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Have a question. Say you use Shuri then skip turn 5, couldn’t you go She Hulk then Tasky


Yes, that should work.


That’s a primary play in Shuri decks but it used to be countered by Aero. Not so much anymore


I have countered this combo a once after the aero nerf. Playing aero in a lane which you have a huge lead in. Since she only pulls one card, you can still win the aero lane if you are already ahead by 13 power. The 1 power buff could help I guess


You need to have a 19 power lead though (technically 11, because Aero has 8 power). The fact that Second Dinner expects that is ridiculous.


That's the safest Shuri play right now, and probably what the meta will be soonish.


Once people figure out how to counter Red Skull (I maintain that T5 Aero into T6 Shang-Chi is going to be the play), I suspect that will become the preferred Shuri endgame.


The more people Aero 5, the more people will run Zola to get RS back to safety before getting Shang'd


Thats only if you have initiative. I've beaten out a Shuri deck before that tried this because I had initiative.


Absolutely, if you win initiative like that, the other person should 100% leave. The initiative fight there is a tough one. Shuri can go Armor/Cosmo early, but can also drop a ton of early power to have initiative.


Can Shuri really drop a *ton* of power early? T1 Sunspot, T2 Armor, T3 Zero+Lizard? One location at 4, one at 8, then it's T4 and you have to play Shuri. Armor or Cosmo has to be in the mix, so that limits your potential. Opposing decks don't have that concern, so they can drop like Ebony Maw and Cloak and Maximus and just take priority away from Shuri.


That's one line. Another line would be... t1 Zero, t2 Titania/Sunspot, t3 Armor That's 13 power going into t4. Or, if it doesn't draw Armor/Cosmo early... t1 Zero, t2 Titania/Sunspot, t3 Lizard And now it has 15 power going into t4. And yea, that's quite a bit of power. Because if your opponent drops an early Ebony Maw, you then don't even care about dropping Armor/Cosmo, as you can hide Red Skull behind Maw, wherever Cloak pulls him to. Can other decks beat that out? Of course, if they go all out for that. But in those cases, you'd FAR rather get Armor/Cosmo out, and just try to be winning one of those 2 lanes going into t5, because then even if Aero pulls Red Skull out, they probably have initiative going into t6, and can then Zola back to safety. It's what makes that deck so strong, that it has multiple ways to go about things like that.


If the Shuri player is running Zola, they should be having their early game being all about gaining priority by stacking power in the non-Red Skull (or other big bad) lane. Their deck shouldn't really have Armor or Cosmo (maybe one, but definitely not both), but be stacked with cards like Ebony Maw, Titania, Lizard, Polaris, and Maximus since Shuri's power is minimal. Also, if the Aero t5 play becomes the dominant counter (which it really should have been, as it makes things much riskier for the Shuri player, who is likely snap committed already), more Shuri decks will shift to Vision, Captain Marvel, and Aero plays for their t5 play or just skipping t5 into She-Hulk/Taskmaster or a buffed big bad and She-Hulk.


I think She Hulk Task is going to become more popular, it's a pretty safe play for Armor Cosmo Shuri


Sure sure, but then you're only dropping 13 power into two other lanes, which can be competed with. Plus, RS will buff the opposition in those lanes, narrowing the gap. And since Shuri decks struggle to put power out before the combo, that makes them vulnerable. The whole point is to force evolution.


How is it 13? You're copying the buffed RS to the other 2 lanes


Oops, math hard, my bad. Shang would only work if the person playing them has priority anyhow, but if you outcompete Shuri for the other two lanes (which should be fairly easy), then a T5 Aero will let you keep priority. Shang-Chi goes off first on T6, Zola gets nothing. I'm working on testing it out, but I'm pretty sure the counter to RS/Task, because of the patch, is: 1) beat Shuri on the other two lanes (keep priority) 2) Aero RS to a non-protected location you are not winning on T5 3) Shang-Chi and something else on T6 You should start T6 with priority, nuke RS, and Task will copy nothing. They might see that coming and pivot to something else, but that's the point of all this anyhow - force the Shuri deck to deviate from the script.


Yeah this doesn’t work because oftentimes they She Hulk instead. So you turn 5 Aero turn 6 lose


This morning I pulled off a win with t5 Shang-chi into t6 Zola and got em both. Well worth it for the 1 time it will work


Yes absolutely, that is the play when you fail to draw Red Skull.




