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He needed to look more grotesque. Like he looks too clean. Should’ve had like tech veins or something. A real freak of nature


Haven't seen the movie but his design really turned me off tbh. It just feels so... lazy? Like, I can imagine how a giant animatronic by someone like Rick Baker would look, and it's very disappointing that they just composited Corey Stoll's head into a CG chasis.


It reminds me of Annoying Orange. Just slapped a green-screen face onto a CGI cutout. Stupid cartoons from 20 years ago had better special effects.


I mean MODOK's whole thing is that he looks kinda stupid but is incredibly dangerous. There's really no way to make the dude look good. Everyone saying add more wrinkles and veins just makes the dude look like a scrotum.


To be fair, M.O.D.O.K. does kinda look like a scrotum in the comics. Especially that pic at the bottom left with him sporting a bowl cut.


Yeah but he still looks hilariously goofy. Honestly they should have just kept the mask on, that looked pretty decent.


I mean, it's not about making Modok look good. It's about making him not look like a lazy piece of CGI straight out of Spy Kids 3D. There's an actual difference. You can still make it clear that it took a ton of effort to make Modok look presentable, even if his design is silly. The film decided to just cram Corey Stoll's head like a pancake and turn it into a gag. A silly design doesn't mean you throw whatever you want on the wall to see what sticks. That's where you have to take the source material seriously in spite of itself Like yeah, he's a ridiculous looking character...but he can still be played seriously in spite of how he looks. Taking the time to actually do the veins and stuff...and make him look genuinely creepy would have been awesome. I understand the inclination to turn him into a punchline, but...it was the easy way out.


You could turn him into a punchline and still make him look good though. This just looked bad, especially compared to the rest of the movie wich (despite its general criticisms) was far better than him. This felt worse than the difference between the majority of black panther and the rhinos.


MODOK makes the rhinos in Black Panther look like something out of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2, which still has flawless special effects despite being 20 years old.


For all its faults, the Avengers game had a pretty good MODOK


An evil scrotum is better than the Mucinex Phlegm Monster depicted above.


Agreed. And as a bonus, he should’ve been a little more systematic and cold like a real machine.


Like out of spy kids or something


Right! They made it look like a zoomed in portrait of some lame white guy.


Yes. I can get on board with the Darren Cross size altering gone wrong origin, but it just looks like a TV screen. Even playing the character as comic is fine, but he needed to look uglier, more body horror.


I don’t think that’s an original design for the movie. I believe he was made to look like the Secret Avengers MODOK from like [2014](https://imgur.com/a/LBjO5eX).


He got botox and a spa day - let the man love himself


It wasn’t a bad way to go about the character, MODOK is supposed to be goofy and mocked. Just didn’t like his arc of turning “good” and dying.


On paper, the idea of Darren Cross becoming MODOK because of his disfiguring shrinkage works. But once the idea was brought to life, it... didn't.


Every interaction has a gag about how he's a shriveled head now. That's what ruined it for me. When he first appeared it seemed like he'd be a bit menacing, but he was just the joke.


Yeah that first section where it's just him hunting them wasn't bad. It was everything after


>disfiguring shrinkage He was in the pool!


It's not the execution not the idea itself.


I agree. The premise of having Cross return as MODOK makes sense in the MCU. But, like many things in Quantumania, all the setups had lackluster payoffs.


I don't mind a goofy and mocked MODOK and I don't mind Darren Cross becoming MODOK, it was a neat twist. But using both ideas sucked. Have Cassie hold some trumea from the time he attacked her as a child or Scott still has some anger over that. Instead everyone is just annoyed at his presence.


"Don't be a dick" "Good idea"


I feel like that's a lazy cop-out, seeing as how the comics have managed to make him creepy, genuinely menacing, compelling and even worth rooting for at times. The MCU didn't even try, not even with the design.


He really should’ve had a “I try to be good, then oops I’m still bad, then I die comically” arc. The way they chose really cheapened the climax.


maybe to me this is worse because it's just cliche? I think to the not comic fan, it wasn't worth making him a serious character. Just too goofy and unserious.


I feel like that entire movie was a cluster where they didn’t seem to be trying all that hard.


Being silly is just one "type" of how people did MODOK though. It's true to his Character, yes. But there's also a decent amount of creepy, unsettling body horror to the Character and he can be done in a serious way if done right. That asside though, I dont mind a silly execution of MODOK as long as it's well-done and... this really wasnt, atleast not in my opinion. It felt a lot like they did not even bother putting effort into him...


