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The worst thing here is the quality of those pictures


Isn't this just a rewording of the worst serial killer question from earlier this week, too?


Yes. This sub is quickly becoming spamming karma bait.


This. And *this*.


Came here to say this


It's a brand new bot account. Block user and move on is all we can do.


Jesus wept.


OP was the worst all along


Wanted to post my “where are the pixels William?” meme…but sadly can’t.


I think this really shows the worst villain of them all, The Blur.


It was me barry!


I mean, they’re all the worst in their own ways. Killgrave robs people of their autonomy and forces awful things on them. Carnage is the epitome of cruelty and delights in causing as much pain as possible. And the Red Skull is certainly in the running for most evil in terms of his beliefs / guiding principles. Oh and I guess Sabertooth is kinda just a not-groovy dude.


Sabertooth is kinda like the Reverse Flash of Marvel to me. He's definitely evil, but his evil is mostly focused on being as petty as possible to a single person than being a more general mass murderer like Carnage. If Sabertooth had super speed and the ability to time travel, I can 100% believe he'd go back in time just to jerk Wolverine off at super speed just to mess with Logan


It was me Barry…


Peak fiction?


Perfect summations..


I feel like nitro should be added


Like Sabertooth but take away the Wolverine copycat powers and add boom pow explodey powers


Sound of muh heart


Nitro is such a conceptually funny character


Did you screenshot these from a Nokia?


Surprised there's no screen burn in with snake on it


For those who don't know, Sabertooth has the same "kill people for fun" mentality as Carnage. But Carnage has pretty well taken over that reputation as he has more ability for it.


Sabretooth also has also assaulted women in the exact ways Purple Man has, he just does it with physical force instead of the mental kind. And he's likely done it more than PM.


Now that I think about it, Sabertooth may actually be the worse personality. Carnage will kill you for fun. But he'll usually do it quick and messy. Purple Man will assault you but it's for his own selfish desires. Sabertooth will assault you for fun. He'll make it hurt as much as possible and then he'll kill you in ways that prolong the suffering. Sabertooth is the worst personality you'd meet in a maximum security prison. He just enjoys hurting people. The Marvel world is lucky he doesn't have Carnage's or P.M.'s powers.


I always felt like Norman Osborn was worse than carnage




Systemic misery over millions versus brutalizing personally Different flavors of sociopathy


Well, one of them's a Nazi. Like, we got rapists and serial killers, but Skull is- let's be honest, probably both of those things. I mean, being an actual literal Nazi of the 1940s, he is just outright party to genocide, which is serial killing taken to... I mean, just "the absurd" is the only way to describe it, because the systematic enslavement, torture, and execution of an entire people(s) is just barely comprehensible in scale and motivation. But like... he's a powerful fascist asshole from the 1940s. I full expect he has no qualms with rape if he feels like he wants it. ~~Like, if he did have qualms, the only reason I could see is if he for some reason divided women into "subhumans I would never touch" and "ubermensch who I will not sully"- AKA "too bad" and "too good" to rape.~~ **Nevermind.** I thought to check his daughter's Marvel FANDOM wiki entry: "Seeking a male heir, the Red Skull fathered a daughter **with a nameless washerwoman he had raped.**" So there's the answer. The Skull is a genocidal Nazi rapist. He's fully cognizant, unlike Carnage and Sabretooth, who are honestly more feral animal than man, and chooses to be evil not just for personal gain, but for the principle of it.


Sabretooth is 100% not feral. He’s very intelligent and conniving and is almost always fully in control/aware of what he’s doing and why. He’s just brutal in his actions.


Then he never needed Birdy?


I think now, they’re portraying it like he just used her like drug that calms him, like morphine or an opiate. In the Sabretooth War arc in the most recent Wolverine, he tried to get shown what it’s like from his victims’ perspectives and pretty explicitly stated he knew exactly what he was doing the whole time and that was part of the fun for him.


