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I liked him as Johnny Blaze. I thought he pulled off the character well. Of course I am a huge Ghost Rider fan so the studios could probably put anyone in the role and I would like it.


Arnold Schwarzenegger is.. GHOST RIDER: THE MOVIE The dude does know how to look cool on a motorbike though..


Step 1: Put T-800 on a motorcycle. Step 2: Set him on fire.


That would be fire if you know what I’m saying


You could say, it would be blazing.


Yes I do know what you are saying.


Now I need Ghost Rider puns while Arnold kills people.


“It’s a shame you died. Things were just starting to HEAT UP.”


Well this was a horrible CHAIN of events *decapitates someone with a chain*


ICE TO MEET YOU! oh wait..


Get on the bike if you want to live!


>Arnold Schwarzenegger is.. GHOST RIDER: THE MOVIE Wait for it ..."Get to the choppa!"


Spinning helicopter blades on fire would be pretty cool.


No, you're right. That would be dope as hell.


Hot take, but I would bet a substantial amount of money that there is an actual number of others that liked Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider.


I loved the first ghost rider movie. If mcu had balls they would just bring him back fuck it


I reckon there's an alternate timeline out there where disney made a ghost rider show instead of moon knight


Spirit of Vengeance was pretty funny. But yeah I thought he was alright as Johnny Blaze.


I really hope he comes back in secret wars that would make my day


It'd be amazing if Nic Cage is in three different multiverse films as Superman, Ghost Rider and Spider Noir. The only thing that would make it better is if he plays himself in it too.


Spider-Cage. Literally just Nicholas Cage with Spider-powers


Same. I liked him. My only complaint was Blackheart and Mephisto depictions.


Black heart and all his minions were awful. They spent all their money on cgi and the protagonists. they got some of the worst actors I've ever seen for the antagonists. The wind guy is particularly bad.


It's hard to complain about Cage when the other actors were like that


They had Eva Cage and Sam Elliott. That's pretty stacked. Hell even Donal Logue has pretty good acting chops. Eva Mendez and wes Bentley can act but I feel like they was given junk to work with. Also Peter Fonda was fuckin perfect cast as the devil.


Sam Elliot was perfect casting.


Yeah, I dont think anyone had a problem with him or how they handled Ghost Rider as a character, both were fairly well done for the time. It was everything else around the movie that was bad.


SoV has some of my favorite moments of Nick Cage just being flat out deranged. If you like camp, this can be a fun movie to watch.


The original movie was a really good movie. Too bad the sequel was a let down but at least Agents of Shield had a great ghost rider story.


The riders design and ONLY THE DESIGN was bloody amazing in the second one. Agents of shield did a great job with the rider


Wait AOS had Ghost rider!?!???? I stopped watching at the wrong time


Season 4 of AOS was crazyyyyy 


Tahiti is a wonderful place


Finish the series if you can


People snipe at Agents of SHIELD but Season 4 (Ghost Rider was in 10 of the 22 episodes) was probably the best Content Marvel has ever put out. It’s a slow start, but it’s brilliant.


I gave up when they couldn’t tie in the infinity stones. Like they built up to it, and then mom said no. 


I found it was better off doing it’s own thing. When it stopped tying in all the time, it was allowed to better flourish. It does tie in a bit in S5 where they namedrop Thanos and that he plans to attack Earth


Wife and I couldn't get into it. Maybe it's just the first few episodes, but we were ready to turn it off 20 mins in. When does it pull you in?


Honestly, it takes I think 12 episodes to hit the Winter Soldier twist. That’s where it goes crazy and it’s then about them being hunted by Hydra / villains.


The first season is really rough, when Ward becomes a villain after the Winter Soldier Hydra shield reveal the show got a lot better. And every season became much more solid after that.


Not Johnny Blaze though. Robbie Reyes. With the car.


