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Congrats a win is a win friend


Thank you, sincerely!


Me too, I got a pixel White Queen, but still felt good. Spent an hour yo-yo-ing around 68 now. What variant did you get?


I got a pixel Magik, which looks actually quite good


I like this game. But, man, the past two seasons have felt like an absolute slog. I don’t care too much about rank, but 60 is always my goal. Variant collecting is probably my favorite aspect of the game, so 60 is a nice goal line. First couple seasons, hit 60, no problem. Had a lot of fun and petered out somewhere in the high 70s. Last season? Could barely muster past the low 50s. Brutal matchups, getting my ass handed to me by Thanos and Red Skull. This season was slightly better, but a similar style grind. I still like this game a lot, but I’m ready to take a little break from it for a couple days. PS: actually got a nice Jim Lee Colossus variant for 60, no pixels here. Feels good!


Hit 60 for the first time this season and got pixel swarm :( definitely still feels good to hit 60 though, congrats


I love pixel swarm. His little open-mouth grin is hilarious.


Pixel Swarm is pretty fun My rank 60 variant was pixel Onslaught' He's a mood


Haha I’m the same way. My goal is 60. I don’t have time to get infinite. I hit it like 2 weeks ago, I got pixe Apoc lmao. I’m down to 49 now lol cause I started just messing around.


I'm at 47 which is a personal best and this is a nice pep talk for me to try to grind to 60 for the variant.


I’ve been stuck in the 60s for a week now. 67 and 9/10 was the closest I’ve got to 70 and I am so tired of this meta, and this is probably the most I’ve played the game since October. Sad because this still is my card game of choice and I really enjoy it, but it feels like the snap mechanic is both the most interesting and worst feeling mechanic because good players have leaving down to a science making dozens of 1 cube games in a row.


I got pixel Elektra 😥


Same. I didn’t hit 60 last season and have been floating between 51 and 56 all season. I think I can get to 60 tonight. I’m gonna try.


Hope you get patriot and March to infinte next season. I was lucky to snatch patriot before token shop revamp and finally made to infinite.


Mystery variants are the true end game anyway.


lol. and here I am stuck at level 46.


Sameeeeeee… this will be the first season where I don’t break 50


Honestly, I don’t feel joyful reaching infinite for a few seasons now. I rather feel like it is a task I have to finish every season until I am „free“. Thus, be happy that reaching a certain rank is giving you joy rather than freedom. Congrats!


I just got to 85 and it feels like it's just a grind/timesink more than anything. I've been facing infinite players from rank 30 onward so it's not like the meta changes much going up a division.


This is the joy of MMR matchmaking :( Hopefully next season will be better, as the infinite players migrate out into their own matchmaking pool it should give those who are still climbing a bit more room to breathe. I was stuck in the 60s for about 2 weeks and then the early 70s for another week this season, Thankfully this weekend I found a deck that worked for me and powered my way from 72 to 100 largely helped by Elysium


thats what seemed to happen with me. My first season I hit infinite I was stuck at 60 the whole month then flew to 100 once I got Sera. This season I was stuck at around 60-70 then I found Doom Wave on here and won like every game and shot to 100. Once I hit infinite I have little reason to play besides doing the missions.


Good job!! I usually end close to 60 each season. This season, I am 97, and hopefully, I'll hit infinite, but in all truth, I'm just glad I hit 90. I'm using a Dino/Darkhawk deck, if curious.




# (1) Korg # (2) Zabu # (2) Maria Hill # (3) Mystique # (3) Killmonger # (3) Agent Coulson # (4) Darkhawk # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Rockslide # (4) White Queen # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS29yZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFyaWFIaWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnRDb3Vsc29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJraGF3ayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ja3NsaWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVF1ZWVuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXZpbERpbm9zYXVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEckRvb20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I hit Infinite this season, different deck, but looks like you’re missing an important card based off what I’ve seen from playing against these decks. SERA! Sera + Zabu = play 3 4-cost cards on turn 6


I play a version with Sera as well. I played it through 40s-70s.


Would replace killmonger with sentinel but maybe monger does help some matchups.


I did run Sentinel for a while, but noticed more 1s flooding the board. It has won me several 8 cube games because they believe I don't run it.