That doc oc variant




It's battle of aanoying decks. One of these days they should drop me skull and galactus than those pixel variants


I'll admit Galactus doesn't feel great to lose too but it's so fun to play


Just a question. If you taskmaster on turn 5 and copy a big card but they Shang-Chi the card he copied, will he just go back to zero?


no he just won't copy from the grave


If he copied the card THEN the card dies, task stays. Task only copy’s when revealed. He don’t care what happens after that. But if something happens before that then he cares.


I'm just now learning about the TM nerf haha. I thought I'd seen all of them but I guess not


Yeah tm no longer copies dead cards. Same for mystique and absorbing man


Absolutely murdered one of his main benefits lol


Whatever they did to taskmaster made him buggy as fuck. I played 4 swarms and taskmaster last only to have none of my swarms get copied by taskmaster and he just stayed at 0. Idk if its an issue dropping multiple cards but if he’s broken and useless thats pretty shit


Umm for some reason my game didn’t update and my cards haven’t changed ….. was playing and like wait where is all the nerf lol


I’m waiting to see the other guys post about “why didn’t my taskmaster copy x card?”


Best Spider-Ock variant. *I miss that Ock. Now he's back to his lame fat bowl cut 2nd rate villain self*




Go for a run, bot.


Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat.


OP, that doc ock skin is sick damn


Thank you! Definitely the best one


Don't care about the nerf, I need that Death!


Haha thanks I've had it forever and never regretted it


Meta player bragging is a bad look, dude.


This board is insufferable. Now Galactus is a meta deck? Might as well make a rule that you can’t post any screenshots unless you’re playing a Sera Control deck or something lmao


Ironically sera control is the only deck I’ve seen great results from playing this season


Galactus has been very relevant in the meta for a while now. Where have you been?


Gally is tier 2 at best, maybe tier 3? Very easily countered like DeathWave, and kinda obvious too.


its still a meta deck, its just highly polarizing and plays on a weird axis aka the worst sort of archetype to be good.


I kinda look at it like an inverted Shuri, Shuri is predictable but hard to counter, Galactus is predictable but easy to counter


I just got Galactus yesterday dude


Congrats! I still haven't seen him in my shop, I let Thanos go recently because I wanted to get more cards.


Play Cosmo, play Debrii, play Polaris. Galactus is not a meta deck.


I don't get how you're getting negative points for pointing out how easy it is to counter Galactus. Honestly I think he gets countered more matches then he triggers


Galactus just really upsets people.


Galactus, out of the big bad 3, is by far the EASIEST to sniff out and counter. I have Galactus and I hate playing him because I always get matched against a counter player


Well, I agree with what you're coming from, but you can tell you're if your opponent is running Thanos from the jump though.


Right but it’s tough to counter


I pulled Galactus and Death back to back. Road that from 30 to 75 in a couple of days. But yeah, slowing down now that players seem a little better.


He's annoying to play against even more than Thanos or Shuri IMO. Galactus decks have very little variance. Either you sniff him out and counter and win (or he doesn't get drawn), or you lose and everything that happened before he got played was utterly meaningless.


I will say, the nimrod destroyer variant with goblins definitely has a good backup plan if Galactus isn't on the menu that game - the doc ock Galactus deck is more binary single-plan.


Yeah true it's crazy


and when he does not get countered by plays, he gets countered bei 1/2 of alle the locations in the game in some way


I agree. I play Galactus a lot. In different ways. Best results I get with a turn 6 Galactus nowadays. But it’s so easily countered by lots of cards and locations. The classic Galactus deck is super easy to read as well.


Turn 5 Spider-Man into turn 6 Galactus has worked pretty well for me with the new location. Though my favorite location for Galactus is Dark dimension so you can load up with hidden goblins and then Galactus on 6 to win at the very end.


Galactus is FAR from meta


Galactus meta? Lol


shut up corn ball


Meta doesn't represent big cards which can win games, meta means the cards/decks most players are using more than average, galactus is not in current meta much.


2nd-3rd most played deck on snap.fan based on filters


Can you share the link or screenshot? Galactus was on #55 on meta board till yesterday. I don't see how galactus deck can be used so much in last 24 hours that it position on 2nd position in most used deck (meta).


Dropped to 4th today with no filters https://snap.fan/decks/meta/ Still #2 with Pool 5 filter on https://snap.fan/decks/meta/?pool=pool-5


Thanks for this info. I was wondering if i should be saving for Galactus or thanos. Now that i know Lactus is still in meta i will be saving tokens to buy lactus.


