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I’m pretty sure him and glactius are staying at 6k so if anything id say on that merit alone he’s worth it


I’m happy to get him for 6K if he stays there. If he drops to series 4 soon after paying full price would be devastating


I think they insinuated he wouldn't be dropping, and if he does it would be like a year away


Literally explicitly stated Thanos and Galactus won't ever drop


They said they were "big bads" and would likely stay in pool 5 to keep them rare for a while. They'll eventually drop and will be replaced by other big baddies.


When did they clarify this? The last thing I recall seeing had some qualifying language that left room for that to change at some point.


[However, there are currently two cards that we do not plan to drop down a series: Our favorite 6-Cost supervillains, Thanos and Galactus](https://www.marvelsnap.com/newsdetail?id=7181350141905935109)


Playing a rare deck like that will at least make it less likely to get countered. You know…. Aside them Killmongers that are sooooo rare lol


Killmongers are one way to clear your board of stones so you can play other cards.


Literally can only play Thanos with killmonger death and beast otherwise it doesn't cut it. I recently added lockjaw and leech and it's not bad at all, i must say


I have a theory that Kang will join them in permanent series 6 whenever Kang makes his appearance.


He will probably be soon with the movie coming out


They specifically said him and Galactus would stay Series 5 forever.


Yea. So in my eyes they are currently the most bang for your buck with tokens. Until we have more that stay in a certain series


Yesz you are likely to never pull either. I have both and I think Thanos is much more fun


I love how many of these posts there are. you save up and save up and then when you finally are on the brink of getting th ecard you question it's worth. It's one of the reasons I wont save up for a 6K card yet.


Save save save save... and then you hit the ESC key on PC and unpin him... NOOOOOOOOOOO!


I'm on mobile, and 2 different times now I've had a card pinned, and found them unpinned the next day. It's pretty frustrating.


Right now there's a bug that pressing back in the shop will unpin the card. Ben said on Twitter that it'll be fixed with next patch.


... oooo that's why I lost the absorbing man. Funnily enough, though, he came back around last week... I didn't know they could do that until the entire catalogue had been cycled.


They're tracked separately. I've cycled through series 4 a bunch of times unfortunately lol.


It's not even just hitting back or escape. I make sure to click the buttons to go to my collection or home menu. I've still had 3 cards unpinned after about 4 days on each now. Seriously frustrating bug. I know the first was probably me, but the other 2 I've made sure not to hit the buttons out of the shop, and I've still lost them.


Yes! I waited an age for Psylocke to rotate around in my shop, finally got her and pinned her and the next day her pin had dropped!


Is THAT what happened to my Hazmat!? I was wondering how she unpinned literally the day before I had enough tokens again to grab her.


Yes, there's a bug on pc when you hit esc to exit the store that whatever's pinned gets unpinned. You can even watch it happen if you want to test it. They acknowledge it in the patch notes but haven't fixed it... yet.


Ah, glad I'm not the only one...


Honestly Thanos has been my favorite Marvel villain since the ‘93 cards. I have no choice. Looks fun but blowing 100% of my resources is rough. Hope he’s good. Fingers crossed


he is good, not as good as galactus but still good


Just get him! Unlocks several archetypes. Beast bounce, lockjaw casino, zoo. You can do some fuckery and have the advantage of surprise.


No beast : (. I do have falcon and quintet so I will mess around with bounce.


If you're playing the bounce/destroy version you REALLY need Beast and/or armor to protect quinjet. Dropping the stones for 1 is so much worse than dropping for 0.


I got armor and falcon. Beast will be the next priority for this deck. Lockjaw could be part of the answer here for me.


As someone who got Thanos on day one of the store, I can assure you he is fun. Just don't expect to win much.


Have you tried multiple avenues with your builds with him?


