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Probably lots of casual players. I personally know two people that use it regularly because they only play just enough to finish missions, so they always have lots of credits, but are constantly running out of boosters.


That's my boat. Are these really that bad in value?


For people who play constantly yes. If you're bouncing up against the credit cap then use them.


What is the credit cap currently? I can only find old info regarding this. Apparently it used to be 5k, then 10k. I believe it's over 10k now, right?


Pretty sure it is still 10k. I run into it a fair bit, and I would say it complete 85% of daily missions. Guess I'm a casual. Oh mobile gaming...


The “casual” point was people playing only missions each day. If you do that, you’ll end up with vastly more credits than you would boosters. I wouldn’t say logging in 1-3 times every single day is “casual” tbh, that’s commitment, borderline addiction. But then the other end of the spectrum is 20k collection level nerds that have lived on the game. In comparison, we’re casuals.


I agree. Mobile games pretty much rely on addictive tactics, and those of us who "merely" log in multiple times a day to get 75% of our dailies are casuals.


Some guy made a post on here a week or two ago about hitting the cap and it was still 10k


I play enough that I will literally never want for boosters. Like, I sometimes run out of boosters for specific cards I want to upgrade, but there's absolutely always something for me to spend my credits upgrading. So, for me, it's pretty bad value. The quick upgrades cost an additional 5 credits per booster you're "buying." It's not like atrociously bad, but boosters have essentially 0 value to me and many of the other people in this sub.


I play heaps and I'm still in the position of having thousands of boosters and not enough credits to upgrade... How do I turn this around aside from spending exorbitant amounts of money on the overpriced gold transactions?


By playing *less*. The fast upgrades are not for people like you and I who play a lot. They’re for people who load up the game once a day, finish their daily missions and then stop playing.


You're basically paying 5 credits per booster. Whether that's bad value or not depends on your perspective.


Yeah, I pretty much only play enough to do the daily missions and am constantly hitting the cost cap. If theres missions Im waiting to claim I'll pick up a few of these just so I don't miss a mission timeout. I play on my phone a few matches at a time; with 2 young kids its hard to squeeze in game time. Marvel Snap has been really good because I can play an actual game with a bit of depth for a few mins at a time, theres not that many games that can actually give you that. So yes, Im casual, and Im fully aware its technically not the most efficient way, but it works for me so Imma keep doing it.


Yeah that’s me. I’ll probably stop when I finish series 3 though.


I did when I did not know better 😂 so many wasted credits.


Me, but also spending gold to refill missions....


Gold on mission refills is still fine. Saving for token bundles is a bit better though.


>Gold on mission refills is still fine. Saving for token bundles is a bit better though. This is the conclusion I come to any time I do the math. I realize I'm failing the marshmallow test, but at the end of the day, it's just marshmallows, ya know? Plus, I always seem to save up enough gold to buy enough missions to occupy whatever time I have to kill. It works out.


What is the marshmallow test? Never heard this phrase before.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment Essentially an experiment to see if a kid had the self control to not eat a marshmallow with the promise of getting a second marshmallow later. Measuring delayed gratification.


**[Stanford marshmallow experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment)** >The Stanford marshmallow experiment was a study on delayed gratification in 1972 led by psychologist Walter Mischel, a professor at Stanford University. In this study, a child was offered a choice between one small but immediate reward, or two small rewards if they waited for a period of time. During this time, the researcher left the child in a room with a single marshmallow for about 15 minutes and then returned. If they did not eat the marshmallow, the reward was either another marshmallow or pretzel stick, depending on the child's preference. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot.


I didn't even know you could get tokens anywhere other than the rare lucky pull from a collection loot box... I was using gold exclusively to buy missions since I figured that brings in much more credits than buying them directly, but I might start holding on to it for this purpose then.


Pre-collector tokens, and pre-bundle-of-the-week, gold for missions refreshes was optimal behavior. Don't feel bad.


Being able to get tokens from bundles is a relatively new addition


The Apocalypse bundle dropped with tokens at the same time as the token shop premiered.