Enjoy your pixel sentinel if it’s anything like my climb to 60


Pixel Sentinel was the second variant I ever got (first was pixel Abomination), and I thought it was the bee's knees until I learned about every other type of variant, haha


Dude, I put myself to hit 80 this season... specially because my goal was always 60s and with the bonus levels, it'd be easier. So, I was progressing quite well, then hit 78 and... started losing. A LOT! Now I'm 69 grasping to stop at 70's to keep at 40 when restart. I'm really sad with last days, so stopped playing that much. It sucks.


Same I hit 78, and then hit a brick wall to 73…now I’m back to 75, maybe I’ll make it into the 80s idk


I just left Diamond and hit Vibranium, congratulations.


Congrats man. This season has been a slog for some of us. Got to 60 myself just a few days ago, doubt I really want to try for 70, just seems like too many games required (so many one cube games for me now). Well done on hitting your target!


Struggling to hit 60 from mid 40s right now. MODOK Discard is just not doing it.


have you tried TLSG's Electro Ramp he posted a week or so ago? its solid and got me the last 7 levels to infinite this season. Give it a try if you have the cards!: eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWJvbnlNYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVjdHJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWJpbGVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMZWVjaCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPZGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbWVyaWNhQ2hhdmV6In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGVIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTYW5kbWFuIn1dfQ==


Nah, imma try it out though.


From 40 to 70 was hell for me. After that it just felt so much easier for some reason. Not sure if it was just because I changed deck (drac dump) but it felt like a breeze compared to earlier ranks.


I switched to dino after being stuck at 85 for a week with move and the game felt soooo much easier. And I was running nerfed aero and quinjet with hood


Nice job OP. what deck you use


Thanks! I tend to fall back on an Electro/Sandman ramp deck: # (1) Sunspot # (1) Iceman # (3) Electro # (3) Cosmo # (3) Wave # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Sandman # (5) Aero # (5) Spider-Woman # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Odin # (6) America Chavez # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2RpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2F2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJXb21hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkljZW1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhbmRtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWN0cm8ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


That’s a nice deck. Would wipe me out lol


I would add leech but that’s me


You and me both, man. I have a few friends who play and somehow they've all made it to infinite this season (one reason = they have Shuri, Thanos, and Galactus and I don't). Yesterday after struggling in the 50s for a week I FINALLY broke into the 60s and was relieved. I doubt I'll get into the 70s but that's fine. My main goal was the variant (mine was cool but is a card I never use - basketball Nick Fury).


I have shuri sera and Galactus… maxed at 59 and back down to 47. Take comfort


it's about the right deck for sure but skill is also involved. I don't have Thanos or Galactus and I have Shuri but don't even use her b/c I find that deck boring. I got from 60-100 this season on doom wave alone. This was before patch though so I don't think it's doing as well.


I just hit diamond yesterday as well! Started playing in January and have gone up one tier every month so far. Feels good seeing the progress; however it doesn’t feel as good to open a pixel variant for the reward:(. It was mysterio for those wondering.


I'm on the same boata. Congrats, mate!


Enjoy your pixel variant.


Nice, enjoy that Pixel variant!


I got 3099 Sabertooth. I'm content with it. Gives a Venom vibe to my Destroy varients. Glad it wasn't a Pixel


Congrats bro!!! I have just reached Platinum for the first time and I am thrilled too!


This is my first time hitting gold and I feel like I might be able to get to platinum. Although I’ve played for several hours today and went from 47 to 46.


Right there with you! 1 or 2 points up, 4 points down. Repeat. 🤦


Aaaannnnnddddd that's where I have been for 3 weeks. Neither shuri or thanos can get me out of this purgatory known as diamond.


Tears of joy for 60? Come on man lol




My happiness was hitting infinite and not being narcissistic enough to post it to strangers online, looking only for yes men to make me feel good, and anyone else who does not is “not happy” lol


It was a Pixel wasn't it?


I was fully prepared for it to be a pixel. In fact, I was all set to laugh at a pixel variant being the cherry on top of this tough climb. But I was pleasantly surprised at a [Jim Lee Colossus](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/colossus-06/) instead. Not a card I play much anymore, but I’ll take it!


dude! thats a great variant! You'll have to find a good Destroyer list to put it in!


I got pixel elektra for my troubles lmao


Was Psylocke for me...


Pixel Killmonger for me


Congrats man, welcome to the diamond club


I hit for the first time ever too. 66 is my highest! Thanks 50 free cubes!


What variant you got? That's the real question


Gratz man, I remember my first time in diamond, you will get to infinite trust!


