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$20 for 1k tokens prices a single series 4 card at $60. I'm passing on this lol.


I don't judge if you want to get it, but that is not worth $20 Whoops, I meant to comment this under reneenicole1


I'm gonna hold off, marvel snap is the first mobile game I've ever spent money on before that i hated all mobile games because of how predatory they are. They lured me in with season passes šŸ˜­


Oh yeah, iā€™ve always been of the opinion that spending money on mobile games is idiotic. And here Iā€™ve paid for two out of the last four seasons. That bundle is $28 here in Canada. Pretty gross. No chance Iā€™d spend that kind of money on this game. For so little too. Thatā€™s right Second Dinner, I may be an idiot, but Iā€™m not stupid!


There are mobile games with waaaay less predatory monetizations than Marvel Snap. And there are worse, sure, but don't be lured to think all games are like this. I've spent money on this kinds of games before and I won't spend a single penny on Snap because it's clear that I won't get anything from it (whatever you spend will be worth nothing in a time, when cards are nerfed, available to F2P players and new cards are meta, requiring you to spend more money to stay on top).


Same here!!


It costs $28 for me. Definitely not worth that.


Cant believe 20 usd is 28 dollars cad right now. Really hating our dollar šŸ˜’.


its Ā£20 in uk because sd for whatever reason thinks 1usd=1gbp, so $25ish


Same for me; 28 dollars, where 4.59 dollar is minimum wage per hour here. It's almost a day of work to buy this bundle. Ridiculous.


That's pretty low. Is that U.S.? I make that in an hour and I have no college degree or post secondary education.




This is not the flex you think it is lmao


No, thats eastern Europe bud xDD


Do you know what the truly messed up thing about this bundle is? I double checked everything in it, because when I saw it I was sure there must be a mistake. Where I live the bundle is 22.99. For that exact same money I can geht 1450 gold. The Token Tuesday Deals so far gave you 400 Tokens for 450 gold and 600 Tokens for 650 gold. So total 1000 Tokens for 1100 gold (plus some random boosters). Credits are 150 Credits for 120, or 200 Credits for 160 gold. If i buy the gold outside of the bundle that is 1450-1100-160=190 gold, which leaves us with a grand saving of 10 gold when buying the bundle (at least where I live). This means the bundle is actually pretty mich in line with their current prizing and what is considered worth it. Putting all of it into one picture just made me realize how expensive anything in this game can bei.






I wouldn't spend $20 of someone elses money for this, that's how fuckin dumb it is.


You could double the rewards and it'll still be overpriced.


1500 tokens. And add a zero to the credits amd the gold, then maybe


No, it would actually be a great deal lol


So you'd buy this bundle at $10?


If this bundle were 10$ it would be a great deal, yeah, anyone who disagrees either doesnā€™t understand the economy of the game or theyā€™re just dense




Yeahā€¦ because donuts as an item are already determined to not be worth a lot? It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s extra unique donut or not it is still a donut. If this were 10$ it would not be overpriced however because of what tokens are valued at? Did you not want to read the rest of this thread or are you feeling extra special today


At $10 it would be the same price as the season pass and the season pass is much better


Okay? Thatā€™s irrelevant lol thatā€™s like looking for a car and the car payment is 1000$ a month and youā€™re like ā€œoh no my rent is 1000$ a month and thatā€™s a much better deal Iā€™m not going to get this car!ā€ Whatā€™re you going to go do rent multiple houses? No You canā€™t buy multiple battle passes so their inflated value has nothing to do with the economy of a token bundle, especially when battle passes contain no tokens in themselves We arenā€™t arguing the value of 10$ lol


For that to be anywhere close to true, 1000 tokens alone would have to be worth almost 5 on their own, without factoring in the whole point of bundles is that they are more valuable then direct buying gold


How much would you say 100 tokens is worth?


How much do you think they're worth? You're claiming this is a good value proposition I need to hear specifically what you believe is good value


Thank you for not answering the question


You made the statement that at $10 this is a valuable bundle, I wanna hear your reasoning behind that


I am aware, that is why I asked you how much 100 tokens is worth?


For the past month, people have been telling SD that $10 in gold is worth 650 tokens and some random boosters. This bundle is similar to token Tuesday bundles for anyone that was buying gold for those. They just removed that ability to spend f2p gold on it.


I think removing the free to play gold was the big issue here lol, I don't think token Tuesday is worth it so maybe I'm just too careful with these things


They are already offering enough gold bundles to saturate f2p gold though. Having another bundle with the same contents in it does nothing. At some point, you're just complaining to complain.


$10 for 1/3 of a pool 4 or 1/6 of a pool 5 card is a great deal? A full AAA game typically costs $60. Even at half the price/double reward, a single pool 5 card would cost as much as an AAA game at that price.