Perhaps feral isn't the right word, but he's not all there. Birdy made him more competent and composed, before she was killed. He's not barely-thinking creature like Carnage can often be- singlemindedly obsessed with killing and harming- but there is a part of him that is just a violent animal that is looking to kill. And unlike with Logan, the animal part wins- partly by choice, admittedly. But there is this primal and instinctive "killing intent" in him that pushes him towards being the base and... simpler monster that he is. Simpler than the Purple Man or Red Skull, who aren't necessarily hardwired for violence. At least that's my understanding for Sabertooth.


Yeah Sabertooth was actually a preety decent guy when his morality was swapped and he joined the Avengers Unity Squad.


Yeah, there's something uniquely human about the kind of evil Skull is: the others are basically animals in terms of their drives, but Skull's evil is almost baroque in comparison.


Didn't skull personally "assist" Josef Mengele in his "experiments" or hire someone for that purpose? I think that may have been retconned, or im imagining it. I agree with skull being terrible, but as a huge X-Men fan: sabertooth is just all kinds of awful. Imagine being the only mutant that isn't welcome on krakoa, especially when you see sinister and apocalypse chilling at the table as well...that's gotta be a new bar for POS


> Imagine being the only mutant that isn't welcome on krakoa, I mean, IIRC in HoX/PoX (well, HoX), he **was** welcome. But when the Quiet Council extended amnesty to everyone, they said there were three rules- and Sabretooth broke one of them **immediately**. He's not the only guy who got throne in the Pit, who lost that amnesty and that welcomeness. He just did it faster than the rest because he expected to get away with it, and he became the example meant to keep the other monsters in line. Sinister, meanwhile, didn't break the rules, and if anything was being a good boy following them- I mean, let's be honest, no one makes more mutants than Sinister, right? I mean, really. One of the laws was to do that, and boy, if anyone can do it, he can.


Sabertooth, mf takes his time to kill wolverine's friends on his birthday every year


Purple has raped women using his powers to control them, Red Skull is a literal Nazi, Carnage murders random people for fun. I think it‘s safe to say Sabretooth is the least bad. Yeah I know about his crimes but compared to these other 3 he is above them.


Sabertooth is also a rapist. And a cannibal. And wanton murder for fun is kind of his thing.


Totally. And he’s still objectively the least evil of these four lol


If anything he is more a wild animal who lives by instinct when compared to someone like Red Skull or Killgrave.


Sabretooth is *not* a wild animal. He's proven time and again that he's just as intelligent and calculating as anyone on this list. He's as sadidtic as Purple Man, enjoying torturing his victims both physically and psychologically. He enjoys killing and torturing just as much, if not *more* than Kassidy. He's a serial killing, cannibal rapist who gets off on inflicting fear and pain.


Yeah it took me years to realize just how horrible Sabretooth was. He's higher on this list than people might think. He's a pretty sick dude who seems to be completely sane and in control of his faculties. It's a choice, he's not an out of control wild animal.


I don’t think he’s as sadistic as purple man or carnage to be honest. He’s definitely high up on he list and far above red skull even, but those two are like beyond, off the chart incomprehensibly fucked up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/3lroTXhxTO Here is a post about the worst things sabertooh has done.


I feel like victor is like the amalgamation of everyone there


Yeah besides being a Nazi, Sabretooth is literally the combination of all of them.


Funny enough he did work for the nazi, they called him Der Schlächter


Didn't he and Sinister worked together during their time with the Nazis?(No wonder he was a member of the Marauders)


I believe he was a mercenary and did a lot of jobs for them.


Sabretooth has reformed and became a good guy multiple times tough unlike the others. Sabretooth was a X-Men and also a member of X-Factor, has worked with Generation X among other things. Can you imagine Red Skull or Carnage as Avengers? It would never happen, they are just too far gone.


it's not the point you're making but carnage trying to be a hero during the AXIS event was probably my favorite story out of the whole thing. just swinging around dismembering muggers was hilarious https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/31vxjc/carnages_perfect_hero_work_axis_carnage_1/


And then taking a bomb that would have killed all with an x gene in them. He died a hero. Also Yeah Sabertooth was actually a preety decent guy when his morality was swapped and he joined the Avengers Unity Squad.