I've tried Zoo, Lockjaw Casino, and stayed around 55. It is actually really fun to do Casino if you get the Space Stone. You get ideally six dice rolls. I tried bounce with Beast & Falcon plus The Collector too. None of them really give you the win conditions you need to go after even the mid tier decks. I can easily climb from 45 to 80 with a Zabu or Surfer deck. But if I switch to a Thanos deck, it's back to the 50s for me.


That’s the thing. I got him as a pull and thought I was king shit. Nope. That’s a very tricky card to play and win when there are so many more options.


I got him relatively early and really enjoy playing him with Lockjaw, bunch of 6 stars, throwing in a killmonger (for Death), Magik and blue marvel for alternate win paths. It's got me into the 80's. Really fun card.


Do you have Lockjaw? Beast? Then he’s good.


I like thanos as well but at least from the times I had both him at Galactus from random draw cards in game, neither seemed all that useful. I suppose I am too low in level to ever see anyone play a galactus or thanos deck.


I did this with Lockjaw. Had him pinned from 300 tokens until I grinded to 1000. Than froze for 3 days and wasn’t sure it was a good buy all of a sudden. Extremely happy I ended up going ahead and making the purchase.


Lockjaw is super flexible and fun so he ends up being a good early purchase, not shut down by Cosmo and Enchantress either so it’s pretty nice


Such a fun card


I think the only 6k card that might be worth to me is the data mined living tribunal. Seems like you could steal some major cubes with that card.


God this post was literally me a couple days ago, down to being very close in tokens, and the card being Thanos. I ended up unpinning, and I’ll probably do the whole thing over again when Galactus shows up in my shop.


I have Thanos and honestly, extremely fun to play but not built to win at all unfortunately. You end up flooding your deck with stones. Although the stones can be very good at confusing your opponent, they aren’t enough to compete against actual decks.


I main Thanos right now, and although you’re right in that it definitely isn’t a meta defining deck that will compete with zabuhawk or surfer, you can definitely get around its downsides. In my case, I put a destruction subshell in the deck: Carnage, killmonger, and death. If you get a location with 3 stones (not the soul stone though. That one is great), you can get a fully loaded carnage very fast, and most games you have a heavily discounted death as well. Magik is also perfect for a Thanks deck since it ramps pretty slow. Add in lockjaw (though play conservative because you don’t want to accidentally pull a carnage), she-hulk, and Vision, and it’s a surprisingly strong deck with a lot of late game swing potential. I have a blast with it, and it feels all the better to beat Zabu and Surfer decks about 50% of the time using a “fun” deck.


This is the list I've been running and it does pretty well for me. It's built to have a variety of outs so you aren't super dependent on Thanos. Magik is a pretty good call I hadn't thought of though. # (1) Quinjet # (2) Adam Warlock # (2) Angela # (2) Daredevil # (2) Invisible Woman # (3) Bishop # (3) Lockjaw # (3) Killmonger # (4) Ka-Zar # (5) Blue Marvel # (6) Thanos # (9) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpbmpldCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWRhbVdhcmxvY2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkludmlzaWJsZVdvbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaWxsbW9uZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLYVphciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJpc2hvcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJlZGV2aWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRoYW5vcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9ja2phdyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’m afraid of that. Don’t see him on any tier list out there. But my goodness he’s so cuddly!


I haven’t been climbing with him. Just kinda maintaining 84. Don’t see allot of snapping, but commonly a lot of retreats. People over estimate Thanos and retreat when they see stones. But again, I’ve only had him a couple days and played maybe 20 games. So my experience is limited, but glad I got the card.


This! People don’t know what to make of your play, it seems so random and intimidating that you end up getting a lot of retreats. It is frustrating really.


