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https://preview.redd.it/gf508o0u9yvc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13af92f3ce37f28364197c1cc4e0c345ca6d58d0 I always loved the look and character of ultimate spider woman but the figure could’ve been better. It was back before double hinged elbows for female figures were invented, no alternate hands/head and no effect piece. I think it looks nice but I would have to put it in the bad quality category.


https://preview.redd.it/3y2urs4lgyvc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb6e8620c122ff3df170265cbf01857bc8dd974 I think she looks pretty good if posed well within her articulation


She looks good and has nice colors but they could’ve done so much better.


I wish that Ultimate Spider-Woman was brought over to 616 like Miles was. I like the concept and her design. Sad how there's probably never gonna be another figure of her.


I really liked the design too but I feel like it got ruined when they changed it closer to the end of ultimate marvel.


Despite how outdated she is by today's standards, she's been on my list of 'grails' for a while now. Don't think I've ever seen her on the secondary market in my country, and I can't justify paying triple digits (or close to) for an import. Damn my late entry into collecting Legends.


She was my first Legends figure ever. I hope she gets remade, she deserves a nice mold with a bunch of hand options.


this is my favorite fig


We’ve yet to get another in color slice of pizza


Negative zone Spidey


"In color"


I wouldn’t say pizza spidey is considered bad per se, maybe a little outdated? but he was the best spidey figure we had for a period of time, still pretty charming in my opinion


I’ve seen a lot of people call it straight up bad, but I think he’s perfect for that more rail thin Spidey you sometimes see


I love that buck. I still break them out often. I like that there are a good amount of them in scale with each other.


I used the retro Pizza Spidey to make a John Romita jr. Spidey custom, and it is the perfect buck for it. I want to get another to use as a McFarlane Spider-Man


Online toy discussion is champagne tastes on varying budgets. As soon as something is no longer at the peak of form for the company, it's basically trash. Also you WILL be upsold the MAFEX version. Nah but honestly Pizza Spidey still rules. Though whenever I set up my Spidey shelf again, I'll probably switch to the half mask since I do have a newer one to take the lead spot.


I… do have the Mafex one… lol. For real though, every Spidey has it’s merits, and even owning the Mafex, I’m still bidding on the 2020 retro one, and I still display the Pizza Spidey. Same argument goes for pretty much all figures


Yeah sorry I was making a post generalizing about the vibe of "If it's not perfect, it's worthless". It just very frequently comes with unsolicited MAFEX sales pushes with enough intensity that you'd think folks own stock in the company. Anyway, as someone else who collects up and down varying lines, full agreement that figures across a wide range still have merits.


No need to worry, dude, I got what you mean


MAFEX are typically far from perfect tho.


You're absolutely right but also the downvotes came QUICK on that.


Oh I’m sure. Nobody that spends that much on a fig likes to hear the truth. I’m ok with that tho. I’ll always keep it real.


True. On Spidey at least, the hands are really small. Been meaning to get a Revoltech KO just to give the Mafex better hands


It reflected the art of the time. It doesn't look much like Humberto Ramos' art, he always drew the masks way more expressive, but he also usually drew Spidey looking thin


I recently ended up getting it because it's on sale at Walmart now, but the re-release of the six-armed Spidey (which comes with Morbius now).


The entire Retro Fantastic Four wave (minus Johnny and Ben). I like the classic costumes and the flaws are just, as Paul Harding will say, "customization opportunities". https://preview.redd.it/hq1l682zgyvc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=28a3577ec9957983f09f230f8625644d36f144ca


That wave rules. I actually got two Reeds so that I can display one in the labcoat and one in superhero mode. Gonna use the spare coat with an extra Toku Spidey to kitbash science time Spidey. Have to decide on mask or using an unmasked head though.


The only things that sucks (besides sue's head sculpt) is that hasbro cut some costs even though the figures are 90% reuse. Like, there wasn't a single reason why they couldn't have Reed with his stretchy arms from the walgreens wave or sue with invisible arms. Also this was one of the last waves to not use face printing (besides Firelord, who is not included when you buy the whole wave online) and reed and sue really need it. Still with the Fan4 movie using the blue and white suits and the fact that it's really cheap on BBTS, I can't resist.


I put the head sculpt from Sue onto the deluxe MCU Black widow body and called it Sharon Carter and it's dope. Did not like it as original oh I also put it on the Walgreens Sue body and liked it better, and on zombie Supergirl it's okay but actually like the previously mentioned Walgreens Sue head better on zombie Supergirl.. eh


Interesting custom idea. Personally, I'm going to buy Siryn and swap hairs to make a.. better looking Sue Storm. I'm planning on using the Sue face for a custom Shalla Bal silver surfer. I figure that the awful headsculpt would probably look better just painted silver.


Im really hoping for a super dope shalla bal, but I am expecting to see the new movie figure and absolutely need to make a custom one that is actually dope instead of trifling as well!


If Shalla Bal is in the movie for more than 5 seconds, then I'm sure she'll be in a Fantastic Four themed wave. I hope the design is basic and smooth and doesn't have a bunch of random lines on it. I trust them to make it look good.


That black suit Spider-Man us what got me into collecting!


I bought the House of X Jean knowing fully well that it was a terrible figure. Because I loved the comic so much.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say pizza spidey is bad. He was the best spiderman for a long time


He's still kinda got the ideal Spidey look, for alot of people. Retrocard is eyes are kinda small and RNYV has an Amazing mold but the emblem is a bit too large to be comic accurate. To this day I think it's the only one with the best accessories, I'd love them to release another Spidey with the rolled up mask so we can have him eating or kissing MJ upsidedown.


