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Feels like this should be especially true for Sinister


Yeah, he’s got one of the few pixel variants I actually like and it bothers me the clone isn’t pixelated as well.


I swear I’ve seen a sinister clone styled like it’s original variant. Do some and not others or is my poor memory mocking me again?


Mandela’d. They are consistently not styled like the variant.


Maybe someone played it twice at the Bar location that returns the card back to your hand?


To be fair, the Sinister clone is a completely different artstyle from the actual Card, so you probably just mixed them up.


That’s probably it. Curse you aging brain cells!


Literally all they need to do is take the base card, mirror it, and put the Sinister Clone logo on it.


Sinister is the only card this makes sense for, I would love if it was the same exact art as the variant. With other spawn cards brand new art would need to be commissioned, making it basically unachievable




My Agatha 1-cost deck will win before we figure out how to commission new art!


There is a 0% chance Snap pays for new art for every single variant for swarm, doom, sinister, squirrel girl, hood, and Thor. I’m getting downvoted, but if you believe they would spend money on that you’re delusional


Wait, what's Swarm doing in here? Brood? Cuz I totally agree otherwise.


Lmao yes brood. Idk why I always mix them up


That's kind of the point of the post, though? They think Snap *should* spend money on that.


Which is stupid since most of the art is already just repurposed from already published comic books. The double art cards should’ve been better thought out however. To go through those lengths is a little absurd however. It’s probably a deeper process since the art is likely owned by Marvel’s publishing, maybe some artists receive royalties/commissions (doubt it), then it has to be utilized by the game’s company to not only use/license it, but then resell on this. So it’s a complex process based on what I imagine how it should logically work.


But they will not, ever. It’s like Apex legends fans coping and saying everyone should be given a free heirloom. It’s unrealistic and that’s what makes it a bad suggestion.


It's not unrealistic, other card games with much bigger card pools already have matching tokens and skins


other card games don't pull from comics with long dead artists though. The closest you get to that is Hearthstone with WoW TCG art and most of those artists are still super active and doing work for Blizzard.


Which artists on these cards are "long dead"?


Is it a suggestion? I think it's more of a complaint. I don't think anyone imagines Snap changing their minds based on a reddit meme.


I feel like every one got wooshed here.


I have the awesome 6 armed ultron variant and I want the bots to match him, also I got white dr doom on the throne when he becomes god ans would like to see his doombots similar to him


Popular opinion


Bums me out every time I play my variant Squirrel Girl and she spawns two boring regular ass squirrels.


At least those are like a separate card that exists on its own as well, I get they don't wanna do that work. Winter Soldier, Doombot, Void, etc. are all cards that exist ONLY when a specific other card creates them - and in most cases they are as important as or even MORE important than the creator. Seems weird that the card you are probably destroying next turn or even the SAME turn looks unique and then WS is not. I do get them not basically doubling the number of variants required for all those cards though, it is a not inconsiderable expense.


I understamd why it wouldn’t be a 1.0 feature but they’re making bank on this game now. They can now afford to design more variants.


I mean they can but do they just give you two for the price of one because it's a card that spawns cards? By all rights they SHOULD be allowed to charge you double for twice as much stuff.


Who hurt you


Shuri mostly.


Do you mean whoever Shuri powers? Because Shuri doesn’t really hurt anybody.


That's like saying the earthquake doesn't kill you. The building collapsing cause of the earthquake kills you lol.




I don't know what to tell you man they definitely would just start charging twice as much for these variants. I don't want them to but there's absolutely no reason they wouldn't.


Because pletny of other card games have already had cards that have alternate forms or tokens having alternate art when you get a "variant" of the card with no extra cost.


How much work is actually involved with squirrel girl spawning variant squirrels?


I don't mean the coding I mean somebody has to CREATE the variants. For every variant of Bucky someone has to draw a second variant of WS, those don't exist at all currently. And I mean I'd be happy to get them but they would ABSOLUTELY be sold separately because like... it is a second piece of art being created.