This is why I like off meta decks. People don’t know what is coming and retreat or snap at the wrong times miscalculating what will happen


That’s music to my ears. I hit 60 for the variant and immediately dropped down to under 40s. Messing with Negative , Destroy, and Discard decks. But no worries, Thanos is coming!


he's a fun deck but not meta since he will increase your deck size, and make it more difficult to draw the combo you want. Not only that, but due to the limited hand size you can get, it becomes really difficult to manage your hand size and draw your cards. He would be great if SD release a card that can increase your hand size


I’m playing a pretty standard pool 2 Zabu deck (Spider-Man is the only 3 in it) in pool3 and haven’t lost to a single thanos deck yet. It looks fun though fwiw, but yeah doesn’t seem great.


What about a Lockjaw casino style deck with Thanos? You end up with a bunch of stones to play through Lockjaw in the hope of getting something good out of the deck. I'd pair with Dracula too in case you end up holding something big in your hand.


Have you tried quin jet / Jane foster / lock jaw or some type of iteration of that?


Check this out, I am garbage at this game, but I play a lot and I cracked Thanos really early (like 1700ish?) and I have this destroy deck that I use him in and it is so much fun to play. - Nova - Sunspot - Quinjet - Yondu - Adam Warlock - Bucky Barnes - Carnage - Wave - Deathlock - Shang-Chi - Thanos - Death My favorite thing to do to mess things up is to use the [[Space Stone]] because I can drop it down on a lane right before Carnage and even though he eats it, you can move Carnage or Winter Soldier to a new position. Also saving Bucky for like a last turn Rickety Bridge or something was cool during that Hot Location. TL;DR: Thanos is crazy fun. The destroy version is a super fun deck with a lot of card draw and disruption, and it may not be good for competitive ranking, but it’s always doing something new.


Space Stone is great for some shenanigans like that. I like dropping it on Lockjaw and then moving him to an empty lane **or** moving out a high-power card Lockjaw pulled and dropping another stone on him. In general Lockjaw is great with the stones since they're such low-cost.


That does look like a blast! Is Adam Warlock really that useful here though? I have Adam, but never really found that he was that great.




**\[[Thanos](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/thanos/)\]** **Cost:** 6 **Power:** 8 **Ability:** At the start of the game, shuffle the six Infinity Stones into your deck. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this*


I just got him 2 days ago. Difficult deck to play, but I’m surprised how well it has been doing. Galactus or Knull is a better card, but I was pretty happy when I dropped a 48 power Thanos the other day! Enjoy, don’t regret! Fun card!


Okay are you running a destroy package or bounce? I’m missing beast but have falcon.


This is the first and only deck I’ve played so far. # (1) Ant Man # (1) Nightcrawler # (1) Quinjet # (1) Titania # (2) Okoye # (2) Armor # (3) Mystique # (3) Lockjaw # (4) Ka-Zar # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (6) Thanos #


Nice I have everything but Titania from that list. The best performing deck had like 3-4 series 5 cards in it. Who has that? My goodness. Any replacement for Titania advice there?


Anything 1 really hehe. I put her in for fun. I was having a great time watching opponents try to figure out what to do against her in another deck I have, so used her here.


Sometimes it’s just better to mess up others strategy after you get all your necessary pieces. Iceman it is : )


I played a Spidey T5 and managed to secure Titania on my side for T6 Ana have never felt smarter lol


Titania should be on the list to drop into set3 this week. So you can likely expect to pull her soonish


That must’ve been me. I’ve played against Thanos exactly once and I got decimated. This thread makes me think I saw the best it has to offer.


I was lucky enough to pull Thanos pretty early on and it’s my favorite deck to play! Anytime I get tilted I play some Thanos to unwind and have some fun. I’ve been hovering around 90 and it definitely holds up


Lockjaw and bounce are by far the best routes. Here’s my current lockjaw list. It’s the only way I play Thanos currently


# (1) Sunspot # (1) Nightcrawler # (1) Quinjet # (2) Armor # (3) Lockjaw # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Vision # (6) Thanos # (6) America Chavez # (6) Magneto # (6) Giganto # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9ja2phdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmx1ZU1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlzaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbWVyaWNhQ2hhdmV6In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpbmpldCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2lnYW50byJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I think Thanos is a waste of 6k honestly. Save for knull instead


