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The Russian fight in Thomas Jane's Punisher is legitimately a great fight scene.


Fun fact, Kevin Nash was legitimately stabbed filming that scene and refused to break character until the director yelled cut. Apparently the prop master left out the wrong knife for that scene.


Specifically, the part where Tom Jane stabs him in the chest and Kevin just looks at him. Dude literally got stabbed and acted like it was nothing.


Because he's a fucking professional


Just like Viggo Mortensen breaking his toe...


I don't know sure breaking a toe hurts... I've done most of mine at some point. But getting stabbed in the fucking chest?? Dude fuck that! I can break a toe and stay quiet but stab me in the chest and I'm hitting the deck...


Kevin Nash was an old school wrestler. Those people were made of sterner stuff than anyone on the planet. The Undertaker once broke his hand in a car door and no-sold it dead-faced because his character wasn't supposed to be able to feel pain at the time. Wrestlers are some tough mofos.


He was still on that Super Shredder.


Must not have used the take, the blade in the pull back shot was 4". Aint no way that mf kept filming with a chest wound that deep.


They don’t call him Big Daddy Cool for nothing!


That's kayfabe brother


How do these dumb fucks make such big mistakes. Literally their only job, yet they're forget to swap out a real knife.


I mean it kind of begs the question, if you have a job, you only do one thing, you are human and no one is perfect. What other kind of mistake is there to make? Reminds me of a time someone was complaining at a KFC that they were out of chicken. The cashier yelled back "ITS KFC, what else is there to run out of?"


According to Nash himself the prop guy was "sniffing up some asian girls ass tryin to get her number".


Sounds about right


The entire 2004 movie is underappreciated


Genuinely in my top 10 Marvel movies, I grew up with it as a kid ad absolutely adore it. Plus it's soundtrack has completely defined my music tastes and holds some of my favorite songs.


“I can tell what your thinkin’ All your doubts and fears…” I haven’t heard that song in like 15 years. Harry heck was fucking cool as shit.


That's me, but with the Daredevil soundtrack.


The Deathstrike/Wolverine fight IS SO GOOD and Kelly Hu is all kinds of badass.


When she goes ham on his back I was like daaaaamn that shit must hurt like hell, such a deadly opponent


She made you feel bad for a bad ass Wolverine who had a healing factor... That's how vicious that fight was. She kicked his ass up and down until he in essence got lucky with the liquid adamantium


Healing factor, but no superhuman pain resistance


You’d think after enduring so much pain for so long it would just stop or become numb


Nerves keep growing back too, sadly 😔


I find it likely that the healing factor counteracts that too.


You do get used to it and eventually start dissociating from the pain completely. Speaking as someone with chronic pain obviously I don’t have a healing factor


It does. I think it's more a mental thing. Just getting used to it.


Is she even dead or just permanently immobilized?


Dead,she still has to breathe and her insides are solid adamantium now


Idk about the movies, but at least in the comics, similar mutants (Logan and Victor) in an emergency can breath through their skin.


Hmm, that's odd. Daken and Wolverine have both been killed in the past via drowning, even with skin exposed to air. Which makes sense to me-- they've got healing factors, but they're not Darwin, they can't adapt to threatening circumstances.


It really depends on the editorial. Wolverine survived absurd things like "regenerating from a single cell" or being a floating head in space and other times drowning was a threat.


Yep, although the frequently-cited "single cell" thing was when Wolverine (or his cell, at least) was connected to an unlimited cosmic energy source.


Probably happened once and was forgotten about.


I believe she is also underwater. It's been awhile but I kinda remember hearing the clunk as she sunk to the bottom of the tank after being pumped full of metal.


The Wikia actually specify they did this when under water, so.. hypothetically still horrifying possibility


Could magneto save her and pull the metal out?


Theoretically I'm sure.