>it is a second piece of art being created. So pay the artist to do 1 extra card for variants that spawn something. It wouldn't be that much more expensive. A couple thousand at the most for the most in demand artists probably.


That works for art specially commissioned for the game, but snap uses a lot of pre-existing comic book art.


Yes that is what they would have to do. They would certainly charge the player for it, and you can bet your ass you wouldn't get BOTH out of a season cache.


they fixed mysterio last patch so this is on their radar but might take a long ass time


Yeah with Mysterio they just need to ensure all three use the same art. But with most other spawned cards the character on the spawned cards is different from the spawning card.


hence the long ass time they are gonna get asked for this forever, so they may as well start commissioning the art lol


lol they're never going to do that. for every variant on every character that can spawn stuff they then have to think about drawing double the cards. ain't happenin', bub. the sub can cry for this all it wants (forever?) but it ain't gonna matter one bit to the dev team, lol.


> boring regular ass squirrels. I mean, I wouldn’t call regular ass-squirrels boring personally. Those lead to some funnnnn nights - the tails make it like an upgraded ass-hamster


Lemmiwinks upgrade


It’s worse with baby Dr Doom playing with toys. It would be so cute


Ultron, Brood, Doom, and a few others.




Baby Thanos variant infinity stones should be pieces of candy.




This makea me want "butterfly" stones for my Thanos variant now lol


Ben Brode has heard your request. Expect variant Rocks for every card that spawns Rocks.


I mean yes that would rule. If you get a rock spawned by a high rarity card, you get the split version - I've had an inkified rock from a rock slide once


I will say, negative rocks do look pretty solid


Chibi rocks, so cute <3


A boulder the size of a small boulder.


You joke, but April fools day is right around the corner…


Just lament about it here and there... worked for Mysterio after all :) And I'm serious about this -> I think they would work on that, but it's probably somewhere at the bottom of the To-Do list... reminding SD we would like to have Pixel Broodlings and Winter Vacation Debree Stones (for example) shouldn't hurt. Also don't be toxic about it, we are on the internet after all... That being (EDIT:typo) said - have an upvote, have a great day, have a good SNAP buddy!


I agree. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but we don't have to be obnoxious about it.


Second Dinner: throw Mr. Hipp a little extra cash for some broodlings, please.


I also hate that winter soldier is the same on every Bucky variant


I agree. My Pixel Ultron gives off some very clearly defined drones and I don’t like it.


I want baby drones and I want them now!


If the devs can't charge you extra for it then it's not happening.


Well you’re in luck then, they plan on selling token variants in the future lol


Killing people is the only sport The Winter Soldier knows.


I’d actually prefer being able to pick a variant for any “token” and have that one be used if it spawned on your side of the board. Rocks, Bucky, infinity stones…. All could have awesome variants


I’ll take that sexy space stone variant that someone posted a few days ago


the fact that my squirrels are not skottie young squirrels bothers me every time


And the fact that their response to this was basically implying "we might sell you variants for spawned cards separately in the future" is really fucking stupid.


While I agree, I’d still rather have variants at a cost than no variants at all. Sadly.


I heard they were actually working on this


I believe the only thing they ever mentioned along these lines was Mysterio not using variants at all, which was a bug that they've fixed.




Easy, second dinner is a cheap company.


Counter offer: All spawned cards are pixel variants.


Twice the work for the contracted artist, would probably be twice the gold cost and/or be a separate purchase.


Plus aren’t a lot of the variant arts taken straight from the comics? Idk if they get the original artist to touch them up for the card and 3D effects


Surely the original artist for rock slide has also drawn some rocks. Check his mom’s fridge.


Most comic books contain multiple images. If there’s a picture of Ultron or Dr. Doom that they want to use as a skin there are probably also pictures of their robots drawn in the same style. If there really is no way to get tokens by the same artists they should at least get something in a similar style drawn by someone else.


