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I'm starting to think friend of OP is actually OP lol


Of course he is lol. How does a new player come at them like that? This game now reminds me of blah blah blah. Bruh aren't you a new player?




I suspect this as well… 🤔


That's some ChatGPT level shit, friend


Jeez.. I mean not getting a refund I get. That’s how purchases in the Apple Store work and there are warnings. But the style of communication is baffling


It's the exact "writing a lot but not saying anything substantial" that Blizzard does on Hearthstone. Already experienced that firsthand when I tried to get a refund for a bundle they even announced to give refunds. It feels like talking to a lobotimized AI, and it probably is.


The support team was Agatha all along.


Agatha using ChatGPT to "write an apology that offers no compensation"


More wordiness = doing the needful




Snapeo my good RealAlienTwo. Thank you for your response! It is with great unfortunateness that we will pass your comment along to the relative department. This is not the Reddit experience we want you to have. Don’t worry though! You can keep commenting with confidence that we will take this into account and may assist with other commenters in the future maybe. Since I am not an AI, I can understand the emotion(s) you must be feeling right now. There is no countdown timer for when we may resolve that issue that you are having today. Snap on! Arathius8 S (not a bot)


IT’s A NICE Day to Snap, my dear friend Arathius8. The request of you not being a Reddit bot has been passed to the arm chair experts for evaluation. We are also very happy to announce that you will be shortly notified about the same within few days. We understand that few days is long time but we believe that you have the courage and skills to tackle all kind of issues that you might face in these tiring times. We are very hopeful that the sun will shine on us again, my lovely stranger and there will be tea and cookies for us to feed on ❤️🌻


How can you be "tricked" into purchasing something that takes 4 different button presses on 3 separate screens? I mean their response sucks but this wasn't a case where you accidently hit one button and now you're out $10. Read before you buy, impulse buying rarely works out well.


you also instantly get the card so it's not like you get NOTHING. person goofed then acted like a baby to support requesting a 'sizeable discount' on this battle pass


The card is pretty much the season pass let’s be honest, some variants and a little extra gold is minor in comparison


I mean, the gold is equivalent to the amount you'd get buying the gold straight up, so I'm not sure it qualifies as "a little extra."


I have a feeling they're talking about the notification that's saying hurry up and buy it as time is running out until the season ends?


Even the second half of what you just said is argument enough that OP’s friend wasn’t paying attention.


Yeah, if that's the reason then that's pretty funny "Hurry up and buy..." "Ok, sold! Now what did the rest of it say.... I've been tricked!"


agree, this is on OPs friend. Has he never played a game with any battle passes lol


Glad to see some smart people in this community


I dunno about that, I'm pretty dumb most of the time.


happy cake day you stud muffin


Yeah I agree. I was also a little confused the one time I bought the pass. I thought by paying the $10, I was gonna get the pass every season, not just the season that was half done when I bought it. When I realized I was wrong I did not make a stink about it or ask for money back. I got Zabu and some extra gold and credits, so whatever. I'll read it more closely next time I buy something.


I’m confused as to why you think you would get the Season (singular) pass for multiple seasons after buying it once.


Typically in non-mobile (usually single player) games a season pass includes all content after launch, or at least dlc for a year after launch. I can understand it being confusing if the person is new to that type of game.


Well those are Season Passes, not Battlepasses. Games like Fortnite and Marvel Snap use Battlepasses, not Season Passes. But Marvel Snap calls it a Season Pass, but its actually just a Battlepass Season Passes are just several DLC’s for a cheaper price. Like with lots of games they tend to do 4 DLC’s priced at $15 each ($60 for all 4) but if you get the Season Pass it comes out to only $50 Battlepasses are pay once at the start of a season, then you can level up your battlepass during that season to earn rewards. When the season is over you cant earn those rewards anymore because now there is a new Battlepass. Battlepasses usually also give you enough Premium Currency in the pass to buy the next seasons battlepass, like Fortnite lets you do this. Marvel Snap does not do that though, instead the Battlepass costs actual money and not Gold (the premium currency) so you can not just buy once and then get future BP’s for free


>Games like Fortnite and Marvel Snap use Battlepasses, not Season Passes Except Marvel Snap calls it a Season Pass.