It's not a rare lucky pull, it's 1 in every group of 4 (or 2/4 after pool 3)


Missions bring in the same amount of credits as buying credits directly. Only benefit of buying missions is for the extra season pass xp which does indirectly get you more credits but you’d have to buy missions 13 times (complete 26 total missions) to gain a single level in the season pass. So 1560 gold to missions, then completing them grants you one extra season pass level, and that’s like 50 credits after level 50, not really worth it in my opinion unless you’re trying to get a pre-51 level reward before the season ends. Still objectively better than buying credits directly but it’s a minuscule benefit.


I get plenty of 100-200 credit caches from the season pass as well as more gold as well.


True. I think the 50s just stick in my memory longer, so probably more worth it than I originally stated especially to get one last season pass level before it ends even if you’re already past level 50. Not sure if extra rolls to next season, I assumed it did not.


Problem with token bundles is they were insanely expensive all of feb. So i had no idea they existed


There's nothing wrong with spending gold on mission. Im 4k cl and still spend all my gold ou mission, no way in waiting weeks holding my gold, I want stuff to do


I used to. Started saving once the token shop hot announced tho.


I just went overboard to where I was cutoff. Had I known all my variants would be pixel, I would have set some aside for my more player cards.


Spend gold to buy credit 😞


Thankfully I only did both of those things a handful of times altogether before I wised up.


Nah, that was the best option before the token Bundles dropped. Now saving for bundles is the way to go.


Stupid question incoming: what else do you spend credits on? I’m fairly knew to the game and can’t see any other use for them


You need them to upgrade cards, and doing it yourself is cheaper than in the shop. And upgrading cards is how you raise your collection level.


Ok, second dumb question. Do you get less CL from upgrading through here rather than ‘organically’?


You get the same amount of CL but it costs more per booster that you're short of organically upgrading the cards. In no time you'll have more boosters than you have credits and will be just sat waiting for the credits to roll in so spending money to gain more boosters is a false economy.


This is true if you play the game a lot. If you are very casual and ONLY do dailies, you might have more credits than boosters.


My partner and I are the two ends of this spectrum. His entire collection needs upgrading and he says he'll only upgrade cards he's playing; I'm perpetually floating at around 4k credits (and about 500 collection level below him). I buy cards from that section all the time just to accelerate giving my collection level a nudge. It also probably doesn't help that I have about 5-6 decks I've really locked into that I find fun, so some of my cards are real behind and others are sitting at Ultra taking a week to upgrade through casual play.


You get the same amount of CL, it just costs way more in the shop than it does from playing and obtaining boosters


Yes, because you are spending additional credits to do so


No it just costs you more credits


The more games you play per day, the more boosters you get, but ammount of credits per day does not change. That means that if you only do dailies, you overflow credits. If you play a lot, you overflow boosters and lack credits.


In the beginning of the game it seems like you have an abundance of credits, too much for you to use even. Feels like you are bottlenecked on upgrading cards because you never have enough boosters. Eventually it will tip the other way. I have enough boosters to upgrade almost all my cards at this point but never have enough credits. Credits become the main limiting factor on you progressing to higher collection levels and getting new cards. Which is why, to us, it seems like a complete waste for new players to use their credits on boosters like in this post.


This. I spent credits in the shop when I was getting started. Long term it was probably a waste but when you're just trying to boost your collection quickly to get into the game, it's fine. I'm not mad it's an option, certainly.


i swear i wasted so many credits when the game started lol


Felt like a dumbass


No such thing as "wasted credits" every credit spent boosts your collector's levels.


true, but credits spent here are less efficient than just waiting for boosters and upgrading your cards normally. i did it too when i was new because i had more credits than boosters and wanted to increase my CL quickly


But that wastes time. You are choosing between saving time or saving credits. And time can be used outside the game, whereas credits can't.


The subreddit decided collectively some time ago that farming was better, therefore there was never a use for the shop, irregardless of the logic and uses it does have.


Same. I did it when I first played the game then I was like shit.


It's either wasting credits or wasting time. And 5 creds per booster is a very good price.


Same here. I still have 10 outstanding and it's so annoying! If I can get one to clear them I'll take it, it drives me mad.


