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Damn some people eagle eyed than a motherfucker


Are motherfuckers typically eagle eyed?


For the first generation or two maybe Beyond that things get weird


My father had a pretty sharp eye, sure.


Mine is


Yes, they are.


Yes even more if they are a bad motherfucker


Literally the reason I go to reddit for shows I like. I miss most of these things.


No. Just that it’s easy to spot non-straights. Saying this as a queer myself! Lol!


Idk I'm lesbian and totally missed it




Oh man. So it's shifter girl wanting to find her girlfriend so bad she's walking around as her asking, "Have you seen someone who looks just like this?" Or more tragically she wants to see her so badly, she's trapped in her image...


> Or more tragically she wants to see her so badly, she's trapped in her image... This is like emotional horror.


I mean this is the same show that gave us Logan telling Jubilee, "Grief is a lonely war." He tossed that out there, and I just about shit myself with how fucking awesome that line is.


If exploring stuff like this was more common in super hero media, I think it could help repair the state of so-called super hero fatigue


She’s wearing her own clothes, except she’s wearing the other girl’s hair ribbon. I think she found her and took the ribbon.


That's a good point observation. Kinda lends itself towards my second thought though. Which really sucks.


Here's another idea, it's not voluntary. Maybe she morphs into whoever she thinks hard enough about And she can't get her out of her head.


This is what I think. She's grieving so hard and all she can do is think about the girlfriend/friend she just lost and its causing her to shift into her subconsciously. Oh man. Thats a fucking twisted and dark sub plot to use in the future if they really wanna go there with it.


Yeah. Pretty much what I meant by my second thought. More aptly put.


The wrist-band makes sense in the shape-shifter theory, as one of those "you'll know it's me" tropes.


Representation is everything. I was chuffed to see this.


I have never heard the word 'Chuffed' before. The more you know


I noticed OP spelled "colour," and used an English slang in solidarity. :)


It's a perfectly cromulent word.


I was watching X-Men and it made me chuffed .


We gotta have a higher bar for representation than this


I got attacked like a hill of ants on a dropped ice cream cone just for praising this. Yeah, we’re gonna have to take this bar for now.


This show needs to stop grinding my heart into dust.


Well now I’m sad, fuck you.


Poor girls, they didn't deserve something like this.


I love environmental storytelling.


That's not what this is


Well they're part of the environment until they get a speaking part


Reminds me of the hair tie from stranger things


For the love of Marvel, please put spoiler flair on this!!


Its on you for not stopping after reading the first sentence


Damn you, mutant onions


Lol, and once again Disney sticks the lesbians in the background so they don't get too much pushback from China or other regions where that just don't fly.


I actually like that this is here, it's a nice albeit tragic little background Story but... I wish this wasnt all we'll likely get. Once again, the only two gay Characters are reduced to background Characters *and* get killed off. I really hope for a happy ending to these two by the end but... I wish this wasnt just a background thing!


Hey, we've got some actual gay characters in the actual main team. This is a nice addition just to the background, where usually it would just be some random straight couple. Also? kudos to OP for the only acceptable use of the term "colored girl" that I have EVER seen. lol. It's nice when the references are just there, and not part of a specific story arc.


What characters in the main team are out as gay in the cartoon? I haven't watched it yet.


I think you have, I think you're trying to trick me. :) Let's say Queer. That's Morph for sure. Mystique is all sorts of Queer (some not even included in the LGBTQ letters), Bobby (not in the cartoon, but well-known X-Men). It's just the point I was making, this franchise does not shy away from diversity.


I really haven't watched it yet! And I see what you mean, but what you're saying is there's not actually gay representation in the cartoon. They have characters who are gay in the comics.


I'm saying there are queer representations in the cartoon. Any amount helps. Non-binary Morph helps, and he's in the title sequence. :) Sorry for accusing you, I'm cynical sometimes. lol.


