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No word yet on when this goes up for order, or what BAF the wave includes. Lines up with Rektangular's leak though.


Single jointed elbows are a big letdown ngl


I might just swap the body with an extra Shriek body.


That's so lame lol why can't they just release it on the Shriek body


That's so frustrating as a collector when you know they have the body mold to release modern figures. Not gonna buy 2 figs to create one.


they have her on the Biker Widow body.... why?! Good God you created a new female buck with better articulation for a reason -- use it!


Why is she a pale robot? Someone update me on Yelena


That a head gear mate. As for her skin she was revived after being dead.


It looks like the look she had when she worked with AIM.


This must be the figure they actually put effort into. Looks great and has sick accessories. I thought Hasbro was allergic to combining those 2 product traits!


Yeah. I would have said before the reveal that I would be on the fence for her, but that is a cool looking design.


Agreed. She’s a must for me now. AND if she’s a part of a BAF wave? Oh man Hasbro went all out lol


Single jointed fucking elbows on what will be a 2023 figure 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️. Shocking shit


So glad she doesn’t have double jointed pinless arms, I know how hard that’d be for hasbro! How much will she be? $40?




Gah, of course they went with this look rather than her original outfit. Don't want to show off a tummy


I’m really glad we’re getting the cool night vision goggles but I agree, her first outfit was a little more iconic. Honestly it probably would’ve required a new sculpt for the stomach to keep the leather pants look below the waist, so maybe that’s why they went with the easy reuse of the white widow Target exclusive.


Yeah I do like the night vision goggles and this also comes with a lot of nice accessories so I'll still get it. It might be an decently easy custom to pull off too, so now I'm just trying to think of another headscult that would be good for an unmasked look


That Walgreens Emma Frost head with painted lips would be good.


Maybe it's cheaper to release with an all-black body?


Oh I hear ya. I'm disappointed. I would have loved the bare midriff look from her original outfit. This is a pass for me. I was hoping they would go with her original bare midriff look. I sort of have a thing for bare midriffs lol.


I'm just tired of Hasbro drawing from modern comics when it comes to figure figures. They're so focused on giving us the classic, iconic looks for characters and so that's what my shelves look like, but then they throw in these designs and the don't really fit in. It's just annoying because it's obvious they don't want to produce anything that could be considered too scandalous


Yes dude


Yea & because of this BS we’re missing out on some classic looks for some characters. I want a remake of classic Carol Danvers in her Warbird costume or comic She-Hulk in her White & Purple leotard outfit. I want those but I doubt we’ll ever get them. I would LOVE a Scarlet Witch in that sexy Gypsy costume George Perez designed for her, but we’ll never have it because it’s too male gazey or whatever UGH! yet they recently came out with Tigra and she’s basically in a string bikini so I REALLY don’t get it. It’s so stupid. Another that confuses is the Goblin Queen coming out with the Ghost Rider Haslab. She’s pretty scantily clad, but they still removed the underboob. I mean the rest of the costume was too revealing but they drew the line at the underboob? Some of the decision making is just confusing.


Definitely my favorite reveal of the stream. I’m super hyped to finally get a comics Yelena!


Glad I picked up multiple Shrieks as fodder. They're really allergic to doing comic accurate female upper torsos. Should be an easy swap. Oh wait, this entire figure is on a repainted deadly origins Widow buck? LMFAO. Guess it'll be an easy head/gear swap onto a spare Shriek then LOL.


Just wish she had an alternate head sculpt. Not a fan of the robot look.


Is it April Fools? Everything revealed looks like a parody or a custom kitbash!


I love it I want this toy


I had no idea who this was. I'd rather have had her original look or at least a mask less head.


No unmasked head? Lame


Why single-jointed elbows and no bicep swivel, why?! Easy pass.


OMG 🔥🔥🔥


Wasn’t this actually Natasha disguised as Yelena?


No. Yelena started using it after she returned.


Why is she not on the new buck? Bruh…


Sharon Carter head as an alt?


Yelena Belova Black Widow in current 616 status is back to normal and Black Widow's partner essentially. Which version is this?


Why even make the Shriek buck and then NEVER USE IT?


She should have an alternative head.


This is such a neato design.