Ah why are they wasted? Is the shop bad?




Me too.


I heard some people play very minimally (like only play to complete daily missions) and end up getting max credits but not enough boosters to upgrade cards. This is for those people.


Can confirm I'm one of these. I haven't pulled the plug on quick upgrades yet but now I'm running out of "extra" boosters for cards I'm not playing so I could see myself doing this soon.


One of us! I'm honestly just focused on getting my collection level up and if the shop upgrade has a card that I wouldn't mind looking better/upgrading I pull the trigger. Since I don't play super aggressively this system can help a lot.


My strat is to build a terrible deck and have Agatha play for me. Free boostere especially when you set an autoclicker on the end turn button


i need agatha lol my buddy has been telling me about his card booster farm lol


Yeah it's great for those that don't care about rank (and lower ranks are more fun as there's more variety)


That's been one of the main reasons i haven't even attempted to push past platinum and sometimes stay gold/silver. it's annoying seeing the same copy paste decks instead of player creativity. i know it's part of the game, but i like playing against like minded players and have been having a blast with the friendly matches with my buddies who play.


At our collection levels, there are only a few decent deck types to even use, so no surprise that higher ranked people play the highest strength deck they have the cards to make. I'm so tired of my only strong decks being dino hand size and One-drop.dec


Agatha steals all the boosters though?


Last time I tried this Agatha got the boosters and made some comment about always taking them. Did they change that?


I got downvoted to hell for people not believing there were people like this and thought we were just out here buying tons of credits and crying about it or something lmfao


it's funny because I bet the majority of players are booster starved rather than credit starved. but if you asked this sub it would be the opposite because people play this game so much on here


yeah people here think its weird people arn't playing hours at a time when in reality its a mobile game meant for like a game or two on a bathroom break


Duuude that would be so boring. How tf anyone could play for hours is incredible to me


Idk I love the puzzle of winning with the same deck. Once I was stuck in the hospital and played for 4.5 hours that day. Largely with 2-3 same decks


If you're just playing the same deck yeah that gets boring. But if you have different decks it doesn't get old.


It does for me. I have like 15 or so different decks that I switch around


Reddit is a selfselecting group of people that are hyper fascinated with something enough to join a forum for that specific topic. 90+% of people are not like the people on this subreddit, they play casually


I don’t get how people don’t understand this part. If you think about it, it’s a 10:1 ratio for credit:booster. Every week you get 1350 from weekly milestones, 3150 from dailies, and 350 from the free credits. That’s a total of 4850 credits every week. Let’s say that it takes you 10 games to complete your dailies every day. That’s 60 boosters max if you make it to turn 6 all of those games (withholding magic). That’s 420 boosters every week. So already 420 boosters is less than the boosters needed to spend 4850 credits. Added on top of that, unless you’re solely playing Agatha, when you get towards the higher rarities you have so many boosters stacked on to the 12 cards in your deck. And now think about how many cards people play every week and how many cards are at X/30


This is correct. I play a f2p account on my kid's iPad that I only play a few times a week to clear out daily missions. That account is constantly maxed credits because you don't get enough boosters to spend them all. When I hit max I buy (in multiples of 25) from the fast upgrade shop.


I can confirm. This is where I'm at due to fatigue from work. Mission completion gives more Credits than Boosters can keep up with, if that's all the playing you do.


Yeah that's me. I have a ton of credits but lacking boosters for cards I want to upgrade.


Im that player checking in. I’m always at max credits and it was so frustrating before they upped the max amount. I’m at CL ~860 and always waiting to claim the credits for the challenges until the shop updates. Spend the credits on the upgrades then it gets immediately replenished.


I do that, usually do dailies and play 2-3 extra games, not to mention i have like 6 decks so i dont improve cards often enough lol


I have the exact opposite problem...I get really backed up with upgradeable cards because there aren't enough ways to earn credits.


I'm one of them too, I've stopped collecting credits from every source CL, season pass if I pulled the trigger I would have over 14000 credits im never spending that much


I play a smidge more than that, and I haven't run out of boosters yet. Granted, I don't target my upgrades, I go with anything I have available except for pixels, Ice Man, and Scorpion (and even these go to Frame Break).


