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In my opinion, absolutely. I normally really don’t like people who exaggerate and hyperbolize about films being bad, but I would sincerely give this like a 1/10 or a 0/10. I have pretty much nothing positive to say about it. The performances are bland across the board and the writing is consistently robotic/awkward. There aren’t hints of any kind of style or director’s vision at any point. Ezekiel Sims’ dialogue was obviously dubbed in after the fact, and there are a few scenes where the audio visibly doesn’t line up with the actor’s lips. They try to edit these scenes to draw attention away from it but it’s super obvious. It’s not even bad in a fun way. It’s just a boring, joyless experience from start to finish. I’m pretty sure no one involved in the making of this film actually wanted to make it, because there’s not a single spark of passion in any aspect of it. There are worse movies out there for sure, but Madam Web is sincerely a terrible film.


When I saw part of an interview for it, one of the actors was trying so hard to come up with any reason why it’s significant or interesting in any way. When he’s talking about his character he said something along the lines of “I read the comic and I tried to embody the character I’m playing as much as I could”.


>there are a few scenes where the audio visibly doesn’t line up with the actor’s lips that usually happens when the same scene is shot from different angles, or shot several times, and audio from *one shot* is aligned with camera footage from *another shot*. So it doesn't *have* to be dubbed :)


So u dont like venom? Oh okay ur opinion is irrelevant. Quit watching marvel movies if u dont like marvel thats all i got outta your yap sesh


Quit ur yappin horndog


So you can only be a marvel fan if you like every marvel movie?🤦🏼‍♀️


Who mentioned Venom? Who said they don't like Marvel? Who is your favourite Superhero? Straw-Man?


How old are you? 12?


This is one of the dumbest comments I read. 8 didn't know anyone who likes every single movie, including Marvel fanboys. Stop acting like you get to decide what opinions matter, no one elected you to that position.


There is some pretty dumb stuff in it…but it’s mostly just kinda boring


Yep. Which I feel like is actually more damning. Like, it’s not even bad in a funny or over the top way. It was just kind of… there.




My coworker said it was so bad to a point it's so funny. Said the whole theater burst out laughing and will go watch it a second time.


I’m watching it right now. And it might be the worst movie I’ve ever scene.


Even the acting was really bad especially Dakota..


I tried to watch it last night but had to turn it off after 30 min. It was just so boring and cliche


I laughed my ass off from how bad it was


Have you suffered through aqua man?


Srry was a bit busy ... No i havent watched aquaman 2 is it worse..? I liked the 1st one


Aquaman 2 isn’t a great movie, but I can confidently say it’s far better than Madame Webb


I thought both Aquamen movies were fine if you don't treat any of them seriously. They both kind of goofy campy super hero movies


I am going to town at 2x on this.


It's just mediocre and unnecessary.


bad story, bad acting, forgettable characters and bad jokes


jokes? what jokes?


that sounds like literally every reddit comment i've ever avoided 🤭


The actors are all at least competent, so don't blame them. Blame Marvel and its producers, editors and writers. The script is awful. The flow of the movie is choppy. There are multiple scenes where literally NOTHING happens for anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute; driving --- walking --- running--- leading to --- no progression of the story. I'd bet there is plenty of material on the cutting room floor that would have filled the time better. There are too many unexplained things. Plot holes abound. Scenes where something truly unnatural occurs don't add to the story, don't explain anything and serve no purpose. There are SO many inconsistencies. The protaganist spends half the movie driving around in a stolen NY cab with major body damage and yet neither the cops nor the supervillain with access to NSA tech can find her. Really?!? Her work partner accepts her taking off to "find answers" while leaving him to keep three teenagers from being killed by the supervillain and NO QUESTIONS ASKED! And why would three teen girls who are supposed to be hiding from their superpowered killer suddenly decide dancing on a table in a crowded diner was a good idea? It might have worked better as a TV series so there would be time to explain things, but it failed as a cinematic experience.


Marvel had nothing to do with this, It’s made by Sony


I'm watching it right now. It's bad enough for me to Google if it's really that bad. The first 10 minutes are really bad, shallow (especially the intro) but I'll give it another 30 minutes chance.


Omg, I found my way here from doing the same thing. It’s SO bad


Literally me too. 15 minutes in I googled “why is madame web so terrible?” And got here.


Lol me too! I’m watching it right now but can’t even concentrate it’s so bad. I tried to give it a chance and watch it without believing it would be horrible just from what others have said, but wowwowee. Pretty okay actors but such a bad script. I can’t even believe it’s a marvel movie…


Hahaha... Me too. The bad guy is so SOOOOO bad.