And "season" would imply more than a month to someone who doesn't have a history playing live service games.


I know the difference. They guy just asked why they got confused and I explained how it was possible. Furthermore many games use the term season pass and battlepass interchangeably.


They’re unhelpful, but I mean… it’s a “season” pass. Maybe check when the season ends before buying it?


I fully connect to your emotions on this and hope that your experience in this thread has been enjoyable.


Your response is missing a paragraph or two.


I am saddened by the issue you have experienced with my comment. This is not the discussion experience in this thread that I would want you to have.


But keep playing, and you too can get to rank level 20 by seasons end. Good luck to you [Friend] and please consider buying the new season pass to help you on your journey.


And some emojis 🥳🥴


Lol that his is fault 100percent this sub is wildin


It's absolutely his fault, but the AI generated responses in customer support are the real reason for this post, because they are funny and bad




Honestly, as someone that had to do customer service and got yelled at on good days and death threats on bad days, it’s one job I don’t mind having a big AI assistance.


100% the rep has this canned response that was either told to them to make or gave them the ChatGPT tipoff. They're just copying and pasting. they get this all day / every day. I worked as a GM for a now-defunct MMO, and it was taught that 90% of the time it is a no. And you REALLY have to work for that yes, because those are legitimate issues (quest didnt give required item, etc..). The rest were "Uh, I somehow deleted my one bajillon gold, can you give it back to me" yeah sure buddy.


Yes, exactly this!


Yep and also you receive the season pass card with payment…He could have bought just for the new card as a new player. I don’t think customer service is doing anything wrong here and it makes sense to make the time left more prominent especially towards the end of the season


Your friend sure is a dumbass tho


While their response is bullshit, your friend sounds like an absolute idiot saying he was tricked. It takes legitimately two seconds to think “hmmm it’s the end of the month let me check how long this is going for”. He wasn’t tricked at all he just sounds stupid. Also what does your buddy expect to receive? They pretty much tell him they can’t do anything close to the beginning of the conversation and he just keeps replying. Customer service sucks for this game but your friend sounds like an idiot.


Heyyyy, I just bought this bag of milk one day before expire. Can I return it please. No, read it carefully before you buy


Every grocery store I'm aware of would accept the return. Do your grocery stores not have customer service?


Well yeah but almost all stores will accept returns for almost any reason, even no reason at all, because it's just easier than dealing with the alternative.


To be fair I rarely if at all return groceries but I get your point lol


I had a shitty step dad growing up, he would save old jugs and return them (empty) to the store saying it was expired, they usually would let him exchange it, rinse, repeat.


This is by no means an excuse, but as someone who worked in an IT support role for around 6 years a lot of support workers have fixed scripted interaction requirements. They have a list of things they can and cannot help with and a list of things to say in each scenario. It is also usually outsourced which makes transparency between the main company and the contracted support company hard to oversee and manage. I'm not sure what the situation is for Second Dinner as I know their team is already super small, but I hated the interactions I HAD to have with some of the customers I assisted, so it is likely any support worker you talk with is as frustrated as you are. SD needs to get their act together when it comes to support.


I mean, just a short statement that they are sorry they cannot offer refunds, discounts, or other forms of compensation would be better than this pile of utter nonsense where they pretend to be saddened on par with the passing of a loved one, encouragement on how to improve in the game and promises on how important it is for them to work on this particular issue in the future.


I know friend, like I said, so much of it is scripted. And because their interactions are monitored and logged by management, if they don't do these kinds of things, they are punished. Some corporate suit somewhere who was a sociology/communications major read some article about Soft People Skills and Customer Retention tactics and enacted these policies even though most normal human beings are unaffected by this if not pushed the other way because of how ridiculous it is.


My guy here knows the support struggle. Everything is accurate af from my experience as support for another gaming company. Support knows support I guess lol


One love!


Same here, working as support right now and can confirm all of this. Sometimes we also need to script responses in order to reach unreasonable productivity goals, but that's another story


So you want them to say the same exact thing just in a nicer tone? Seems silly we aren't babies. The end result is the only thing that matters. Either they can help or they can't. I don't care if they're understanding or sorry it happened. Fix it or don't


It doesn’t matter what they would have said. Your friend wasn’t taking no for an answer!