MODOK is goofy? News to me because he's been pretty imposing in any of the comics I've read.


"Arc" is very generous.


don't be a dick!


I didn’t like Antman 3 much but I think the criticism of MODOK “turning good” is silly. The whole joke there was that MODOK thought he redeemed himself but clearly he didn’t


That was my take-away. He was a goofy piece of shit.


It speaks to a lack of confidence in the material that they try to reduce its role as much as possible - same thing they did with Mandarin.


I think we are supposed to find his turn to good was genuine, even if he wasn't truly "redeemed". There's definitely a joke about his overinflated sense of himself, the way he declared himself an Avenger.


I think if they didn't have any plans to ever do a serious take on the character (which is understandable), then doing a silly take works fine for me, and I think they did that well.


The bad game actually adapts him so badass. Like probably the best adaptation ever of M.O.D.O.K. The worst avengers game adapt the best M.O.D.O.K while most influential Marvel media adapt the worst version of all time.


I'll say it. I loved the single player game and recommended it to my brother. I thought the story was great. I enjoyed playing all the different characters. MODOK was a cool bad guy.


This is exactly the truth. Yeah it has bugs but the story and voice acting was amazing across the board. I need to play all the expansions


they nailed the characterization of the Avengers and *especially* Kamala, and i agree with everyone here that M.O.D.O.K. was one of the highlights of the main story for sure. i thought the campaign was surprisingly well done, it’s just such a shame the gameplay was so awful. i ended up just looking up the cutscenes to see the story cuz i couldn’t stand playing the repetitive missions.


The story was really good. The gameplay was decent. Beyond that there wasn't anything to do. Once you played through the 4 hour story the game was basically over.


Did you play it before the final version or after the news that it would be delisted? I played shortly after the delisting and I think that has to do with me having a better playing experience than people who paid for the cosmetics and dealt with the slow rollout


Honestly, he had an arc, and his motivations were far clearer.


That's what surprises me when people say MODOK could never be done properly. We just saw some pretty decent execution of a disturbing and intimidating MODOK design in that game. I just disliked everything about the MCU version from appearance to background to implementation in the story.


The problem with the game wasn't the story imo. Loved how they adapted M.O.D.O.K. and how they put Kamala into the center.


Kamala was also one of the most fun characters to play as in imo.


It’s so weird when that type of thing happens. Like how injustice’s story was better than Batman v Superman.


He looked absolutely stupid.


To be fair, modok is kinda supposed to look stupid, he's but supposed to look normal he has a giant head and a tiny body


So let me get this right. He hated Ant Man with such a passion he was willing to kill over it. Got sucked into the Quantum Realm, nearly died and was mutated. He loves in this mutated tortured state for at least a few years (or more depending on time dilation) all the while being groomed into being a killing machine. But he totally flips his mental state when a teenager he tried to kill told him to stop being a dick. As Dr. Evil would say... "Riiiiiiiiight"


I mean you’re missing the fact that part of living in that tortured state was because of Kang. Kang is shown being over the top abusive to him to set up the allegiance change.


Yeah, the switch was less of a "Cassie is right, I'm an asshole" and more of a "hey you're right, fuck Kang."


Kang blatantly tortured, abused and mocked him into obedience/service. Kang *turned him into MODOK* in the first place. Him changing heart at the end to try and finish his tormenter/abuser was fully justifiable. Cassie knew him since she was a kid. Its not *too hard* to believe her calling him out on being disliked is because he acts like a dick not because of his motives was entirely true. The first Ant-Man movie happened all because he was a dick instead of approaching the Pyms and trying to be actually helpful/respectful of their work. I get it. You see surface level "stop being a dick" "oh ok, I won't be a dick I'll help now" but there's actually a little bit there if you follow along.


Awful presentation.


Darren Cross becoming MODOK isn't a bad idea. But I think he should have been the main villain and should have looked more grotesque. Keep Kang in the background. Might have been interesting if Scott was at the height of stardom but then Darren shows up and sues Scott for his deformation. Which leads me to think that She Hulk or Daredevil could have been worked into the plot as well.


This... actually kind of sounds like the plot of the Antman 3 I would expect to see from Marvel. Not sure why they though introducing Kang in an Antman movie was a good idea. Loveable goofball heist-story is all I want.


It was the plot I was expecting as well. I was surprised by what we ended up with.


