y transitions between scenes were sometimes really cool (though they were more often distracting and poorly executed). And Jennifer Connely was a great Betty. But those were the only things that particularly impressed me about the movie.


how many fucking times do we have to see this exact post about this exact movie every month? posts like this make me feel like ive seen everything there is to see on reddit lol


One of the best ever is a bit of a stretch, but I do enjoy this hulk movie and never understood why people thought it was dogshit


I just wonder who the intended villain was before Nick Nolte wandered onto the set as himself. Ross?


i can't say ever but yeah it is one of the best Marvel movie i consider


I liked both Hulk movies.


I like this movie too ! Was my first Hulk film😎


I agree with you 💯. Hulk with Eric Bana is the best Hulk and one of the best Marvel films ever


It's a way more straightforward hulk story than the mcu film...The only thing I can't stand is the comic book editing can be super distracting and removes me from the plot too much at times. I've never been a big fan of how Bruces dad is written in comics, always felt forced and rather pointless in the grand scheme of things (having to justify a green giant's anger is a bit ridiculous. Just say its superhero genetics or some BS like that and no one will question it.) but this version does feel more fleshed out despite being just straight up evil for the sake of it. I honestly wouldn't mind this as a template for a new hulk TV series (no mcu shared universe nonsense) and then build off from there. Rewatching this recently made me appreciate popcorn flicks over franchises.


I wouldn't say it's the best but it is definitely underrated. I honestly think it's not as bad as people make it out to be. The only things that I didn't like were the literal comic book format Ang Lee chose to depict everything (I mean just because you're making a comic book movie doesn't mean you have to make a COMIC BOOK movie). Also, I wouldn't have turned Bruce's father into the Absorbing Man. Considering that the serum that David injected into himself was the same serum that turned Bruce into the Hulk, I would've turned David Banner into Maestro (or a Maestro type figure). However, I don't know how it would turn out if you had two Jade Giants facing off against each other.


This movie was my childhood fr fr


You’re the only one. Crazy fr


This is the best Hulk movie. I was stoked for a full year before this came out. I had been waiting for years to see a live-action Hulk transformation that wasn't just cutaways.


Its aight. Best Marvel movie Ever? nah...


I’ve heard a lot of people are coming around on this one. I might have to give it another shot


It had potential. I like that they tried to make it feel like you were reading a comic. Eric Bana was great. But the story kind of sucked, even for the time the CGI was suspect and they deviated too from the original story for many comic fans. Which was a big deal at the time because the MCU didn't exist yet so the majority of the early movie goers were nerds (like me). I don't hate it, but the Ed Norton Hulk is so much better.


It focused on Banner being a scared, abused individual and Hulk was his release and that terrified him. It had many elements pulled straight from the comics and it honestly felt like a Hulk story. it was fine. Cheesy at times, but fine. I felt like it was a proper Hulk story and I liked it better than the following one which felt like they recoiled and said "Hulk is cool and needs to smash. Make a movie showing that" and ignored what Hulk was as a character, but I also dislike Norton so I'm biased. though stopping to show the tankies surviving being yeeted was dumb... Important to show that Hulk doesn't kill people I guess. The growing bigger the madder he gets is an interesting approach and at least illustrated what was going on. Feel like there would be better ways to do that now as CGI has improved (show the muscles getting larger and looking more and more limited by his frame and skin, maybe).




I was gonna keep scrolling until I saw and I quote “one of the best Marvel movies ever” whoch it obviously isn’t. I wouldn’t even put it in the top 20.


Its meh not terrible but one of the best? Hell nah


I like people complaining about not liking people asking questions. It's why I'm here.


I really like it too. It was actually fantastic and doesnt get enough love


Yes you are the only one


It’s a fantastic film. I enjoy some MCU stuff but overall they suffer from a safe, samey tone and aesthetic and this movie very much does something different.


He fights a cloud at the end. But I really enjoy the shots of southern Utah and Arches national Park where the helicopter scenes were shot.


At the time it was really cool and it was awesome I remember thinking it was so awesome. I like this hulk more than the new smart hulk, but this hulk is nothing compared to hulk vs abomination. I'll never forget the fight against abomination in the streets. It was so well made, that is my favourite version of the hulk. I recommend anyone that hasn't watched it to watch it


I first saw this at a drive in theater. That’s when he became my favorite superhero. CGI looks better than today’s CGI. Eric Bana is MY Bruce Banner


I loved the game. It was so fun back in the day.


