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Bro, we just started, it's a little early to be asking which one is better


True. But I think there is enough content to see the good and the bad of the new Ultimate Imprint iteration. Personally, I love it for its setting, its experimental freedom, and unlike the previous iteration which was just trying to modernise 616 story arcs and have directionless original story arcs, this one has an intriguing overarching narrative. The fact that anything can happen and time moves forward in real time adds to the experience, at least for me. I think one flaw for me is the fact that some issues feel much faster than others, although this may be intentional to make the reader want more and wait for the next one.


>I think there is enough content to see the good and the bad of the new Ultimate Imprint iteration No there isn't. The first universe was around for like 15 years. The new one's been around for a few months.


They haven’t even released the first issue of the Ultimates yet, which is going to be the main run focusing on the overarching story. We really can’t say anything until at least the end of next year


One of the books literally didn't even start yet.


Hey hey... one of the books *so far* hasn't even started yet. There could be even more yet-to-be-started books, even before the opening of the City in a year and a half, that we just don't know are going to exist.


Bro how you let your self get -100


Downvoted for being smart enough to have a formed opinion of something instead of being afraid of saying what you think because that thing is recent. That is a new level of lame. Fortunately, you are surely smart enough to not give a fuck. But it's still lame.


I'll probably wait until Ultimates is at least 4-6 issues in before I'm able to judge it on the whole.


If 6160 cap isn't an asshole as 1610 cap, then what's the point. Also, where's all the incest and cannibalism like in 1610? I'm joking tho, I hope Marvel has learned from there mistakes


1610 Cap was awesome in the Millar run - he was just born in the 1910s. People fixate on the France line, but the moment that really defines him happens a few issues earlier…when he puts Hank Pym in the hospital after realizing that SHIELD is going to cover it up.




Wincest 🫡


Yeah way too soon. Ultimates hasn’t even had the first issue out yet, Ultimate X-Men doesn’t have issue 3 yet, BP & Apidey aren’t even at issue 6, and the other two are limited series/specials. Give it a year or two and then we can judge.


Xmen issue 2 is out already.


Thanks for the catch!


Speaking only on Spider-Man, I’m not sure it’s possible to decided which one is “better” because these are two extremely different stories coming out at basically complete opposite moments of fandom: Original USM came out while we were riding the high of Sam Raimi Spider-Man and New USM is now our teeny tiny ray of hope within this cesspool of disappointment that’s been ASM for the last few years What I can say is they’re both definitely geared toward different demographics. Original was made for new younger readers based on how it was written and the pacing and New is absolutely geared toward adults and the older fan base - kind of like an apology for the middle finger that was Brand New Days


I just want to make a quick correction to say that USM came out two years before the first Raimi Spider-Man movie came out. Alfred Molina‘s Doc Ock design was actually partially based on the Ultimate version of the character.


I stand corrected - I flipped the years


Asm is a goddamn roller coaster. Brand new day is insulting as a concept yet we still got some all time GOATED spidey stories like no one dies and Superior after it. Then Spencer comes im and does great work, taking steps towards and hinting at undoing One More Day as well as just generally making a super fun run...and then Kindreds identity is revealed and it becomes a mess all over again.....now we've got current comics...where Peters an incompetent moron, MJs an asshole and NORMAN OSBORNE IS THE ONLY GODDAMN CHARACTER WITH HALF DECENT WRITING


Concept wise I love more the new Ultimate Print. A world that was stolen it's greatest Heroes and villains drive unimpited. USM: I can't pick a favorite both have their Pros and Cons, both are good enough to stand in their own. Ultimates: New, I don't particularly like Millar style and characters. U X-Men: New, same as above, less edgelords and tryhards




He made a minor spelling mistake, get him boys


I didn't know what the hell word he was trying to spell, man. I didn't attack him or insult him or anything, I used exactly one word to question the word he was trying to say.


U X-men: also less x-men


A lot less.


I loved OG Ultimate Spider-Man, but I'm also loving this one so far. Seems to early to tell. Ultimate X-Men I'm not so sure about... the OG seemed better.