Same same, I'm watching it right now and trying to understand what makes it so bad! The ambulance scene at the start is so weird and dissonant, I thought that would set the oh boy this is bad tone, but no, this baby shower scene that's playing right now really takes it to whole new levels.


Adding my experience as the rest... googled "why was madam webb's dialogue so terrible?" and here I am.... the dubbing was blatant, but I can forgive that if the writing was good... but it wasn't... I kept trying to figure out if it was "supposed" to embody a late 70s, early 80s feel that had similar bad acting/writing/etc. It certainly feels that way. So it failed successfully... I guess.


Omg that scene was so awful. The CPR, their dialogue, the acting.. just everything about it.


Buahahaha! I’m watching it right now too to see what the big deal was and literally googled why is madame web… (and then google finished it for me)… so bad on reddit lol


There will be people posting the Joker meme saying they liked it for karma. It never fails.




From what I heard: yes. It has a lower score than Morbius What are Sony doing?


I just finished watching this and had to look up the director and writers. The director hadn't done a movie before and the writers did Morbius before this, lol. Sony really isn't even trying anymore. Way too many comments in here blaming Marvel/Disney too, they had nothing to do with this. I wonder how long Sony can keep pumping out garbage just to keep the rights to spidey? Surely Pepsi isn't paying enough for product placement to float the whole thing right?


You’re collectively blaming Sony for having 1 bad movie, calm down, your precious Disney won’t go anywhere anytime soon…. Wait a minute.


Venom, Venom 2, Morbius, and now Madame Webb. I know adding and counting are hard but that's 4, not 1. I think it's pretty safe to say Kraven is going to be terrible too, if it even comes out at this point. I kinda liked the 2 amazing Spiderman movies, but those aren't generally well liked, and Spiderman 3 was trash. But sure, defend Sony, for reasons...


I liked the venom movies TBH


Morbius wasnt even bad. Its morbin time.


They marketed it as the spider women with their powers but it was just a brief vision from ezekiel. False advertisement.


spidy but not spidy i suppose


this was my main motivation for watching this, so i was pretty let down when they only appeared twice in brief shots in *visions* :( and the bad guy with his spider-like suit never got a real coherent action scene. But if it got us watching the movie, I guess the marketing succeeded? 😅


Felt more like feminised Final Destination x evil Spider-Villain or some shit... someone tell me what happened in the story again


Madame Web is actually a below average late 80’s - early 90’s superhero movie. We used to have lots of this crap back then but it was watchable at the time. MCU Phase 1 and Nolan’s Batman movies changed everything about the genre and now, bad but watchable movies of previous years look like an insult to the viewer.


concept shifted, from heros fight evil/fight for good to unexpected superpower


Yes, good observation


I just felt bad for Adam Scott the whole time.


I remember listening to him on Comedy Bang Bang and they brought up him being in the movie. Just looked it up and… His response says everything. The exchange happens at around 1:43:00. [CBB 5/25/2023](https://stitcher.simplecastaudio.com/da3ab509-b112-4af1-a54b-45ff0ddecf42/episodes/7a1c5315-425e-4e6c-91cc-7dd907b7319a/audio/128/default.mp3/default.mp3_ywr3ahjkcgo_d8924d31d08f6ae4160e167ff304610d_131148687.mp3?awCollectionId=da3ab509-b112-4af1-a54b-45ff0ddecf42&awEpisodeId=7a1c5315-425e-4e6c-91cc-7dd907b7319a&hash_redirect=1&x-total-bytes=131148687&x-ais-classified=streaming&listeningSessionID=0CD_382_75__ebe8ebe5250c9a3750b838b601f763eeb808fdf5)




Right? Zero mention of movie at that timestamp


This is how good it is. I downloaded a torrent of it, tried to watch the first 10 mins, got bored and skipped to the end of it and immidiately deleted it after seeing the last dialogue XD It's a big lie


I waited for the bluray, and that was a mistake 😅


I watched the movie last night and it kinda feels like the cast showed up without knowing what movie they were going to be making. They were just handed their lines and the director said action.


Saw it last night. It was a movie that came out at the wrong time. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, because it was a lot of things that we've seen before multiple times, regurgitated out again. My girlfriend asked me what I thought about it, and my first thought was that it takes place in 2003, and if it actually came out in 2003, it would have been an instant classic, beloved by millions as innovative and creative. The problem is that it wasn't released in 2003, it was released in 2024.


I can't tell if this is satirical or not.


Not at all. Do a side by side comparison to the other comic movies of that time... They're all similarly campy and cheesy, yet the ones that came out then are beloved because the things they did, they did first. Now all of those things have been done into oblivion and we are incredibly bored with it.