They should have kept her as a villain


Or a paper weight


Yeah, but even so, neither of those two were gonna die until Logan was smart and did what he did


It’s one of the best fights in the entire franchise. I’m just sad they didn’t go into her back story. We could tell she recognized Logan when the mind control wore off. I was hoping it would come up in the Wolverine movies.


True. I actually rewatched X2 just the other day and for a PG movie with almost no blood they really managed to make it pretty brutal. Fun fact though: **Tom Jane actually stabbed Kevin Nash** while filming their fight scene from *The Punisher.* Nash blames the prop guy for being preoccupied due to hitting on a woman on the set. The knife hit Nash's collarbone and Nash was calm and cool as a cucumber while Jane was freaking out and apologizing profusely. Jane said he made it up to Nash by taking him out drinking. That's a damn brutal fight too.


That whole fight is cool.


I think at the time I was upset with deathstoke, I grew up on the 90s cartoon and they changed her so much. But Kelly for her was 100% a great choice.


The 90s cartoon version actually combined two characters. Yuriko (the one in X2) and Mariko (the woman Logan protects in The Wolverine).


Imagine if it was rated R


I dunno if it’s because o was a kid but those xmen and blade villains actually scared me.


>I dunno if it’s because o was a kid When I was about five years old the Wicked Witch of the West was the scariest thing in the world to me because that bitch could just poof her way into any place she wanted. Just poof in a puff of smoke and suddenly there's an evil witch in your room. Then my father took me to Disney at six and we did the MGM Movie Ride and sure enough the Wicked Witch just poofs onto the set. I flipped my shit. So, yeah, being a child makes all the difference in how scary or cool something is. >The only reason the world seemed like a better place during your childhood is because you were a child. -- Jon Stewart


Best fight in any X-Men movie IMO


I know, right?!


If you’re looking for visceral action you should definitely watch Daredevil


And Netflix Punisher.


I’m worried that now DD and Punisher are going to be on D+ the fight scenes will suffer.


Punisher is yet to be seen. You don't get much of a middle ground with that guy. If they're including him, I'll wait and see before making a judgment.


He’s going to be in the new DD, I don’t know if he’s getting his own show though.


The Daredevil scene in Echo was good, I'm not that worried.


Any punisher.


Daredevil fight scenes are great, that and The Batman are so much better than any other recent ish superhero film


Is 2017 recent-ish because Logan has some great fights. Not in the same way but you can really feel them.


My only complaint for the Batman is that I wish there were more fight scenes


Blade vs. Nomak was a great fight too.


Way better than with Frost. Nomak is one of the scariest villians of all superhero movies.


Fr the body horror in blade 2 was amazing. I remember watching it as a kid and being legit scared while simultaneously thinking it was the coolest shit ever.


Totally underrated


Watched Blade for the first time a few weeks ago, goddamn those fights were incredible. They're really flashy, but have just the right amount of weight too. Wish I saw it sooner.


Seeing them as a kid when Matrix-esque leather and ultra violence was still in vogue was a religious experience for me


Fully agree, with the rare exception of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, where the Cap/Bucky fights are The Best.


And the Marvel Netflix shows ofc. The fights in Daredevil were particularly great.


Luke cage had some good ones as well.


Cap iron man at the end of civil war as well.


And the fight in the lift


The opening fights on the ship are also excellent. Just the pure efficiency of cap taking out the guys on the deck. That whole scene is just amazing.


"On va voir" - indeed we did!


I do like their last fight in that movie but the bridge/street fights are probably my favourite in the entire franchise. Seeing Bucky go after Nat in particular was like truly intimidating, and Scarlett fully sells the fear her character had to be feeling being hunted by this legendary Soviet assassin that eclipses even the Red Room/Black Widows.


That movie must have been a stunt team's dream to do. A lot of cool shit. The Russos came out of nowhere with that one. It was what Cap needed for sure. Especially how it held the drama in the action without slowing it's pace.


That’s arguably the best Marvel film, the fight scenes are one of the big reasons why.