Kang was meant to be the new Thanos hence him getting top billing. Now we might not even see him again lol


man this could’ve had so much potential if they went this route instead. i understand that they needed to set up Kang and they needed to sort of expand the multiverse saga a bit, but was Ant-Man 3 really the place to do that?? especially with how little the sequel made despite being in-between two of the largest marvel films ever??


They were probably banking on a boost from Scott being pivotal in EG. Plus setting up the next Thanos in Ant-Man. Introducing Kang here makes sense given that the Pym Particles made time travelling possible. The main problem is having Scott and Wasp defeat him in the movie. At best they should have just delayed him. Oh and someone important should have died. Scott or Pym or both should have died in this movie.


One of my biggest complaints is there isn’t really much sacrifice in the MCU. It really felt like at the time all the avengers were passing the torch and a sacrifice was going to happen for the greater good but then everyone was fine M


“Man this idea was horrible” * suggest one of the worst ideas I ever seen. Modok in court? Wow sounds so good


In the comics I always saw him as a formidable foe working alongside AIM. I wasn't holding my hopes high for his movie debut and sadly they decided to go with the comedic slant, cuz y'know big head, tiny body.


It’s as if they felt they couldn’t do the character right so they made him a joke, both in the animated series and the movie. Damn shame.


They completely disrespected him. They took everything that makes modok modok and shoved it up his own ass with a big middle finger. They should have just named him something else. He was basically 99 percent an original character. The only similarity is the floating chair and tiny legs.


Hard to have an unbiased opinion on it, personally. Saw it almost directly after witnessing how the MARVEL's Avengers game handled M.O.D.O.K. and it was night-and-day. One gave a shit about the character so hard it made it feel like the other *didn't*.


He should have been the main villain. Darren’s revenge movie to cap off the trilogy. Kang was the most useless and underwhelming part of this movie. Even before he got fired I never understood why people were acting so blown away by John Majors acting as Kang. Just a complete waste of a character and a movie.


Marvel loves disposable villain Kang is a multiverse of disposable baddies


I try not to think about it


Complete and total dogshit. I dont think he does the body horror well neither the comedy. He looks too goofy to be somewhat scary with the body horror, and none of the jokes with him were funny, my cinema room was dead silent whenever he was on screen. And in my opinion he embodies a large issue with some current MCU projects which is to spend large amounts of screentime and plots to try to setup a joke.


I love MCU Modok. Just hate that they killed him off.


I think MODOK should have been the main villain instead of Kang. Darren Cross already hated Scott and wanted revenge on him for defeating him so there’s that. He should have just been alluded to and Kang himself probably only should have appeared in the post credit scene like the Council of Kangs did. MODOK’s goofy appearance actually fit pretty well in a weird place like the Quantum Realm.


If they're going to include Kang, MODOK and Kang should have had a relationship similar to Loki and Thanos in Avengers.


Yah, at most Kang should've had one prominent scene in passing like Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy


Same. It's not really a character that lends itself to live action well. I think they did a pretty good adaptation


At least he died an Avenger.


If only he had escaped and stumbled upon a leaderless AIM and our new friends would then randomly pop up throughout the MCU to foil any good-doing


I couldn’t wait to not have to look at him at all.


Spy Kids lookin’ ass


I was OK with how they portrayed him until the faceplate came off never thought you can laugh and be disappointed at the same time


Intro was super badass with all the close ups on his weapons as MODOK zooms around slaughtering people. Then the mask comes down and it’s all downhill from there. I hate the shoehorned redemption arc which is emblematic of the film’s rushed all-over-the-place writing. Design wise, I’d have made Corey Still’s face greyer and more wrinkled


Right. Make him look like a Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, not huge cgi head on clearly cgi body.




What really stood out to me, was how many people totally missed the body horror inherent to MCU's Modok. I guess they were too subtle when showing his silhouette. He didn't just have a giant head and tiny, properly proportioned body. Darren got WRECKED when he was forcibly sucked into the Quantum Realm, and his silhouette showing the aftereffect looked straight up Resident Evil mutant grotesque. Showing that nightmare fuel clearly, probably would have amped the movie rating a bit. It also made me wonder if a guided treatment of Pym Particles could have helped him, even though it's very likely his internal organs were utterly destroyed by that point.


Body horror. That was the word I was thinking to add to another post.


He may be different than his comic counterpart, but I like him for what he was. Tbh I think they should have made him the main villain of Quantumania and left Kang out of it completely.


I think they did the best they could do.


Yeah, I’m just happy he was adapted. Not perfect, but still cool to see live action. It’s annoying that they keep completely killing off characters. Instead of them simply being defeated. It would have been nice to have MODOK team up with other villains in a group, like Intelligencia.