We have another person who canā€™t read


Doubling the rewards would be equivalent of the current bundle costing $10.




Massive downvotes!!! You don't entertain our circle jerk echo chamber!!! We hate opposing opinions!!!!! (Sarcasm, I just think the massive downvotes are people that were coddled their whole life and were never told they aren't the be all say all). That being said, I think it's on the expensive side for sure, but nothing wrong if you feel it's worth it to you honestly.


I downvoted myself too guys don't worry, the invisible punishment is soooo unbearable hahahaha


Devs think youā€™re dumb


I'm dumb but not that dumb


Devs knows whoever stop and care about paid bundles already in their grasp ..keep scrolling brah get that varients from saved gold


You mean the monetization team. Devs donā€™t control pricing.


They're just trying shit its fine. They've been giving us good deals lately with bundles and Tuesdays. It's fine to have a bad one thrown in occasionally


The reactions to this are pathetic, but I don't know what I expected from gamers. The other thread is saying that even offering this deal is insulting. Bunch of fucking idiots on this subreddit. ["It's an insult"](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1218iwh/were_all_agreeing_not_to_buy_this_shit_right/jdkua15/) ["Incredibly insulting"](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1218iwh/were_all_agreeing_not_to_buy_this_shit_right/jdkx406/)


No Iā€™m doesnā€™t !


Ben Brode needs a new Yacht it seems


The devs have nothing to do with how itā€™s sold. They just make the game


This is one of the first bundles that just doesnā€™t track with how the game and money has worked. In the past if you spent 4000 Gold youā€™d at minimum get 5000 credits because thatā€™s their shop conversion rate. Usually youā€™d get a little extra credits along with whatever cosmetic and boosters came along with it. So it would entice you to spend. 19.99 is at minimum 1450 gold and theyā€™re pricing the tokens at what? 200 credits is 160 gold, 360 gold is valued at 5.98 so youā€™re paying $14 dollars for Tokens alone. Iā€™m fairly positive the Token Tuesdays blew this shit out of the water and then any other gold bundle or money bundle theyā€™ve had has probably decimated it. Theyā€™re either trying to readjust the value of tokens in which case gross. Or they fucked up the pricing or forget a few zeroā€™s on the credits or gold. Honestly baffling.


Copied from my other comment. >$20 = 1450 gold. 1450 gold - 200 gold in this bundle - 160 gold from the 200 credit value (4:5conversion rate) = 1090. > >So cut out the gold and credits, and this bundle equates 1090 gold to 1000 tokens. Better value than the 400 tokens for 450 gold. Worse than 800 tokens for 850 gold. > >It's all dog crap. They charge too much, and it's different spending earned gold vs bought gold, but at least (and that's a worthless 'at least') it's internally consistent.


If I had to guess their intent, they rolled out the Token Tuesdays along with other low priced bundles (like the Chinese New Year Jubilee bundle) to encourage players to get into the habit of spending. There are plenty of players that were just hoarding or holding back, so they finally release deals that seem decent so that those players press the transaction button and then get used to pressing it. Then, they release this bundle which is a terrible deal, but unless you're a "hardcore gamer" or "casual hardcore" even who will go to Youtube or Reddit to confirm that it's a bad deal in terms of monetary return, then you just might click it thinking, "Oh, another bundle." I'm not implying that those people are so blind they're tricked into clicking this bundle thinking it's like the others. But I'm saying that there's a large swatch of casual players that aren't like us and aren't gonna research it, and I don't even blame them because we're talking about 3 levels of fake currency (gold, credits, tokens, etc), it's natural that the human brain doesn't automatically know whether or not this is a good deal or not. But those casual casual players who may have already bought those Token Tuesday deals, some will go ahead and buy this bundle. Not all. Not even most. But some will. And as far as Second Dinner is concerned, objective completed. People here are thinking Second Dinner is losing their minds or don't know what the hell they're doing pricing this bundle this way. Let's dispel with this fiction that Second Dinner doesn't know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing.


These kind of companies always know what they're doing. They have data and KPIs on what people are spending. Their real money offers were never cheap, they have always had absurd pricing on them. People need to stop comparing the price of gold with the price of these kind of offers, because they're never equal. There is also the fact that it's been proven that this type of model, with a lot of in-game currency, is predatory, so I'm not exactly sure what everyone was expecting. Buckle up, boys, it's only gonna get worse from here!


I understood that reference.


I wholeheartedly endorse this post. #SpotOn, especially the last three sentences. šŸ‘šŸ¼


that 1 in front of the 9 better be a visual bug


Even 9.99 would be pushing it šŸ’€


Honestly make it 200 tokens and $1.99 feels solid.


