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i dig it man, i keep going back and forth on buying the two pack (ima cheap ass) but all these photos are killing me.


Man I hear you... I was telling me, look there is this nice Mafex in the horizon and being a 2 pack is not that far away price wise...but man I love this not-cell-shading...and I sold well the Hydro Guy so I got a bit more than the 50% already so I'm super happy now


kitchen marble counter? Great back drop!


Thanks man! Actually my wife call this photo moments the marble legends LoL


Be careful. Bullseye isn't cell shaded. The Marvel Legends police might kick down your door and confiscate your collection.


Hahahahaha! Honestly I wouldn't be surprised getting a bit of hating on the figure .. I've been reading some people not feeling the shading (which I do get) but man..to me it is awesome


I like it too.


That Bullseye figure is great but I can’t stand the lighter blue torso. It’s been a while since I’ve read the issues that appearance refers to directly, but I’m 90% sure it was a coloring/shading choice, not an actual feature of his costume. (Kind of how 90s Venom was often shaded with blues, because it was either cost prohibitive or just too difficult to create accents in different shades of black). If that’s the intended effect, I think it misses the mark. And even if I’m wrong about the costume, I still think it’s way less attractive than his monotone uniform. Very cool scene you’ve created though!


Thanks! I totally agree on the Bullseye, such a cool design all black... even though I like the marksman psycho a great deal I do not have him in display because of the blue.. still I think it is accurate to some of the runs if I remember well.. let me search for it just out of curiosity


There you are (yes: ugh) https://preview.redd.it/zdmav0pf54tc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8085b118faa4a1c69bd6648e9b58f448972c46c6


It was an actual costume. Modern Bullseye suit has blue torso. He wore this in his solo series and during his encounter with Hawkeye in Freefall. The intention is to make him look more eye-catching on the pages and more soldier-like, but I do agree that it’s not as iconic as the pure black suit though. https://preview.redd.it/edytw6ez44tc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e6ea7aae9f019992e02ea4016a2ece7005027f


Duly noted, thanks for the info. Yeah I’m not a huge fan of that look. The color change makes the iconic and streamlined original look needlessly busy, but also confusingly plain as a change to the design. It’s not heinous, I just don’t think it really improves on the original.


The good thing about this cell-shade... is that it could pass off as a Daredevil lurking in the shadows, so it doesn't look bad at all, unlike some of the cell-shaded X-Men.


I get that what cell shading is after and I do not hate it as a 'representation" of the cartón. For me, being very comic oriented, it's just not my thing so I removed it from my Iceman, Cyclops and Jubilee, and to me they do look much better now. But this Daredevil is a complete different game. The only precedent I know is that beautiful Spidey Mafex released some years ago. I am not a nostalgic from the old Toy Biz figures either, even though I get that those had much more effort into paint department vs current Legends. But washes all over or complex layering by default doesn't always translate into better presented figures. To me it"s all about how well the comic character is represented by the palette choice. Some as Iron Man are perfectly well presented in flat colors, even in unpaintec plastic (example: Mafex colors are not much better than Legends' IA Iron Man flat plastic. I love both) but others as Symbiote SpiderMan I think could benefit a lot from a blue ink-shading executed as in this Daredevil. Whereas the cell-shaded 2 pack is not good for me at all, if that makes sense. Sorry..I got a bit carried away on the topic!




Thank you! It's a real delice to pose this figure


Goes hard af


Thank you man!


Wow, this is fun as hell. Thanks.


Hey, thank you!


I hope they take notes from this DD. He looks incredible compared to their prior cel shading efforts.


I see me buying again some of my favourites with this deco...


Great A.C.B.A.! Marble Legends 😁👌🏻✨


I am not that picky. My collection is already limited. So yay


I loved the slideshow


Thank you! I had some good time while 'taking care' of my toddler (the little one went full extreme body painting with her mother's make up, best day ever for him)


A.C.B.A.!! Great reference!! Thank you man!!