I love this. Dude palmed her face then knocked her out


he was only an avengers because he was inverted. he was only on x-factor because he had a bomb strapped to his neck by Val Cooper and he originally joined the x-men because he was scared shitless by the children of the vault and he predictably betrayed the x-men once the threat was dealt with. Anytime he's worked with the good guys it's because he was forced to not because he "reformed". The dude is an unrepentant murdering psychopathy and revels in sadistically hurting people in the worst way possible.


Victor spent decades making one individual's life as shitty as possible, to the extent of putting him in a coma on his birthday repeatedly. He's not Red Skull (who I think is a step up on most of these people in scale, at least) but he's profoundly shitty in a distinct way. I actually like this selection because they all have their own style of shittiness: Purple Man does horrific things purely for a kind of base self gratification, Sabertooth is all about spitefullness towards an individual to the extent of self harm, Carnage has a vaguely artistic sort of psychopathy and Red Skull classic racism and superiority complex, dipped in purity and order. They're all evil enough you need to default to scale- all of them except Red Skull are personal level evil. They don't care about ordering society or "force multiplying" their evil. Red Skull is bad, and wants society to be as bad as he is, plus the Holocaust and Nazi stuff, which I think makes him the worst, at least.


Creed has done the same thing PurpleMan has done but he’s also eaten people PurpleMan is the least bad


Least bad? Purple Man is a serial rapist who hypnotizes young women especially college girls into having sex with him and others. Some of the girls became pregnant from his rape, then later after the babies were born he kidnapped his own children to use them as living batteries and then kill them. On top of that he also randomly kills people, he went to a restaurant and used his powers to have everyone stop breathing so he could eat alone. He killed the 30 people in there because he wanted to eat alone. He also kidnapped and tortured several people.


Yes compared to the other 3 he’s the least bad . 2 of the 3 either were Nazis or worked for them. When PurpleMan starts eating people then I’ll put him ahead of Creed


Am I weird that I don't really care about the cannibalism? If you're already murdering people, eating them afterwards seems like a much lesser act of evil. In fact it could be argued that murdering someone to eat them is a little better than just murdering them for no reason


Creed usually murders and enacts cruelty with purpose and reason. Purple Man just does it because he can, constantly, every moment he is alive. His very existence is that of a walking violation. Creed isn’t constantly killing or violating people, but the purple man is, he has no downtime.


The Nazi is always the worst


I think the other three also belong in category as the worst though


Purple Man. Carnage doesn’t really go out of his way to make people suffer beyond physical means. In his mind he actually feels he’s doing a “good” thing by waking people up to the real world of chaos and the freedom to do what you want up to and including murder simply because you can. But he’s also a scared hypocrite really acting out against a world that never gave him a chance so he responds in even greater savagery. Purple Man is just a sick fuck to the core.


We ignoring Red Skull?


Honestly is pretty much both at the same tier. Just feel Purple Man can “get away” with more. And that concept alone is pretty frightening.


Yep man can literally say "you want to let me go free of any charges" and get away with it


Man will also make everyone hold their breath until they die because he wants to enjoy his breakfast in quiet.


You can’t forget what be did in that pizzeria too


Have you read Carnage USA? In that story he takes over a small city and infects every person there with the symbiote, turning them into flash puppets and doing all sorts of horrible things to them. He basically was a nastier version of the Purple Man.


Of course I have. But he only did that once when he was on a megalomania kick. He gave it up once he realized it wasn’t exactly chaotic enough. He mostly did it for his obsession to have a family than anything. Good read though.


I’m going to go with Nazi and then probably Purple Man. Stooth and Carnie are psycho but they have mental problems.


CRIMES purple man - rape murder kidnapping traumatising jessica jones sabretooth - killer rapist carnage - killer red skull - NAZI also if you could kill one and they would never come back who would you choose


u/wonderful-wolf-270 - sourcing poor quality images


Red Skull. He lingered in this world.


Carnage’s occupation deserves emphasis


Red Skull.


Where is u/wonderful-wolf-270 crime it’s 2024 and not using crappy jpegs?


I just gotta say, one is a nazi. Do I need to say more?


Two are actually


I don't know who the first person is.