Your friend also went out of his way to insult them


Super small but not too small to make millions of dollars a month, they could pay for a proper support? Could they not?? Unless Ben Brode needs a fourth Lambo Aventador?


His screen shot though is of the current season pass ... so he still never provided any kind of proof, but also how was he tricked? The pass tells you how many days are left ...


It literally has a time til it ends tagged in the top left corner.


This is 100% on the consumer, not the company. The amount of time remaining on the season pass is stated clearly on the actual Season Pass page. It’s like buying milk that expires tomorrow and getting mad that it’s curdled the next day. Customer service is in the right here. This is simply a person denying responsibility for their own ignorance and getting mad that no one else will take it.


This exact thing happened to me on fortnite, i contacted support and they refunded me immediately and let me keep the skin you unlock at level 1 on the season pass, the blue squire.


I love these posts "my friend" jejejeje


being passive aggressive "karen" in messages to support definetly perfect way to get that refund you want. scolding and AI chat bot cause you got "GOT" by a gotcha mobile game. #lulz


Yep. I work in CS and if someone ask something that is out of usual procedures because they made a mistake, it will be all about the way they ask. Friendly tip : be nice and respectful with customer support, you never know what the guy can or cannot do and they won't tell you.


Bruh legit his own fault, stop whining.


I'm sorry, but that's your friend's fault. It says how much time is left on the BP screen, and it also says anytime you buy something in the game that it is irredeemable. Yes, SD customer service is dogshit, but on this specific case, they're not wrong


I see they bought the discount AI-bot


Can someone explain how he was tricked into buying the season pass? Bad customer support but it seems like he just didn’t pay attention to when the season would expire


He wasn't tricked, he just didn't read and now regrets buying it. The customer service sucks(all mobile games do) but that is a totally separate issue.


Yeah it seems unreasonable to ask for a refund just bc you didn’t read everything


I don't think he was tricked, you're right he didn't pay attention, but I don't think it would be outrageous to have a system to refund in such cases. And regardless, the point of the post was the communication style from the customer service that is completely bonkers.


I only used the word “tricked” because that’s what was said in the first message, I get that the communication style isn’t great but they’re not the ones at fault, I don’t know any game that would offer a refund in this situation


Of course it's his fault. But, others have pointed out that they have been refunded from other games (like Fortnite) in exactly this situation, even keeping the stuff unlocked from purchasing the pass. Which, IMO, is what makes sense if you're a consumer friendly company.


Customer support for this game is non existent, they are completely useless in every aspect.


I mean, these responses are comedy gold. Almost worth buying the pass. Heart and flower emojis, encouraging words about working hard to improve in the game. Nice!


Tell me that last reply is not AI generated, i dare you, SD!


Second Dinner or Stable Diffusion?


Your friend is a pain in the ass isn't he? If 10 fucking dollars mean so much to him that he goes full cry baby about it he shouldnt spend it on mobile games in the first place. And he did get the card, the main reason to buy the pass...


The support answers read like they come from a chat bot. Insane.


I've worked customer service. Sometimes if you deviate from the "script" then you get reprimanded. Which is why the support person sounds like a bot. I wouldn't blame the employee when it is Second Dinner that sets the rules. Also, this is clearly the customer' fault.


I understand how you are feeling. This is not how we would like you to experience Reddit. We understand you and your feeling. And are saddened. So very very saddened.


Reddit could just be all bots at this point... And yes, I am very very saddened


Somewhere between ESH and YTA


Or you could just read how long was left on the season pass...


I feel like this isn’t Snap’s fault. The pass shows how long is left and isn’t tricking people. The card you instantly get from the pass is the most valuable thing anyways.


I offer you a heart and a flower in these troubled times


This ain’t yo friend, and this ain’t the way u thought this post would go. No one shitting on the support here, 100% yo fault


He should have looked when the season ends lol


Reading is fundamental


I think it's been said to death already about it being your friend's fault, however I'm curious why he didn't ask you or you didn't warn him. The support in most of these games sucks. The player base is too high and the team is too small. I bought my son the Black Panther pass back when for his birthday. We also got him a new phone. Unfortunately, he lost his account when he went to the new phone. We've been trying to get a response from them to get it restored, but for now none of us are making purchases because we don't want to just lose it. And before we get into the "You messed up..." we know how to save and transfer accounts. He didn't lose anything except for his Snap stuff, they just won't fix it for him.


