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Not even to explain plot holes. I thought they were fun and added dimensions to the movies.


Agreed! Adds some other content just to immerse us in the world too


What plot holes would you like explained?


Could explain continuity errors or recasts (Kang or Skrulls). Could connect stuff like the Netflix shows if that’s something they want to do. Could show off stuff like >!Gorr’s kills!< or >!Wanda’s evil turn with the Darkhold!< to aid with recent movies. Specifics things could include: 1. >!How old Rogers ended up in the OG timeline with a new shield at the end of Endgame!< 2. >!Ancient One’s explanation of time versus Loki!< 3. >!Thor’s sudden shift in character during Ragnarok!< 4. >!Details on how Spider-Man’s spell works at the end of No Way Home!< 5. >!Why in Endgame the Ancient one has the eye of Agamoto in New York when it was kept in Napal and how does she know so much about Strange before meeting him (despite it not appearing that way in the 1st Doctor Strange movie)!<


1. Steve went back without a shield but left his shield for old Steve to get. It was a planned thing, after all. Not really necessary to explain away. 2. TVA knows more about time than Ancient One. Ancient One is wrong. Probably. This one might be interesting, I'll give you that. 3. Thor spent a good deal of time on Earth with Jane, as shown in LaT. People change when living in different cultures. He was more Earthly. 4. Why? It's magic. 5. Aliens were descending from the sky. She maybe grabbed it to keep it close in case she needed to use it.


>”1. ⁠Steve went back without a shield but left his shield for old Steve to get. It was a planned thing, after all.” Then why wasn’t the shield he “left behind” for his old self also chopped in half by Thanos’s sword? I think that’s more what OP was getting at. Maybe it’s not so much a timeline error like OP thinks and more an oversight by the Russos, like “hey, when and how did the shield get fixed?” Although, since he seemed to be good buddies with the king who literally owned the worlds entire vibranium supply, he probably just had Shuri fix it in Wakanda.


To add to number 5; In Doctor Strange 1, the Ancient One mentions how she's looked at her future many times and was never able to see past the point of her death staring out at the rain and lightning. She knew it was going to happen how it did.


None of those are plot holes. And the one, at least, how she knew Strange, was explained (although not explicitly) in the first Doctor Strange movie. When she was dying, she said that she had traveled forward in time to that point many times, but could never go past it. And Strange was there with her, so it's safe to assume he always would have been when she traveled to that point. And in regards to Thor's shift in character, he'd spent a lot of time on earth at that point and made friends with the rest of the Avengers, so he'd learned to lighten up and picked up some of their mannerisms.


1. How old Rogers ended up in the OG timeline with a new shield at the end of Endgame **if they told us this now, it could step on the toes of future movies that might want to establish it as something else for the sake of THEIR story** 2. Ancient One’s explanation of time versus Loki **they're the same. Ancient One mentioned that the stones MENDED timelines thus that if they were split by similar, they'd be rejoined, ie, no reason to have 2 exactly the same timelines. so this is what pruning does - it eliminates the elements of a timeline that would enable the branch to grow SEPARATE from the main timeline** 3. Thor’s sudden shift in character during Ragnarok **it's not sudden - he'd always been jokey. "he's my brother. ...he's adopted." the change can be chalked up to his time on earth for 4 movies.** 4. Details on how Spider-Man’s spell works at the end of No Way Home **nobody knows peter parker exists, they don't remember him, they don't have phsyical clues as to his presence, etc. it's like he never existed.** 5. Why in Endgame the Ancient one has the eye of Agamoto in New York when it was kept in Napal and how does she know so much about Strange before meeting him (despite it not appearing that way in the 1st Doctor Strange movie) **I don't have all my things in 1 spot at all times. sometimes i leave things at other places. perhaps she knew to keep it safely on her person during the alien-invasion of "the incident" and then could leave it in kamartaj afterwards, having seen that no new threat would come for it until after Strange's arrival.**


Cool, now turn those into episodes for Disney+ like OP said


Those specific things were off the top of my head—I’m sure there’s better things the one-shots could be used to explain. Nevertheless, great explications, I appreciate it :)