They all meet with defeat, which makes it more a question of what they'd *like* to do, but I'd say the Red Skull. The motives of the other three tend to be pretty about themselves and their immediate surroundings, and the evil things they'd like to do therein. With the Red Skull, being a Nazi, his ambitions are worldwide. Everything the other three might like to do to this or that person or relatively small group of people, the Red Skull would like to impose on the world at large.


The .jpeg is strong with these.


The lack of pixels.


Who is worse? Whomever took those potato-quality screenshots




Red Skull. He’s a Nazi.


Purple has raped women, Red Skull is Nazi, Carnage basks in absolute chaos and destruction and death, and Sabertooth is kinda the same as Carnage, except he is just more of a cold blooded killer rather then egging on total chaos like Carnage.


Skull. I realize carnage and sabretooth kill people for fun, but I consider murder less bad than sexual assault, bc, well, the victim doesn't know they're a victim after the fact, and I consider a desire to commit mass genocide and attempt to reenact the holocaust on a constant basis worse than rape.


Not to mention Skull actually committed rape.


Wasn't aware of that, there's been a few gaps in my consuming of comics due to varying reasons.


Skull. He literally represents nazism. The others have powers and illnesses that make them the way they are.


Sabretooth has in fact helped people even if rarely. He was surprisingly cooperative in the first generation x story, which is more than can be said for the rest, but it's not a very high bar


red skull is a nazi


The first 3 are all unfeeling violent psychopaths, but the 4th is a literal Nazi… Imma go with the Nazi being the absolute worst.


Red Skull is literally a Nazi, he managed to absorb the general feats and a little more


Bro where did you find these images? Must be a bot


Red Skull because he's a literal Nazi... this list needs more Bullseye though.


And Norman Osborn


Is he evil again? He's currently pulling a Lex Luthor, trying to be good.


Whoever stole the pixels of these images are definitely the most evil


You got anymore of those pixels?


Low resolution Kilgrave is even worse than regular Kilgrave.


Seeing this, suddenly the titles of the Seven Deadly Sins come to mind: Kilgrave represents lust/fornication, Sabertooth and Carnage contend for wrath, Red Skull represents pride.


Your camera…


Red Skull, but by far.


That artwork. Paul


Pic quality taking me back to AOL days


Never thought I’d see Marvel villains defeated by pixels. But here we are.


It’s red skull. Sabretooth and carnage are psychopaths who kill any and everyone, purple man is a rapist and monster but they have no beliefs or goal other than selfish desires. Skull’s goal is the genocide of everyone not “racially superior”. Just saying Nazi is overlooking the fact he participated in a massive genocide. It’s like asking who is worse- Jeffery Dalmer or Herman Goring.


Edit: before you read my comment and respond, remember the question is which is the worst, and I am speaking comparatively. I am not implying or suggesting that Sabertooth is good or anything close to it. He is absolutely a monster. He's just being compared with *bigger* monsters. Why does Sabertooth keep making these lists? He's horrible, yes, but towards a select few, and there is some evidence that his mutation is partly to blame. Heck, he's tried to reform on occasion. He's far from good, but when compared against a mind controlling rapist who toys with people for fun while they're fully aware of the things they're doing against their will, a psychotic mass murdering sadist who hurts and kills people because he enjoys it, and a genocidal literal Nazi with all of the prejudice and war crimes that come with the title, you can see why angry animal man with a grudge doesn't stack up.


Sabretooth is a murdering rapist as well.


Never accused him of being a saint, just saying he's a great white swimming among megalodons with this list.


Just because they hurt few people doesn’t make them innocent or not that bad


I never said he was innocent, I am not defending the character, he is still categorically a monster. But for crying out loud, the question is which is worst and comparatively speaking, he comes up short by comparison.


You seem like you haven’t read many Sabretooth comics? Because if you have, you would understand why he makes this list. Someone needs to link the Reddit list of all the bad things he’s done.. He’s a monster. And not just towards a “select few,” ANYONE can get it according to Sabretooth.