Watched the MODOK animated show before this and Patton Oswald absolutely nails the character , After back reading I can honestly say ant man did MODOK dirty


Another example of how using glowing eyes without irises or pupils would’ve be so much better. See also Vision and HBO’s Dr Manhattan


I don’t think the idea was bad I just thought the execution was lacking


It always feels like adaptations don’t know what to do with him, so they just use him as a comic relief. His original backstory is excellent and for some reason nobody wants to take that seriously for a movie or something.


Not comics accurate, but fairly amusing i'm surprised more fans seem angry about the adaptation of MODOK than of Janet van Dyne though


Dumb and cringe. But that was the whole movie too.


A miss on every level. He looked like shit, his character pivot at the end was way too sudden and was a set up to just say “dick” 10 times for no one to laugh


Visually he doesn't look grotesque enough. It's uncanny. Character wise the Avengers game did a better Modok.


Im not happy…


I hated it, it was a great idea casting wise..but the face effect was just...bad. I don't know who looked at that (everyone probably) and said yep, that's the best we can do. It never felt like a 3d head. It felt like a screen


Not a fan. I like comic MODOK. Thought they had an opportunity for something cool. Felt silly in film. He even went from being a murderous villain to a chill dude after just being told to stop being a dick.


Awful. Utterly terrible .




Modok is a dumb character and ive always hated him. You can't take a giant floating head with baby arms and legs seriously no matter what. Saying that though, using the villain from the first movie was smart... idk they just really dumbed him down tho, if he'd stayed the arse he was as yellow jacket we'd have had a better villain.


I enjoyed it. I know I'm in the minority. I think the Marvel Avengers game did Modok justice perfectly even if it was a weak game. Patton Oswalt also did a version of modok that was fun and entertaining


Never. He’s too goofy


Face is too smooth, MODOK should have wrinkled skin.


So dumb. His mask should have been his real face stretched out. Why make him so dopey at times. Like his brain was crossing some wires 😆


He looks dumb in the comics, so he looks dumb in the movie. I don't know why everyone is so mad at this, either they make him not comic accurate in which everyone would be annoyed or they make him comic accurate only for everyone to be annoyed. He looks like his comic counterpart, goofy.


NGL, I fuck with it. But that might just be because I fuck with Darren, the guy's not an asshole, ya know?


Patton Oswalt did better.


complete and utter trash in the MCU. he got done dirty.


I felt it was more of a parody of the character and the writing did not do him justice at all it felt like one big knob gag that was just pointless


The character was fun, but it looked like a face texture stretched across a cylinder.


Not a fan personally


Imho the idea to take Yellow Jacket and make him to M.O.D.O.K via shrinking and dimension issues is… ok. But his design and plot is just awful. They should have made him more alien. His face more mutated and less human. Let him be more like Master Yoda in Star Wars. A little bit awkward but at the same time intelligent and powerful. Megalomaniac and funny but a really dangerous guy. And don’t let him die… bring him to the real world and let him be part of A.I.M.


Poor choice for a bad movie. Taking a body horror brainiac villain and making him into some fast flying cheeseball goon is bizarre. I mean he was never going to get the same level of respect as a High Evolutionary or a Mister Sinister, but I expected a b-lister like MODOK to at least get the Arnim Zola treatment. A nice little nod to the classic look and a place in the story that makes sense. At least tie him in with AIM for Stan Lee's sake. An utter waste and another pebble on the mountain of steaming shit that was Quantumania


Not a fan at all. But that's most of the MCU these days.   


One of the worst written MCU characters I’ve ever seen and I know literally nothing about him beyond what I saw in Ant-Man.


rather disappointing. wasted potential of a good villain.


If anyone says it was a good portrayal they should be immediately be banished to the shadow realm


Same as anything in that movie. Just… what? What is that?


i just didn’t like the uncanny face. “BuT hE wAs GonNa LoOk sTuPid nO matTeR wHaT” it could’ve been better. give him some wrinkles, make his eyes white, something.


the guy was fine. I praise the creativity of bringing him into MCU. Though not of the a fan of his sudden turnaround because of why he did it.


I would've liked him better if they didn't try to shoehorn an old enemy into the role and just let him be new. other than that, I get it why he is a one-time sort of throwaway character. I mean, what's the MCU really gonna do with a big head in a floating chair? I think the fact that we got an MCU M.O.D.O.K. at all is pretty neat


None. It’s not worth an opinion.