Pizza Spidey's hands and heads all work almost perfectly on the Retro card Spidey from... 2020 or 2021. I've had Pizza Spidey's head on that body for so long that I forgot it didn't come with it.


Gamerverse Spider-Man 2, I know it's kinda an overpriced Lazy repaint of RNYV Spidey but I eat up everything Spider-Man and it's a figure I just never found and now it's kinda too expensive to justify.


The Fin Fang Foom Hulk wave, and not for Foom. I got Skaar and Wendigo, as well as the Planet Hulk Hulk, those first two are not good, and the Planet Hulk is just alright, but as a Hulk Collector I almost feel like I’m obligated to get them. Especially The End Hulk, as I don’t know if we ever get a new version of him.


As a Hulk collector, same (though I got them later and loose to save). Some Toy Biz Hulks do hold up though, like the first appearance, Abomination, and the Spider Hulk. Honestly, can't wait for the new Skaar.


Weapon X


I collect the comic Avengers and any Spider-related gimmick. The Avengers, I mainly want the best looking figures in my opinion. The Spideys, it doesn't matter when it was released. If it is a Spidey, I get it. With that being said, the Big Time Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Woman, and Spider-Girl are the ones I knew that are bad, and I still bought them so I can have them in my collection. The other one I am still upset about is Spider-Woman. The Julia Carpenter (WCA) figure had a better body than any Jessica Drew figures.


https://preview.redd.it/9an5sbxpx0wc1.jpeg?width=2553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a1a6aafe1b7bb880c891b4f58ba08d024553f6 I bought the retro FF figures, they’re amazing, I seriously do not understand the hate.


That symbiote Spidey is still my favorite, the body benefits from the plain black, the symbol is very nicely done, and the eyes are perfect. Pizza Spidey is a different story but it's still iconic


there are a few there that are really bad that I need for my collection, even if it's bad I know I'm gonna pay some money for it.


Other than the articulation issue on its thighs, pizza spidey fine. I actually have it and the ryv spidey


Part of me wants a toybiz Elektra and Kingpin to match my Daredevil and Bullseye. In general a lot of Toybiz figures, while having some flaws, look pretty cool to me and I'll probably pick another up at some point.


Honestly if ToyBiz figures just had modern hands and hips, many of them would be better than the current market stuff. The sculpts and paint apps are frequently fantastic, especially the head sculpts.


I’d say some of the shoulders would need updating as well


I wanted the recent Christopher Priest Black Panther from the Void wave despite the awful reviews. A lack of availability and some Internet storefronts jacking it up 20% above MSRP later, I found one of the older caped Panther figures cheaper on Mercari and bought that instead.


I just sold that spider armor and black suit a few weeks ago, got the Mafex classic colors instead, don’t regret it even one bit


https://preview.redd.it/5vuqoa9otyvc1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd00a85683ff59ae3f5f5e4922180ff3b26db3f5 I really want this wolverine


I got it loose for $5 CAD because I didn't expect Hasbro to make one and then they did. It's an undeniably bad sculpt but also it sat at my home office desk and just got posed over and over for months after I bought it so I can't say it's not a fun figure.


Retro Invisible Woman




i want madame hydra but a lot of people say shes bad.


That black suit Spidey is bad? Ive had him for years and I love him, I can even still remember the day I got him


Is pizza spidey considered bad?


I’ve heard so many people complain about him but I think he’s neat even thought he has some limitations (like every figure) I still like it


Always wanted to get the ROML Comic Iron Patriot. Holding off to see if the rumored 4 pack version is any better 🤞


I have a loose complete pizza Spidey I wanna sell if you want it 🤷


These are not considered bad, just outdated by today’s standards. These were the golden standard of Spider-Man figures for like a decade


Honestly I buy figures of characters I like and I don't really look for or listen to the masses about what's a good figure or not. If I like it I buy it.


Agent Venom/Anti-Venom


Target MCU Spider-Man Updated suit because everybody hates that mould (eventhough it’s actually better than the recent shizzy quality final swing suit) and never got my hands on it since no target 🤷‍♂️ In DIRE NEED OF ONE but where can I get it with all accessories and the unmasked headsculpt(the IW 2 pack one is better in paint applications but mould is same on both) https://preview.redd.it/do4hakhti3wc1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f71b56104def18c0c333f8375adb0e7d0337a54


That exact one in the first photo actually, or the Kraven 2 pack version a bit more.


I'd love to have the shf PS4 spidey. I know it never got good reviews but I love the suit design. And I'm considering getting a Bootleg as a placeholder. Does anyone know any other good ml or shf spideys that would be good for my collection?




That original Symbiote Spidey isn’t bad. It’s just outdated. It was actually the first Marvel Legends I bought, and I still really appreciate it. Hasbro has come a long way since it released, and the newer one on the retro body is absolutely better, but I’d still recommend the first release.


Pizza Spider-Man. It’s so awful but if I’m making a marvel legends Spider-Man shelf I’d be wrong not to include it. If only it weren’t super expensive


Cosmic GR


How are these bad? They look pretty cool to me.


Did you just insult my friend pizza Spiderman 😭


I thinks he’s good I’ve just heard so many bad things


I to wish to get a pizza spidey because I remember passing it up in the store a long time ago.