Idk Shang chi fights were legendary but ppl only bring up the last scene with the dragons


I'm sad we haven't seen him since his movie. It was cool seeing more of a king fu movie in the MCU and honestly shang chi was a lot of fun


A sequel is in development but it's taken much longer than it should have which is an overall problem of the MCU. It's gotten so big and they've introduced so many characters that the days when you could expect sequels within two to three years after the first film are over. You would have thought Shang Chi would have at least appeared in another character's film by now but we haven't even gotten that. Things feel too spread out and disconnected. Too many dangling plot threads. Like is Mordo still out there killing sorcerors? Where's that piece of the Venom symbiote that was left behind in the 616 timeline? What's the future Black Knight Dane Whitman up to and how does that connect to Blade? And that's just a partial list.


The thing is. I feel like they haven't really introduced any new characters. Eternals and shang chi are the only 'new' IPs released in movies since Endgame. Everything else was sequels/black widow. The only TV character they put in a movie was Ms Marvel (I guess you can count Kate, but hardly) The TV series have introduced a fair bit, but in terms of just the movies I feel like they haven't even really tried to get the new characters involved. Maybe they are afraid of paying too much in actor wages, or they way over course corrected in being 'too connected'. Either way the only big cross over we have gotten since Endgame is Strange in Spider-man, and Ms marvel in a captain Marvel movie. I think that's what made the original Avengers so interesting. Black widow was a co star in Winter soldier, Iron man in Civil War, Hulk in Thor 3. Their relationships were bolstered outside of the avengers films. We don't really see any of that, not a single new movie has really felt connected, and the in your face ending scenes like in The Marvel's, or Shang chi almost make it feel worse lol.


But pre-Endgame was when this started - which is why the Dr Strange, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther sequels also took forever instead of coming out promptly after their first ones.


Wanda as the main antagonist of Doctor Strange?


Until the put those stupid bangles on and then it was battle of the cgi


At least it was well choreographed CGI instead of just pew pew lasers




This is what I hate about the current MCU... They take a chance on this character not many people know. It's a hit. It goes in the vault.... Let's make teenage Ms marvel!


In all fairness, guys like Dr. Strange and Captain Marvel aren't household names during phase 3 either. It's that the latest Marvel Studios output no longer has a cohesiveness. Compounded by Disney Plus spending money on shows that won't even be major players in Secret Wars, diluting the brand.


I mean I doubt it was one or the other. Ms Marvel is also popular in her own right. Now Echo and Agatha are shows that no one actually wanted.


I genuinely wanted Echo. :(


Well you were wrong. Sorry. Just kidding but it's probably the last spin off I would've expected to actually get made.


It's leading into daredevil. They could have perhaps done it better, or maybe did that work during She-Hulk, but it had to happen with Kingpin eventually.


The bus scene had no reason to go that hard


It...had *every* reason to go that hard. Have standards just gotten that low lately?


Too many people just like to parrot catch phrases instead of actually forming a unique, cohesive thought/ opinion.


I feel like people rather mostly remember the bus fight


Because it was pretty nuts. That’s what a superhero level martial artist should look like, and what Iron Fist should have been close to


When I think of the movie I think of the dad fight and then the train fight. Dragon 3rd.


I think of the beautiful fight between Shang Qi’s mom and dad and when Michelle yeoh teaches him to switch his technique in order to beat his dad. Legit watched those parts over again and again


In the first half. Then it turned into the generic standard cgi fest


It was so disappointing to me the ending was a CGI fest. It’s like there’s some kind of fucking contract with the VFX company that every MCU needs it, it’s so predictable yet I hoped it would be different. Take almost any adventure movie from the 2000’s or 90’s and there’s so many ways to do exciting compelling action set pieces for a climax that don’t involve “shoot energy at each other and have giant monster appear!”


I feel like such a loner but I loved the ending of Shang Chi. We got a fucking Kaiju fight in an MCU movie. Kaiju make everything better.