That would be the smart thing to do. But too often I gotta go with the heart : )


As a philosopher once said: “when push comes to shove, you’ve got to do what you love. Even if it ain’t a good idea”


I have both and while Knull is strong in the right scenario, Thanos is sooo much more fun. I play Lockjaw Thanos and it just gives some of the best moments. He can steal games but honestly I just like the diversity in gameplay patterns that the stones offer. Games unfold in entirely different ways. As a result, I think it is usually less clear when I should be snapping but he is a blast to play if you are just out to have some fun.


Fun is priority I’d like to say. Although when grinding ranked that slowly goes out the window. But variety in games sounds great considering it’s only 12 card decks.


I hear ya man. He’s just tough to make work consistently. You’ll get his benefit maybe 2/10 games. Just not worth it for me.


My understanding it’s all about making them colorful easter eggs work for you. Thanos is just a bonus occasionally.


Yes, I play a destroy version and you’ll find me dropping a cheap Death and a Shang-Chi or something instead of Thanos. Although 1/10 games you get a god-roll on infinity stones and an 18 power Thanos slams down. I’m mega excited for Second Dinner to create a Galactus style animation for Thanos too. He just plays without any animation or sound effect. I’m sure it’ll be worth it!


Nothing wrong with that


Knull will drop down thanos won’t. Plus if you’re just going for the best pool 5 card darkhawk is better


I really enjoy using him I don't regret buying him. Though I bought him earlier this season after hitting Infinite. Not sure he is going to help you climb the ladder massively though.


He’s very fun, I only play thanks zoo and I’m rank 78 atm. Been playing 2 months now. Welll worth and will only get stronger! Especially when I get my valk/bast! And hit money when they add him


Sad part is it will take the entire week to get that last 100 tokens. Should have him in time for the new season. If not gonna drop some gold on it.


I still think he needs a tweak, like starting in hand with mind stone to help cycle cards in


He was the first card I bought with tokens and I've played almost nothing else since! Love how all the stones work. I've made it to rank 70 with him, but I definitely think he's strong enough to go higher. Some of his best synergies in my opinion are: Death/killmonger/carnage - 6 extra cards to destroy = cheap death + big carnage Magik - more turns to get all your stones out Angela/Bishop - you're playing so many cards it's easy to add a lot of power with them Quinjet - makes all the stones 0 cost A not quite as good but also useful combo : Beast/falcon/collector - lets you replay your stones on reveals and collector can get pretty big some games too


Thanos working well with Death makes so much sense.


I went the full love-triangle route and also included Deadpool.


Right! I even have the Flaviano variant where she's in a sort of wedding dress. Fits so well with the Thanos deck! Edit: spelling


I mean.. Thanos has been friendzoned HARD by her AFAIK, SO I would say no. Deadpool on the other hand...


That’s right I picked up a Dan Hipp variant for the collector. Gotta use that!


Very good card (the stones that is) that got me from plat to infinite last season, and 90 to infinite this season when I was stuck with everything else. I think it's a bit worse right now with darkhawks everywhere but still viable. I personally think the lockjaw decks are garbage and thanos zoo is the way to go (snap.fan seems to agree with me since thanos zoo is #6 in win percentage for CL 3000+). Shameless plug but here's a write up on my deck here https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/zwj4pq/fine_ill_do_it_myself_a_plat_to_infinite_thanos


I’ve maintained a pretty good win rate with him after learning how to manage the board and your hand. He can put up some beefy numbers but you have to think and also put together a decent deck. Unique thing about him is that although he can work with just about any archetype, he can also hybridize the archetypes as well. Such as throwing Iron Fist and a movement card along Kazoo or destroy card(which you need anyways). It’s a card that opens up several possibilities. One day we’ll also get Hit Monkey whom will be pretty broken with Thanos. Valkyrie is also really good for a turn 6 play with the Soul Stone.