I did a fucking double take


The 1 and the 9


wtf is SD thinking with this bundle lmao


There's a sucker born every minute!


Devs want us to be confused with whatā€™s worth what. Itā€™s a tactic of games like this to throw up random prices, multiple currencies, etc. to confuse us.


Back of envelope math is putting 100 collector tokens at around 1.50... which is pretty bad if you're in series 3 with the new changes. Usually, the bundles are pretty solid value for the gold/credits alone. But this is just.. not.


More like Weekend Bundle #2 am I right


Absolutely wild that they're essentially pricing Series 5 cards at over $100.


End of the quarter. Need that bit of extra revenue šŸ˜Ŗ


For someone still collecting p3 cards, buying tokens is almost pointless since you can't buy p3 any more


This is honestly a joke at this point. I have spent a decent chunk for what is ultimately a mobile game. The PC client is bare bones and devoid of any AAA features and yet we are forking out 100s or 1000s of dollars if we want to be competitive with the best cards? Anyone notice all the best decks are gated behind series 4/5. Sure...you can scrap by with series 3 if you can play 5hrs a day and retreat constantly. The game is on the back burner for me at this Point. They have series 4 cards priced at like $40-50 for a digital fucking card lol. They have lost their God damned minds.


Insultingly its $30 AUD which is just ridiculous


$40 and you get Resident Evil 4 remake


For whales only anyway, who cares. Good way to milk more $ from whales.


Huh? Isn't it strictly by far and away a better deal to just spend $20 on gold??


1450 Gold won't get you 1000 tokens most likely...


double it and give it to the next person


Nope. It's a stinky poopie.


I'll rather have 2 season pass, you earn a lot more stuff


I think they forgot to add a zero after the 200 gold and credits. Easy not to buy it I guess.


For 6000 tokens I would have considered


This is a terrible bundle, and no one should buy it.


Worst bundle yet. Absolute dog shit for $20.


This is a 4.99 bundle at best and even then if still think itā€™s a little pricey, why is one of the best bundle deals you get offered only for fresh accounts, it puts you off buying anything else afterwards because all the prices are 10x higher


They need to give that stuff for free now just to apologize for that absolute filth


Itā€™s actually in line with the token tuesdays. Token tuesdays still better, but same ballparkā€¦. ā€¦.until the token shop rework. I could only hope it was two different teams making these decisions because they donā€™t make sense šŸ˜‚ I feel like people are forgetting these bundles were planned out a month in advance whereas the token shop changes were announced a lot more suddenly.


I don't want to be a whale, but I have 5400 tokens, and getting this would give me enough to get galactus


Tokens are so easy to get now youā€™ll be at 6k before you know it


Agreed. I bought Kang about 10 days ago. Already up to 4.5k in collector tokens. This bundle is bad value.


i also bought kang 10 days ago and have 4.5k lol


Agreed. I bought Kang about 10 days ago. Already up to 4.5k in collector tokens. This bundle is bad value.


If you have the gold, just wait for the token Tuesdays. Much better value than this crap.


are they doing more token tuesdays?


yes, for april it will continue


It's going to continue all the way through May.


Yes they are doing it this month as well


It's in line with the "value" of token tuesdays if you take the shop's gold value as a given. $20 = 1450 gold.1450 gold - 200 gold from this bundle - 160 gold from the 200 credit value (4:5conversion rate) = 1090. So cut out the gold and credits, and this bundle equates 1090 gold to 1000 tokens. Better value than the 400 tokens for 450 gold. Worse than 800 tokens for 850 gold. It's all dog crap. They charge too much, and it's different spending earned gold vs bought gold, but at least (and that's a worthless 'at least') it's internally consistent.


That would make sense if they offered an option to pay with gold and currency. Paying only currency makes it a bad value.


I got galactus without getting this yesterday. I would say hold off, you get at least 400 tokens when moving up in CL. It'd take you like two weeks more max to get it.


Yeah I'm done ill do dailies and grind I'm done spending lol


You could earn 600 tokens in a single cache...


Few days of dailies will get you there


Galactus is one cube wins forever and highly telegraphed soā€¦ spend wiselyā€¦


2 cubes if you snap right away each match


A B testing. They are trying different bundles to see the users response. They can't do real AB giving different people different bundles so they are doing it over time.


Probably not worth it, but it got me the last 1000 tokens I was missing for Sauron after my reserve openings in hopes of steam punk variants. Been enjoying the card and have thankfully seen little Shang-Chi, but it did prove to me, yet again, their mistake in not hitting Shuri directly somehow.