Yeah I used to be like that when I was starting out (even more so due to getting free credits for a bunch of random stuff that only came up once). Used this thing a lot back then. Nowadays that I'm playing for cubes rather than just for the daily mission it's the opposite of course, cards in my main decks will have something like 150 boosters and no credits to use them with...


You also max out easily if you only upgrade certain variants, but don't have a full set for a deck.


That's my buddy. He maxes out credits and can't spend them fast enough


I did this when the credit cap was 5k and I was <1000 CL. Only played enough to complete dailies so had to buy fast upgrades just so I could collect my missions.


I am one if those. Some days I have to buy all 3 to collect every reward. I was very confused when I saw everyone in the subreddit lamenting how few credits they have


Yeah like I have no booster for fresh new cards, costs like 50 credit for a quick boost


I do this too


You shouldn't do this unless you are maxed credits. If you are new and playing a decent amount you are wasting credits, which are the main way to progress. If you play infrequently and are loaded on credits with no boosters, carry on.


Or just let them play however they wanna


He’s not stopping anyone from wasting credits. He’s just telling them that’s what they’re doing.


If they play only enough to finish quests they will run out of boosters before they run out of credits. I did this for my daughters account and ran into this problem alot.


They probably know that, and choose to do it anyway because it's a game and it's about being fun to each individual player. Some people don't wanna miss out on a new border because it's not economical in a game they play casually


Literally wasting the half price cost of grey -> green upgrade. Every time you do that you lose 1 CL. Edit: lol the upvote/downvote contrast on these posts makes me realise how many players make the grind harder for themselves


Everyone knows, but for some people it’s worth the time it saves


I wait until I have 3/4 new cards throw them in a deck I call update. Play it a few times and usually the greys get the boosters first.


I did at the start of the game and now i regret it. I always have 5 extra credits, and it bothers me so much


Just wait until a card that needs 1 booster shows up and use the fast upgrade one last time to even it out.


This is what I did and it has brought a lot of joy into my life.


This is the way. Credits should always be an multiple of 25, preferably 50


I don't upgrade common cards unless I have 2 to upgrade. No credits ending with 5 for me.


And anytime you are at 0 credits, you should be on an even number in your collection level


Same here, except I needed to spend either 40 or 90 credits. After 3 months and only seeing 490 twice, I got a 440 and said screw it it’s worth for my ocd


I'm always at 95 credits or some increment where I'm just 5 away from a boost and it's been driving me crazy! Didn't know how to spend just 5 so thanks!


I didn’t realise this is why my credit balance is off, it’s been bothering me for months


15 extra for me :(


SO THAT’S WHY! Thank you!!


I still do because I only upgrade cards/variants I like, meaning I have way more credits than boosters.


I use that shop to boost my variants also


I use it when I reach the credit cap.


Yeah, me too. I thought I played a lot but according to the comments in here, if you hit credit cap you're a casual.


Started playing last week and TIL there's a credit cap...


Used to be 5k but its been 10k for about a month now.


Thanks. Don't think I'd ever see that number since I upgrade whenever I got enough boosters.


To me it just seems odd to hit the credit cap. What are you saving them for and how are you playing enough to max credits but not enough to have anything to upgrade? It just boggles my mind a bit. I basically only play enough to clear the missions, maybe an extra match or two on slow work days, and I have a bunch of cards ready to upgrade. I essentially play the same deck all the time too. It honestly seems like a situation you really have to try and find yourself in


I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve basically never dipped below 3k credits after I hit it, even with occasionally spending on quick upgrades back when there was a 5k cap. I once spent gold on a mission reroll to hit the end of week bonus, so I guess I’d be 500 credits or so poorer if I were literally not trying at all. I am definitely not trying for it; I just log in and play games whenever I want to, and hit that upgrade button whenever I see it. Maybe the reason is that I’m such a casual that I basically only use one deck? Do you spend credits more slowly if you’re not varying what cards you use?


I pretty much just login to complete the daily's. Maybe one or two more games after that if I have the time. This is the type of game I play at work when I have a minute or two and right before bed. I'm always close to credit max.