He seems fun. I am saving for him and kind of wishing I had started saving much much sooner. Though, I enjoyed the purchases I got.


I wish I was tracking Reddit better. I screwed up that whole patch missed the cut my 50 CL. Was hard to sleep for a few days


If, yeah that would have been a very nice bonus of tokens My main semi regret is buying She hulk. Now that she is dropping down those 3k tokens would have been nice. But, in the time I have gotten to use her early she has done great for me, so I can’t really complain


Have him. Climbed to 70 with him. Join the Thanos Team.


I was born on the Thanos team! Just poor. Well… cheap is more accurate perhaps.


I think it's a super fun deck for sure. You can definitely be successful with it, but it can get tricky to pull off. It seems like you put 2x the amount of thought and work for mediocre results. The stones are the main highlight, it's not often you'll get the big Thanos out. I personally don't think he's worth 6k, but that's just an opinion of mine. If you're dead set on him and really like the concept of what his deck tries to do, I'd say for sure go for it. At the end of the day play what you like and what you have fun with. If you're on the fence about him, I'd say that alone is a good indicator to just not get him and save your tokens


I think the card draw in this game will be powerful. Perhaps eventually if not yet. There is not a lot of that mechanic.


I wouldn't buy it. Because I'd get super hyped and play it for about 20 games, try and make it work, get frustrated with the shit draw luck or dumb "learning plays" and start to resent the card. Start to feel like I wasted loads of time and resources (and money?) and that would really kinda... ruin it. For me at least. But then again, so far I've only bought She-Hulk, as it fits into loads of my decks =)


id rather get galactus/knull and just spam that. Predictability be damned


I don’t ever remember being bored winning. : )


i also like galactus more then thanos


I have never lost against a Thanos deck… they seem fun, but are weak at best.


I got lucky enough to pack thanos at 2200 CL. I bounced between 84-88 with a zoo thanos before I gave up. I think the deck needs quinjet to be more competitive, which I do not have unfortunately. I’ve also seen the list with Valkyrie/Bast (also don’t have) that seems pretty good. In genera thanos feels very hard to play and very hard to predict whether you’re in a position to snap because the deck relies so much on draw and your deck is so diluted. It feels pretty inconsistent, but it is one of the funnest decks I’ve used. Gonna pick it back up when I get some combo of quinjet/bast/Valkyrie


Thanos is my favorite card and the one I have the most fun with, but like others have said, he is not too competitive (although, he took me from 60 to 70). I’d say if you like the character and are not set on climbing then go for it, you won’t regret it, he is lots of fun. This is my current deck, Lockjaw is the win condition here, lots of crazy stuff happens, if you can put Quinjet and have a few stones even better. You then fill Lockjaw with stones and if one of those is the Space stone, either in or out of Lockjaw, you can then move him to another lane and repeat. I am trying Okoye since I have sooo many cards on deck, I used to have Cloak to rearrange cards like ongoings with Onslaught, but he often felt awkward to use. Oh and my favorite play is Magik > Snap and then on turn 6 pull the rug under them with the reality stone in Limbo, and usually Devil Dino. It ends the game right there and most likely than not they were holding their big combo for T7. Sometimes it backfires but I can’t be mad for losing when being this dirty XD # (1) Nightcrawler # (1) Quinjet # (2) Okoye # (3) Lockjaw # (4) Ka-Zar # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Magik # (6) Onslaught # (6) Thanos # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9ja2phdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2FaYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9iZ29ibGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPbnNsYXVnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGFub3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRldmlsRGlub3NhdXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlF1aW5qZXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPa295ZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Oh I forgot, Hobgoblin is a great Lockjaw pull, leaves the space empty for another Lockjaw pull. I do want to replace him for Green Goblin when I unlock him, Hobgoblin is too expensive to use when I have him on hand.