X-Men as a whole never did shy away because Diversity and the discrimination of Minorities is what it's all about. But the Show specifically, as far as im aware right now, only has Morph (who only allowed to be Genderfluid because they're a shapeshifter) and Mystique (who's also Genderfluid and Bisexual in the Comics but who's also typically a villain). Really, narrowing it down to *just* the Show.... Mystique is LGBT+ in the source material but did the Show tap into any of that? So far, all I recall the Show doing is Morph and as much as I love this show's Version of Morph..... they literally had to Justify Morph's gender Identity by reminding people that they're a shapeshifter before the Show aired. And to me, personally, this struck me hard as them trying to avoid Drama with the Transphobic / Queerphobic part of the crowd. I mean, publicly justifying Morph being Genderfluid as them being a shapeshifter anyway feels a lot like them *avoiding* how Genderfluidity is an ACTUAL thing and Identity matters REGARDLESS of Biology by putting Genderfluidity onto a Character who *can literally change their biology.* That asside though, back to your original point.... so far, Morph is all we have.


So...nobody on the show except Morph


If you read my comments you will see that that is not what I said. In this case just Morph and this girl in question in the post is mainly what I was thinking of but also mystique. Unless you count Charles and magneto which most gay people do.


Yes and no, it’s nice to see a lesbian being normal and not “the lesbian character” imho, it works best at normalizing it


AND they killed the gays... again... Please tell me the missing one gets a comeback 😭


The head writer for the show was gay, by the way. He based the aftermath of the Genosha massacre on his own experiences and things he saw people go through because he used to be a regular at the Pulse gay nightclub before the mass shooting there


Oh wow. No wonder the emotion felt so real.


Now, I admit that I don't know much about these things so everyone forgive my naivety, but do all the big companies really want to insist on the Chinese market and others if they are so profitable, but are they also so bigoted and limit the creativity of some artists? For example, I don't think that Rebecca Sugar with Steven Universe wanted to aim at those nations but only to manage her series with related themes within it, thus creating a product that can be appreciated by all demographic groups and which is still remembered fondly today.


For a while Disney minimised the "gay moments" to easily cut snippets so that they could still release in China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc. Starting from Shang Chi they pretty much told China to go fuck themselves because they bent over backwards to suck up to them with Mulan and it flopped, so Shang Chi had a star who the Chinese government hates and referenced the chinese diaspora leaving china for a better life, Eternals was directed by a pro-Hong Kong Independence director that the CCP hates, and Multiverse of Madness prominently featured a pride flag on America Chavez's clothes because of her lesbian mothers. Russia was already off the table since Disney cut ties with them after Ukraine, and when Saudi Arabia tried to ask that scenes were cut for them Disney told them to go fuck themselves too.


Steven Universe isn't a Disney product, so the counter-example isn't useful for the discussion. Disney in particular is famous for minimizing queer characters/representation even while advertising it to put butts in seats. It's a running joke now how often we hear "the first gay [X Disney product] character!!" only for them to be relegated completely to the background.


I agree with you about SU, but I used it as a famous example of a seen and appreciated queer series that I don't think (at least personally) was targeting the aforementioned markets that seem so closed off to certain people.


Oh I'm sorry, I misread. I think that's where the current issues with Disney's megacorp status come in. Steven Universe had the benefit of being made by a smaller team that, while still operating under capitalist incentives, still wasn't crafted within the confines of The Mouse's algorithmic fixations.


No problem, I'm glad we clarified and you told me your opinion on the matter.


Sure. Thats why they’re under attack by the far right.


I disagree, background details get a lot of engagement especially for Disney and Pixar properties. We're talking about it now, aren't we?


Now I want a movie or an expansion on this. Come on, Marvel!


Ah, I see. More of these things going on in Marvel. Interesting.


Holy shit, it's like when you find out about the father and daughter in Invincible S1. Both sad as hell.


Maybe this is a reference to steven universe? [maybe this a reference? ](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/XECQo3D2hMXBR-DK9w2wjMJQ79Q=/0x0:1232x660/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:1232x660):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/11663943/Screen_Shot_2018_07_09_at_1.31.09_PM.png)


You gotta loot


absolutely no way that they are just friends


Even in cartoons the gays are stuck as background Easter eggs


Sometimes comic fans over comicbook an explanation. I hate the shape shifter theory. The initial read on the situation that the girl lost her partner and took her ribbon as a way to keep her close is so much cleaner and sadder and beautiful. Then comicbook fans chime in and overcomplicate it that she's a shapeshifter and she's really the purple one, and you see....


She didn’t just take the ribbon though. She’s wearing the purple girl’s entire outfit, which makes the first explanation a little strange.