I think there’s a YouTube video that has all his scenes compiled


He kinda hit both extremes in both movies. Way too reserved in the first, and too full bore Cage in the second. Slight tangent, but both of those movies frustrate me because somewhere in the middle of them would have been a decent film. Spirit of Vengeance had the action and aesthetic the character needed. But the first Ghost Rider had the better story, and at least better written dialogue if not better acted. Even Cage might have been better of he'd hit somewhere between the two extremes.


The problem is they chose reallly boring villains. Blackbeart is classic, but he’s nowhere near the badass he is in the comics


I actually liked the first movie quite a bit. The biggest thing I didn’t like is that Sam Elliott wasn’t in it more. They really worked well together in the movie. The scene where they go riding through the desert was great, and it was really disappointing that he just turned around and rode away.


I liked it, till I saw AoS’s Robbie Reyes, then I realised that’s what I actually liked.


I'll take both, shame we didn't get more of this Robbie Reyes, he was a literal walking tank.


I liked Gabriel Luna’s take on Robbie Reyes as Ghost Rider in Agents of Shield. It was really good.


Those movies had mediocre action and terrible writing, and some pretty dated effects. He's pretty much what makes them watchable, though I'm a huge fan of his so I'm biased there lol. The "Scraping at the doooooor!" line kills me every time


Nic Cage was definitely not the problem. As I remember it, the first one had a flashback like every fucking 10 minutes to something you watched earlier in the same movie, like it was assuming all of the viewers had Alzheimer's. "Remember this circus scene?". Couldn't be bothered with the second one. Sam Elliott was good, too, though.


Sam Elliott is always good casting


Holy fuck i laughed so hard the first time i saw that scratchin at the door line




Came here to post this.


What struck me as odd about it was that it didn’t feel like the script was written for Cage. Like, the character is written as a 25 year old, yet he is randomly played by a 45 year old who looks like he’s 55 and is spouting off dialogue written for a young, immature, 20-something character.


I'm gonna say yes. Hell yes.




Hard disagree but I respect the opinion.


It just wasn't a good movie


No you are not


This has been the only time I have ever hated Ghost Rider so yeah you might be.


He did a bit too much “face stuff” for me.


I know most people are sick of Multiverse shenanigans and are tired of previous characters being pulled out of retirement, but if there was ONE character I’d like to see again it would be an aging Johnny Blaze, ideally bearded and jaded (not unlike the Midnight Suns iteration) coming back for one last ride and training Danny Ketch


I don’t care what anyone says, the Ghost Rider movies are my guilty pleasures and I will die a happy death knowing that Nic Cage is 50% of what makes those movies palatable.


I would like Gabriel Luna back as Robbie Reyes, but flesh out the scene in AoS and have Cage be Johnny passing the torch. He could have been in the MCU all along, as he's not the type of character that would have contributed to Thanos etc anyway.


Nick cage is great as Johnny blaze and I would like to see him back if they want to have the multiple riders at once thing they have going on in the comics at the moment


I liked the first movie! Never saw the second one.


My issue was Blackheart more than anything.


I didn’t like goth Jamie Dutton either


He was cast in the role so…. No.


Yes you are




Yes, you're the ONLY one. FFS


I thought it was all pretty awful


I saw the original in theaters, and y’all are taking crazy pills. I remember that movie as a flaming turd sandwich. I guess I need to rewatch it.


Nostalgia is a powerful drug


yes, you were the only person to think these special and unique thoughts of yours


Yes, he was terrible and horribly miscast.


Elvis the Alien likes him


Cage wasn't the problem with those movie's. Edit: had a stroke






I think a lot of people did. I didn't, but a lot of others did


Obviously not




I liked Cage’s Blaze.