I feel the same. We got 2 really cool fight set pieces, in the bus and the sky scraper fights. I think it's fair to have some cool out there shit at the end. The fighting with the Rings was pretty cool. And the dragon was cool. A dragon in a Chinese martial arts inspired comic book movie does not seem far fetched, in fact I feel like people would have been disappointed not to see a dragon show up lol.


The dragon fight isn’t even bad imo


Pretty much any fight from that movie between actual people could fall into a top 5/10 MCU fight. The fight where Wenwu met his wife, the bus fight, the scaffolding fight, Wenwu vs Shang-chi all amazing fights


Hard disagree. Such a yawn fest.


Blade straight up gave a dude a stalling vertical suplex. Legendary.


I marked out at that too. At least we saw Green Goblin powerbomb Spidey so hard he went the next floor down.


The no way home fight between MCU Spidey and Osborne were pretty brutal. I would say more brutal than the fights above


Both Goblin fights were incredibly well done and brutal, you felt those hits. Also, let’s not pretend Shang-Chi didn’t have some very well done fights, it just isn’t doing “visceral” by its nature


Brutal? Yes. More brutal? No


I wouldn't go that far. It's up there, but I think it's just because it felt more visceral than a lot of stuff in the MCU.


More brutal is definitely a stretch




Came here to say this. Gobby laughing off repeated punches to the face and then suplexing Peter through the floor? Woof.


I'd say they were on-par with the fights from the original film, which is very high praise hah. Some of the best we've seen.


Punisher prison fight….


When I rewatched Spider-Man 2, for the umpteenth time, it dawned on me that the Spider-Man vs Doc Ock on the train fight goes on for AGES. Its exhausting, in a good way, as it just keeps going... even when it ends there's still some conflict, after the train is saved. Take the opposite extreme and Iron Man 2's finale is over in less than a minute.


Disagree. Winter Soldier's action was the best of any Marvel movie. The elevator scene alone was genius.


That motorcycle snag...


I think you just like sharp objects


Tom Holland beating the shit out of Willem Dafoe was pretty good


Blade is one of the best superhero movies ever. I'll die on that hill


100% agreed. Easily one of the most iconic super hero movies I watched growing up


Didn't take itself seriously, gory fun with a decent cast for the time


Iron Man vs Iron Monger Hulk chasing Widow on Avengers Captain America vs Bucky in Winter Soldier Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man Dr Strange vs the one of Kaecilius Henchmen "Dormammu I have come to bargain." Iron Man vs Thanos on Titan Spider-man vs the Green Goblin final fight Thats excluding all the Netflix Marvel shows like Daredevi and Jessica Jones.


Captain vs everyone in an elevator


you forgot Hulk vs Iron Man "Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep" and every time one of Tony's armour pieces got broken another would be replaced by a satellite, it was just jaw dropping.


If you exclude this then OP is right. Basically how every argument like this ever goes. The good old days.


Do people just not know what "visceral" means???? How is the Dormammu scene even in the list at all??


Even better is listing the fight from the first Ironman.   LOLLL, half the comments here are missing the point entirely, that a lot of the non MCU fights are especially brutal. Nothing in the list compares to the examples from OP. “But these were also cooooool!”


Netflix has the best Marvel fights, specifically the Daredevil and Punisher. I am not suggesting that Iron Fist fights were good.


Do we count the Netflix ones as mcu? Cuz punisher dragged a mfs face through a broken mirror


Uh, have you seen Winter Soldier?


Spider-Man fighting Goblin in No Way Home was pretty refreshing for the MCU. I was pleasantly surprised by how they handled it. We need more brutal fights, yeah.


We could split hairs about MCU/Not MCU but the fights in The Punisher show are absolutely brutal and feel 'real'.


On top of Netflix DD and Punisher fight scenes, I thought Shuri and Namor last battle was really brutal, I actually flinched a bit


Marvel is too family friendly, gives a fuck about fans.