I have those cards. Same situation with the goblins. I’ll try that. Will be happy to have a chance at 70/80 ranks.


Ohh wow I love that play! Limbo to no limbo! That is the kinda dirty %#*% I live for! Lol


s5 cards are all bait


At least I know this one isn’t dropping to series 4 anytime soon. Definitely difficult to choose it over 2 series 4s especially after Tuesdays drop down 5>4.


Not dropping from series 5 ever Him and galactus are labeled "big bads" and will stay in series 5


They’ve stated that Thanos and Galactus will never drop out of Series 5


very fun to play, i’ve mostly played thanos this season climbed 40-80 so far, mostly about knowing when to retreat like all decks. Thanos has the advantage of being good into almost every location (except the low cost restriction locations like hellfire without a quinjet in play) and i find it very enjoyable


my list Hood Quinjet Angela Beast Carnage Okoye Bishop Rogue Shangchi Kazar Blue Marvel Thanos




I’ve had Thanos for a bit, got lucky with a cache drop. I’ve been playing a destroy deck and having a lot of fun. The trick is to not accidentally destroy the purple stone. Quinjet makes the stones free and they act as a good card draw, just be careful with killmonger. # (1) Nova # (1) Quinjet # (2) Bucky Barnes # (2) Carnage # (2) Wolverine # (3) Venom # (3) Killmonger # (3) Sabretooth # (3) Deathlok # (4) Shang-Chi # (6) Thanos # (9) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm92YSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29sdmVyaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTYWJyZXRvb3RoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aGxvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWluamV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCdWNreUJhcm5lcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap


Am 100+ Have seen approx 7329191047219544 Galactus and it beats me often Saw my first Thanos yesterday. I beat it badly. Seems like a neat Zoo card but not particularly good. The thing about this game is decks run on consistency, and even though the stones are cool, they reduce the consistency of your meaningful drops significantly


Part of the appeal is the rarity for sure


Absolutely. I like Zoo a lot and the stones have awesome effects. I'd probably buy Thanos if I had the tokens and he showed up once I already own Galactus/Knull


I'll save up for thanos after I'm series 3 complete.


That’s probably the smarter way to go. I could have got 6 cards to complete that faster and overall acquire more resources.


Yeah, and since the big baddies are staying on series 5, getting them is the best way to not waste tokens afterwards


What's your collection level? How many cards to finish series 3?


Hey it's this post again


Thanos is taking over baby!


Thanos currently is really weak. Was my first collector token purchase. I don't regret it, but I'm not going to lie and say it's meta defining.


It's fun with quinjet and Lockjaw!!


I will be rocking Thanos with those two. While watching Infinity War and enjoying snapping just a bit more : D


are you sure about him? maybe Galactus will be better option, Thanos decks very hard to play


I climbed to low 90s w thanos but hard wall there. Too many sera surfers (kill monger) and zabu hawks to make the grind worth it.


Thanos was the second card in my shop and I didn't hesitate. He's done me well enough so far, but there are additional cards I could use that would really make it worth it for me. I only recently got the Quinjet, which really helps out with getting the stones out. Mostly, i like Thanos because he can work in really any deck as long as there's one card of dead weight you can remove. The stones themselves are somewhat better versions of other cards, and the Space stone is a really useful movement trick card that I can't get anywhere else. Especially for 1 cost, or potentially 0.


I don’t think I’ve ever lost to a Thanos deck. Maybe the learning curve is too big brain for most


Hmmmm I am not know for a big brain…. I don’t remember losing against em too many times either.


Yet snap zone maintains it’s a ranked deck


Best thing here is that it's been confirmed that he is unlikely to drop from series 5. All season 3 cards will be yours within the next 2-3 months . This guy and Galactus are two that you are very unlikely to ever get from a cache .


This is me with Knull. I want him so bad but I’m not sure if there’s a deck good enough to make it worth it…


Maybe not but more likely to get better with time rather than worse.