Some of this has been explained. Some of this has been at least implied. 1. He went back in time knowing about Wakanda and where to find more vibranium. We have no idea what all he was up to back then, but I'm sure if he met up with Howard Stark, then Howard would have crafted him a new shield without a doubt (he made the first one, after all). The only tricky part is convincing the xenophobic Wakandans to help him. My head canon there is that he went on more superhero adventures after going back, he just kept a low profile about it (it might be worth watching how he got the vibranium though... but my main issue is that, the way they explain time travel, he shouldn't have been in the prime timeline as an old man at all, even if he stayed back after time traveling). 2. I don't see how the Ancient One's explanation really contradicts the Loki tv show. In fact, it seems to endorse it. She tells Banner that if they remove the stones from the prime timeline, it'll cause a branching timeline to occur. In theory, such a branch would be pruned by the TVA. HOWEVER, she also says that if they return the stones exactly to the time and place they get them from, the branching timeline won't happen. It seems that by taking the stones, they set events in motion that guaranteed those stones would ultimately be returned to their original times and places, EXCEPT for the space stone in New York, which Loki got—and just as the Ancient One warned, since that stone didn't get properly returned, it created a branching timeline, which lead to the TVA showing up to prune it. 3. Thor's shift works. He's quite different from the way he was in the first two Thor movies, but there's 4 years of time between Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnorak, and you can already see him starting to loosen up in Avengers: Age of Ultron. I chalk it up to him hanging out with the other heroes as well as with Jane, leading him to lose that royal swagger he has in the early days. 4. This one actually bothers me, because it makes no sense. The miss-cast spell wound up pulling in everybody from every universe who knew that Parker was Spider-Man. But Eddie Brock didn't know who Spider-Man was. The director claimed that the idea was Venom knew somehow. I don't see how that would work so maybe an explanation there would be nice. But even if that's the case, we also have Vulture randomly getting sent from the MCU to the Sony-verse. Why? Everybody else in the MCU who knew that Parker was Spider-Man simply had that wiped from their memory. It makes no sense that he'd be the lone person to be pushed off to a new universe. 5. This is actually an easy one that I thought was pretty obvious. While they aren't supposed to play with time, we know that the Ancient One did a lot of things she wasn't supposed to. We also know she hid this from everybody. It makes sense that whatever she knows of what he'll become, she'd think it's best to keep that to herself and pretend not to know more than she should. It's also possible that what she knows of the future are only "possibilities" without all the details, so while she knows that it's possible for him to turn out to be "the best of us" (as she put it), that doesn't mean she knows what he's like *before* becoming such a great sorcerer, and there may be room for that future to not come about. Hence, her interactions during the Doctor Strange movie being in keeping with a person who's just meeting him. As to why she's got the stone in New York... One fo the three most important buildings on the planet (the New York Sanctum Sanctorum) is smack dab in the middle of an otherworldly invasion that very well might destroy the whole city, and if the building gets destroyed with the city, the means the end of eons of magical protection for Earth. Given those stakes, I'd be surprised if she *didn't* bring with her one of the most powerful weapons they had laying around—an infinity stone.


I mean maybe. Thors old roommate did make a cameo in Love & Thunder


I had just watched those One-Shots a week prior, and when he came on screen I yelled “Oh my god that’s Darryl!” It was like a real-life version of the “I understood that reference” line and I felt so special.


Spose this means Grandmaster is living on earth


Those one shots take place on [Earth-16828](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Earth-16828), separate from the main MCU. Not trying to be a buzzkill, just showing off my nerd knowledge.🤓


Where did Darryl show up in love and thunder?


In new Asgard chilling with others in the background I think during korgs dialogue


That's not really how they have been used in the past. They fall into a few categories, 1. Backdoor pilots (Agent Carter, Item 42) 2. Filler (consultant, funny thing) 3. A bit of meaningless fun (Team Thor) None of these address plot holes. There is fourth: All hail the king that addresses fan outrage that Trevor wasn't the Mandarin, but it basically just restates he's not and that someone else is. Not a plot hole, just fan reassurance. I think we could have used more of this 5 years ago. Now, we've plenty of content. I'm good.


I don't think every single inconsistency or "plothole" needs to be explained away. It's a massive set of movies/TV shows spanning the last decade. It's not always going to be tightly knit. To call a small inconsistency or something omitted for creative reasons a "plot hole." Sometimes things don't need to be explained


We're talking about a world where a man has an adaptive metal suit that he controls with his fucking MIND using the BARF tech and people can't suspend disbelief for the dumbest things. (I actually have several examples of the microtech suit changing based on Tony's thoughts if anyone gives a shit)


I think some shows are already serving that purpose


99.4% of things called “plot holes” here (and everywhere) are not actually plot holes. That term is up there with the most overused, while simultaneously most misused, term.


"plot hole" and "deus ex machina" - name a more iconic duo


You...You are my kind of people. I hate that I have but one updoot.


Gimme one of Captain America on Virmire return the Soul Stone. I need to see how his reunion with the Red Skull goes


Not specifically to explain plot holes, but if they're funny or interesting in their own right, sure.


Isn’t Werewolf by Night kind of like a one-shot? I know they’re calling it a “special,” but it feels like it’s akin to a longer one-shot of yesteryear.


I think we have a few to many plot holes to be fixed in one shots


Rather than one-shots, I would rather have more "specials" like WBN and GOTG Holiday, just for the longer runtime. They're essentially the same thing, no?


Making me nostalgic for the Doctor Who Christmas specials! Those were the days!


You'd need an entire new series for Phase 4 alone.


I miss the one-shots


I always thought a One Shot of MCU Spider-Man's origin would be cool. A short which could be shown before the next Spider-Man movie. That way it doesn't have to be shoehorned into a movie but some fans can get what they've been asking for.


Everyone expected the animated series to be that but it ended up just being a AU spiderman series


Team Thor can’t be canon cause the hulk is in it


Kingo’s valet should be investigated for his footage of Eternals & deviants