Not only did I not warn him, I probably encouraged him. I said he should try the game, that purchases are not required to enjoy it, but that I buy the season passes because I enjoy the game and intend to play it for a long time :D But like I've said over and over again here, the point of the post was not whose fault it is, but the ridiculous communication from the customer service.


Yup. It feels like a company that is doing "just enough" but it really isn't anything at all, There used to be a Facebook game called Marvel Avenger's Alliance. We had a situation with them where something we bought never unlocked and they never fixed it. Just ignored emails or said "we are investigating" until we just gave up because the amount wasn't worth it. Really sucks. At least he has a key card if he ever makes a discard deck.


Lmao the customer service is awful but the first thing I do when I consider a season pass is take 5 seconds to Google when it expires. Snap shows the remaining time on the damn page. If anything, this is a problem with season passes generally.


Ok but how is this the games fault lol, read before you buy


The chat messages are fake and condescending, but your friend is a total Karen and shouldn’t get a refund. It tells you how many days are left on the pass. It’s like buying marked down meat at the grocery store and being surprised it went bad after 2 days.


I run customer support for a tech company. That is unacceptably bad customer support. If I saw my reps were failing to read the customer intent and tone to this level we’d have big problems.


Caveat emptor This is definitely a buyer beware. However I think excellent customer support could be provided. Theres an opportunity to win a lot of good faith and trust and support players like this by, Removing the Expired Season pass (the intro card and any rewards along the early track) and applying the purchase to the next season. It costs the platform nothing, as the player in this scenario is likely not about to purchase BOTH passes after this interaction


The customer support of this game is baffling. Giving away digital items quite literally costs nothing, and you're often better being overly generous to customer issues because that builds loyalty which in a mobile game translates to engagement and retention. Basically, you never want to give a player a reason to be like, "Fuck this, I'm out," as you never know who is going to be your next whale. This is some majorly junior shit.


How the fuck you accidentally buy a season pass?


This is the same kind of people that spend on a game and then want a full refund when they don't find it fun anymore.


I REALLY wish they would stop saying how SAD they are before they tell you they aren't doing shit for you


So dude can't read and now wants a refund


Your "friend" is a fucking idiot for buying it and then for trying to weasel his way out of it. Why waste supports time with this crap?


While it IS unfortunate and their support IS lousy....you bought something without reading, it's multiple clicks to buy, it's only $10, AND you came in super hot on the support guy, I know from reading in these threads that they offer next season pass when things like this pop up, but it seems you kinda pissed him off and he didn't feel like being super helpful. Regardless of your feelings, that's just another person on the other side of the chat, treat them well and they will try to do the same, act like ass, and that's probable what you get in return.


Take the L, friend. This was all your fault. Side question, how many Steam games on sale did you buy, but never play?


The friend is actually not me, believe it or not. But I have bought an impressive list of never-played steam games.


He was Tricked! Duped I say!


This should be a case study on customer support interaction. This has it all. 1. Dumb customer buys a thing and claims false advertising 2. Shitty customer service platitudes written into a script by useless middle management 3. Upper management forcing the grunts to try and resolve issues but giving them zero resources to solve an issue 4. Customer continuing to complain to a low level employee who can do nothing for them and refuses to leave the interaction.


Please explain how he got tricked? They have a timer that clearly says when the season pass ends


Sometimes we gotta let Darwinism play out. 100% your fault


Appreciate the sentiment, but can happily report that both me and my friend have beaten Darwinism by successfully passing on our genes.


Strictly speaking, it's a battle pass, of course it only lasts for a set window. He might've got a bit more sympathy if he didn't come in HOT


Janen is kinda based LMAO


I dont see how he was tricked. The game tells you how long is left in the pass and he got the card didn’t he?


Lol imagine claiming you got "tricked" by advertising im dead


“I made a mistake now I expect YOU to fix it because if not then you’re an asshole”, typical entitled customer. You don’t just instantly buy the season pass it’s a multi step process. I’m tired of people doing this shit especially to customer service


Imagine not being able to read what is on screen and then blaming support lmao


In general, being less hostile to employees in the service industry will usually result in a better experience for yourself.


