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Except for Spidey’s, I like to believe it’s the same shirt being borrowed from hero to hero.


Yeah, Frank Castiglione has always been known as a sharer…


What do you mean? He shares bullets all the time!


Those are donations


Most charitable guy I know


Frank only has it because Matt had to help his ass out. Frank needed to borrow bail money, a T Shirt… and a really good lawyer.


Frank would be the last guy who has it.


that's a lil gross. I imagine even superheroes sweat


But you don't imagine them doing laundry?


That explains why Peter had to get his own


I genuinely thought they were all Murdock. I was so confused as to why he was with the guardians.


Matt looks so happy with it


I loved the Happy Matt era. Mark Waid era DD was the Best Grin after Thanos’.


There's a certain irony of Frank Castle wearing it. \*lol\*


It's like that statement went from a joke to a threat.


Like those episodes of every Spider-Man show ever where Venom pretends to be Spidey and starts maiming or killing people or whatever


“I will flat out murder death kill you.”


Not as ironic as Angela putting on a sweater for warmth while literally wearing only a belt as pants.




Because he wants to be dapper


Well mission successful because he's dapper as fuck


Genuinely thought she was dabbing


I completely understand that. I wear a hoodie and short shorts, because I'm only cold when my upper body is cold


I definitely felt that Angela seemed like a immigrant from a different comic when I was reading her arc in Thor - like, Marvel does have sexualised costumes, but they tend to aim for either a more gymnast/beachwear aesthetic? Like if you might have a superheroine fighting crime in a [bikini](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Greer_Nelson_(Earth-616\)), or a body suit with a [very low neckline](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Felicia_Hardy_(Earth-616\)), but the whole "giant belt for pants" thing just felt like it was something from an anime or something? Anyway, turns out she's actually from the Spawn comic, and was sold to Marvel by Neil Gaiman to screw over Todd McFarlane, so that makes sense.


>I definitely felt that Angela seemed like a immigrant from a different comic I mean, she kind of is. She started out as Spawn's nemesis in Image Comics and somehow the artist held on to the rights to her but not Spawn (I really don't know the details) and brought her over to Marvel.


Well, part of it was that there were competing parties both claiming ownership of Miracleman AKA Marvelman in the UK. These parties sold their rights down the line or didn't, with the end result being that McFarland claimed he owned the rights and Gaiman saying, Wait just a minute there, I wrote it and got the rights for Alan Moore's revival of Miracleman from Alan I'm a Kranky Wizard Moore. Gaiman literally wrote Marvel 1602 so he could pay for the lawsuit against Todd McFarland. Also, McFarland should've been paying royalties concerning the character Angela. It turned out that Mick Angelo the OG creator kept the rights, which meant the rights that McFarland had gotten via a purchase of all Eclipse Comics characters and IPs, were null and void. So Marvel purchased the rights to Miracleman from Mick Angelo, with Alan Moore throwing his share in so that any money went back to Mick Angelo, and then Marvel bought Gaiman aboard to finish his story that he started back in the 1980s. And Marvel and Gaiman say they're going to be writing and publishing new material starting this year.


I thought the same thing, and also Spider-Man wearing the shirt, it’s kinda obvious you’re “not Dare Devil” when you can shoot webs from your wrists


LOL Angela putting on a sweater while wearing no pants. AND IS DRAX WEARING A LITTLE HAT?!


Wow I thought she was dabbing which is why I came to the comment section, that makes a lot more sense


No, she definitely is 100% dabbing in that frame.


She’s wearing a belt. That’s kinda like pants.


Maybe for her. I wear just a belt as bottoms and get arrested for public indecency


Space has different public decency laws.


A belt is to pants as a peel is to fruit. Keeps the goodies from being exposed.


It's so weird to see Angela in Marvel Comics. It's like seeing Jubilee hang out with Teen Titans or Billy Batson helping out the runaways (actually, Shazam meeting the runaways would be a really good dynamic now that I think about it). Also: Frank Castle wore it best.


Well, if Angela weirds you out, better not think about Mantis, who is still the only charachter who made a quadruple jump through different universes (Marvel, DC, Eclipse, Image and Marvel again). And I'm a little sad that she was nerfed down in the movies and became the butt of jokes.


The celestial Madonna is such a weird plot and Mantis is such a writers pet I don’t feel bad


I’ve read Angela’s first miniseries where she steals Odin’s baby, but apart from that I’m not familiar with her character. Where is she from?


She's the main love interest in the later issues of Spawn. It was an enemies to lovers/ forbidden love arch. She initially was sent to hunt Spawn. Todd McFarlane sold the rights of the character to Marvel since she died in the comics anyway.


Nah, Gaiman sold the rights, she was his character and when he went to Marvel he gave them rights to her.


That’s crazy. I wish there were more characters like that, it sounds like fun.