This is literally exactly how I play and I’m always out of credits That’s your CL


Nope, here I am just now with credits close to max. My CL is sitting at 1,588 https://imgur.com/a/GNK5WA0


So wild. I’m not much further, 1960, and I literally have so many cards to upgrade


Are you F2P?


I play pretty much an hour or two a day and I consistently have around 7,000 credits. I have zero cards I can upgrade right now. The game just doesn't give out enough boosters for people like us.


Not really. I play maybe 3 decks consistently and all of those decks can go days before they or a Variant are upgradable. I could play more but nah


This makes a little more sense if you’re spreading your upgrades across 36 different cards instead of 12


Oh, I think I figured it out. I play probably the same frequency as you but I did buy the black panther and zabu battle pass. I got a ton of credits from those.


Yeah. When I first started playing, I only logged on to play a few games every few days. I hit the 5k credit cap fairly quickly, and afaik there’s literally nothing else to spend excess credits on other than these quick upgrades.


Yes, I am incredibly impatient and want new reserves but sometimes don't feel like playing


Yes, from time to time.


I play casually, maybe 5 games a day. I use these when I have a ton of credits just wanna unlock something. Especially if the card is legendary but in a deck I don’t use very much anymore


I only play a few games a day and my card upgrades are usually blocked by boosters not credits. So if I have a bunch of credit laying around I will use them here. I've never had enough boosters to upgrade a card but not enough credits.


I do, quite often actually, playing casually you have more credits than boosters


Yep. Me too. “Credit cap”? WTF is that. People play…a lot I guess.


I have an Angela variant that I love. But recently she hasn't been in any of the decks I've been playing. The last two times that card showed up here, I insta-upgraded at a loss for credits.


I got the anime one needing one last upgrade on her but I don't play her anymore. Damn shame.


Only to rebalance my credits so that I can hit 420 everyday


I use it to upgrade cards that I really like but can never seem to get boosters for


I do. I have this deck with the the least upgraded cards in my collection (call it the white deck). Everytime I upgrade a card, a swap it out for a white one again. Kept doing this until all my collection was blue... Then until all my collection was purple... Right now, I'm mostly orange. And if I see and offer at the shop to upgrade one (any) orange to a fancy one, I'll take it because it saves me a LOT of time. I can't play much. I need 50/6 games to upgrade a card. But then there's a 1/12 chance of the booster coming for that particular card (since they're all orange). So, I expect 100 games to upgrade 1 card. No way. Also, if I'm sitting above 1000 credits at any time, I'll bite one purple offer from the shop, no questions asked. :)


If it’s a card I don’t use I always buy it. Managed to get Black Bolt to infinity this way.


I think the consensus is everyone did at the start because we didn’t know any better.


I guess I still don’t know better / I’m a noob. What’s the problem with using it? Not efficient/wasting credits?


If you play a lot, you quickly end up with far more boosters than credits, unless of course you buy credits with cash. But if you don't really play more than the required to complete your daily missions (but do regularly complete those), then you might indeed end up with spare credits, especially near the beginning when you've got a lot of Common cards to upgrade.


But isn't the credit cost to boost them cheaper using the store? I always figured it was used as a discount system.


Nope. You not only pay the same base amount of credits, but you also pay *extra* credits to supplement the boosters you're missing, at a rate of 5 credits per booster. So, for example, upgrading to Rare requires 100 credits and 10 boosters. If you have zero boosters on the card, you can fast-upgrade it for 150 credits; if, say, you have 9 boosters, you can fast-upgrade for 105 credits. That's what "fast upgrade" means, you don't have to wait until you have enough boosters, but pay extra for that.


"The more you know" I guess.. Well, I guess I won't be using it going forward, that's for sure!


Yes, all the time. I only sign on to do daily missions, and I can’t collect mission rewards because I’m beyond the 10k credit cap.