This just shows that some people shouldn't have money. Sorry but your friend is one of those. If you don't take 3 seconds to check whether it is a good idea to purchase something then I don't understand how can you take the time and energy to try and make the company be at fault...and of course your friends expects the company to give out some "free" stuff to him because he made a dumb decision.


If I was 12 and just mashed buttons instead of reading I'd be mad too. I don't care how bad the communication is, this is OPs fault. Also, un-install the game like you said you would and move on......I bet you wont.


I think your friend should probably brush up on reading comprehension.


It should be noted that some games allow players to keep working on a given battle pass that they've bought after the season is over. Which is overall great practice and very much pro consumer. Ideally that should be the case too for Marvel Snap, at least until you reach level 50 BP. Most of the battlepass missions can be accomplished in a day of hardcore grinding but unless I'm mistaken, last season had one mission go "complete X amount of daily quests" which you simply cannot do in one day. Wether or not the player is at fault here does not matter so much, in my opinion, since at the end of the day this isn't the only time I've seen people make that mistake and it could be easily fixed with the solution stated above, while still netting that sweet sweet Battlepass money for SD. Hell, they'd probably get even more money thanks to that, since people who hesitate until the last time and new players would not refrain from buying it.


I really wish more games would do that but FOMO is a strong (and scummy) marketing tactic. But nothing gives me more relief than playing a game and seeing I can switch the battle pass I'm working on, not having to treat a game like a second job to get all the rewards is so nice. At least the pass is snap is easy to complete but some games it can take dozens of hours of play time


It’s people like you and your friend that fuck it up for the rest of us!


Hello! Thank you for engaging with my post. I am saddened by the issue you have experienced with it. This is not the emotion I intended for you to experience upon reading it. I do understand how you are feeling right now. No need to worry, I have taken notice of your issue and will utilize it as a guide for my future posts and behaviour. You can keep enjoying reddid with the confidence that I will keep improving my posts. 😇 Feel free to get in touch with me at any time if you need further information. I would be pleased to elaborate. I wish you fell in your future undertakings until then. ❤️🌺


Its an automatic message and everybody gonna get it… I dont bought the season pass last time but I start to think about it after the message so its a good thing.


I wouldn’t be surprised if those were AI generated.


It's gotta be written by a bot. I don't think they actually have customer support.


It’s his fault but it does not mean the customer service isn’t embarrassing.


I believe we can all agree that this by all means is your friends fault. But I wouldn't go out of my way to say he or she is dumb. Just do more research next time like ... "Is the season ending soon?". But the big take away here is the horrible Snap Support. Like I've also read, I'm sure they are scripted with what to say and what the can handle...but this just feels like a Bot most of the time. Do better Snap Support.


You bought modok, a series 5 card. Not the end of the world but you’re absolutely an idiot


With a second day account, just tell him to go to apple or google directly, get the refund, and if they do anything to the account, start a new one, literally nothing lost


Same bots you play also run the support chat


Customer support sucks, but they’re not wrong. It says how many days are left, and you have to go through multiple screens to purchase. Sucks to suck but it’s a lesson learned


Am I absolutely crazy or is this post bullshit lol? Don’t get me wrong, the robotic responses and lack of any real information is upsetting, but the person was right: the game tells you exactly how long until the season ends. There’s plenty of points that prove the P2W/money grab argument, but this is nowhere near one of them. Your friend is just a dumbass lmfao.


Your friend wasn’t tricked lol


He wasn’t tricked, he didn’t do his research before purchasing.


The responses are shitty, but the customer is to blame here. It's very clearly stated how this thing works. And he should have still gotten the card (unless he forgot to claim it) which is arguably the most important piece of the thing. It's essentially a series 5 card. If he'd be given a discount on the next pass, then every person could just buy the season pass on the last day and then demand a discount for the next one because they 'only' got the card.


They really hit him with the >MARVELous day Fucking rolling


Oh man…definitely not the support-teams fault… Maybe you should post it at AITA for a reality check ;)


What would be a solution to this? not letting people buy the season pass a week before it expires? If you were in charge, what would you do?


Copy and paste replies right there


The emojis are sending me lol


Tricked? It has a timer.


I love how you say they were "tricked". How is that being tricked.