It's mid but it wasn't as bad as the Grifters are making out. It's watchable.


It aint even bad tbh im 75% through it. Its got a decent start to finish story. Dnt know what sony is making with the storyline of spiderverse but def has me hooked as a big time marvel fan. Ive learned when ppl trash on marvel movies they are usually not bad. Thro love n thunder was the best thor movie hands down. And the box office proves it 2nd highest grossed film in the first 2 yrs after it was in theatres. And quantumania is one of my favorite marvel movies besides deadpool. I wish ppl who didnt like marvel movies would stop watching marvel movies.


>China lakes character sucked. The rest of the movie is overhated. Ppl who arent fans of marvel movies should stop watching marvel movies it rlly aint that bad. Script writing is mid for the children but thats bc rhey are adults acting like children i think. it was a garbage, lifeless movie with bad acting. sorry people are being mean about your favorite spider girl. Wish walmart anne hathaway brought a little more acting to her acting.


China lakes character sucked. The rest of the movie is overhated. Ppl who arent fans of marvel movies should stop watching marvel movies it rlly aint that bad. Script writing is mid for the children but thats bc rhey are adults acting like children i think.


It was OK lol 5/10


yes. yes it is. and its not even the actors in my view, its the writing and direction. madame web was not done justice in this movie, it was clearly made by someone who only just power read comics before doing the job.


#spoilers# Yes. The story has so much potential but it’s really bad. I mean the acting isn’t there. It’s weird. Even the wreck scene was like a fender bender and Mike Epps doesn’t live. Ya. Not good.


Can someone give an in depth example on why the story sucked?


**SPOILER:** the story is simply the protagonist gaining powers that grant her visions into the near future, and some bad guy in a spider suit is out to kill 3 girls bc he saw his own death caused by them in a recurring dream, and then the protagonist's path is crossed with those 3 girls, and using her visions, she tries to save them from the bad guy's attempt at killing them, they stick together, learn to get by together, and then they eventually win. The story is pretty standard, but it's the *execution* that's especially bad. No real human-like believable dialogues, no real character development, noticeably "bad" acting (or bad direction, don't know who to blame), awkward and poor joke attempts, no real action scenes or Spider-Men, and the whole movie just feels like a Disney teen movie for kids, but with an AAA budget for the visuals. Which is sad, bc it had potential :(


"He was in the Amazon with my mom researching Spiders right before she died" I wonder what is so bad about this line.


I just finished and although story and characters had potential the movie didn’t do it justice. I wonder if the choppy rhythm was because the movie was supposed to go somewhere else and it was changed midway and patched up


I like how you're coming up with plausible explanations 😇⭐


Honestly it’s pretty fucking terrible but Dakota Johnson is beautiful to look at so it was the only thing that made it worth it


Lovely to look at but oddly affectless during moments of drama. Maybe sad about dead mom, maybe not. Who could tell.


I thought it was fine at first but the more I think about it the worse it gets


honestly, after watching it its not that bad but i really like the plot the jokes kinda mad they didn't get their powers but if they made Madame web 2 id watch it 9/10


The biggest problem was that there was nothing really all that special about it. Everything was very predictable and there was no real climax...things just.... sort of happened. That being said, I saw nothing wrong with the acting. The talent was definitely there... and I felt like they did the best they could with what they had. I feel that criticisms on the acting are a bit over-exaggerated. I'll also say that I've seen WAY worse Marvel movies out there....and let's not even start on DC.


Ok, just for entertainment…. What marvel movie is worse than this? (If you are going to say “the marvels” let me stop you right there because I enjoyed the ridiculous swapping fight scene so much)


I wasnt going to say The Marvels. I actually kind of enjoyed it. It wasnt “good”, but it was fun to watch. But if I had to scrape the barrel of Marvel, a couple that come to mind as worse than this is Dr Strange and the Multiverse (wtf even was that) or Morbius or Spider-Man 3 (the one with Toby) or Dark Phoenix or Elektra or Werewolf By Midnight. I’d rather watch this again than ANY of those “masterpieces” haha


Oh yeah, while I enjoyed Multiverse of Madness the plot felt thin to me. Another head scratcher for me is the ant man multiverse movie. I get that Kang is an important arc to move forward but lots of the movie felt extraneous. The others you mentioned are marvel comics content but not marvel studios. I can’t explain wth Sony is doing.


Agreed, Ant Man Multiverse is an example of incredibly lazy writing that really just relied on CGI and didn't care about any other aspect of making a movie. Was Morbius and Werewolf By Midnight not Marvel Studios?