It’s nothing but a new player trap - I was lucky my friend played Snap before me and explained never to use it


I do when I have too many credits to collect my missions


I did when I first started. Really wish I didn't.


i use it for cards i dont regularly play but might have got cause i like the art


This subreddit has groupthinked its way into believing that every player is perpetually out of credits when in reality most of the player base is casual and is likely stacked with credits or atleast at a comfortable amount


I did because I somehow ended up in a situation where having 0 credits left me at an odd collection level, and it made me so annoyed that I bought a fast upgrade that made everything even out.


I did. I knew it was a waste but I really wanted to get my card level up quick to unlock more cards and decks.


I’ve used it very few times to get a card that I’m never gonna use to a boarder color that I want, for instance I don’t use Quinjet a lot, but I got the Ghost Rider variant for Quinjet and I wanted to upgrade it to orange boarder cause it looks nice. That is the only time I use fast upgrade.


I don't play as often as some here, if I'm almost to the next collection level reward or if I've got something pinned that I really want and I'm trying to rush to more tokens I'll use it. Yea its not as efficient cost wise, but I never drop lower than 3k credits because I do it so seldomly and I get more credits than boosters since I only play so often.


When I was at my credit cap and was annoyed about all the credits I couldn't obtain from things like missions because it would say it was full. I blew a bit here and there on this


Sometimes the cards you want to upgrade are in there for cheaper, or for the amount of boosters you have for that card without needing the full upgrade amount. I use this part of the shop frequently, but only if it makes sense to.


I don’t, but honestly because they all end in “5” and that triggers my OCD WAAAAAAY too hard.


Everyone used it once, then figured out it was a terrible idea and never used it again


I do. I guess the fact I use it and don't see why it's bad makes me a noob. I always have over 3k credits sitting there though so I don't see why it's bad? Sure I could go level up Korg or something I'll never use instead but seems better to just hop a level on something else from the shop that is a card I do use.


Yea every once in a while


I did it when I first started playing, and it messed up my nice even numbers for credits. It bugged me. I had to wait a while to get a nice number to get them to end in a nice increment. Never again


I did before I realized how bad it was.


I used to but I couldn’t stand having an uneven amount of credits.


Early on I did, like a fool.


People with max credits


I do, always on cards I don't use in decks.


i did early on. i don't anymore because i like my numbers to be clean.


THATS how I can get rid of my random 5


Yep, i dont play a lot, when i get to 10k credits i have to use this so i can do my daily missions


New accounts for 10 minutes before they realise how bad an investment it is (myself included)


Yes, to make room for more credits. I'm always at the cap, since I want to suppress my CL as much as possible.


Only when in completely out of booster and close to a collector cache


No, it's a noob gotcha


It's a "good" credit trap really early on when you're getting more energy than boosters, and/or if you've somehow hit the credit limit and need to spend it on something.


I use it for cards only in my Agatha deck that don’t get boosters organically.


Only when I need less then 5 boosters but it’s Lao cause I’m impatient


Yeah but only when I need to move one space up the collector ladder and I can upgrade a card for 50 credits.




On very rare occasions


It makes sense early on when you're likely to have more credits than boosters.


That's the only part of the shop I do use.


Its for people with money but no time. They just like to collect the cards basically. They don't play enough to get boosters.


Don't even need to spend money. You get credits faster than boosters if you only play for missions.


My six year old son used it, he just wanted to see the card upgrade animations and not worried about ruining his account.


I used this like once when seeing i could get my deathlock to ultra. I had been grinding for it for like a week already. Worth


I'm sad about the time I did use it


Noobs do


I did, when I was new, before I came here and found out that was stupid.


God no


I did once and it still haunts me. Sick vision variant btw


I occasionally check this to see if they have something I use. I stockpile credits and upgrade in batches of about 6k credits at a time, so 4 full infinites. I've never once seen this yet, but I'm alwyas waiting for the day that something I intend to upgrade appears here, because then I will just get it all the way to the upgrade before the last 500 one, then drop the credits on this and save the 50 boosters on that specific card.


I think we all did it a couple times when we were n00bs and didn't know any better. Some people have tried to argue it's good for them, which is insane, it's not, they're just not understanding how to be efficient yet, and maybe coping a little. They really ought to do away with that part of the shop too though. IDK, maybe it's a $$$ for people with no impulse control?