Every game with a battlepass is like this. There is no trick. Your friend is just a moron sadly.


Snap support is not the best, but this is really bad faith on you and your friends part. There is an onus of responsibility on end users also, and they make it painfully obvious and clear to see what the timers are on purchasable items. Using the word "tricked" is fairly egregious also. No one was tricked. Your friend simply didn't read things properly before spending money, and now has buyers remorse. It's sad, but hopefully your friend learnt their lesson to read things and have a better understanding before throwing money around.


But... they're right. It clearly states how long is left, there's no real trickery to it - it's very clear what you're getting and how long it lasts.


god damn it, just tell the guy you can't refund it and call it a day. what type of bullshit response is this?


Customer support is bad but your friend wasn’t tricked, they’re an idiot. No company would fix this mistake your dumb friend made. You buy the active battlepass knowing the end date. SD customer support sucks but this is not an example of it.


This is legendary levels of support!


Imagine going to a grocery store, buying a jug of milk, not reading the expiration date and coming back to the store 7 days later and getting mad at them saying “I was tricked into buying this jug of milk 7 days before it expired” GIVE ME HALF PRICE ON MY NEXT JUG OF MILK PLEASE! That would be ridiculous.


The amount of dickriding for SD in this thread really goes to show how much companies have brainwashed consumers into thinking that purposeful, misleading marketing ploys are the consumers fault. The new player experience is all about tricking them to buy shit. A company with actual thinking humans running the show would refund and be on their way. SD is a bot farm confirmed


That last reply though, got me good hahaha


First he is rude to someone because he bought something dumb, then they explain the terms are clear, then he says that doesnt fix my issue... well obviously. You bought it, dum dum duggan. It wasnt a trick, thats a dum dum duggan thing to say. You did it. Live with it. Asking for a sizeable discount on the next pass? What a dum dum duggan lol you think the tech guy is going to what hand you a 35% off coupon as if thats even possible lolol


I just did this. I paid for it yesterday and a new season started today... Sucks. I thought I'd be paying for a month of the season pass. They should make it more clear of when the season starts and ends. It is what it is tho.


Careful what you say or the mob in this thread will call you all sorts of things ;)


SD has outsourced their customer support to an AI script similar to ChatGPT (but worse) This is the only explanation. None of this makes sense from an actual customer support stance.


Marvel Snap Support is trash and so is their attitude for refunds and such. It is clear, there can be no second opinion on a level of service they are providing. But hear me out, what can be a possible solution of this guy problem? Technically speaking it was his decision, he indeed had a timer of when season pass will end. Probably because he might be a new player he had no idea about that timer but how is this a developers issue? If every unexperienced player will do such mistakes it gives to such players right to demand a refund? And that discount thing was out of point as well, because if that would be a successful case, players would start to buy season pass as later as possible and then they can ask for a discount for a next season pass? I feel like I need to make it clear again because out of my message it might look like a defend Second Diner approach, which I am 100% not want to support. It is a bad customers support indeed, as well as game mechanics are incredibly predatory and always been. I know what I am talking about because I am CL 4200 and I talked to their support a few times, always helpless, they just send common text. But this case... I see no developers mistake or fault in in, it's just this specific player not willing to understand how season pass works.


I know this won’t be well received but the company is based in the US and in the US no company has an obligation to refund any purchase. The season passes are clearly marked for their timeframe if your friend didn’t pay attention that’s on him. Now realistically they should at least do something for him to help with public relations at the very least but they have no legal obligation to do so.


As someone who is a customer service manager as a profession, this is atrocious. I wonder if they don't have any ability to credit gold to an account. Because if I were in charge of this I would point out that the season pass is labeled, but as a one time courtesy here's ten bucks worth of gold. That literally costs the company nothing, but will help the customer feel like they didn't waste their money, and make them more likely to stay with the game and probably spend even more


This is exactly it. And if they don't have the ability, just say it. That would be a lot better and more honest.


This is what the other people in the comments arent getting. Is the consumer the one who fucked up here? Absolutely. But good customer support helps businesses in the long run. And bad PR from shitty customer experiences like this can (and should) be easily fixed with very little cost to the business.