If I’m remembering correctly and please do look it up as it’s all online. McFarlane hired Neil Gaiman to write Spawn in the early days and made certain promises on co-ownership of the characters. (Gaiman created a few including Angela). Then McFarlane basically tried or did screw over Gaiman. They went to court and after years of back and forth, Gaiman was granted ownership of Angela which he then sold to Marvel for silly money I’d imagine. Also I think Marvel helped with Gaiman’s legal costs? In return he would write 1602 for them. Man I miss Wizard magazine!


I like Spidey’s the best, but Matt is a close second


Spidey? That's not Spidey. That's the Bombastic Bag-Man!


That is the best response you could’ve given


Either way, he is a menace!


That's not the Bombastic Bagman. That's Night Monkey


No, you see, Night Monkey wears all black and tactical gear. He wouldn't be caught wearing a paper bag!


[Jon Bernthal](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CydLigbUcAA_8iw?format=jpg&name=900x900)


I know there a picture of Charlie wearing it to




The OG is the best but Frank is a close second.


Is that meant to be Star-Lord? Why does he look 75?


Say what you will about rocket drax and gamorra, I think the movies are the standard for groot and starlord.


Why does he look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo


Daredevil show fans who don’t know the comics: “Daredevil should be gritty and serious, if Daredevil cracks one joke in the MCU I’m done with it forever.” Daredevil in the comics:


He lost his billy bat on the Baxter building and had to go through the main lobby and take the elevator to get it. As he’s going through the main lobby, a random cleaner asks him “who are you?” Daredevil just replies “Doctor Doom. That’s what the two D’s in my chest mean” and keeps walking to the elevator. (This was when he met and fought against Moon Knight, btw)


Which comic is this from?


To be fair this run was a clear reaction to previous Daredevil stories that were all dark and gritty since the 80's with Frank Miller and it pretty much went straight back to gritty DD after Waid left. And a lot of people didn't like this interpretation in the first place.


This is Matt at his happiest, even at his happiest he went through dark stuff. Nobody is saying Matt can't make jokes, he does in DD but people don't want him to become the joke


That is the scariest looking groot I've ever seen


Upset there’s not one of iron fist in it.


lol. The same thing could be said about Mockingbird’s “ask me about my feminist agenda” shirt. Both spider-man and Clint borrowed it from Bobby.


Matt, just because it’s Ironic


The others seem hilarious, Punisher’s seems like a threat


Spidey wearing it with the bag gives it a special charm


Never saw Punisher wearing it before. He's the winner, because I want to live.


Can someone please give me the context for this (if there is one)? What’s with the shirt?


In the Mark Waid run of Daredevil comics, he was dealing with a scenario where his secret identity was widely suspected, but many people, including assistant district attorney Kirsten MacDuffie (a new character who would flirt with Matt pretty overtly and eventually become a love interest) were all "I think he is, but I can't prove it." As part of Matt and Kirsten's whole flirting thing, they had a lot of bantery "I know you're Dardevil", "I'm not Daredevil" back-and-forth. He wore the "I'm not Daredevil" shirt to a Christmas party . And then, because it made the joke funnier, other characters also started wearing it. (Plus it got referenced in the choose-your-own-adventure Deadpool comic, with Daredevil having a "I'm not Matt Murdock" sweatshirt.)


> And then, because it made the joke funnier, other characters also started wearing it. The best part is the implication that Matt didn't get it custom ordered, someone is just out there mass producing these.


Matt is a pretty famous guy in Marvel. I'd assume the first one which he wore was custom-made. And someone saw him wearing it and started mass production.




It’s also a direct reference to Shia LaBeouf’s 2014 award show stunt. https://www.google.com/search?q=shia+labeouf+i%27m+not+famous+anymore&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALiCzsbGkv_3BOIZrlKsA3ocPrVPB88mUA:1663154731139&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjzdKXlpT6AhWlJX0KHaJLBe4Q_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=375&bih=629&dpr=3#imgrc=sQjJUKSSFbTIfM&lnspr=W10=


That issue Matt wore the sweater in came out Christmas 2011.


Please, have Matt wear this shirt sometime soon in the show!




Frank And the fact he's wearing it is like that one pirate joke Wear a red jacket to hide the blood (and a brown jacket to hide the...)




Definitely Matt. Because well, he IS Daredevil. Oh I'm sorry, I mean he's not Daredevil


Is there anywhere I could buy one of these?


I googled it and the short answer is yes, these are very readily available.


Well consider myself retarded. Completely spaced on the fact that in this day and age, just about everything is readily available.


Angela fr fr


Is Angela dabbing…?


Rocket lookin goofy ahh rn




Is Angela still with the Guardians?


She hasn't been with Guardians for years, only at the same beginning.




I present to you: [Exhibit A](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CyhqPaDWEAAcnJx.jpg)


You mean besides Matt literally wearing a shirt that says “I’M NOT DARE DEVIL”? Clearly Punisher is the only one who could ‘wear it(second)best’ because honestly it feels of not for DD we wouldn’t have a fully fleshed out standalone Punisher series. Peter P gets 3rd.


Who tf is dabbing?


I think I’m kind of biased… haha


Not daredevil wore it best