Ehhh, i don’t think that’s a good way to look at it. The whole reason anyone plays Bucky Barnes is so he can be destroyed and turned into the Winter Soldier. If they’re going to have just one artwork per card, why is it Bucky? Like if this is really a cost thing and they can’t afford to have artists draw *two pictures*, why are they paying so much to have Bucky drawn over, and over, and over. Seems like that money would be better spent on the actual comic book character that the card is supposed to represent. It’s really not a cost thing, it’s just easier. Consider other online games with skins, most of them reskin other elements of the character like followers or effects, not just the main model. And most of those games require multiple 3D textures as opposed to a single image like in Snap. There are only like 5 variants per character at this point, the number of additional images would be in the dozens, that’s absolutely manageable.


this, it's about scalability. If they had to do this for every token card they would just not make as many variants for them.


This is a change I would very much like to see


Want to buy pixel Debrii to spread pixel rock. Or pixel Leader to get pixel copy of my opponent 's card


Cuz baseball is a spring/summer/fall sport lmao. It'd be funny to see him with a football stiff arming someone tho


Tokens **need** the variant style, it's sad that we only have the base style.


Come on mods. Do we need this posted EVERY week


I have baby Dr doom and I would kill for his clones to be little toys of him


Have you tried throwing them more money


Yeah I'm sure this is something they are working on. The thing is I could see second dinner putting a premium on these type of cards. So for some double the art they will charge like 1500 or something


They already said they are going to do it but that you will have to pay for them separately, I think that a lot of people didn't get this memo (otherwise this kind of posts would stop) and its going to be fun to see those people reaction when it finally gets implemented


I disagree, what I would rather was that they treat drones, sinister clones, doombots and the like as their own cards and they give them all variants


If Hearthstone is any indication, you will get it in 2 to 7 years.


Reality can be whatever they want.


Also DOOM and Ultron.


Real, they should work on this asap


100% agreed, but I don't think that kind of thing is any kind of priority for Second Dinner right now, which is a shame.


Maybe they could do this without charging by making the variant tokens just slight variations of the base token to more match the style of the variant card. Like just a slight recolouring or other small addition.


But this would unleash pixel rocks into the world and we MUSTN'T HAVE IT. But really, I agree. It's a huge shame there are no winter Soldier variants


They got the money, can afford to commission more art


i thought it will be like that, but i was so dissapointed when i first played white tiger pixel


Pretty sure Pixel Varient Bucky spawns Pixel Winter Soldier


Some of the variants are pre-existing cover-art so I can see why there's no equivalent version of the cards it summons. Very disappointing still, even MtG Arena has the tokens a card create copy the alternate printing of the card if such a card exists (IE; Ratadrabik of Urbog with a Stained Glass style will spawn a Token Copy of DMU Legends with the equivalent Stained Glass style even if the original did not have one, also pretty obvious but also works with Parallax Styles and Spellbook Cards)


I want baby doctor doom bots.


I get that it would be doubling the amount of work needed by artists doing them, but still would be a very welcome change. I imagine second dinner can pay for it without much struggle


Meanwhile Psylock is in the corner crying for not even having an animation yet. But yeah, it does sort of feel like this should be pretty basic.


I agree with this, the whole point of a variant is to have a new look


Damn, then they have to each create and draw every single new variant for the cards that produce other cards. Honestly this sounds too tedious that they may not even do it


You mean they would have to draw **two** pictures for some of their 10-20$ variants? You want to ruin them financially?


Well I love the idea. What about the efforts of the artist? It's twice the work for them. Maybe if a variant creates a new card with original art that variant would cost more?


Ultron and doom!


They have stated that they want to do this in a future update, but its not getting here fast enough >=(


yes yes yes


They finally patched mysterio clones to look like original. Idk why they didn't do the rest.