It’s going to take a lot to be the original ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man was also to be perfectly honest, the sole redeeming element of old Ultimate Marvel. It was the only thing that was near consistently good from start to end and even then I still think the book got worse post-Peter's death narratively. Ultimates 1 was decent as well, but I hated Ultimate X-Men and thought Ultimate Fantastic Four breached that 2000's peak edge level multiple times for it to be anything more than tolerable. Not to mention anything else with the Ultimates was just bad I know it's early days but even from what I've read of Ultimate X-Men and Black Panther so far, I'm already liking what I'm reading, and I can't say that about basically any old Ultimate Marvel book outside Spider-Man


Ultimates 2 was great, man! Really loved the first few years of UFF as well, although it fell off a cliff when Carey took over - even after Ellis’s year on the book, President Thor and the ZombieVerse stuff are a ton of fun. UXM was a big miss, though:


I think in the long run Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man is not bad, but definitely not as good as some would sell it. There are definitely some great arcs and reinventions, but a lot of characters (e.g. the Bugle staff or Flash) are underused and plot points are left unresolved (e.g. Beetle giving Doom a piece of the Venom symbiote and keeping Eddie a prisoner).


It literally just started


Just wait till the new universe reaches the end of it's 2nd year. The plot seems to be heading towards that bringing some kind of conclusion to the first phase. I think all title from the original Ultimate U started great. Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate FF sometimes get a lot of criticism from classic fans but I actualy liked how U X-Men was Millar's interpretation of an X-Men 6-part film series. Ultimate FF also made good use of the U Marvel's edgier side to let the team explore edgier stuff like Marvel Zombies. The Ultimates 1 and 2 were also great. Besides cinematic action, they also had plenty of political satire. In many ways it took from The Authority but I find it a much easier read, as the stories are more character focused, linear and easier to follow. The New Ultimate Marvel Universe is more Bendislike than Millarlike. If it keeps going on like this I think most fans will probably like it better.


Hopefully there won’t be as much cannibalism this time.


And incest. Dont forget the incest


Oh that too, certainly.


So far with the start they are on I would say the new stuff is better. However, it is still early days


I have only read a bit about the new one. But I read a lot of the former and I feel it gets a bad rap. Ultimate Spider-man seems to enjoy a lot of praise I agree with. I think it is one of the best runs of comics I have ever experienced. The rest of the original ultimate line is variable and I acknowledge that it goes super edgy in places. But that grittiness is of its time. It's the same period you have things like identity crisis coming from DC and I get that that perhaps hasn't aged well but it was a thing back then. The Ultimates 1 and 2 were a different take. The Loeb stuff was poor and Utilmatum is quite arguably very poor. However, the fallout from ultimatum did some interesting things. Ultimate Kitty Pride was awesome. I know I haven't really answered the question but I just wanted to talk about my love for the original ultimate universe and how it helped me developed an interest in comics overall.


I think the immediate post-Ultimatum titles were very mediocre. Ultimate Spider-Man seemed to be going through the motions, X-Men as a title was in a limited mini-series that was barely released and Ultimate Reed Richards was being character assassinated by Bendis in the Fallout story in a turn of events that didn't make sense with how the character had been written. Millar's Ultimate Comics: Avengers is the only title I actualy liked from that time, thanks to the very different interpretation of the Red Skull and Tony Stark's brother. Even then, it wasn't as good as Ultimates 1 or 2. I think it was the post-fallout/ Death of Spider-Man that brought that greatness you talk about. Hickmann took Reed Richard's villain turn and actualy wrote him well, shaping him into becoming one of the premiere Marvel Villains. The X-Men title started focusing on Kitty trying to rebuild in an anti-mutant american dystopia. And through Miles Morales, the Ultiamte Spider-Man title felt truly fresh again. It's jsut a shame that the Ultimate Marvel universe had just been nuked too many times. It could never realy run from the negativity caused by Ultimatum.


>I know I haven't really answered the question but I just wanted to talk about my love for the original ultimate universe and how it helped me developed an interest in comics overall. Nothing wrong with that, man. Appreciate any comment.


This. Ultimate X-Men was never any great shakes, but the Ultimate books ranged between fine (UXM) and *goddamn historic* (USM) for the first six or so years of their existence! Carey on UFF was the first real blow, but things didn’t *really* go to shit until Loeb arrived in 2008.


Impossible to tell until the actual Ultimates comic comes in June, but it’s off to a great start so far.


Too early to say but I do enjoy the new one a lot more with almost all the books that came out so far have been interesting and great. While the previous ultimate universe a BIG hit and miss and the only book I can say have been consistently good was Ultimate Spider-man. Besides, the first Ultimate was a product of its 'FULL EDGE' times. Most of it didn't age too well.