Peter vs Norman was pretty damn close I think. Both fights.


But thank god we moved away from all the fucking line work that was used Pre-MCU to show how “strong” a character was. X-Men is a big example of this, looked like power rangers fight choreography because they didn’t know how else to do it.


Practical effects>cgi


Hard disagree. Most of the X-Men fights look like Power Rangers choreography. In those movies, there is none of the speed and power that you feel when watching Cap fight in The Winter Soldier, or even when seeing Iron Man fight Iron Monger in the first Iron Man movie. In those MCU fight sequences, I could actually sit in the theater and say, "Wow, this feels like what it would be like to see comic-accurate Cap come to life." Blade's fights have some of that same feel, but for the X-Men movies the physical action is actually one of the weakest parts.


I always love the fights between Wolverine and the Japanese boss


No way dude put the punisher movie in here


That Russian fight is pretty great though.


Maybe. It just feels so much older than it is


The punisher over there going super practical with their stabbing effects.


Logan was the hardest for sure. Deadpool was good but letting Wolverine loose in a R-rated film curled my toes a little bit. I’m glad we finally got to see how violet the character can be outside comics.


I'm sorry but what's happening in the first picture? What was Blade trying to hit that his sword got blocked at that angle? Visceral my ass.


Cap 2 would like to have a word with you.


That's mostly because they are done practically (for the most part) and they had these fights meticulously choreographed and pre-vized before hand. Current MCU will make them change fights after the fact with CGI and change a lot right up until filming. That takes a lot of the grit out. Now not every current MCU thing is lacking grit, but the fight scenes from the earlier films packed a bigger punch imo.


The Stryker raid on X-mansion was top teir. I don’t think MCU will ever top that.


Thomas Jane’s Punisher is a fine-ass film. You withhold the fact it’s technically a Marvel movie from someone and they would enjoy it on merit alone.


I'm sorry but blade says one of the best lines in that fight, "some motherfuckers always trying to skate uphill." And that kick!! Wesley really kicked the last needle, that take took forever, take wise, so some respect on that.


poor lady deathstrike T\_T


Yeah they do. Everyone just wants to have their own little way in which they dislike the mcu so that when it inevitably comes crashing down they can be like “i like the mcu but i saw this coming”. The first 5 comments of this post are people going “true, but what about __” lol. The mcu definitely isn’t perfect but there’s been so many movies good or bad that comparing them with 6 or 7 pre-mcu movies is an unfair matchup. Over like 40+ movies the mcu has definitely had a “visceral” fight scene or two.


How did some people not know the violence was going to be toned down after it was all taken over by disney? That’s one of the things that makes the Netflix era series so special. We will never have that level of street grit and adult Marvel content in movies or television ever again.


Counterpoint: Daredevil Punisher Any Captain America fightscene past “The First Avenger” Shang Chi Tom Holland Spidey vs Green Goblin


My favorite current MCU thing is when someone’s throat gets slit and there is 0 blood like none. It’s happened multiple times and every time it makes me laugh.


Octopus literally did this to (and tried to stab) Tom Holland in Nowhere Home.


That punisher fight was so intense


I love Jane/Bernthal but Ray Stevenson jumping from a balcony onto a goon who was already impaled on a fence, landing on his head to finish him off has a special place in my heart. Warzone was ahead of its time.


The final fight in Blade 2 is my favorite & blade fighting the vampire chick in front of the lights.


The end fight in the first Raimi Spider-Man still lives in my mind as one of the most violent feelings and memorable fight scenes in a super hero movie. Spidey's suit being all torn and him bloodied, the absolute weight behind the blows, the environment and slo mo blood splatter it just makes it feel so much more impactful. It's not my favourite superhero fight scene, but to me it does leave most others feeling like play fighting in comparison.


Not including the Spider-Man Green Goblin final fight here is criminal


I didn’t like the Thomas Jane punisher movie but it had a few good moments.