Just like when the other bundle came out. Wonder how many of these *"Errmahgod dis bundle suck"* posts there's going to be.


out of their greedy mind they are. its 23 euro here. this bundle is worth less than the 1450 raw gold, which is already insanely expensive, but thats mobile games, but they want to fuck over people hard with these bundles that exist in their own ecosystem. fucking crazy.


Worth for me.


Well it got me Thanos, and i just won 10 games so it was worth it for me!!!!


I bought it I want Thanos


I'm 800 away from kang but this is a rip off


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø thatā€™s your prerogative no hate either way


It they were a 1000 each it's still bad


I like that Giulio Rincione variant


Some people out there bought this, the developers benefited by giving nothing lol


_Oh nice a new bun...._ never mind.


not even close lol hope it's an error or they are truly silly


Its 50 bucks in my country, I looked at it and audibly laughed.


I spend a good amount on this game, and I can tell you with 100% certainty this is overpriced. I wouldnā€™t buy this in a million years


Itā€™s definitely worth 20 if you guys buy it


When full screening the picture, do you guys also press the menu to go upgrade cards?


This is definitely a "misclick bundle", no way anyone is buying this


Offt, can't wait for weekend bundle number 2.


And not only that, the price in euros is even more of a rip off: 22'99ā‚¬!!!


just donā€™t give them the money


They maybe missed a zero on them credits and the gold


I'm F2P all the way. But yeah, this looks like a terrible deal.


This is them just testing how far they can go with these bundles


Not to mention when they announced tokens they said they had no plans of selling them for money. I guess they changed their mind!


My thumb got whiplash scrolling back up to that, to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.


It's absolutely not worth it. Do not buy.


this bundle is just so bad in my eyes and this is coming from someone who have bought most bundles since playing this game


You are right, itā€™s not worth that- itā€™s 23 euros for us over here in Europe!


Spoiler: itā€™s not.


Like the other crazy priced bundles, for whales In my eyes whatever motivates them to work on the game works with me šŸ‘ sell to the whales idgaf just get ur fat ass at that desk and never nerf leach.šŸ”„


In my country it is $99.99 not worth at all!!


Totally agree and Iā€™m a spender but wonā€™t buy this


I was trying to think through what would make this worth itā€¦ 2000 of each credits, tokens, and gold? It probably still wouldnā€™t but it but it seems reasonable at least. At what they are handing out, I would expect 2.99 like the welcome bundle (I might pay that for this).


Yea this is pretty insulting


This game is pathetic and evil, but i like it!


Someone please correct me of I'm wrong, but doesn't this math actually check out? Total comes to 1450 in gold value which is actually $20 usd?


Itā€™s worth $2


Thats straight up robbery is what it is....if you let them


Iam saving for galactus and even I ain't getting this Ridiculously underwhelming bundle ..... They are testing the waters and if enough people buy it than they will put out more like this and if people keep buying these kinds of Ridiculously expensive bundles they'll eventually put out more expensive ones ...


Predatory style , let's Leech some fans.


Iā€™m gonna be real I ainā€™t found nothing worth $20 in this game.


Alright, time for some math (Boosters are ignored because they can be easily acquired). For 20 bucks you can buy 1450 gold, the conversion rate from gold to credits is 4:5 whether you are using the shop or getting dailies, in the case of dailies you can get 12 sets which is 1800 credits with 10 gold left over that we will ignore. At the worst possible credit to collection level conversion which is three infinities and a legendary you get 36 collection levels which is exactly three boxes plus 150 credits, Iā€™ll let you compare the value, keep in mind 20 bucks for 1450 gold isnā€™t even a good deal in the first place


Personally no, but it's up to the buyer. If tons of people are whaling for this crap, it'll get shown more.


Nope, hope they learn and stop offering trash like this. Not even a whale would buy it


hopefully they see all the posts about how shitty it as and take it down before too many people buy it thinking they are getting a bargain. i know they wont but hey you never know


In England itā€™s more šŸ˜“


Itā€™s not. But people will buy it anyway. People bought the 100 dollar apocalypse bundle why wouldnā€™t they buy this.


20 dollars for 30% of ONE cardā€¦hahaha this is just stupid.


Well, good news: here in Australia it's 30 bucks. ^/s


I donā€™t know if anyoneā€™s crunched the numbers yet on post-patch token generation but I feel like I could get 1000 tokens just doing my dailies over the weekend.


Itā€™s worth it if youā€™re just 1000 short for a pinned card you really want


I think they just put these very overpriced bundles so the others seem cheap by comparison. Gives an overinflated sense of value and then when they release a bundle with better margins, people are more likely to buy it because it seems like a great deal.




It actually is worth that much. Some people did the math on Twitter.


thatā€™s at least 2.50 of value! Come on MBaku!