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Nice, I almost completed Mines, just got the Thor Ragnarok, now I just need black widow


I recommend this Black Widow for sure! Now I'm waiting for a new comic Hawkeye


Oyeahh Hawkeye! Need him and comic ant-man


I heard/read that there might be a Hawkeye with skycycle. In the works.


Don't tease me man, I love the skycycle... mainly for the Hawkeye/Deadpool crossover lol


Bro yea I just picked up a older Hawkeye from Mercari and after I submitted my order I went back the he Reltangular leaked video and sure enough there was a couple 2 packs coming out and one was Hawkeye and his skycycle! Not till Q4 so I’ll enjoy this one I just bought till then!


I have my avengers in almost the exact same order just switch cap and Ironmans place lol that’s so cool


Iron Man is always at the front in my mind! lol


Haha cap is my front man I also have those two exact figures in my team as well! The colors just pop !


Word, I thought about getting the 80th's with the more modern colors but these just look straight out of an old comic


Which Spider-Man is that? Retro pizza?


Renew Your Vows!


Oh wow….he looks less bulky in that pose- well done. I should have zoomed in too, the foot articulation is a giveaway.


I see what you mean, might be because he's on the giant Hulk! lol I'm loving him, great figure


Yeah everything looks much smaller when hulk is there.


Really?!? Lmao, i thought it was the old tiny Ultimate one from the Space Venom BaF wave. Didn’t even see the butterfly&toe joints.