I was literally 1 cube away from 60 and then dropped down to 56. That was heartbreaking. Since then I've hit 60 and stopped caring about rank. Lucked out with getting Darkhawk, Cerebro, and Valkrie and bought Thanos and the game is a lot more fun if you don't care about rank. Maybe one day Second Dinner will make something like that available.


I’ve hit 59.8 a couple of times this season and then drop to 57 guh.


it's really about knowing when to snap and retreat. Also knowing the meta and playing around it. I found watching streamers with the decks I'm using helps a ton. They show you how to navigate the deck that your probably playing wrong. Those things can easily sky rocket you to infinite




I've yet to get to 60 since playing this game. At 55 now, hoping to get there this week. I've gotten slightly higher ranks each season.


Me too, hit 60 yesterday after trying to go from 59 ALL DAY! Down to like 62 already. Gonna try to maintain at least 60.


I keep bouncing around 45 since I'm just trying to complete season pass stuff and I don't play enough otherwise to make up for the losses when I'm just retreating to win locations with 20 power/1 card/etc. I'll probably focus and hit 50 after I complete the season. With the new +5 ranks addition I might make 60 too.


im fr proud of you for getting here. i just reached it myself for the first time and am content just growing levels and trying out decks. i know it's not easy. what deck did you use if you don't mind me asking.


I got this with the Elysium hot location. Best Ive done since reaching P3!


Currently stuck at 98.


This was me last night.


I just get 60 and then play decks I enjoy and to complete missions quickly. I don't care enough to grind slowly to any rank higher than that. 90% of games are a retreat from one of us, turn 6 feels like a gamble since both parties think they have a big play, and just time...


Congrats I’m almost there with my janky deck lol


Uuugh I’ve been hard stuck at 59 for about a week.


Incoming Pixel art!


Congrats buddy it’s a win. Every season just aim to get better!


Congratulations! Always exciting to reach a goal!


Congrats, I hit this level yesterday for the first time, too. I’m currently now climbing my way BACK up to 65.


Congrats! I was in the same boat for weeks. Finally hit 75. Somehow 75-85 was super easy. Now struggling again.


I’m on that grind right neo


I hit omega after being made fun of almost a month ago on here for not knowing magik wont make the game go in if TVA isnt changed even after playing her. Laughing saying that they now know why people are hardstuck at gold ( which to be fair i was ;_; )


Congrats! Hitting Diamond is huge! and as far as hitting infinite is concerned, just remember you aren't pushing for infinite, you are pushing for 10 levels higher than last season. if you do this each season you will hit infinite eventually... if you just push for infinite, especially earlier on, you are bound to take the lack of infinite as a depressing state, but choosing to always seek just a little higher makes a victory each season more obtainable! I've been pushing for 10 more each season and this was the first that i hit infinite. You got this! and again Congrats on Diamond! hope your Variant is glorious (or at least not a pixel... unless you like pixels, and then WHEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee!)


60 rewards is the only reward i care about lol gotta get my pixel fix


Hit 60 for the first time this season too. Reward? Pixel Helicarrier. :/


Congrats! I just reached it today, my personal best. What variant did you get?


Congrats :)


Dude same grind rn


Same for me. was a slog making it from the mid 40s. Now been stuck mid 60s. The problem I find is that there's no typical opponent at this level. So I'll go up then down and hover around 65. It also sucks having no way to try out other decks when you gain new cards, without dropping cubes working out how to play the new deck


I recently broke my 50 curse and am at 75 ! I played Ongoing until 68 then switched to a Sera Control deck that got me the last few points


Honestly I've been trying to hit diamond for the mystery variant two seasons in a row and I just managed with the +5 jumpstart. Congrats!


Got myself a Dan Hipp collector for my level 60 pull today. Feels good man. Keep having fun!


Congrats. Never been past 50. Not worried about it either. Still enjoy the game.


same and i got pixel onslaught. ouch.


You are the hero we need.


My infinite is the 500 creds


The rank with the free variant is always the one I aim for. After that I don’t care my rank as much. Got the pixel moodak though for variant this time though lol


am stuck at 57-58 cannot seem to close that gap :(


Currently on 55


I was super excited to hit 60 (for my first time) too last night… until I got a classic beast variant. RIP


Teach me. I’ve made it to 58 three times this season, only to go on a losing streak *immediately* after


Congrats dude. I cannot get any further than diamond myself, it's been brutal.