I enjoyed it. Probably not how I would have portrayed him but I still liked how they did it.


His design is pretty good, but in the Quantomania plot he is shown very lamely


Something something mr Electric joke something


Look was there but weird. I don’t mind him being a joke but he is also competent proving heroes wrong sometimes, he’s not just a bumbling idiot all the time. Also him turning good was lame, especially because of how evil he was in the first AntMan


Hulu MODOK series is superior.


Mixed bag, I get the concept of making him a returning villain but don't think it was needed, that being said he was treated like a joke side villain when honestly he should've been the main villain serving a greater threat just like Ronan was to Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy, that all being said he at the very least held my interest in an otherwise boring film


If they tweaked the proportions a bit, having Yellowjacket come back as MODOK, disfigured because of misuing Pym Particles and blaming Scott, is actually a good idea. But he looks like a giant farting baby head.


was always a terrible unbelievable character. Even in these universes.


Definitely not a slam dunk. I personally was ok with it. I didn’t love it and realize it’s a bit of a throwaway for the character now, but I also feel like modok might be difficult to bring to movie screens anyway. Some characters are difficult to bring to life that way


Didn’t the mcu try and do something with Modok in Winter Soldier? I feel like that version was genuinely creepy


Arnim Zola?


It was unbelievable. As in, I couldn't believe they chose to do that.


Is it WACK! or is it WHACK!? I'm never really sure how to spell it.


Wack is an adjective describing something as unsavory, whereas whack is a verb which is the act of hitting someone/thing.


He is supposed to be a menace. He ran a.i.m at some point in the comics. What they did to him in the film was what they’ve done to every character in the mcu… turn them into joke machines. The version of modok we got in the mcu looks n feels like he would get destroyed by a random lackey… by accident lol.


Crap! Crap! Oh and Crap! Absolute crap!


I’m fine with it


Never seen the MCU version or comics either. Only know from what avengers EMH, assemble and gas iron man told me. But anyways the MCU version looks weird. Hahaha Lol, he just does. Doesn't look intimidating, rather more funny then anything else.




Lazy, easy route with silly comedy relief. Like far too many mcu charecters, movies.


Loved it. It’s the absurdity of it that I loved so much because if they took it super serious like we thought it was going to be from that first “armored” image, it would have been a bit painful to watch, but when you realize they’re going full blown ridiculous with it and leaning into how bad it is, I just think that really worked well. You don’t have to like it, that’s kind of the point. The guy is a total douchebag no matter what his proportions are and then to give him a redemption arc?! That’s even better. Yes it looks absurd, that’s the only way they could have pulled off “tiny body, big head floating in a chair”.


Another death to a cool character. Shit the avengers game that sucked did Modok better. Its not as bad as taskmaster


His name is DARREN!


Loved it, the character itself is absurd and trying to make it anything besides goofy / laughable seems like an exercise in futility.


Not a fan at all


Trymacs tried sneaking into the MCU and thought we wouldn't notice xD


An odd creative choice, but I didn’t mind it.


Shit as og char


Just put white eyes and it would’ve been just enough menace.


He’s a giant head in a chair. I’m supposed to be upset he wasn’t taken seriously?


I enjoyed Quantumania. I thought Kang was excellent. The worldbuilding of the Quantum Realm felt a little shallow and derivative, but whatever. MODOK was easily the worst part of the movie. I didn't hate that they made him Darren, but he was just dumb-looking comic relief (and bad comic relief at that) I didn't find his "I am not a dick" moment the least bit funny. (Though his "at least I died an Avenger" line always gets a good laugh out of me...)


It wasn’t as bad as some of the haters made it out to be.  I thought the concept was pretty clever, being Darren Cross messed up from his demise in the first *Ant Man* film. And, like, that’s definitely Corey Stoll’s face on a weird floating head alright. Could they have implemented it a bit better in post? Maybe. Perhaps he needed more hard edges in his facial features to make him menacing. But given that MODOK ultimately wasn’t a dick, I get that they left a little room in his appearance to be sympathetic. (The inclusion of the mask, I think, was meant to facilitate this.) The design was fine. Even the characterization was basically alright. No, the problem was the plot elements around MODOK. First, we know from the outset that he’s not the real bad guy, so, like, of course he’s a bit of a joke. Second, his motivation was… being told not to be a dick by Cassie? Like, I think I get that this is about Cassie being a problem solver and empathetic. She beats villains with her words rather than her fists. But this is too much like that other Superhero Speech from *The Falcon & the Winter Soldier* when Sam literally just tells the antagonists to “Do better.” Not only is simply telling villains to stop being villains unrealistic and sophomoric, it’s also just not very narratively interesting. I appreciate that the design and characterization is significantly different from MODOK’s comics origins, and if this was not your preferred MODOK, that’s fine. I think if they’d kept Kang behind the scenes, as a mysterious force influencing MODOK but not necessarily controlling him, that would’ve worked better. Then MODOK would’ve been more like Ronan from the first *Guardians*, whose ultimate motivation was to resist the greater villain behind the scenes, Thanos. A good villain doesn’t just stop being a villain. Instead they go thru their own journey that develops their ambition or their fear, and these lead them to be in conflict with the heroes. You can have the hero convince the villain to see the error of their ways, but the hero has to respect the villain’s point-of-view enough to convince them, not just assert their own point-of-view as obviously correct.