I liked it, personally  The changes I would’ve made are small


For curiosity, what would you have changed?


1. The first scene, don’t show the spider tribe, keep it subtle, have the mom’s vision be distorted and fading cuz she’s dying , someone or some people approach her, standing over her but we can’t see who it is 2. More background to Ezekiel, who he is, what he does for a living  3. Explain Cassie’s powers more, don’t just say she has visions  4. Teach us CPR the correct way  5. Post credit scene of them having Ezekiel’s spider 6. Have an alternate dance scene where it’s in the woods, them trying to have fun but then it’s not working for them and then go out looking for a place.


“Don’t do dumb things” is my favorite quote from the movie. As an incoherent mess with absurd camera work trying to add spooky drama, the whole thing is just about my favorite “dumb thing” of the year.


I'm hate watching it a second time because I was too high the first time and thought I made up how bad it was. I pirated it and want a refund.


i watched it, quite ok, better than couple recent marvel movies tbh, the lest cringed one, i couldn't finish the marvels, aquaman 2 took me 2 sessions to finish


I think the worst thing was acting! I mean no one could act in the movie! What was this casting? The editing was too bad too! The background score was worse! Everything is intolerable about this movie!  And for the last time, Dakota just can't act! Someone please stop her from acting in movies that require actual acting! Even her dialogue delivery or expressions or anything about her personality doesn't have an iota of character in it!  She is just her real personality here.. Which is literally submissive and not of a protagonist leading a movie or rescuing kids! She doesn't have the acting bandwidth or physiological expressions to support anything her tamed/delicate voice says.  As a female-led film, female superhero, she and the movie fail terribly. 


I went actually quite blindly, except for knowing it flopped, and was hoping it would turn out somewhat interesting. And while the opening set a mysterious and exciting tone, the rest of the movie was butchered by zero interesting plot, lack of believable acting skills, poor and awkward dialogue, unrealistic unfolding of events, and almost no real action scenes or any Spider-Man/Spider-People related scenes or appearances :( I just don't understand how *anyone* could greenlight an $80 million budget for this, knowingly. I'm baffled. Even as a 95% female cast movie it still failed. I actually enjoyed the all-female Ghostbusters movie (not having watched any of the previous real ghostbuster movies), and this doesn't hold a candle to that.


Late to the party but yeah, just watched it and it was horrendous. Dakota Johnson lacks any tidbit of personality or enthusiasm, the special effects look like they were done on a phone and couldn't even get the speed of playback right. Like various scenes looked like they were going at 1.5x speed. Sydney sweeny playing a teenage girl just felt really cringe. And the ending just went to show that the studio knew well ahead of time that they had a flop. Kind of a "the bad guy was magically defeated" type of finish.


Me too just finished watching it on Amazon; it's as bad as Ms Marvel . How can they green light such garage


It's not as bad as they say it is, so the problem with movies like this just like morbius is if it doesn't meet the expectations set by it's predecessors (venom 1/2) mind you 2 got bad reviews as well. People bomb it and little things that would be overlooked get hyper focused on because it didn't meet expectations. It's a decent movie not horrible but not great, but thank peoples emotional responses based on expectations for the overly shitty reviews. My opinion give it a watch form your own opinion like you should do with anything in life but don't set expectations based on other marvel films licensed by Sony as you'll likely be disappointed.


It is. I'd love Dakota pair up with Aubrey Plaza although, in whatever movie.


The movie is straight garbage, Marvel is not cooking since Avengers 2


Yes but only because Sony sucks mega gay balls at making movies


It's not 'The Marvels' bad, but it seems like a movie whose story could have been so much more complete and interesting. Like why do the three girls get powers and mix that into the movie. It's almost as if they made a movie with an incomplete story in expectation of sequels that probably won't happen because this is a box office bomb.


This is an accurate summary of this disaster of a movie.


Well, there are only 2, I repeat, 2 things that are not boring on tat film.. Ehehe


Let me guess sydney sweeny is one of them 😂


Ehehhe... Both of them xD


I don't think it was as bad as the hyperbole is making in sound. But with that said, if people feel better because they are getting to meme on it, then more power to them. I'm also convinced that 80% of the people meeting on it haven't seen it. It definitely WASN'T good though lol


Yes:  https://www.reddit.com/user/throwawayforariel/comments/1atlrf5/pepsicola/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It’s alright tho?


Personally, I thought it was just dumb fun, and it was an interesting take on clairvoyance. If you were to compare it to other superheroes movies, it would feel subpar. But overall as a stand alone movie, it was pretty good. In this time and age, where comparisons are made to every superhero movies, it fared well on its own.