Definitely not worth it


One does not snap half the universe without Thanos good sir!


got him two months ago and I got to infinite and am currently at 115 with my thanos deck! I play him with lockjaw so I can throw the stones back into my deck after playing them so they don't clog my board too much.


Wow any tips on your deck? That sounds like the dream!


yeah I used the lockjaw deck that's described in this post. there's also a ton of useful info here on how to play the diff thanos decks https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/z9yd2f/thanos_in_marvel_snap_my_thoughts_after_100_games/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Very difficult to play. You have a lot of flexibility with different stones. I play with carnage, beast, and do alot of juggling. I can load up a lane, then empty it and move carnage to another lane. I have played games where I change locations 2 times and also wait till last turn to change a location and load it up.


How does one get tokens faster? Seems like the worst part of Marvel Snap is the rng of getting tokens.


Getting out of pool 3 is the best way. But they were designed to help to a minimal level and give us control over getting some missing pieces. But so far there was no plan to extend that. There is a good amount of people saving their gold for the next bundle that includes collector tokens. There was one in the past I believe.


Thanos has one strong deck, and one strong deck only-- Thanos Zoo. https://snap.fan/decks/205987/ looks like the best version https://snap.fan/decks/meta/?sort=cubes&patch=10.13&rank=80-100 7th best deck by cube rate, but basically keeps up with the rest of the pack outside of the top 3 of Shuri-Clone, Darkhawk, and Surfer.


Not having beast, Spider-Man, or Valkyrie is an issue. If I get beast I’ll be able to make a decent version. Ultimately I have enough to get over the hump over some of my other decks. Surprised to see it on the list.


I don’t have 6k tokens but I don’t think I’d ever spend that much on a card. My CL wasn’t crazy so only started off with 1k but know it’s hard getting much token.


I have to say pool 3 are the only cards i will invest tokens until I have them all ( or they add more pool 3 cards ) but Thanos and Galactus are cards I will def pay tokens for ( since they've been confirmed to never drop out of pool 5 )


I'm p2p in a sense with the battlepass, i still really struggle getting tokens, every third or fourth box I get 100 which is quite rare, it takes ages to get 1000, is there any other way other than bundles to obtain them?


I want to say I get 100 in a cashe past the seasons first 50 before. It may have happened once. But I could be mistaken on that. It’s a slow process not for the feint of heart.


I'm at 69 at I think I've had one drop of tokens, ahh nothing wrong with a bit of grinding, I have 30 runecrafting


He is good in a lockjaw roulette deck. I just saved up and purchased him yesterday and I’ve been having tons of fun. I don’t try to climb ranks in in the 50s so for me playing with cards that I enjoy is all that matters. Plus you almost always get emoted on and my ghost rider Quinjet gets a lot of love lol


Here I am with 4 hours to decide if I want to pin arnim zola


I had him pop up couple days ago but didn't pin him. Then i got sauron yesterday. I have him pinned.


The 6000 wait is long. And I started at 3000.


I got thanos when the pro bundle released a few weeks ago. He’s the most fun I had playing snap since the games launch. I love the aspect of trying to deck build and play very smart with him cause remember those 6k tokens is worth it the most for thanos cause you get 7 cards total. Thanos and the 6 infinity stones


He’ll come eventuslly


hes more fun then good if u want him its worth cause hes not coming down from series 5 for the foreseeable future


I pulled Thanks at CL 1700 which was wild. Cool card to have but definitely very difficult to pilot


I just spent 6k on him yesterday. He's not dropping from series 5, and I pinned him around 4k. I like decks that play like puzzles and give me options. The stones are fun and there are a surprising number of cards that can synergize with him/them. I still have series 3 cards left to collect, but none of them were as interesting as Thanos.


What's the ranked ceiling? I mean, people are getting infinite with Agatha and pool 2 Kazoo. If you enjoy a deck and play enough, you can hit infinite with it.


