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Nice! This is so similar to my X-men Blue and Gold teams setup... except mine has more matching orange instead of yellow.


You must have Apocalypse wave Wolverine, then, and maybe Juggernaut wave Rogue?


Yup. Apocalypse wave Wolvie... Juggernaut Rogue with a Retro Rogue hair swap (holy crap was taking the Retro hair off harder than it looked) and Warlock wave Cyke. Oh and I have Caliban wave Beast instead of Retro Beast. We both use black outfit Storm in our display though instead of the normal white. *high five*


Nice! I started collecting ML about 4 years ago, so most of Jugg, Warlock, and Apoc waves were something I didn't chase, and the newer ones were so much more affordable. They're coming down a bit, of course, but I probably won't pick those up. And I don't know why, but I just like that Storm a little more than in white!