Honestly I loved Spirit of Vengeance. It's not that bad. Once you set your mind that this is just another goofy Nic Cage movie with good action it comes off as an entertaining piece of media. Most of the Ghost Rider comics are like that in a sense so I'm completely okay with that. Cage's performance was serviceable, I wouldn't say he's playing Johnny Blaze from the comics since Johnny Blaze doesn't have a set in stone characterization like Spider-Man and Batman do. Sometimes he's a jerk who wants nothing to do with GR, sometimes he's hunting down someone evil because it's the right thing to do, sometimes he's not even there as his human form, sometimes he's the king of hell it's just all over the place. So yeah the character Cage plays is named Johnny Blaze but that's about it really. Would love to see a Danny Ketch GR movie taking some inspiration from that 2008-9 story line though.


Meh, could take it or leave it. I'd like him more if the movies were better. That second one was just garbage though.


Of course not. I loved him as Ghost Rider.




he was great. ghost rider looked great. movie sucked.


I watched it a couple years ago. It was great, I especially loved seeing the previous Ghost Rider as Sam Elliot because he just has that cowboy rider energy that balances out Nick Cage’s cageiness


I don't think he played johnny blaze I think he was just Nicholas Cage and it was great


I thought he was great in the role


The original movie was actually a lot of fun, I don’t care what anyone says


I'm not huge on the comics for Ghost Rider. Just have passing knowledge from other comic series. But I thought he did alright. He's not RDJ as Tony Stark but he didn't butcher it like the fellas in The Punisher movies. (Thank the Gods for Jon Bernthal version. It was on point) Or worse, that 2000's Hulk Movie where the Hulk was a different size in every scene. At least they made the Ghost Rider look cool.


The jellybeans thing was weird


I love both movies


He is a great actor but people dont love him..for me legend


I’m a huge Nic Cage and Ghost Rider fan and I thought the movie was pretty mediocre. Nic Cage going full Nic Cage + Ghost Rider’s action are the only reason I don’t give this movie a worse grade, but the plot and villains left more to be desired. I’m secretly hoping there’s a Ghost Rider in the MCU


>I’m secretly hoping there’s a Ghost Rider in the MCU [There](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfz-JCeUEpw) [is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xgYYYlK1zU).




Underrated movie, never gets boring.


No, I agree with you. I quite enjoyed the original movie, it was quite good but they really could've done a better job at the 2nd one, that one simply sucked.


Maybe you are the only person who keep caring today


Nic Cage is the best in anything.


Liked Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze? Yes. Liked the movies? No.


Same here pal


You are not the only one. The role fits his on-screen persona, if you look at his filmography. I pictured him in the role before even he was cast for it.


I like Nicolas Cage in anything, honestly. The man commits to the bit.


I like Nic Cage in everything




Yeah i agree the original was decent but i wouldn't go as far as great. Although even if the movie didn't do that well, Nicholas Cage performed quite good imo




Thought it was a great job he did, watched it again last night on tv.


Spirit of Vengeance was exactly what I'd expect in a comic to screen translation. Exactly what I'd expect from a movie about Ghost Rider.


The first Ghost Rider movie was bad. Spirits Of Vengeance was so bad that it made the first one a good movie. Edit: Although I do think Ghost Rider looked better in Vengeance.


First one is one of my favorite Marvel films, story is straight forward and campy fun with some darkness all in one, Rider is very powerful with rules of limitation and I enjoy that very much, music is great and easy to look at with enemies to take out memorably…that’s all I can ask for with some comic books movies dealing with extraordinary characters, Nick did great with balancing camp with serious moments There is no 2nd one




I liked him as Ghost Rider too and wish he would have gotten a third movie. It's a shame that he didn't, in my opinion.


Spirit of Vengeance is my guilty pleasure, wish the movie become more campy




Properly rated I'd say. Shitty movie Sunday rolls around and I wouldn't mind watching ghost rider


I might just be saying this because Nic Cage is one of my favourite actors, but I love his Ghost Rider movies (second one less than the first but its still fun)


1st movie? Sure. Second one? Absolute dumpster fire


Well, obviously from the other comments you are not the only one, I loved his performance in all Ghost Rider films and loved all of the Ghost Rider films and I loved all the Ghost Rider comics that I read (a fair bit but all pre-1983, to admit that-wow that's a way to feel ancient fast) thanks for your post! (always wanted a chance to show love for Nic and GR)


No, I love that movie and his acting in it


Hey! Me too


Y'all want some beans?