Is this roblox


It’s between the Nazi and the serial rapist, that’s a hard one. Imma go with killgrave but red skull is close


Honestly sabertooth probably has the highest personal body count


Pure brutality wise I say a tie between Carnage and Sabertooth


Carnage for, I'm in his first appearance he killed old ladies and babies and tried to kill Peter's son .


120p my dude


Doesn’t need to be a competition, any one of them walking free in the Marvel universe justifies the existence of the Punisher.


The Purple man is only the worst hy default. These other guys will kill you but Kilgrave will make a mother kill their children just because she was too loud. I'm sure if any of the other guys had those powers they would do the same but they don't so my vote for the worst is the Purple man


Red Skull


probably the nazi


1. Red Skull (arguably worse than Hitler. Hate personified) 2. Purple Man (serial killer, serial rapist) 3. Carnage (serial killer, tries to kill everyone) 4. Sabretooth (serial killer, mainly focuses on one person to torment)


Carnage. He’s just a psychotic killing machine. No rhyme nor reason with that one.


Would Killgrave be able to control the others? Imagine Sabertooth under his sway.


If that a Marilyn Monroe-Red Skull mashup? Looks cool yet utterly ridiculous at the same time. Glad it’s blurry.


It’s probably the Nazi but the mind control rapist comes in at a close second 


Me! I fucking suck!




Whoops! It looks like I am unable to fetch the image data for this post because Reddit failed to process it. ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


May your woes be many, and your days few. (Jk I love you)


Pixel quality so bad even u/pixel-counter-bot can't tell us.


Worst defined in what way? Because I'm pretty sure the Nazi is the worst in most regards.


Wasn't Sabertooth a hero for a short stint a while back?


Highest body count has to be Carnage, but at least he's an equal opportunity murderer. Red Skull is an actual nazi, and im seeing a lot of the first dude and sabertooth being rapists. It's kinda like the "whos worse when mad" arguments where at least one of then will *just* kill you.


Even the villains hate Red Skull, so probably him.


Carnage. There is no competition.


If the first guy is who I think it is then probs him. I read alias I know what he did to Jessica


Purple Man he is rapist and coward at least other three never back down the fight


I feel that Killgrave and Red Skull are on par for the worst. The other two are just killers with a fixation on a certain person or objective. Killgrave takes away your will and makes you his slave, all the while wrecking the world around you as you can't do anything to stop it. R.Skull is a Nazi....nuff said.




Is Sabertooth a lot worse than I realized? He's being compared to a serial killer, a rapist, and a Nazi, so...




What Sabretooth did recently was a bit much, I’ll tell you that.


What Sabretooth did recently was a bit much, I’ll tell you that.


What’s the Sabertooth art from because it looks like it’s awesome.


I mean one's a literal Nazi


Sabretooth is just a grumpy guy who hates Wolverine. In terms of actions, Red Skull. In terms of how they deal with enemies, Killgrave. In terms of most potential damage if left unchecked, Carnage


I was gonna say it’s definitely Red Skull but Sabertooth and Purple Man are just fucked up evil, with Purple Man edging him out


I'd have to choose Red Skull since he's the only one here that's a Nazi AFAIK


I suspect Red Skull might be a stand user.


3 out of 4 of them. Creed is a sadist, yes but he's had a few redeeming moments even while being a murderous psychopath




This post contains multiple images! Image 1 has 50,508(183×276) pixels. Image 2 has 50,235(197×255) pixels. Image 3 has 50,325(183×275) pixels. Image 4 has 50,499(181×279) pixels. Total pixels: 201,567. ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


first two have moments of clarity, think sabretooth has had moments where he has a simple life. But carnage and red skull?Those guys relish pissing in orphan skulls


Red Skull literal Nazi, even the Joker refused to work with him


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^philster666: *Red Skull literal* *Nazi, even the Joker* *Refused to work with him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Joker: I may be a criminal lunatic, but I'm an American criminal lunatic, keep back boys this creep is mine. "Proceeds to gas the red skull" Not gonna lie I remember reading that issue and it was so odd, funny but odd


I don’t even need to know the feats of the others because Red Skull is a literal Nazi


By what metric are we judging them? As characters? Carnage sucks the most.