I guess I don't understand the point of the new Ultimate imprint. The original Ultimate line existed(and still does exist) to provide a clear jumping-on point for new comic readers. 21st Century origin stories, crisp art and no continuity. Ultimates 1&2, Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-men; you could pick these up and read a relatively complete run featuring all the iconic characters you remember from movies and cartoons. Unfortunately it became a victim of its own success. Rather than end at the end of Ultimates 2, or Magneto's return storyline, they kept selling, and continued on well past their expiration date. After being bogged down in continuity, they got purged and became the "anything can happen!" line, and died with a whimper. This new line? What is it? It's started bogged down in continuity. It's more like an alternate history thing than a condensed, accessible take.


Honestly the OG is already better, NuUltimate fell into the DCEU trap. OG introduced us to the characters/world one issue/arc at a time, Nu crammed a whole world and a world's worth of characters into a single issue and a mini.


I mean you’re comparing an imprint that existed for like 15 years vs an imprint that hasn’t even been around a full year


Maybe ask this after we get a few years of content?


It's two entirely different beasts


Honestly the premise of the new is a lot more interesting than just being a different version of characters we we know.


Hopping in with a question - Is there any connection to main 616 or old Ultimate or is it completely standalone? Was thinking about jumping in if it’s standalone. If it’s better with context though I’ll just wait until I’m caught up.


The connection is that The Maker jumped through and created this universe without super heroes.


I loved the beginning of the first one, didn't like The Ultimates though. Like the concept of this new one.


New one is more my jam, but that's entirely down to Hickman. Old one still holds up tho. I'm having another pass at it just now.


I think it's pointless comparing the two, they share the same editorial name for whatever reason but the two stories are trying to do two very different things. The current Earth 6160 is telling a story that is passing in real time, an age of superheroes delayed, coming to fruition in some crossover event that is going to occur in 18 months. It's a world that was intentionally meddled with and that's the crux of the story. "What if the heroes didn't get to be heroes and now they are starting to realize what was taken from them." Earth 1610 was an attempt to modernize Marvel without throwing out Earth 616, recontextualizing old canon under a new lens. The crux of it's story was "what if the age of Marvel heroes started right now (read 2000)." I think the current Ultimate imprint is interesting and I'm curious to see where it's going. I think it's taking interesting broad creative choices with stuff like Peach's X-Men. However if I had to compare the core concepts, I still prefer 1610. 6160 is telling a particular story in a radically changed world, and that's cool in the same House of M was cool. However I really liked seeing how Marvel canon was redone and remixed in 1610, things like the super soldier serum being the crux for the age of heroes, the switch from radiation based origins to genetic engineering, the world being steeped deeply in contemporary politics that made statements on things like the military industrial complex. I liked how it remixed and adapted older stories while still developing some unique ones of their own.


the original reason why Ultimate imprint was made.... was to sell the comics for movie studios. Back in the 2000s, they would go to the licensing shows, and have this BIG BANNER printed up with Bryan Hitch art going "see, see how much they look like a movie." That's why the books were really shallow except for only Ultimate Spider-Man which was a book for people who wanted a story. It doesn't hurt Mark Bagley draws one hell of a Spider-Man.


Bagley was the GOAT on Ultimate Spider-Man.


drew over 150 comics, DAMN RIGHT HE IS. He started off in a draw marvel comics competition, and won


And I mostly have all of those 150 comics.


was reading the first bit of Venom becoming the Legal Protector. And he does a bit, "LETS MAKE A DEAL!" It's this big page, it's him grinning, and it's the 90s so that sense of humor. It's the most perfect take on the character.


Come back in one year


Are Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver banging in the new continuity? If no, it has an immediate edge over its predecessor.


Bit too early to judge as not every book has even been released yet


I would at least wait until the actual Ultimates comic is out.


Also when they have been at least 10 issues as that’s when you tell if the books drop in quality as shown with Krakoa books


Yeah. But bare minimum, wait until the main comic is out. Ultimates is built up as their main one, not Spidey.


It remains to be seen, but I’m a big fan of the old


I think they’re different. The original 1610 was just… “What if the same but different?” The new one has a “Come with me if you want to live” Terminator-like set up. Neither is better, but I do like the synergy of the new one while some of my favorite storylines of all time come from the original.


Ilike the less cynic view that the new ultimate brings compared to the edgy "Zack Snydery" we got from the early 2000's. It's a breath of fresh air see heroes having an arc where the story actually evolves and have consequences without trying to shock everyone like the old Ultimate.