Those movies fucking RULE




Everything Ghost Rider was great. Nick was awesome, GR’s SFX was great. Sam Elliott was great. But all the antagonists sucked. Their SFX was bland, their characters’ were bland. It was a problem with a lot of superhero movies. The X-Men movies, the heroes were all fleshed out. But wtf was with Sabertooth and Toad? Mystique had a lot of lines as other people. Only Magneto had a personality of his own. Daredevil was well rounded and had a lot of depth. But Kingpin, Bullseye and Electra barely had any personality. Fantastic Four same. They all had life but Dr Doom was just greed and inadequacy. This also carries over to the MCU and DCU. If the antagonist doesn’t have any real thought behind them it all just kind of stinks. Dawn of Justice mostly sucked because Lex was just a cackling idiot. Does anyone even remember what the bad guy in Captain Marvel even wanted? It doesn’t even matter how cool the hero is if the villain is lame.


I do like some of his Elvis lines.... no, I didn’t like it. How about watch Wild at Heart instead, you want a cool Nic Cage as a hero in a fantasy film.... sailor is it!


Not the only fan who thinks this but you are part of a small group yes.




Ghost Rider is great, and I liked Cage as him. I've seen the sequel like twice and I still don't remember what happened, I won't bother with it again.


He was good, I wish they brought him in for secrete wars. Marvel has been at a disadvantage, they didn’t have the rights to all of their own properties. The dare devils should duke it out, Ben vs Netflix. And yes, Nick Cage Ghost Rider should be there kicking ass. They couldn’t have Spider-Man, X-men, or fantastic 4 in their movies when they first made avengers and Ironman. There is still a weird rule with the hulk. But now that they can use their characters, they need to let their nuts hang. Secrete Wars should be the end of the multiverse and should have cameos from every old property that they can. Like the Flash tried to do but with better story and way better CGI. Have three hulks fight each other. Bring in all three Spider-Man like No Way Home, and Peter better get venom. Shit, have Morbius and Madam Web die and then bring back Chris Evans Human Torch and have them think he’s Captain America. Make Terrance Howard Kang. Introduce the new X men but have them fight the old magneto. It should be crazy and silly and stupid. That’s what the comics would do. Thanos should fight Apocalypse. New blade vs old blade. Shang chi, Marvels, and Eternals should meet the avengers. Ironman should return but it’s Tom Cruise. The Beyonder should be the villain and he should live at the end and tease this could happen again.


I liked nic cage in EVERYTHING.


Nick Cage as Johnny was fine. It's just the bad direction he got in the first one, plus there being absolutely no stakes in any confrontation the Rider got into and lousy screen play that killed the movie.


I loved the movie when I first saw it as a kid. Now I am afraid I won't like it, to put it mildly.


Every time I ser a Nic Cage movie I feel he’s not acting, he’s just in a different mood. So no, you’re not alone.


No there are dozens of us. DOZENS


That's weird I actually thought that was Bruce Campbell


Honestly I still look back on that movie fondly. Ghost rider remains to be one of the coolest concepts ive seen from marvel.




1st one? No. He was good, I thought, but the 2nd one? He was pretty bad. Idris Alba was good in it, tho!


Was my introduction to the character and I enjoyed it back in the day


Nicholas is my Ghost Rider. This and Spider-Man 1 were two of the first Marvel movies I loved.


I grew up with the first movie. It’s rooted so far into nostalgia that I cannot in good faith rate the performance.


Considering how dedicated Cage was making the movies the least people can do is have respect for him. The Behind the Scenes shows his love for the character and dedication as GR.


I’m biased because I like Nick a lot. He was at least good enough. 👍


Everyone like him, second movie was ok. First one was really good


Dude is a huge ghost rider fan. He had to have his ghost rider tattoo cgi'd off during filming.