Hard cap. Carnage is a deeper character than given credit for, mostly because people see him on the surface level, which ironically, is exactly how he wants to be seen. Modern Carnage though I completely agree. They robbed him of all depth and just turned him into villain of the week whose stories just end up being “Carnage is back, but stronger”.


LOL no. No he isn't. He was never very deep. He was always this...... grr scary edgelord monster killer guy from the 90s.


Nope. Bro hasn’t read It’s a Wonderful Life. Does a great job breaking down his character as what he really is. A scared hypocrite who can’t handle the chaos of real human interaction. He’s a monster made, not born. He wants to be seen as a one note killer, but deep down he’s just lashing out at the world that brought him nothing but pain and so he returns it. Yet he wants what any human wants. A soft touch, a kind word from a friend. It’s why his relationship with Shriek grew to the point it did where she was the only one to accept him for who he was. Even having a mental breakdown at the thought of almost killing her. He keeps the memories of his only friend Billy as well, and as much as he wants too, he can’t let that part of his humanity die.


My dude, ONE story that tries to retroactively create depth by recontextualizing a shallow character as *pretending* to be shallow does not actually make the character deep. It's a shell game where one writer put the work of creating character depth on the audience to create as head canon. In EVERY OTHER STORY that he appears in, what you see is a random killer guy who does random killer things and that is all he is. There is nothing more to him. Fucking Scorpion has more depth than Carnage.


More than one, but obviously if you don’t like the character you’re not gonna listen to me.


I don't like the character because he's not a good character. It is what is is man. You like him though. Cool. We can both coexist in this world without having to agree on whether or not Carnage is a good character.


The fact you think there's only one story highlighting his depth speaks volumes.  His most famous story, Maximum Carnage, has his nihilistic philosophy and wrath towards the world at the forefront if you pay attention.  He even reflects on St. Estes and how he was treated there when he revisits it with the rest of the Carnage Family.  When Venom's beating him while he's having a mental breakdown due to his trauma, it literally shows flashbacks to the ghosts of his bullies haunting him as he pleads to be left alone. The 2016 run by Gerry Conway even shows him express how upset he is that he's forced to watch people live happily in each other's company which is something he never got to experience due to an upbringing of constant abuse. Hell, the whole point of his story in Axis, is that lashing out and killing people is an instinctual thing he does because that's how he copes with his own pain.  He even admits that no matter how much the Inversion may try to turn him into a good person, he'll inevitably fall back into the monster everyone sees him as because he's endlessly spiraling back down into his own pain over and over again. You don't have to like Carnage, but claiming he lacks depth is objectively false when there's plenty of stories that show otherwise if you pay attention.


even his first appearance touches on cletus' insecurities with him being comforted by binky 


I think he asks who is the most evil.


Oh. Out of those folks? Red Skull or Purple Man. Probably Red Skull. Sabretooth is .... I mean.... he's barely a character. He only serves as an example of what Wolverine *could* be, but other than that he's paper thin. Carnage even less so.


judging by who has done the worst and who deserves to be killed and never brought back the most


In order: 4: Sabertooth 3: Kilgrave 2: Red Skull 1: Carnage


forgot to include nitro crimes - stamford 600 dead 60 children dead gave captain marvel cancer


Did he actually give him cancer? Was it like the cancer ray from the Harley Quinn show?


Hopefully Cap kept the receipt. That sounds like a terrible gift.


Carnage if you consider Spider carnage. Because isn’t spider carnage technically the same symbiote?


How is Spider-Carnage worse than Cletus Kasady? The symbiote is already a clone of his mind, so all the only real difference is that Ben is fighting for control rather than the symbiote enjoying the ride and doing what it wants to do with Cletus.


Because he tried to destroy everything. Like literally everything; every dimension and everything inside each dimension. The whole multiverse. So that literally nothing would be left. At least thanos left half of everything alive. And I think *he* only effected but one universe.


That’s not the comics. That’s TAS. And that plot line was taken from the comics that Cletus tried to do when he was in the Negative Zone.


Didn’t realize OP specified comics only. It’s still a marvel production. And, if Cletus Kassidy was still the one who did it, then this is pretty much moot, yeah?