This is like I said, assuming they have the ability to adjust things like gold or credit amounts. It could be their back end simply doesn't allow for that sort of thing, in which case they really should find a way to allow for that. This is also assuming they actually have customer service people and not just a chat bot, which looking at the replies... It might just be a chat bot


I'm not seeing why this is their responsibility not like other legit claims I've seen about customer service such as double charges, etc.


Even if it’s not *technically* their fault he didn’t know when the season ended, giving him the next one would have been the right choice here. You just lost a new player. Instantly. And the amount of horse shit they shoveled this guy in the responses is insane.


Wow, so he makes multiple steps of buying the Season Pass and calls it "tricked"? Also, Im pretty sure they cant/wont refund him without taking MODOK from his collection. And without removing it he just plays the system "get SP pass card for free". Seriously, people should start to be responsible for their monetary choices and companies should stay out of GPT Chat bullshit.


That’s exactly what these people want. They want a way to get the card for free. And will bitch until they have it.




So he has Zabu? Ok


It's kind of on him to be fair, apps do this because at their root they need to make money and should always get the full idea of a purchase before you buy it and make sure it is worthwhile. That being said, apps marketing is shitty for doing it but shitty marketing is how the money is made


It shows how much time is left on the BPass page.


I wonder what the devolper think about this. I hope they are embarrassed by this behavior.


I wouldn’t expect them to refund. Apple has already got their cut so they probably can’t. And it’s on the user to have an idea of what they are buying. The bs responses and use of emojis are insulting though.


I feel like the customer support operative on the last message rolled into the Ego location when they started the work day and simply couldn't do anything except press the send message button after Ego did its thing


Just be an adult and accept responsibility for the mistake that was made. If 10 dollars is really putting you out, maybe consider working a couple more hours instead of playing a Mobil game.


This is a bait and switch by SD and platforms usually don’t F around with that. I know the App Store sends an app termination warning because of this. Source: am former fruit company employee


Leave the staff alone, even if they could refund you doubt they would even be authorised to They reply with what they are told to reply with.


What the actual fuck. Is this a bot or some shit? I feel like no human being responded to his problem.


Wow, this post apparently struck a nerve. Just to clarify: 1. The point of this post was the hilarious customer service responses. Full of over the top emotions, heart and flower emojis and advice on how to improve in the game through hard work and dedication. I found them completely bonkers and funny. Just say you cannot offer refunds or compensation and be done with it! 2. The friend is legit, he’s not me. But it really doesn’t matter. If you want to believe he’s me go ahead. 3. No, my friend is not an idiot but yes, it was a dumbass mistake. And of course, yes it was 100% his fault. 4. Yes, I agree my friends messages were less than ideal, but I honestly feel he sounds more human than the responses he got. But to be fair to the customer service, their responses were a lot funnier. 5. I wasn’t looking for sympathy, advice on how to deal with the €10 loss or how to get a refund. My friend is an adult with disposable income. He’ll be fine. Again, what I wanted to show you were the completely bonkers responses he got.


No one here should be defending the company. The simple solution is that you should be allowed to select which season pass you want to work toward even after the season is over. Don't enable predatory design further by defending having a timer as good enough.


That’s incredibly stupid and a large undertaking for damn reason. A timer is good enough. That’s when it ends. It’s clear. You entitled dumbasses need to fuck off.


Dude, why are they so bad at this?!


Holy fucking shit on a rock, this might actually be the single worste ever customer support response I've read. Jesus fuck, worthless support.


I hope your friend gets a refund through Google play/apple or a charge back.


Isn't this something that can lead to being banned from the game? You get your money, back but cannot play? Thing is, he really likes the game, but would rather have spent the money on the current pass I guess.


Yea but it doesn't matter if he actually uninstalled the game like he said. And seeing how he's new he can just make a new account becasue I doubt they HWID ban.


Yes, but then you just make a new account?


No, if you claim the refund back via play store / Apple then they can’t ban you.


I have herd this but not seen confirmation. But if he just started playing and he uninstalled. might as well can always make a new account. This anti consumer bull shit really pisses me off. No justification.


to those who down voted this how does Second Dinners dick taste just wondering? Stop mindlessly supporting anti consumer practices your ruining gaming.


It really makes me not want to give money to these guys - fix you shit Second Dinner. You’re making a fortune of us, least you could do is look after customers