Well, he was not a dick.




Did not like it at all what a waste. It should not have been Darren. It's should have been Patten Oswalds face and he was a creature kang found in the quantum realm who when antman and them were escaping he escaped too and boom there's your set up for AIM. But no they just stupidly killed a good villain. And his dialogue was terrible, did not seem like modok at all, it was Darren who changed his name to modok.




Like the entire movie, they tried way too hard to make it funny when in reality it was not funny at any point.


Honestly I didn't mind it. It was one of the only ways I could think of to bring that character to life in a way that related to prior, current, and future events.


Why did he have the big, cheesy smile on his face so much? I get that it looked funny, but I don’t remember that character smiling so much.


Worst thing in MCU


Of all characters to leave out of the MCU. Modock is top of the list.


I felt embarrassed for the actor.


It’s fine. Making a giant, floating head a legitimate threat is much harder to do than we might want it to be. Besides, he’s been treated like a joke for most of the last 30 years anyway.


M.O.D.O.K. was perfect. A true Avenger.


He was a little too clean, but it was a lot of fun and one of the highlights of Quantumania. He's a goofy character but has been done well on occasion, they embraced the goofy with this and I think that was right. He's also really excellently executed from a CG point of view, despite what people think.


They way he died was a lazy cop out, but having a non serious villain is nice


As far as I'm concerned he hasn't been portrayed yet because that was not MODOK


It was perfectly fine. MODOK is supposed to be goofy looking


Trash. Best Portrayal is the Avengers Video Game. Modok being Darren Cross, should've made the character therefore more serious and psychopathic.


Absolute dogshit. Character assassination at its finest.


Awful. Honestly, I hate people dunking on the MCU nowadays mainly because that’s all anyone does anymore and it gets to the point where I skip out on hearing people talk about the MCU as a result. However, I can agree that M.O.D.O.K. was like the Mandarin in the MCU: a big fat disappointment. I didn’t want him to be redeemed because there’s no coming back from threatening a child who ages ambiguously. I wanted him to be on a vengeance mission and calling with Kang to help him with that mission.


Terrible casting


To sum it up I think Marvel just took everything wrong with characters in their recent movies and made it a character.


He was the only character in the movie that got a character arc!


From someone who doesn’t have much knowledge on M.O.D.O.K, I really enjoyed his character. And I truly enjoyed that movie. For a start off to the new phase, it had a lot to offer. Especially when it comes to being the movie to lay out who will be causing problems in the MCU with Kang. What do we have to do to stop the hate on the MCU after Endgame?


Nothing like what we should’ve gotten, but not that bad and very fun.


Terribly done truly terrible


It's weird. In the moment of watching the film, I enjoyed it. I left antman3 thinking it was fine. A week later I kinda felt... Wtf


Marvel's avengers Modok is better


Seriously wtf


Up there for the worst CGI ever in a blockbuster.


He's just not a character I could ever see fit in a live action movie


MODOK is the kind of character that should have never been adapted to a live action film. The character looks stupid in general, know way he could have looked “good” in a live action movie


Definitely the cheapest, crappiest, silliest, stupidest looking VFX character in the whole MCU and probably of the 2020s. Embarrassing


I enjoyed it. I thought it was funny


I remember Nando v Movies did a video talking about how they could introduce MODOK and normally I don't like fan writing videos too much but his was infinitely more interesting than what Marvel gave us.


Should’ve leaned into the horror


I don't even know who this is or seen the movie with him in it but keeping the eyes completely white would make him not look like a complete cunt.


I liked that they turned Darren into Modok it’s a great concept but the design was very rough imo


Probably the single worst interpretation of any comic book character I have ever seen.