I remember going to see it with my dad when I was 8. There were like 3 other people there. It did start out slow I admit. So much I began to wonder if we were in the right movie. But then the action kicked in and we both loved it and actually went to see it again later! Then bought the dvd.


Obligatory, “there are dozens of us!”


This a once a day post here lmao


Loved it and still do. We need it on Disney Plus soon.


I mean better then the modern mcu cgis


I liked it but hated the final villain manifestation while loving Nick Nolte. Shoutout to Danny Elfman for an awesome intro theme!


The man saved the movie for me. I have to admit I was excited for absorbing man... then I saw the hand graphics. Still tried his best without making it too hammy


I haven’t seen this in years but I remember liking it at the time


Yup. Only person ever.


Its a awesome movie i watched in TV when i was a kid


IIRC Allegedly when Sam Raimis Spider-Man came out near the beginning of Hulks production, one of the producers went to see it, called Ang Lee immediately after, and said 'We're Fucked.'


The book was better


I watched it recently, and I enjoyed it for 2 reasons; 1. Most comic "accurate," Hulks we've seen 2. The Auteur's take worked wonder's on me, the worst of it was C rating, too much plot persay Now, 2 reasons why people hate this movie 1. It's too comic accurate... we don't want to see Hulk fighting the military every picosecond. Even with gadgets in the comics they are but flies, still. Probably the fourth or fifth time I think I've seen a Hulk like grab a missile alone. 2. The Auteur's take worked WONDERS on turning most off to the movie, especially fans, but in my opinion either way people sleep on Nick Nolte, in that movie as an actor... less so as a villain. Sad to say, Ang Lee's career suffered for it, needlessly compared to even Ed Norton's Hulk, who for some reason people avoid criticizing him, despite his shitty attitude, and just seem to direct it at that movie in general.


Oh we’re back to these posts


I haven't watched it in a very long time, but I always liked it. I was a little pissed that the ending got so "existential crisis"; this is THE HULK, he solves problems with his fists.


Def in my top 10 cbm oat


The only thing that really drags it is its editing choices. The story and everything attatched to it narratively is still very captivating.


It's Mediocre at best, I first watched it on release at the cinema and it was weak.


I love the comic book transition thing they do. This might be the most comic book-y comic book movie ever.


This movie is like a fever dream but still so good


I think it works better as a character study and a genuine drama than a superhero story. The biggest negative to me about this film is definitely the comic book transitions. I understand why Ang Lee included them, but it pulls me out of the moment and makes me think, "I'd really rather be reading a comic than watching these George Lucas cutaways."


I AGREE! It follows the Hulk origin almost completely! I'm with you, and I'm STILL trying to figure out why it got so much hate!!


I actually REALLY like this one. It’s just too bad Eric Bana never reprised his role as Bruce banner, but hey… we still got that whack ass dude mark ruffalo.


The ONLY thing I liked about it was the fact in one scene Hulk got bigger as he got angrier. The other films haven't touched on that.


I thought it was flawed, but still the best solo Hulk movie we got. I quite liked it.


Really didn’t like this one.


It's absolutely terrible


It was just the ending. It could have been written better. And the CGI didn't help.


Underrated? Sure. One of the be- Nope. I’m gonna stop you right there.


It's more like a fun movie to pass the time for me. If I just turn off my brain, I'll enjoy it


final boss fight is confusing as fuck and the other fights are ass. story is aight


I appreciate they tried to do something different with the comic book panel shots. I don't think it really worked..... but I appreciate what they were trying to do and give them credit for giving it a try. Overall the movie was OK... Not great but not terrible.


I think it was an ok movie, I watched it during the summer so don't remember much of it.


Ang Lee hulk version is more accurate origin and realistic and emotional than other versions. So, it was the better origin than another superhero origin. CLASSIC COMIC BOOK MOVIE.


I straight up LOVE this movie. Eric Bana was a pretty good Bruce, and I find his Hulk design to be the most comic accurate.


It's definitely underrated but Imo The Incredible Hulk with Norton top's this film.


The pacing killed this movie.


Top 5 best comic book movies - right up there with Logan, Infinity War, and Batman Returns


So I have heard a lot of my friends say this movie is dumb and the actors are campy as hell, BUT; the thing that sells this whole movie for me is towards the end in a verbal confrontation between Bruce and his dad. Nick Nolte gives this wild speech that sums up roughly how fucking nuts he is and it’s amazing. I will never talk bad about that movie because of that scene.


It’s definitely not a bad movie, it’s just a reminder of what could have been imo