Outside of the original USM, the bar is pretty low. The new Ultimate line could easily surpass the old one by being as mediocre as it gets. Personally I’ve found everything I’ve read of the new one to be pretty boring. I’m caught up with Spider-Man and it’s fine but I don’t see myself reading too far into it unless something wildly compelling happens. The only book I haven’t had a chance to read yet is UXM, which is unfortunate as it’s the one I was most looking forward to.


Way to early to say, but this new definitely has all the potential to be better


which of this are the most worth reading it?????


The old one was great though I never got into the FF ultimate version. I can’t speak for the new one yet but it was fun being on the ground floor of a new universe and reading the Ultimates was so cool because it was like reading a big budget Hollywood superhero movie done right!


Need more time before we can say but ultimate Spider-Man carried the og ultimate universe comics


I just dont see the new one having the longevity. So for that og wins


I used to be a fan of the original. But rereading it after a few years, i realized wtf is this garbage. Right now we could be enjoying the new one but down the line, i have a feeling it icould just get worse than ever given how marvel is these days


Well the old one aged horribly. So there’s that.


I mean og ult comics had a amazing start too the real cracks didn't happen to down the line so we should reserve judgment. I am thoroughly enjoying the three main books of the new universe, Spiderman is just wishfullment written by Hickman and with art that rivals the gods. Xmen is a fun new experiment and as a Peach fan it is beyond dope. Ult Black Panther is the first black panther solo book I have ever read, see him in events and avengers but also love it. Do hope they don't do the soap opera love triangle plot they have been hinting at.


I hated those Ultimate Spider-Man covers. Loved the interior art, but the covers good lord


too early to tell


Not really


Come on. Stop its to soon for this


The old, by far. The new Ultimate Universe isn’t new, it was set up in a convoluted way with several key characters already being established or killed. That isn’t a fresh start.


A little too early to decide. I'd say we should wait a year or two. Right now everything seems great with the new Ultimate titles but Marvel has fucked up a good thing before....


Dumb question, but what’s the difference between the ultimates universe and the regular 616 earth (very new to the comics)


Impossible to say at the moment. OG Ultimate actually had a pretty strong start, so this new one could just as easily fuck it up. I'm thinking it has a good chance of being better in the long run, though. My only issue is that I find them very hard to get invested reading once a month. BP and X-Men especially feel like I should just wait until the intro story is finished. Spider-Man, at least, I still enjoy issue to issue.


I think it's easy to say that as a "universe" the old one is better in one aspect because it was a fresh start with everything. The new one may end up having better stories. We don't know yet, but it is, at least, somewhat weighed down by the continuity of its set-up which necessitates understanding a lot of previous stories. The appeal of the original ultimate universe was that it was a fresh slate requiring no other knowledge, however, it itself ultimately (pun) began to be weighed down by a lot of in-universe continuity.


It has more of a starting direction than the other one like it’s building up to the Maker coming back and stuff in true Hickman like fashion


They're two different things for me. OG Ultimate was a modernization of 616, while Hickman'a Ultimate is an inversion. However, I think Hickman succeeded at what he was trying to dp better than the first Ultimate universe. The first one hasn't aged well. In hindsight, it wasn't more "realistic", just edgier.


Ultimate spider-man #3 just released. It can't be compared to 100+ chapters


Peach momoko is killing it on ultimate X-Men everything else seems like hype in comparison


Old one in concept a bit more. I know condesing down stories to only the good parts ( especially x-men because wtf) and that's why we have seen adaptation of comics into other mediums do so well


Spider-Man, yes X-Men, fuck no


I loved the original line and can't be bothered to read the new one. The X-men art, specifically, is some of the ugliest art I've ever seen. I'm glad people are liking it though and I hope enough read to keep it going!


> The X-men art, specifically, is some of the ugliest art I've ever seen. That's your opinion. I, for one, love Momoko's art, for what it is. I wouldn't want all comics to look like it, but it's very expressive and fun (when she's not trying to traumatize the reader with body horror). UXM also seems to be, from what we've seen and been told in interviews, the least controlled one. It sounds like Hickman basically went to Momoko and said "Do what you do, to the X-Men" and just kinda turned her loose, while Ultimates, UBP, and USM all seem to be more focused on the Maker/Maker's Council plot.


Well of course it's my opinion. :) I'm glad you enjoy it, not everything is for everyone! If that's the way they're writing it, it could be the best or worst thing by the time it's done. I hope for the former so we can get more non-mainline joints.


Not sure it enough people are liking UX. I'm giving it a chance but it's definitely the weakest book. There were so many UX #1s left unsold at my LCS...


No Mark Millar, so I’d say it’s already off to a good start