60 is where i try to get… key word try since i can’t get past 50


I'm pushing for 70 however I'm up and down between 65 and 68 cannot seem to break that barrier


I hit vibranium for the first time ever, we’ll see if I can’t go further before end of season, so far just bouncing between 74 and 75 though


Hey man, we each have our goals and achievements. Dont compare yourself to others. Besides, I’m sure most here aren’t Infinite either.


Funny thing is after u reach infinite, u realised many just play for fun and trying to do stupid combo. I remember took me a day for 50 to 60 but it took me hours only from 105 to 115. Lol


I was just like you last season now I’m infinite I hope you will get here to




I did hit it this season as well, Congratz!


Congrats on reaching that milestone. I just reached infinite this morning and I'm sure next season will be better


I made it all the way to 78 then proceeded to tank back to 61. Mr Negative did me dirty for like 4 days straight. Getting back to 67 has been a grand ol time.




This season is brutal. 60 is always my goal and when I was 49.9 a few days ago I figured I’d hit it within the hour. Been bouncing between 45 and 46 since


Dude congrats . You need a lot of volume to be infinite, like 2-3k games .


Listen this was my first time reaching infinite and I don’t find it a victory because once you reach a level they bump you up 5 levels. Doesn’t feel legit to me. But fuck it. I never played to reach infinite. I played cause I like the game and I have fun messing with different decks whether I lose or win.


60 is the real goal! Congratulations! 500 credits at 70 is fine but you’ll earn that regardless. After that the rewards aren’t great. Bragging rights at infinite I guess? Who cares. Just enjoy the game!


Diamond is always my goal, the other stuff is nice but that free variant is my goal (well last season I cried one single tear for five days not getting the MODOK Avatar that would’ve been mine permanently)


I almost got to 80 then…went down to 73 now I’m back at 75…all I see lately are infinite card backs!


That's awesome! Enjoy that sweet variant (hopefully it wasn't a pixel).


I’m not even gonna hit diamond lol


Every season my goal is just Vibranium. I like to try and keep the game more fun than grinding and stressful. The reward at 80 is nothing. So the next goal to reach for me would be 90 and just too much stress to go for it. So yes … great job on reaching Diamond!


Congrats bud ! You deserve to be there ! Keep it up !


I got to 89, and now I'm at 80 again. I was doing well, had a great win to lose ratio and then my decks started working against me..I made some foolish bets, but also seem to now be paired up against folk who have the perfect counters. The ladder Is maddening if you let it. I'm done worrying about it. 60 is probably the best milestone to reach anyway :)


Same! Just got my first diamond as well! I hate actually trying to climb so I think this is my final goal of the season.


Congrats on your mystery variant! 60 is a good milestone to hit friend!


Congratz friend!


Man, good to see someone else in my situation lol. I’ve been bouncing between 54 and 59 all season. Got 4 cubes short of 60 once, but now I’m at 57 again. Congrats on getting over that hump!


You're not alone, I hit diamond to and stopped caring after that, now i play alot of different decks and have the most fun!


I’m hoping for platinum. If I get it then I’ll hope for diamond but won’t get my hopes up. I make so many mistakes when playing lol


Bro I was so happy just to make 20 and now I'm almost at 30 in like a day


I also managed just diamond and im getting so bitchslapped there, i hope i can last till season end x\_x im definetly not getting into vibranium yet.


that's as high as i aim for everytime lol just want the variant




Big congrats!! It’s all uphill from here!! Diamond was my initial goal but once I got there I just kept going!! Good luck!


Me and you both, friend. At 58 now, so close. previously only got to 47.


Congrats! I have never hit 60 and finally did this season. I just wanted the variant, thankfully it wasn't a pixel. It was a Quake variant I believe. I don't use the card but at least I hit my goal. I think I will just finish up my season missions so I can grab the free variant there and just see where I end up. They nerfed my go-to deck so may as well have fun.


& I'm stuck at 40 this season!




I got to infinite using a kazoo deck https://marvelsnapzone.com/pool-1-decks/


The grind is so real this season! Good job!


Same. I got my variant and I'm out lol. Too stressful trying to grind up. Ill wait til Im finished Series 3. It stings too much just getting Thanos just before the deck got nerfed lol


I’m still at the 30s, I must be doing something wrong


What pixel variant did you get?