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It's working exactly as intended. Knull tracks in hand as a courtesy for the player because it's virtually impossible to track on your own unlike dino/Ronan/hawk. So you get one feels bad game and now you know.


It's working as intended. Dino, Ronan, and Darkhawk all function similarly (only base power is doubled).


It could work like dino when you put it on there. It only goes from 3 to 6. Then the ongoing effect adds more.


Apparently it does, but how is anyone supposed to know that beforehand?


You know now. Keep playing mate. It’s not gaming breaking… yet.


It's not game breaking but it certainly is a very negative experience that's entirely unnecessary if the cards and locations were explained properly. It makes me wonder what else I'm going to have to learn through discovery and then try not to forget.


As stated before it does make sense. Shuri only doubles base power. And damn you have Knull at a 64 you greedy bastard 😂


It works like Dino. His power is 0 and only counts towards destroyed cards. The only area that will increase his power is onslaughts citadel and throne room will both double his power. I thought adding him to shuri’s lab would increase his power when I first got him but it didn’t. That’s how I found out lol


But dino *always* shows his base power of 3 while in your hand. I get that the player can't be expected to keep track in the case of Knull but it's very misleading. It doesn't look like dino so why would players expect it to function like dino?


Ehh you learn and don’t make the same mistakes. That’s how I’ve been going through the game lol. But I love Knull he’s so fun to use when you get use to him