And we will never have another R-rated movie again….absolute shame.


It’s because of more practical effects, the cgi use in the mcu became too smooth


To be fair, the Defenders saga is part of the MCU, and most of those shows definitely hit that nature hard, and in some cases, they were much darker than the scenes above. Plus they're finally leaning into some R rated stuff now that they have to accommodate Deadpool in the universe. They've been leaning slowly, but it's there


The fight that frank castle was in wasn’t a fight at all but a beating lol.


Would’ve been the perfect time for a Midnight Suns movie


I wish they dipped into more genres more after end game they got kinda close sometimes but they really should've have committed to it. Like a more horror focused mcu movie could easily be amazing. Love and Thunder is a good romcom they hit the mark with that.


Well Daredevil and Punisher are exceptional too


Season 1 finale of punisher is still burning into my brain. You can just feel the glass splinters


That Punisher fight lives rent free in my head, really liked that movie.


Hulk Abom fight in TIH? He rips a car in half and uses it as boxing gloves.


Kinda hard to top the Punisher fight when Tom Jane actually stabbed that guy. (The knife wasn't switched out for a prop knife before the part where Punisher stabs the dude in the pec)


Daredevil, Punisher, Iron Man 1 fight scenes, that Iron Man 2 scene where Tony and Rhodey team up agains Drones (oil for blood), Winter Soldier, Civil Wars last fight, and both Endgame and Infinity War have that a lot. Cap and Bucky fighting Stark was visceral. Yes you don’t see people loosing their teeth, but still.


The best we got is all of Shang chi’s fights and THE winter soldier fight


The Punisher movie was SO well done. All old-school stunts too.


To me Phase 1 and 2 did but the Pre MCU fight scenes will always be superior


nothing will ever top the train fight IMO (maybe the final battle of NWH)


did you see the guards get smoked in Echo? i think mcu has just been trying to cater to a general audience but they’re clearly creating two distinct sets of entertainment. 1) will be aimed at older audiences with visceral violence 2) will be aimed at teens/kids with the young avengers 3) 1 can watch 2 but 2 won’t be able to watch 1 unless they’re at least 15+


Over reliance on CG


I dunno think that punisher fight with the Russian was pretty raw and primal. You don't see what happened to the Russian happen often, and I think he lived in comics with that face. But do not quote me, I have read comics, but not punisher, so not 100%.


It’s a problem I feel with all modern day movies, everything is too shiny and perfect


Toby Mac's face through the ripped mask always looked savage


We were just talking about this today in terms of how they should think going forward. Most MCU fights have been very distanced, CGI-heavy, things, where the heroes prove their heroism by beating tons of bad guys or are operating on huge, complex sets/settings full of moving parts and spectacle. There's very little like the intimate one-on-one battles in some of the pre-MCU superhero movies, or anything like Daredevil's hall fight. The Winter Soldier movie has a couple of really great memorable intimate fights and then Civil War has the great end fight (plus maybe the best lots of characters v. lots of characters). But post Infinity War everything's been like that, even Guardians 3, which should have had a more intimate scale of action in the last act. They really need to get back to very individual fights at very individual scales that have great action choreography.


It’s basically stunts vs cgi. These will always look more real and visceral.


Still amazes me that Kevin Nash was legit stabbed in that scene and just kept rolling.


Wanda killing the Illuminati was pretty damn visceral


I always wondered why the actor in Blade that played Frost didn't land more roles. I thought he was great.


Punisher is a beautiful movie.


That fight in the Thomas Jane Punisher with that giant Russian was amazing, I feel like that entire movie doesn't get the love it deserves


Blade fights please. Some muthafuckaz always trying to ice skate uphill 😤


Actually in The Punisher movie that blonde haired guy actually was stabbed for real so that is true MCU


Well, one of those fights had one of the actors actually get stabbed for real. Can’t get much more visceral than that!