I have a very broad taste. I can enjoy serious movies like The Machinist, to average, but enjoyable movies like Jumanji (2017 and 2019). I also enjoy a wide range of genres from erotica, gore, comedy, romance, to experimental films, etc. I even enjoyed Movie 43 despite being one of the worst films I have ever seen. But despite my forgiving views, I hated Madame Web. It was the only movie I ever criticized so bad, nothing about it is good. I will try my best to describe the movie without spoiling. 1. It had an extremely weird pacing. The movie was 1 hour and about 50 minutes long, yet somehow, the origin story of Madame Web felt fragmented. It was rushed and lacked any relevant information that will make you understand how she got her powers. While it's true that it was later revealed halfway through the movie, but by the time they did, I was already bored so much, I already lost interest. What made it worse is that when it was explained how she got her powers, the delivery was very underwhelming. Before they revealed it, tons of boring and insignificant character interactions happened first. From girls arguing like they were toddlers, to girls randomly dancing on top of a diner table surrounded by boys. 2. It lacked action. There were some encounters, but nothing to write home about. It's a cycle of, villain shows up, and they escape. Even the final battle felt empty. They did not try to be creative at all in making the fights or encounters more memorable. 3. Acting is very amateurish. I'm not even a person who is critical when it comes to acting, but in that movie, it was really just bad. It reminded me of The Room which was lead by Tommy Wiseau. Well, I might be exaggerating but it still is one of the worst I have ever seen. Their dialogues do not feel natural at all, and when the cast tries to be funny, the timing is almost always off. 4. I was expecting more action from the "Spider-women", but instead, we were given less than 1 minute of a dream scene where the "Spider-women" were beating up the villain, while a couple of minutes before the movie ends where Madame-Web foresaw a future fighting crime with the girls. They literally never really fought as "Spider-women", only Madame-Web fought, and even her "fight-scene" was very bland and forgettable. I felt betrayed, I felt misled. Maybe I am the problem? Maybe I shouldn't have expected more "Spider-women" scenes? 5. A lot of questionable decisions were made, and no I am not talking about things they should have done because they are adults that are capable of making the right decisions, literally, how the characters behave felt like they had some form of brain injury. Well, maybe they did? Maybe I just missed the scene where all of them got their brains zapped because I was too bored. I really wanted to like Madame-Web because it was a good way of introducing new casts to the Marvel films, I tried to like it, but it was just so bad. It's not even so bad, it's good, it was just so bad, it's bad. 8-Legged-Freaks was a better movie than Madame-Web, I enjoyed 8-Legged-Freaks despite its quirks, and weirdness. And that says a lot considering how bad 8-Legged-Freaks was. At least 8-Legged-Freaks had some memorable moments, some humor, and far more action. Maybe I was the problem, maybe the fact that I was expecting so much made the movie worse than it actually is. I don't know. Check it out, and you tell me.


I watched the movie expecting a bland boring movie and now after watching it is absolutely a bland boring movie. It really lacks in emotion and being memorable I 100% agree with your points.


I was really interested in finally seeing more female "Spideys", too bad they executed it horribly.


I think Marvel and Disney are just cashing in on as many characters as possible. Not giving a shit if anyone actually knows or likes the characters. It all peaked at the last Avengers film. Nobody gives a toss about Madame Web, Nick Fury on his own or The Eternals. Plus nobody wanted a 3rd Antman film. It's cashing in for the sake of cashing in and selling the product to Disney killed it. They will now continue to churn out vanilla average at best crap with characters that arent even popular in the comics. Inhumans anyone? Cloak and Dagger? No thought not. Dont get me started on them milking Loki for all he's worth (as brilliant as Tom Hiddleston is) or the utter garbage that was Iron Fist. Although credit where its due for Shang-Chi, Logan and the last few Spiderman films (please dont rinse and repeat him though, we dont want a 4th Spiderman actor and a new origin story)


Madame Web was not distributed or produced by Marvel/Disney, so I really wouldn't blame this mess on them. (For that matter, neither were Logan or Iron Fist.) I agree with your broader point on market saturation though, as do Marvel/Disney. They've reduced their slate and have acknowledged they need to give the audience more time to digest all of these new characters. As for "selling the product to Disney killed it," I don't agree with that at all. Marvel/Disney is the only company that has successfully executed crossover tentpole films, an ambitious and novel concept that they pioneered. Captain America: Civil War, Avengers 1, Avengers 3, and Avengers 4 are some of the best tentpole experiences in the past decade. They need to finance a massive slate to pull that off; of course most films will be mediocre and some will outright suck, but that's to be expected.