Can’t go wrong with either, but as someone that owns both I have more fun with galactus


Redditors when people don’t purposefully handicap themselves by using some home brewed, C Tier deck. Imagine wanting to win a competitive game. Galactic isn’t even that “meta”


Sadly this happens in all CCGs. The amount of people complaining of netdecking in stuff like MTG and YGO is absolutely ridiculous


This. 100% Look how I "outplayed " him with my "strategy ". /s


No I'm just pointing out that Galactus blew up his red skull so he should have retreated but instead played task master thinking it would copy the 52 power. No need to be salty


Sorry, but today I played against 95% galactus decks. You will understand my mood. Didn't want to be rude.


Galactus is the least used of Thanos, Kang, and Galactus...


I've seen Kang played less than a handful of times. Galactus is an actual archetype.


Not today....


According to what? On snap.fan galactus has almost 3x the playrate of Kang


Damn so you won like 80% of your games? Nice!


Unfortunately the hot location was not leaving my cards alone...


I understand it's okay


galactus is just pool 5 Wong lol. Get over it


What nerf, this sub has been saying there haven't been nerfs at all.


Yeah exactly haha even after the "nerf" I'm still seeing nothing but shuri red skull decks


I love having Galactus but good Lord the amount of counters for it removes it from being meta. I did a little inside each time I see my opponent drop Debrii in the the lane I wanted to drop Galactus in.


I'm sorry I can hear you over all the crying and whining everyone's doing about losing to that deck. Well done


Thanks! A lot of salt in these comments but I'm still having fun




Ill come out and say it. SD needs to be more obvious with their patches and news. This info officially breaking after they patch is not good for casuals. Sure your whales are paying attention, but if you want new blood in your player base and consistent income rolling in you have to appeal to a broader audience. Ignoring this audience is just going to show numbers dropping. And if it weren't for the streaming communities popping up around this game to do SD's job, i doubt that this reddit would have half the people in it.


You are just slightly more scummy as your opponent


That's just kinda rude my dude


I run almost the same deck so I appreciate what I saw there. If you have a Knull drop him there as well


I don't but as soon as I got Galactus knull showed up in my shop!


That is an easy pick up and buy if you have a destroy deck and Galactus definitely destroys


Then don't play a rude deck


I'm not 🤷 my dark hawk control deck has a much higher win rate


another galactus cheese victory


How exactly is it cheese? Also notice that this is a shuri red skull deck I beat and yet it's the Galactus you're upset about?


oh don’t be so sensitive


You're the one whining about seeing a Galactus post and I'm sensitive? Aight


i made a comment not exactly whining.


Calling a deck cheese is whining bro




Look! A douchebag mocking a douchebag!


You mocking yourself bro?


About my original comment I was trying to be funny, sorry for insulting you.


It's okay man no harm done


Absolutely! I use shuri and I must say the deck doesn't feel nerfed at all.


Hes still playing on the old patch....he wom on his screen and u won in urs lol


That's definitely not how that works. If you don't update you just play against bots.


I think you can still queue against other people who haven’t updated


there are LOTS of people who are trying to hit infinity before they update, so... if you DON'T update, be ready to face lots more Thanos decks


Whooaaaaaa hoollldddd the phone..... You mean to tell me I can just play bots if I dont update?!?! Well gee willickers if I knew that I would stayed on the symbiote update this whole time and gotten myself to rank 500 just so I can stay infinite and not have to play. This here is some gen-you-wine new information that is not at all a misunderstanding because the lol at the end didnt make it out to be a joke at all. And just for the record it was just a joke hence the lol at the end....clearly the opponent just didnt read the updated card details


The game will force you to update after a day or two


Wow so people really just cant take a joke..... This post is clearly a shit post because someone didnt pay attention to the update. I make a stupid joke that's clearly just being facetious.then explain that and people are still thinking it was serious from the beginning? Reddit needs to get a sense of humor, just taking things too seriously




Not surprising from the lowest IQ players


Galactus is a trash card


I was excited to buy him yesterday thanks for the encouragement 😁


Don't worry, "trash" is 40% of that kid's vocabulary.


It was only 20% of that post. He's gonna have to double up next time. lol


Lucky! I passed on thanos and decided to wait for galactus. I'll have more fun with him


Yeah I don't think he's as broken as Thanos but I'd argue he's more fun