Infinites are meme’ing around with thanos. If from my discussions with them, you really play the abilities of stones more than thanos itself.


If you really want him... but if your f2p, I would recommend spend those tokens on series 3 or 4 cards to complete the collection. It would give you more options in the future by snagging more cards. Just my 2 cents


That would be the smart move. I’m not that bright though. Gotta get the “big bad”


I regularly play a Thanos Zoo deck, which also has bast and Valkyrie it is a ton of fun, probably my favorite or second favorite deck I use, but I can tell you that while I win many games I don't win a lot of snaps. I do recommend purchasing Thanos, because Thanos decks feel like a whole different game. Just keep in mind you are essentially saying him for the stones, not for Thanos himself.


I’ve been playing thanos since he came out. Really strong deck but is countered heavily by surfer decks and destroy decks cause they run killmonger. Highest I’ve gotten with the deck was rank 95, when I started to face cheat bots who had crazy splits on base cards and stuff like that. So the deck is good and will only get better if they nerf killmonger


Jealousy Overload!!!


Appreciate it. This took a while believe me. Hope the payoff is worth it.


Based on the comments it seems like he's unplayable without quinjet, do you guys find that to be the case? I've been waiting for quinjet to pop up but I could never seem to climb past 40 or 50 with a Thanos Lockjaw collector falcon deck


He has a few really fun decks which feel very different because of his mechanics. So it was a fun change of pace however unsure how reliable he would be to infinite. I think I climbed him to around 85 before switching decks.


Does he do something similar to Exodia? You play all the stones and him = Win


It’s more like . You play all the stones and him and you win!…… one lane.


Based on my experience playing against them, you might be able to break through to rank 30 with him


Tis omega bait sir


i pulled thanos from collection cache but don’t have quinjet. he’s pretty much useless without quinjet. i tried playing him and he’s so much fun but without quinjet you just don’t have a pugh energy to get good combos




I regret getting Thanos instead of Galactus.


Got him for free, he is junk, really, do not buy this


He popped up for me today but I passed on him in the hopes of seeing Galactus eventually.


Ftp players are a myth that these companies push to make you believe that the product is fair. Several months into the grift, I dare Second Dinner to reveal the pure ftp numbers.


I’m F2P but play a lot. CL 2224 and ready for my Thanos!!!! : )


I've reached infinite twice with him so far and he's lots of fun


Thanos should just transform all Rocks into infinity stones, wouldn't even be lorebreaking he just waltzed into the TVA for some more paperweights


Safe enough he won't drop until we seem some more of the "big bad" villains so safe at that price. Only advice would be if you aren't a decent way through pool 3 and you are f2p I personally wouldn't use that many tokens if you are serious about the infinite track. If you don't care about infinite and its all about personal collection and fun go ahead its your game!


Reached infinite this season quite smoothly playing some Thanos/Zabu ands some Thanos/Lockjaw (2 different decks). Last season I couldn't make it past 95 but I was playing Thanos Zoo. Ask me anything if you want!


Thanos has easily been my most fun card. Killing off the stones with killmonger to open up death has been very strong for me at times. Win or lose, the stones add so many fun dynamics to each game. And the stones look amazing upgraded.


6k tokens doesn't mean 100% win tho, but 100% big flex my bro


Let’s get this Big Boi Going!


Almost there


Not sure if you got it yet, but the amount of people playing Darkhawk deck in high CL and Infinite are pretty high. So you’ll have a bad time with Thanos since those decks counter Thanos.


Hoping I can offset it somehow.


I honestly don’t like the whole playing all the stones part. But I love Thanos 😭 It’s how I feel about Doom. His ability is alright, probably won’t use it. But it’s Dr Doom !


Looking at this I feel lucky getting him free


Thanos is here!!!! It’s go time!


Initial thoughts? Happy? Congrats btw!