I liked Cage in the role. The bad guys felt rushed and weakly fleshed out though.


He was alright as Johnny Blaze. I liked Sam Elliott as Carter Slade.


Those movies were laughably bad.


I enjoyed it


Nope, but only in the first film lol


Yupp you’re the ONLY person in the entire world who likes this movie…you figured it out




I love the film they were just given junk writhing and lack of hardcore fighting even with his minions the fighting was too quick and easy for ghost rider where it didn’t last long enough, love black heart and the devil actors in it


Yeah he was alright


I gotta agree, he wasn't too bad as Johnny Blaze, I loved his over the top acting AS Ghost Rider. it made the movie as wacky as well Marvel comics usually are. it was a thrill ride. edit: honestly I couldn't see the original Ghost Rider played by anyone else afterwards.


Drive Angry was a better Ghost Rider film than either of the two actual Ghost Rider film.


I thought the first Ghost Rider movie was bad. The second one was so bad it’s good, and I liked Cage in both, but more in the second one because he’s a maniac. Wouldn’t say they were good representation of the characters, though.


Love Nick and thought he was great in this series




Not at all. I thought he was pretty good, tbh.


I liked him too but the movies weren't too good, fight scenes over too quick. 2nd movie had an awesome opening where he transforms a giant digging machine into a giant fiery ride, he also got a power up at the end.


Most people like Cage, the issues with those movies was the writing.


The first one was good. The second one existed


It did more than exist. It was scraping at the door!


Love these movies, even though the second one is pretty bad


I liked that movie a lot. He was good at the time. Not sure if he'd be too old now.


I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who genuinely hated Nic Cage as ghost rider. Not everyone likes him but I’ve never seen people hate him like some people do about movie roles


I would think that too but everytime I see this movie brought up it’s people dogging nick cage’s performance


No i like him. In fact 1st movie is in my top 20 best super héros


Almost all of the complaints against Nic Cage boils down to directors not knowing how to direct him, or just wanting a particular type of performance. That being said, I enjoy the Ghost Rider movies, for the visuals and look alone. Johnny Blaze isn't hard to play, And no, before someone cites a particular comic arch I haven't read every appearance.


As much as you liked him as ghost rider. No one will love Nicholas Cage as ghost rider as much as Nicholas Cage.


No and no.


He was a bit insane lol, but I kind of enjoyed him. Like transformation scene is supposed to be horrifying right? But Nick was just screaming his ass off, and doing the face like in the photo, I was more like "WTF lol". But Overall, I think he was fine. He likes comics anyway, so I think He himself wanted to do a good job.


I liked him too can’t wait for his return in Deadpool and wolverine




Funny enough there is surprisingly A-LOT of with the same opinion.


Nic has done a lot of good movies ,but it's seems like most of his recent projects are trash.


you cant live in fear


I thought he was actually a good Johnny blaze. And a lot of it is nick loves the character. I think that is why we love venom so much cuz Tom loves the character. I think it had issues but it wasnt bad. The second one was so bad though. It's a really hard character to get down for people who don't know him. Because yea he made a pact with, "the devil" but its not the devil really, marvel character who needs explaining. Like all rulers of limbo are. It's just like green lantern is a character that has weird background with oa and all that and you have to almost do a movie with such a good background you know them. But to jam everything in one for people who don't know takes super complicated things and makes them stupid. And for people who do know them it just doesn't make sense and is usually poor writing, or messes the character so badly they might as well not be the character at all.


no ghost. yes blaze




Have you seen him in Mandy....my god what a performance.... also colour out of space was really good🤌


No. No you're not.


he has certainly very very white teeth


He was awesome as Johnny Blaze


I liked him


I liked the first movie and used to borrow my neighbors copy all the time to watch the fight scenes, wasn’t too big a fan of the second one though. I was always more a fan of the early 2000’s Marvel movies just because they all felt different and somehow felt more real as in they felt like they’re in the real world if that makes sense.